Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano - 2013
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano - 2014
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano
Viva il Re! Giorgio Napolitano, il presidente che trovò una repubblica e ne fece una monarchia
"Quella che state per leggere non è una biografia. Ce ne sono già fin troppe, una se l'è addirittura scritta lui. Questo è ciò che manca nelle altre. La controstoria del primo presidente della Repubblica che ha concesso il bis, contro lo spirito della Costituzione e contro tutto quello che aveva giurato fino al giorno prima della sua rielezione. Alla veneranda età di ottantotto anni: quando un cit
Giorgio Napolitano incontra i giovani Democratici
Come si colloca un'idea di cambiamento dell'Italia nei nuovi scenari europeo e mondiale. Lunedì 28 settembre, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Sala Igea di palazzo Mattei di Paganica.
2004- la TV tedesca insegue Napolitano perché lucrava sui rimborsi spese
Un vecchio video di una tv tedesca praticamente censurato in Italia (clicca qui, mostra un Giorgio Napolitano stizzito nei confronti del cronista germanico il quale gli fa notare la cresta che l'allora europarlamentare lucrava sul rimborso aereo. Più di Settecento euro pagati dalla collettevità a fronte di un biglietto che ne
Presidente della Repubblica Dimissioni : Onori a Giorgio Napolitano
Gli onori militari all'ex Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano al Quirinale, dopo la firma delle sue dimissioni.
Il Presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, ha oggi sottoscritto l'atto di dimissioni dalla carica di Capo dello Stato, alla quale è stato eletto per la seconda volta il 20 aprile 2013 dal Parlamento in seduta comune, alla presenza del Segretario generale del Quirinale
Giorgio Napolitano in Siria nel 2010
Prima che gli USA imponessero all'Italia di considerare Assad un dittatore e la Siria uno stato canaglia, il presidente della repubblica italiana Giorgio Napolitano elogiava Assad e sua moglie per aver reso la Siria un paese civile, laico, tollerante, rispettoso delle minoranze e difensore della comunità cristiana in medio oriente. Era il 18 marzo 2010
Maurizio Crozza imita il Presidente Giorgio Napolitano nei panni di Sua Maestà Re Giorgio con cortigiani,sudditi e ciambellani.
Guarda tutti i video sul sito http://crozza.la7.it
Angelo Nicosia (Msi) contro Giorgio Napolitano (Pci) sul concetto di patria e leninismo (1961)
Colloquio del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano con Eugenio Scalfari
Colloquio del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano con Eugenio Scalfari
Maurizio Crozza nell'imitazione del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano nel suo spettacolo teatrale Italialand. http://www.la7.it/italialand/ http://www.la7.tv/programmi/italialand/
Crozza nel Paese delle Meraviglie - NAPOLITANO, VACANZE A CAPRI
Era pronto a godersi il giusto riposo, ma dopo la rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica per Giorgio Napolitano il pensionamento sembra sempre più lontano...
Il signor Nessuno ci parla del Presidente Della Repubblica Italiana, Giorgio Napolitano
Elezione del Presidente della Repubblica 2013 - 2° Mandato di Giorgio Napolitano
Oggi, sabato 20 aprile 2013, Giorgio Napolitano viene eletto Presidente della Repubblica Italiana per la seconda volta! Prima volta nella storia
Discorso Napolitano 22 aprile (integrale)
Ecco il discorso integrale dopo la rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica di Giorgio Napolitano.
Fiorello imita Giorgio Napolitano - Viva Radio 2
Fiorello imita Giorgio Napolitano nella trasmissione radiofonica "Viva Radio 2".
Italy’s President Giorgio Napolitano resigns
Italy’s veteran President Giorgio Napolitano has resigned after almost a decade at the helm of the eurozone’s third largest economy. It sets the stage for the election of a new head of state. The 89-year old announced in December that he would be leaving office, well before the expiry of his term in 2020, because of his advancing age.
Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVNEWS
Napolitano: "È necessaria un’agenda positiva per il Mediterraneo"
Riforma Senato, Scillipoti protesta in Aula contro Giorgio Napolitano
www.ilfattoquotidiano.it di Manolo Lanaro Iscriviti al CANALE per sapere che cosa sta accadendo di veramente importante.
▸ http://j.mp/IlFattoQuotidiano-YT
Le ultime notizie su cronaca, politica, economia, giustizia, sport e tecnologia su: http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/
Quello che gli altri non dicono. Anche via email!
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New York Embraces Giorgio Napolitano
The highlights of the President of the Italian Republic's visit to New York City. It was a trip that strengthened Italy's solid ties to the United States and the Italian and Italian-American communities living in New York City. Interviews by Letizia Airos for www.i-Italy.org
Nuovo Ordine Mondiale Giorgio Napolitano
#NewWorldOrder #Napolitano #NuovoOrdineMondiale
Il discorso di fine anno del presidente della repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 31/12/2014
Il discorso di fine anno del presidente della repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 31/12/2014 in cui annuncia le proprie dimissioni
Napolitano attacca i giornalisti: "Non dicono quello che fa il Parlamento". Poi si commuove (parland
Il primo intervento di Giorgio Napolitano da Presidente della Repubblica emerito a Napoli: "Ho sempre tenuto conto delle esigenze del sistema politico - istituzionale e dei rischi che il sistema correva". Sulla questione carceri spiega: "Di fronte al durissimo richiamo della Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo mi sono sentito in dovere di intervenire in prima persona e finalmente il Parlamento si
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano - 2013
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano...
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano
wn.com/Messaggio Di Fine Anno Del Presidente Della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 2013
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano
- published: 01 Jan 2014
- views: 4851
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano - 2014
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano...
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano
wn.com/Messaggio Di Fine Anno Del Presidente Della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 2014
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano
- published: 31 Dec 2014
- views: 13749
Viva il Re! Giorgio Napolitano, il presidente che trovò una repubblica e ne fece una monarchia
"Quella che state per leggere non è una biografia. Ce ne sono già fin troppe, una se l'è addirittura scritta lui. Questo è ciò che manca nelle altre. La contros...
"Quella che state per leggere non è una biografia. Ce ne sono già fin troppe, una se l'è addirittura scritta lui. Questo è ciò che manca nelle altre. La controstoria del primo presidente della Repubblica che ha concesso il bis, contro lo spirito della Costituzione e contro tutto quello che aveva giurato fino al giorno prima della sua rielezione. Alla veneranda età di ottantotto anni: quando un cittadino non può più guidare l'automobile. Ma lo Stato sì..."
wn.com/Viva Il Re Giorgio Napolitano, Il Presidente Che Trovò Una Repubblica E Ne Fece Una Monarchia
"Quella che state per leggere non è una biografia. Ce ne sono già fin troppe, una se l'è addirittura scritta lui. Questo è ciò che manca nelle altre. La controstoria del primo presidente della Repubblica che ha concesso il bis, contro lo spirito della Costituzione e contro tutto quello che aveva giurato fino al giorno prima della sua rielezione. Alla veneranda età di ottantotto anni: quando un cittadino non può più guidare l'automobile. Ma lo Stato sì..."
- published: 03 May 2014
- views: 55052
Giorgio Napolitano incontra i giovani Democratici
Come si colloca un'idea di cambiamento dell'Italia nei nuovi scenari europeo e mondiale. Lunedì 28 settembre, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Sala Igea di...
Come si colloca un'idea di cambiamento dell'Italia nei nuovi scenari europeo e mondiale. Lunedì 28 settembre, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Sala Igea di palazzo Mattei di Paganica.
wn.com/Giorgio Napolitano Incontra I Giovani Democratici
Come si colloca un'idea di cambiamento dell'Italia nei nuovi scenari europeo e mondiale. Lunedì 28 settembre, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Sala Igea di palazzo Mattei di Paganica.
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 722
2004- la TV tedesca insegue Napolitano perché lucrava sui rimborsi spese
Un vecchio video di una tv tedesca praticamente censurato in Italia (clicca qui, mostra...
2004- la TV tedesca insegue Napolitano perché lucrava sui rimborsi spese
Un vecchio video di una tv tedesca praticamente censurato in Italia (clicca qui, mostra un Giorgio Napolitano stizzito nei confronti del cronista germanico il quale gli fa notare la cresta che l'allora europarlamentare lucrava sul rimborso aereo. Più di Settecento euro pagati dalla collettevità a fronte di un biglietto che ne costa cento scarsi...
wn.com/Video Tedesco Censurato Giorgio Napolitano Smascherato
2004- la TV tedesca insegue Napolitano perché lucrava sui rimborsi spese
Un vecchio video di una tv tedesca praticamente censurato in Italia (clicca qui, mostra un Giorgio Napolitano stizzito nei confronti del cronista germanico il quale gli fa notare la cresta che l'allora europarlamentare lucrava sul rimborso aereo. Più di Settecento euro pagati dalla collettevità a fronte di un biglietto che ne costa cento scarsi...
- published: 11 Nov 2012
- views: 250847
Presidente della Repubblica Dimissioni : Onori a Giorgio Napolitano
Gli onori militari all'ex Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano al Quirinale, dopo la firma delle sue dimissioni.
Il Presidente della Repubblica, Giorg...
Gli onori militari all'ex Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano al Quirinale, dopo la firma delle sue dimissioni.
Il Presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, ha oggi sottoscritto l'atto di dimissioni dalla carica di Capo dello Stato, alla quale è stato eletto per la seconda volta il 20 aprile 2013 dal Parlamento in seduta comune, alla presenza del Segretario generale del Quirinale, che ha provveduto a darne comunicazione ufficiale ai Presidenti del Senato della Repubblica e della Camera dei Deputati e al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri per gli adempimenti di rispettiva competenza.
Il Presidente della Repubblica si è quindi recato nel Cortile d'onore dove ha ricevuto gli onori militari da un reparto di formazione interforze e gli è stato consegnato copia dello Stendardo presidenziale dal Comandante del Reggimento Corazzieri alla presenza del Consigliere militare.
Successivamente il Presidente e la signora Napolitano, dopo aver preso congedo dal Segretario generale della Presidenza della Repubblica, dai Consiglieri e dai più stretti collaboratori, hanno lasciato in auto il Palazzo del Quirinale.
wn.com/Presidente Della Repubblica Dimissioni Onori A Giorgio Napolitano
Gli onori militari all'ex Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano al Quirinale, dopo la firma delle sue dimissioni.
Il Presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, ha oggi sottoscritto l'atto di dimissioni dalla carica di Capo dello Stato, alla quale è stato eletto per la seconda volta il 20 aprile 2013 dal Parlamento in seduta comune, alla presenza del Segretario generale del Quirinale, che ha provveduto a darne comunicazione ufficiale ai Presidenti del Senato della Repubblica e della Camera dei Deputati e al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri per gli adempimenti di rispettiva competenza.
Il Presidente della Repubblica si è quindi recato nel Cortile d'onore dove ha ricevuto gli onori militari da un reparto di formazione interforze e gli è stato consegnato copia dello Stendardo presidenziale dal Comandante del Reggimento Corazzieri alla presenza del Consigliere militare.
Successivamente il Presidente e la signora Napolitano, dopo aver preso congedo dal Segretario generale della Presidenza della Repubblica, dai Consiglieri e dai più stretti collaboratori, hanno lasciato in auto il Palazzo del Quirinale.
- published: 15 Jan 2015
- views: 6240
Giorgio Napolitano in Siria nel 2010
Prima che gli USA imponessero all'Italia di considerare Assad un dittatore e la Siria uno stato canaglia, il presidente della repubblica italiana Giorgio Napoli...
Prima che gli USA imponessero all'Italia di considerare Assad un dittatore e la Siria uno stato canaglia, il presidente della repubblica italiana Giorgio Napolitano elogiava Assad e sua moglie per aver reso la Siria un paese civile, laico, tollerante, rispettoso delle minoranze e difensore della comunità cristiana in medio oriente. Era il 18 marzo 2010
wn.com/Giorgio Napolitano In Siria Nel 2010
Prima che gli USA imponessero all'Italia di considerare Assad un dittatore e la Siria uno stato canaglia, il presidente della repubblica italiana Giorgio Napolitano elogiava Assad e sua moglie per aver reso la Siria un paese civile, laico, tollerante, rispettoso delle minoranze e difensore della comunità cristiana in medio oriente. Era il 18 marzo 2010
- published: 28 Nov 2015
- views: 10419
Maurizio Crozza imita il Presidente Giorgio Napolitano nei panni di Sua Maestà Re Giorgio con cortigiani,sudditi e ciambellani.
Guarda tutti i video sul sito ht...
Maurizio Crozza imita il Presidente Giorgio Napolitano nei panni di Sua Maestà Re Giorgio con cortigiani,sudditi e ciambellani.
Guarda tutti i video sul sito http://crozza.la7.it
wn.com/Crozza Re Giorgio Napolitano
Maurizio Crozza imita il Presidente Giorgio Napolitano nei panni di Sua Maestà Re Giorgio con cortigiani,sudditi e ciambellani.
Guarda tutti i video sul sito http://crozza.la7.it
- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 32063
Colloquio del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano con Eugenio Scalfari
Colloquio del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano con Eugenio Scalfari...
Colloquio del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano con Eugenio Scalfari
wn.com/Colloquio Del Presidente Della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano Con Eugenio Scalfari
Colloquio del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano con Eugenio Scalfari
- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 5243
Maurizio Crozza nell'imitazione del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano nel suo spettacolo teatrale Italialand. http://www.la7.it/italialand/ http:...
Maurizio Crozza nell'imitazione del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano nel suo spettacolo teatrale Italialand. http://www.la7.it/italialand/ http://www.la7.tv/programmi/italialand/
wn.com/Italialand Italialand, Maurizio Crozza Giorgio Napolitano
Maurizio Crozza nell'imitazione del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano nel suo spettacolo teatrale Italialand. http://www.la7.it/italialand/ http://www.la7.tv/programmi/italialand/
- published: 23 May 2011
- views: 62300
Crozza nel Paese delle Meraviglie - NAPOLITANO, VACANZE A CAPRI
Era pronto a godersi il giusto riposo, ma dopo la rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica per Giorgio Napolitano il pensionamento sembra sempre più lontano......
Era pronto a godersi il giusto riposo, ma dopo la rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica per Giorgio Napolitano il pensionamento sembra sempre più lontano...
wn.com/Crozza Nel Paese Delle Meraviglie Napolitano, Vacanze A Capri
Era pronto a godersi il giusto riposo, ma dopo la rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica per Giorgio Napolitano il pensionamento sembra sempre più lontano...
- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 34542
Il signor Nessuno ci parla del Presidente Della Repubblica Italiana, Giorgio Napolitano...
Il signor Nessuno ci parla del Presidente Della Repubblica Italiana, Giorgio Napolitano
wn.com/La Gabbia Il Manovratore Re Giorgio Napolitano (16 10 2013)
Il signor Nessuno ci parla del Presidente Della Repubblica Italiana, Giorgio Napolitano
- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 3358
Elezione del Presidente della Repubblica 2013 - 2° Mandato di Giorgio Napolitano
Oggi, sabato 20 aprile 2013, Giorgio Napolitano viene eletto Presidente della Repubblica Italiana per la seconda volta! Prima volta nella storia...
Oggi, sabato 20 aprile 2013, Giorgio Napolitano viene eletto Presidente della Repubblica Italiana per la seconda volta! Prima volta nella storia
wn.com/Elezione Del Presidente Della Repubblica 2013 2° Mandato Di Giorgio Napolitano
Oggi, sabato 20 aprile 2013, Giorgio Napolitano viene eletto Presidente della Repubblica Italiana per la seconda volta! Prima volta nella storia
- published: 20 Apr 2013
- views: 12461
Discorso Napolitano 22 aprile (integrale)
Ecco il discorso integrale dopo la rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica di Giorgio Napolitano....
Ecco il discorso integrale dopo la rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica di Giorgio Napolitano.
wn.com/Discorso Napolitano 22 Aprile (Integrale)
Ecco il discorso integrale dopo la rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica di Giorgio Napolitano.
- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 10390
Fiorello imita Giorgio Napolitano - Viva Radio 2
Fiorello imita Giorgio Napolitano nella trasmissione radiofonica "Viva Radio 2"....
Fiorello imita Giorgio Napolitano nella trasmissione radiofonica "Viva Radio 2".
wn.com/Fiorello Imita Giorgio Napolitano Viva Radio 2
Fiorello imita Giorgio Napolitano nella trasmissione radiofonica "Viva Radio 2".
- published: 11 Dec 2008
- views: 138533
Italy’s President Giorgio Napolitano resigns
Italy’s veteran President Giorgio Napolitano has resigned after almost a decade at the helm of the eurozone’s third largest economy. It sets the stage for the e...
Italy’s veteran President Giorgio Napolitano has resigned after almost a decade at the helm of the eurozone’s third largest economy. It sets the stage for the election of a new head of state. The 89-year old announced in December that he would be leaving office, well before the expiry of his term in 2020, because of his advancing age.
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wn.com/Italy’S President Giorgio Napolitano Resigns
Italy’s veteran President Giorgio Napolitano has resigned after almost a decade at the helm of the eurozone’s third largest economy. It sets the stage for the election of a new head of state. The 89-year old announced in December that he would be leaving office, well before the expiry of his term in 2020, because of his advancing age.
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- published: 14 Jan 2015
- views: 481
Riforma Senato, Scillipoti protesta in Aula contro Giorgio Napolitano
www.ilfattoquotidiano.it di Manolo Lanaro Iscriviti al CANALE per sapere che cosa sta accadendo di veramente importante.
▸ http://j.mp/IlFattoQuotidiano-YT
Le ...
www.ilfattoquotidiano.it di Manolo Lanaro Iscriviti al CANALE per sapere che cosa sta accadendo di veramente importante.
▸ http://j.mp/IlFattoQuotidiano-YT
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wn.com/Riforma Senato, Scillipoti Protesta In Aula Contro Giorgio Napolitano
www.ilfattoquotidiano.it di Manolo Lanaro Iscriviti al CANALE per sapere che cosa sta accadendo di veramente importante.
▸ http://j.mp/IlFattoQuotidiano-YT
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Quello che gli altri non dicono. Anche via email!
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- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 592
New York Embraces Giorgio Napolitano
The highlights of the President of the Italian Republic's visit to New York City. It was a trip that strengthened Italy's solid ties to the United States and th...
The highlights of the President of the Italian Republic's visit to New York City. It was a trip that strengthened Italy's solid ties to the United States and the Italian and Italian-American communities living in New York City. Interviews by Letizia Airos for www.i-Italy.org
wn.com/New York Embraces Giorgio Napolitano
The highlights of the President of the Italian Republic's visit to New York City. It was a trip that strengthened Italy's solid ties to the United States and the Italian and Italian-American communities living in New York City. Interviews by Letizia Airos for www.i-Italy.org
- published: 06 Apr 2011
- views: 2500
Nuovo Ordine Mondiale Giorgio Napolitano
#NewWorldOrder #Napolitano #NuovoOrdineMondiale...
#NewWorldOrder #Napolitano #NuovoOrdineMondiale
wn.com/Nuovo Ordine Mondiale Giorgio Napolitano
#NewWorldOrder #Napolitano #NuovoOrdineMondiale
- published: 23 Apr 2015
- views: 863
Il discorso di fine anno del presidente della repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 31/12/2014
Il discorso di fine anno del presidente della repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 31/12/2014 in cui annuncia le proprie dimissioni...
Il discorso di fine anno del presidente della repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 31/12/2014 in cui annuncia le proprie dimissioni
wn.com/Il Discorso Di Fine Anno Del Presidente Della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 31 12 2014
Il discorso di fine anno del presidente della repubblica Giorgio Napolitano 31/12/2014 in cui annuncia le proprie dimissioni
- published: 31 Dec 2014
- views: 1491
Napolitano attacca i giornalisti: "Non dicono quello che fa il Parlamento". Poi si commuove (parland
Il primo intervento di Giorgio Napolitano da Presidente della Repubblica emerito a Napoli: "Ho sempre tenuto conto delle esigenze del sistema politico - istituz...
Il primo intervento di Giorgio Napolitano da Presidente della Repubblica emerito a Napoli: "Ho sempre tenuto conto delle esigenze del sistema politico - istituzionale e dei rischi che il sistema correva". Sulla questione carceri spiega: "Di fronte al durissimo richiamo della Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo mi sono sentito in dovere di intervenire in prima persona e finalmente il Parlamento si è mosso con una serie di interventi". Poi la stoccata ai giornalisti: "Ora si interrogano sulla possibilità che le riforme indeboliscano il processo democratico, ma poi di quello che fa il Parlamento non si occupano. Quanto spazio hanno dedicato all'approvazione degli interventi sulle carceri? Zero! Non si dice quello che fa il Parlamento".
wn.com/Napolitano Attacca I Giornalisti Non Dicono Quello Che Fa Il Parlamento . Poi Si Commuove (Parland
Il primo intervento di Giorgio Napolitano da Presidente della Repubblica emerito a Napoli: "Ho sempre tenuto conto delle esigenze del sistema politico - istituzionale e dei rischi che il sistema correva". Sulla questione carceri spiega: "Di fronte al durissimo richiamo della Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo mi sono sentito in dovere di intervenire in prima persona e finalmente il Parlamento si è mosso con una serie di interventi". Poi la stoccata ai giornalisti: "Ora si interrogano sulla possibilità che le riforme indeboliscano il processo democratico, ma poi di quello che fa il Parlamento non si occupano. Quanto spazio hanno dedicato all'approvazione degli interventi sulle carceri? Zero! Non si dice quello che fa il Parlamento".
- published: 09 Jun 2015
- views: 341
Video : President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Napolitano of Italy
President Obama and President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy speak to the press before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
Read more here:
US-Präsident Barack Obama said before a bilateral meeting with President Napolitano in The White House:
"The last point I would make is that President Napo
Interview with Giorgio Napolitano of the Italian Communist Party in Rome.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4017cd1764e0f5a57dd1fbab41fb2772
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2012
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 38th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). Saturday, September 8, 2012.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Napolitano of Italy
President Obama and President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy speak to the press before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2011 - (part 1)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers fro
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2011 - (part 2)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers fro
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2011 - (part 3)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers fro
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2011 - (part 4)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers fro
Italy News - Giorgio Napolitano, Luis De Guindos, Fabio Panetta
Italy's president declines to resign, will stay to deal with crisis
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday ruled out standing down to make way for new parliamentary elections after the failure of attempts to form a government this week ...
No sign of fallout in Spain from Cyprus crisis, min
Benedict XVI bids farewell to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano
http://en.romereports.com After the conclusion of his spiritual exercises, Benedict XVI bid farewell to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, as his pontificate enters the final stretch.
Napolitano and Benedict XVI have a close relationship, which was evident by the warmth they showed to each other. .
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Samantha Cristoforetti parla con Giorgio Napolitano - 22/12/2014 - Expedition 42 / Futura
Lo scorso 22 dicembre il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano ha contattato l'astronauta Samantha Cristoforetti a bordo della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale.
Audio e video ad alta definizione in esclusiva per AstronautiCAST
euronews interview - Beppe Grillo explains
http://www.euronews.com/ Comedian Beppe Grillo has shaken up Italian politics, with his 5 Star Movement party (Movimento 5 Stelle) winning local and administrative polls in the Italian city of Parma and several smaller towns. Euronews met him in Tuscany.
Beppe Grillo: "The media show pictures of me taken during my shows, when I of course I'm overacting. Because that's my job. I have to get the a
Intervention of H.E. Giorgio Napolitano, President of Italy, at the International Labour Conference
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano addressed delegates today at the ILO Conference in Geneva, urging that full employment and social protection should be a top priority in achieving global development. The Head of State said growth should be focused on employment, structural reforms, a restart of public investments in infrastructure and human capital, and new research and innovations.
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano meets scholars and students during the cerimony for the 450°
Italian President Giorgio Napoliatno meets scholars and students during the cerimony for the 450° Anniversary of the Foundation of the University of Sassari
Discorso integrale del giuramento di Giorgio Napolitano (22/04/2013)
Università di Pavia, il messaggio agli studenti del Presidente emerito Giorgio Napolitano
"Il processo di formazione è decisivo per il futuro dei giovani e per il futuro del Paese". L'intervista al Presidente emerito Giorgio Napolitano al termine della cerimonia di venerdì 27 novembre. Per saperne di più: http://ucampus.unipv.it/luniversita-di-pavia-inaugura-il-655-anno-accademico-ospite-giorgio-napolitano/
Ambassador Stefano Stefanini, Atlas TV Montenegro
Atlas TV interview , January 2014
Ambassador Stefano Stefanini Atlantic Council Washington DC (previously: diplomatic adviser to the President of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, Italian permanent representative at NATO and deputy chief of mission at the Italian Embassy in Washington. )
Montenegro, Western Balkans , EU and Nato Integration, Nato membership challenges
Italian President Napolitano visits at invitation of Medvedev
1. Wide of aeroplane taxiing on runway
2. Close-up of aeroplane
3. Cutaway of media
4. Wide of red carpet and plane on tarmac
5. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano walking down stairs
6. Cutaway of official delegation
7. Wide of Napolitano and delegation listening to Italian national anthem
8. Cutaway of Russian and Italian flags
9. Various of soldiers parading
10. Cutaway of media
Italienischer Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano empfängt türkischen Amtskollegen Abdullah Gül
Der italienische Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano hat seinen türkischen Amtskollegen Abdullah Gül in seinem Regierungssitz in Rom empfangen. Beide Staatsoberhäupter wollen die Beziehungen beider Länder vertiefen.
Video : President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Napolitano of Italy
President Obama and President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy speak to the press before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
Read more here:
President Obama and President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy speak to the press before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
Read more here:
US-Präsident Barack Obama said before a bilateral meeting with President Napolitano in The White House:
"The last point I would make is that President Napolitano has also just been a good personal friend, a tremendous host to my family when they visited Italy. You should know, Mr. President, that one of the few things that my daughters asked me after I was reelected was, does this mean we can go back to Italy again? (Laughter.) So I confirmed to them that any excuse we can find to visit Italy, we shall return hopefully".
And this will give us an opportunity to not only visit but also to talk about some important issues, including the world economy.
I announced at the State of the Union this week my interest and intention in pursuing a U.S.-European Union free trade agreement, which I know is something of great interest to the President.
I'll be interested in hearing from him how he anticipates the elections and government formation in Italy and what implications that has for the larger European project.
And I'm sure we'll have a chance to talk about some national security issues as well.
Read more here:
Lesen Sie auch:
Obama Europe Berlin : Bei Treffen mit Präsident Napolitano : US-Präsident Obama kündigt Italien Besuch an mit Photo
wn.com/Video President Obama's Bilateral Meeting With President Napolitano Of Italy
President Obama and President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy speak to the press before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
Read more here:
US-Präsident Barack Obama said before a bilateral meeting with President Napolitano in The White House:
"The last point I would make is that President Napolitano has also just been a good personal friend, a tremendous host to my family when they visited Italy. You should know, Mr. President, that one of the few things that my daughters asked me after I was reelected was, does this mean we can go back to Italy again? (Laughter.) So I confirmed to them that any excuse we can find to visit Italy, we shall return hopefully".
And this will give us an opportunity to not only visit but also to talk about some important issues, including the world economy.
I announced at the State of the Union this week my interest and intention in pursuing a U.S.-European Union free trade agreement, which I know is something of great interest to the President.
I'll be interested in hearing from him how he anticipates the elections and government formation in Italy and what implications that has for the larger European project.
And I'm sure we'll have a chance to talk about some national security issues as well.
Read more here:
Lesen Sie auch:
Obama Europe Berlin : Bei Treffen mit Präsident Napolitano : US-Präsident Obama kündigt Italien Besuch an mit Photo
- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 6437
Interview with Giorgio Napolitano of the Italian Communist Party in Rome.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/...
Interview with Giorgio Napolitano of the Italian Communist Party in Rome.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4017cd1764e0f5a57dd1fbab41fb2772
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Upitn 24 2 79 Interview With Giorgio Napolitano Of The Italian Communist Party In Rome
Interview with Giorgio Napolitano of the Italian Communist Party in Rome.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4017cd1764e0f5a57dd1fbab41fb2772
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 24 Jul 2015
- views: 19
--- http://www.fanpage.it/terra-dei-fuochi-massimo-scalia-giorgio-napolitano-2/ ---
wn.com/Giorgio Napolitano Decided To Secrete The Revelations Of The Neapolitan Mobster
--- http://www.fanpage.it/terra-dei-fuochi-massimo-scalia-giorgio-napolitano-2/ ---
- published: 24 Nov 2013
- views: 217
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2012
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 38th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on t...
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 38th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). Saturday, September 8, 2012.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
Intervento integrale del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano, e successivo dibattito, ai lavori della 38° edizione del nostro annuale workshop "Lo Scenario di oggi e di domani per le strategie competitive".
Informazioni, video, interviste e documenti dei relatori dal Forum su:
wn.com/Giorgio Napolitano The Speech At Teh Ambrosetti Forum 2012
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 38th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). Saturday, September 8, 2012.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
Intervento integrale del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano, e successivo dibattito, ai lavori della 38° edizione del nostro annuale workshop "Lo Scenario di oggi e di domani per le strategie competitive".
Informazioni, video, interviste e documenti dei relatori dal Forum su:
- published: 08 Sep 2012
- views: 506
President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Napolitano of Italy
President Obama and President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy speak to the press before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office....
President Obama and President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy speak to the press before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
wn.com/President Obama's Bilateral Meeting With President Napolitano Of Italy
President Obama and President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy speak to the press before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 11538
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2011 - (part 1)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on t...
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers from the Italian Government.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
wn.com/Giorgio Napolitano The Speech At Teh Ambrosetti Forum 2011 (Part 1)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers from the Italian Government.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
- published: 21 Sep 2011
- views: 366
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2011 - (part 2)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on t...
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers from the Italian Government.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
wn.com/Giorgio Napolitano The Speech At Teh Ambrosetti Forum 2011 (Part 2)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers from the Italian Government.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
- published: 21 Sep 2011
- views: 133
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2011 - (part 3)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on t...
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers from the Italian Government.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
wn.com/Giorgio Napolitano The Speech At Teh Ambrosetti Forum 2011 (Part 3)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers from the Italian Government.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
- published: 21 Sep 2011
- views: 26
Giorgio Napolitano: the speech at TEH-Ambrosetti Forum 2011 - (part 4)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on t...
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers from the Italian Government.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
wn.com/Giorgio Napolitano The Speech At Teh Ambrosetti Forum 2011 (Part 4)
The speech of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, and following debate, during the 37th edition of our annual workshop "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy". Villa d'Este, Cernobbio (Como). September 3, 2011.
The 2011 Forum saw the participation of Heads of State and Government, leading international spokesmen of the economy, academia and business and Ministers from the Italian Government.
More videos, interviews, Speakers' presentation and complete information on:
- published: 21 Sep 2011
- views: 50
Italy News - Giorgio Napolitano, Luis De Guindos, Fabio Panetta
Italy's president declines to resign, will stay to deal with crisis
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday ruled out standing down to make way for new...
Italy's president declines to resign, will stay to deal with crisis
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday ruled out standing down to make way for new parliamentary elections after the failure of attempts to form a government this week ...
No sign of fallout in Spain from Cyprus crisis, minister says
By Paul Day MADRID (Reuters) - The crisis in Cyprus has not prompted any flight of bank-deposits from Spain, the country's economy minister said in an interview on Sunday. Luis de Guindos said the problems facing the island were exceptional and unique. "To generalize the Cypriot situation to other economies in the euro zone is completely out of place," he said in an interview with Spanish news agency Europa Press. Cyprus's crisis has put the spotlight back on the euro zone's weaker members, such as Spain and Italy. ...
Bank of Italy warns political impasse dents economic recovery
Italy's political stalemate and renewed financial market turbulence could undermine the country's recovery from its longest recession in two decades, a Bank of Italy official said on Saturday. Italian ...
wn.com/Italy News Giorgio Napolitano, Luis De Guindos, Fabio Panetta
Italy's president declines to resign, will stay to deal with crisis
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday ruled out standing down to make way for new parliamentary elections after the failure of attempts to form a government this week ...
No sign of fallout in Spain from Cyprus crisis, minister says
By Paul Day MADRID (Reuters) - The crisis in Cyprus has not prompted any flight of bank-deposits from Spain, the country's economy minister said in an interview on Sunday. Luis de Guindos said the problems facing the island were exceptional and unique. "To generalize the Cypriot situation to other economies in the euro zone is completely out of place," he said in an interview with Spanish news agency Europa Press. Cyprus's crisis has put the spotlight back on the euro zone's weaker members, such as Spain and Italy. ...
Bank of Italy warns political impasse dents economic recovery
Italy's political stalemate and renewed financial market turbulence could undermine the country's recovery from its longest recession in two decades, a Bank of Italy official said on Saturday. Italian ...
- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 122
Benedict XVI bids farewell to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano
http://en.romereports.com After the conclusion of his spiritual exercises, Benedict XVI bid farewell to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, as his pontificate...
http://en.romereports.com After the conclusion of his spiritual exercises, Benedict XVI bid farewell to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, as his pontificate enters the final stretch.
Napolitano and Benedict XVI have a close relationship, which was evident by the warmth they showed to each other. .
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ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence.
As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries.
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wn.com/Benedict Xvi Bids Farewell To Italian President Giorgio Napolitano
http://en.romereports.com After the conclusion of his spiritual exercises, Benedict XVI bid farewell to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, as his pontificate enters the final stretch.
Napolitano and Benedict XVI have a close relationship, which was evident by the warmth they showed to each other. .
Suscríbete al canal: http://smarturl.it/RomeReports
Visita nuestra web: http://www.romereports.com/
ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence.
As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries.
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- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 3137
Samantha Cristoforetti parla con Giorgio Napolitano - 22/12/2014 - Expedition 42 / Futura
Lo scorso 22 dicembre il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano ha contattato l'astronauta Samantha Cristoforetti a bordo della Stazione Spazia...
Lo scorso 22 dicembre il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano ha contattato l'astronauta Samantha Cristoforetti a bordo della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale.
Audio e video ad alta definizione in esclusiva per AstronautiCAST
wn.com/Samantha Cristoforetti Parla Con Giorgio Napolitano 22 12 2014 Expedition 42 Futura
Lo scorso 22 dicembre il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano ha contattato l'astronauta Samantha Cristoforetti a bordo della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale.
Audio e video ad alta definizione in esclusiva per AstronautiCAST
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 26167
euronews interview - Beppe Grillo explains
http://www.euronews.com/ Comedian Beppe Grillo has shaken up Italian politics, with his 5 Star Movement party (Movimento 5 Stelle) winning local and administrat...
http://www.euronews.com/ Comedian Beppe Grillo has shaken up Italian politics, with his 5 Star Movement party (Movimento 5 Stelle) winning local and administrative polls in the Italian city of Parma and several smaller towns. Euronews met him in Tuscany.
Beppe Grillo: "The media show pictures of me taken during my shows, when I of course I'm overacting. Because that's my job. I have to get the audience's attention. I can't whisper. Look at this frontpage. He looks serious and I look crazy. They put these examples of my facial expressions on a front page and then they write: "Would you let your country be controlled by someone like Grillo?" So everyone says: "Of course not!"
So how have the mainstream media and other political parties reacted to his political success? Is he serious?
Beppe Grillo: "They still don't know how to react to what is happening. It is not a political revolution, more like a cultural one. The real leader is the movement and the movement's programme rather than any physical person. People should start voting for a programme not a person."
But having having attacked professional politicians is Grillo's movement ready to shoulder social responsibilities and manage real cities?
Beppe Grillo: "Taking responsibility is a marvellous thing. We want to. But we are talking about citizens voting for other citizens who will enter local parliaments and the national government. Our country is almost economically ruined. We will take on responsibilities but we will also say: "We are not magicians, but let's see what we can do." I have toured all of Europe and met young people that have left Italy. There are millions of them. They are educated, with MBAs, and they say, "We cannot come home under these economic circumstances," but they are almost in tears as they speak. We should give these people a chance. If we start to bring people rather than parties into the national parliament, if we get elected specialists in energy, in transport, in waste, if we bring to the national parliament citizens that have a real and daily relationship with the community... then I bet our well educated young people will come back to Italy. After Romania we have the biggest diaspora in Europe. We export well educated people and import less educated workers."
The 5 Star Movement's manifesto is on line. Beppe Grillo is not alone with his ideas. Many other European political parties criticise European politics.
Beppe Grillo: "Our movement has filled a very dangerous vacuum. We are talking about Greek extremists, about Marine Le Pen's movement in France, about Hungarian far right movements. These kind of Fascist movements flourish in a sociopolitical vacuum. Think about the fact that Italy "invented" Fascism and we have exported it throughout the world. And today, in Italy, instead of having Fascism the vacuum is filled with citizens with no criminal records."
Is Europe dead? Is there any common political future for the continent or is the political end of the European Union nigh?
Beppe Grillo: "Europe was a marvelous dream invented by Jacques Delors and Willy Brandt but it has failed by trying to putting together economies which were very far away the one from another. This, and also a currency which shouldn't have been the same for all. Two currencies would have been better. Otherwise Angela Merkel and Germany could go back to the Deutsche mark and we will have a weaker euro used in South European countries like Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, even Ireland. We could form a "different" eurozone. Let's sit down and discuss this. We have nothing to lose. We have already lost 30% of our economy since joining the euro. Our economy is imploding because of the lack of confidence in the future. Firms are failing and the national debt grows instead of shrinking."
And what does Beppe Grillo think of ex Italian leader, Silvio Berlusconi?
Beppe Grillo: "Berlusconi seemed to be eternal. He left only a short time ago but he still seems like ancient history. He looks like an even older guy. He doesn't use make up any more. Berlusconi is just something which doesn't mean anything anymore. He achieved success thanks to his tv channels. Once his channels no longer had the monopoly, he fell beause he had built nothing during his public life."
But even the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano says that he's not impressed by Grillo.
Beppe Grillo: "When he talks about Grillo-ism, or about demagogues, he should be careful because a president should be neutral. We have now 250 local administrators elected by citizens. He was chosen by parties, he wasn't elected by individual citizens."
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wn.com/Euronews Interview Beppe Grillo Explains
http://www.euronews.com/ Comedian Beppe Grillo has shaken up Italian politics, with his 5 Star Movement party (Movimento 5 Stelle) winning local and administrative polls in the Italian city of Parma and several smaller towns. Euronews met him in Tuscany.
Beppe Grillo: "The media show pictures of me taken during my shows, when I of course I'm overacting. Because that's my job. I have to get the audience's attention. I can't whisper. Look at this frontpage. He looks serious and I look crazy. They put these examples of my facial expressions on a front page and then they write: "Would you let your country be controlled by someone like Grillo?" So everyone says: "Of course not!"
So how have the mainstream media and other political parties reacted to his political success? Is he serious?
Beppe Grillo: "They still don't know how to react to what is happening. It is not a political revolution, more like a cultural one. The real leader is the movement and the movement's programme rather than any physical person. People should start voting for a programme not a person."
But having having attacked professional politicians is Grillo's movement ready to shoulder social responsibilities and manage real cities?
Beppe Grillo: "Taking responsibility is a marvellous thing. We want to. But we are talking about citizens voting for other citizens who will enter local parliaments and the national government. Our country is almost economically ruined. We will take on responsibilities but we will also say: "We are not magicians, but let's see what we can do." I have toured all of Europe and met young people that have left Italy. There are millions of them. They are educated, with MBAs, and they say, "We cannot come home under these economic circumstances," but they are almost in tears as they speak. We should give these people a chance. If we start to bring people rather than parties into the national parliament, if we get elected specialists in energy, in transport, in waste, if we bring to the national parliament citizens that have a real and daily relationship with the community... then I bet our well educated young people will come back to Italy. After Romania we have the biggest diaspora in Europe. We export well educated people and import less educated workers."
The 5 Star Movement's manifesto is on line. Beppe Grillo is not alone with his ideas. Many other European political parties criticise European politics.
Beppe Grillo: "Our movement has filled a very dangerous vacuum. We are talking about Greek extremists, about Marine Le Pen's movement in France, about Hungarian far right movements. These kind of Fascist movements flourish in a sociopolitical vacuum. Think about the fact that Italy "invented" Fascism and we have exported it throughout the world. And today, in Italy, instead of having Fascism the vacuum is filled with citizens with no criminal records."
Is Europe dead? Is there any common political future for the continent or is the political end of the European Union nigh?
Beppe Grillo: "Europe was a marvelous dream invented by Jacques Delors and Willy Brandt but it has failed by trying to putting together economies which were very far away the one from another. This, and also a currency which shouldn't have been the same for all. Two currencies would have been better. Otherwise Angela Merkel and Germany could go back to the Deutsche mark and we will have a weaker euro used in South European countries like Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, even Ireland. We could form a "different" eurozone. Let's sit down and discuss this. We have nothing to lose. We have already lost 30% of our economy since joining the euro. Our economy is imploding because of the lack of confidence in the future. Firms are failing and the national debt grows instead of shrinking."
And what does Beppe Grillo think of ex Italian leader, Silvio Berlusconi?
Beppe Grillo: "Berlusconi seemed to be eternal. He left only a short time ago but he still seems like ancient history. He looks like an even older guy. He doesn't use make up any more. Berlusconi is just something which doesn't mean anything anymore. He achieved success thanks to his tv channels. Once his channels no longer had the monopoly, he fell beause he had built nothing during his public life."
But even the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano says that he's not impressed by Grillo.
Beppe Grillo: "When he talks about Grillo-ism, or about demagogues, he should be careful because a president should be neutral. We have now 250 local administrators elected by citizens. He was chosen by parties, he wasn't elected by individual citizens."
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- published: 24 May 2012
- views: 10712
Intervention of H.E. Giorgio Napolitano, President of Italy, at the International Labour Conference
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano addressed delegates today at the ILO Conference in Geneva, urging that full employment and social protection should be a to...
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano addressed delegates today at the ILO Conference in Geneva, urging that full employment and social protection should be a top priority in achieving global development. The Head of State said growth should be focused on employment, structural reforms, a restart of public investments in infrastructure and human capital, and new research and innovations.
wn.com/Intervention Of H.E. Giorgio Napolitano, President Of Italy, At The International Labour Conference
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano addressed delegates today at the ILO Conference in Geneva, urging that full employment and social protection should be a top priority in achieving global development. The Head of State said growth should be focused on employment, structural reforms, a restart of public investments in infrastructure and human capital, and new research and innovations.
- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 1703
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano meets scholars and students during the cerimony for the 450°
Italian President Giorgio Napoliatno meets scholars and students during the cerimony for the 450° Anniversary of the Foundation of the University of Sassari...
Italian President Giorgio Napoliatno meets scholars and students during the cerimony for the 450° Anniversary of the Foundation of the University of Sassari
wn.com/Italian President Giorgio Napolitano Meets Scholars And Students During The Cerimony For The 450°
Italian President Giorgio Napoliatno meets scholars and students during the cerimony for the 450° Anniversary of the Foundation of the University of Sassari
- published: 04 May 2012
- views: 1428
Università di Pavia, il messaggio agli studenti del Presidente emerito Giorgio Napolitano
"Il processo di formazione è decisivo per il futuro dei giovani e per il futuro del Paese". L'intervista al Presidente emerito Giorgio Napolitano al termine del...
"Il processo di formazione è decisivo per il futuro dei giovani e per il futuro del Paese". L'intervista al Presidente emerito Giorgio Napolitano al termine della cerimonia di venerdì 27 novembre. Per saperne di più: http://ucampus.unipv.it/luniversita-di-pavia-inaugura-il-655-anno-accademico-ospite-giorgio-napolitano/
wn.com/Università Di Pavia, Il Messaggio Agli Studenti Del Presidente Emerito Giorgio Napolitano
"Il processo di formazione è decisivo per il futuro dei giovani e per il futuro del Paese". L'intervista al Presidente emerito Giorgio Napolitano al termine della cerimonia di venerdì 27 novembre. Per saperne di più: http://ucampus.unipv.it/luniversita-di-pavia-inaugura-il-655-anno-accademico-ospite-giorgio-napolitano/
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 179
Ambassador Stefano Stefanini, Atlas TV Montenegro
Atlas TV interview , January 2014
Ambassador Stefano Stefanini Atlantic Council Washington DC (previously: diplomatic adviser to the President of Italy, Gio...
Atlas TV interview , January 2014
Ambassador Stefano Stefanini Atlantic Council Washington DC (previously: diplomatic adviser to the President of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, Italian permanent representative at NATO and deputy chief of mission at the Italian Embassy in Washington. )
Montenegro, Western Balkans , EU and Nato Integration, Nato membership challenges
wn.com/Ambassador Stefano Stefanini, Atlas Tv Montenegro
Atlas TV interview , January 2014
Ambassador Stefano Stefanini Atlantic Council Washington DC (previously: diplomatic adviser to the President of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, Italian permanent representative at NATO and deputy chief of mission at the Italian Embassy in Washington. )
Montenegro, Western Balkans , EU and Nato Integration, Nato membership challenges
- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 269
Italian President Napolitano visits at invitation of Medvedev
1. Wide of aeroplane taxiing on runway
2. Close-up of aeroplane
3. Cutaway of media
4. Wide of red carpet and plane on tarmac
5. Italian President Giorgio N...
1. Wide of aeroplane taxiing on runway
2. Close-up of aeroplane
3. Cutaway of media
4. Wide of red carpet and plane on tarmac
5. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano walking down stairs
6. Cutaway of official delegation
7. Wide of Napolitano and delegation listening to Italian national anthem
8. Cutaway of Russian and Italian flags
9. Various of soldiers parading
10. Cutaway of media
11. Napolitano and delegation entering airport hall
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano arrived in Russia on Tuesday at the invitation of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
High-level talks between Italy and Russia are due to take place on July 16, the Kremlin press service reported.
In an interview with the Russian Itar-Tass News Agency given at the Quirinal Palace, Napolitano said he expected his visit to Moscow to promote further dialogue with Russian leaders.
He also said he expected the two countries to reach an understanding and common views on international relations and global challenges, including the situation in the Balkans and the Middle East peace settlement.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/c4fba549bd0deba072f4d9d32a560d05
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Italian President Napolitano Visits At Invitation Of Medvedev
1. Wide of aeroplane taxiing on runway
2. Close-up of aeroplane
3. Cutaway of media
4. Wide of red carpet and plane on tarmac
5. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano walking down stairs
6. Cutaway of official delegation
7. Wide of Napolitano and delegation listening to Italian national anthem
8. Cutaway of Russian and Italian flags
9. Various of soldiers parading
10. Cutaway of media
11. Napolitano and delegation entering airport hall
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano arrived in Russia on Tuesday at the invitation of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
High-level talks between Italy and Russia are due to take place on July 16, the Kremlin press service reported.
In an interview with the Russian Itar-Tass News Agency given at the Quirinal Palace, Napolitano said he expected his visit to Moscow to promote further dialogue with Russian leaders.
He also said he expected the two countries to reach an understanding and common views on international relations and global challenges, including the situation in the Balkans and the Middle East peace settlement.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/c4fba549bd0deba072f4d9d32a560d05
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 39
Italienischer Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano empfängt türkischen Amtskollegen Abdullah Gül
Der italienische Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano hat seinen türkischen Amtskollegen Abdullah Gül in seinem Regierungssitz in Rom empfangen. Beide Staatsoberh...
Der italienische Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano hat seinen türkischen Amtskollegen Abdullah Gül in seinem Regierungssitz in Rom empfangen. Beide Staatsoberhäupter wollen die Beziehungen beider Länder vertiefen.
wn.com/Italienischer Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano Empfängt Türkischen Amtskollegen Abdullah Gül
Der italienische Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano hat seinen türkischen Amtskollegen Abdullah Gül in seinem Regierungssitz in Rom empfangen. Beide Staatsoberhäupter wollen die Beziehungen beider Länder vertiefen.
- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 304