Webster Tarpley: Libyan Rebel 'Heroes' Are Al-Qaeda Terrorists Who Killed US GIs In Iraq
The war in
Libya is a practical lesson in the post-modern, nihilistic lexicon of internationalism. A war isn't a war -- far from it, it's a humanitarian enterprise to keep the peace.
War is peace.
Soldiers are peacekeepers.
In a deja vu from the 80s, the Pan-Islamist radicals driving the rebellion, a gaggle of armed gangs and paramilitary organizations stemming from the
Muslim Brotherhood, are redefined as "heroes of democracy". These are the people to be put in power in post-intervention Libya. Their leader, Abdel al-Hasidi, former Taliban fighter, notorious
Libyan terrorist, proudly announces that quite a few of his rebel heroes are fighters from al-Qaeda, and it is now stated in the press that al-Qaeda is pouring in Libya to be
...well, our new allies. This is not a surprise at all: the hotbed of the rebellion, Cyrenaica, is one of the world capitals of
Islamist terrorism. This is the "land of freedom" now being protected by the UN no-fly zone, in a brazen repeat of the UN/al-Qaeda/
Hezbollah alliance in the
Balkans, in the 90s.
NATO's still building permanent bases in
Pakistan and deploying
Predator drones to bomb
Pashtun farmers; to fight Pan-Islamism of course.
The mass campaign of destabilization being waged all across
North Africa and the
Middle East has its most recent parallel in the wave of chaos that was unleashed on
Black Africa back in the
1970s. The keywords here are divide and rule, create chaos to impose a new order of things. Use any means whatsoever to shred the sovereign nation-state. Then, balkanize the population to keep them squabbling with each other, safe in the knowledge that natural resources are yours to take, and human resources will be cheap and desperate.
Ship in 'hard power' mercenaries to protect the production hubs, but also 'soft power' specialists (i.e., the
NGOs) to manage the misery, and facilitate the population's
adaptation to a wonderful lifestyle of communal 'simplicity', famine, destitution.
This age-old formula is the one being applied for completely remaking the Islamist world, as expressed in the combined Brzezinski/
Bernard Lewis/
PNAC doctrine.
The first big step was to create what
Zbigniew Brzezinski called an "imperial mobilization" into the region, to establish a permanent international military presence -- this was accomplished with the
Iraq and
Afghanistan(-Pakistan) wars. At the same time, as Brzezinski said, in
The Grand Chessboard (
1997), imperial mobilization would come hand in hand with the installment of a police state structure in the west.
The next stage would be, as it is now, to shred the region, bit by bit, nation by nation.
Various client regimes (such as
Mubarak's was) also have to go, in that they have an established national structure and, therefore, are not yet ready for open balkanization and plunder, under international management. In these cases, the favored method is the soft power coup, the color revolution, using
NGO networks, local radicals and army factions.
The end result, the singing tomorrows of all this, will of course be Congo-like tribalized wastelands; and extremely pliable, military-dominated governments, like the ones now in place in
Egypt and
North Africa will become a protectorate of the
European superstate,
Mexico: a source of easy revenue, cheap workers and plenty of panic migrations, border conflict, armed gangs,
Mediterranean piracy.
The Middle East itself will be, as stated in various white papers (ex., Brzezinski &
Time For A
New Approach,
2004), divided between two internationally-managed blocs: one
Sunni and the other
Shiia, centered on
Turkey and Iran, respectively. A dialectical process of controlled conflict will eventually result in the creation of a general
Middle Eastern Union, which is projected to be a trade corridor between the expanded blocs of the EU and
The people being used as pawns in this
Grand Game, to bring this process along, shouldn't be mistaken: the only thing they'll get out of this is a nonstop dynamic of conflict and destitution. Their former nations will have been turned into deculturalized wastelands, to be managed by global agencies, policed by international forces.
Everything of value will have been taken over by international financiers: oil wells, pipelines, the
Suez Canal, the
Ormuz infrastructures, and so on.
We're already well into this, which is to be just another chapter in the poorly understood process that is globalization: i.e. the hostile takeover of the world, by a handful of finance oligarchs, using international agencies as their enforcers, and various forms of destabilization, as well as gradualism, as methods of choice. In this process, the nation-state is slowly dissolved under various pressures, to allow for the rise of technocratic regional blocs who, in turn, respond to privatized global governance agencies.