EU LCS W4D2 | Full Stream Week 4 Day 2 Spring Season 6 2016
EU LCS Full Stream Week 4 Day 2 Spring 2016 Season 6 - PB = Pick Ban | GS = Game Starts
G1: G2 Esports vs Splyce - PB GS
G2: Elements vs H2K PB GS
G3: Unicorns of Love vs Team Vitality PB GS
G4: Origen vs Giants PB GS
G5: Roccat vs Fnatic PB GS
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
☻Match statistics
The European Union Explained*
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EU LCS Spring - Week 4 Day 2
Welcome to the European LCS Spring Split!
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G2 Esports vs Origen - Semana 4 - Día 1 - LCS EU Spring Split 2016 - Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los i
Como Eu Era Antes de Você - Trailer Oficial 1 (leg) [HD]
Emilia Clarke e Sam Claflin estrelam em COMO EU ERA ANTES DE VOCÊ, filme baseado no romance de sucesso de JoJo Moyes! Estreia em 16 de junho nos cinemas.
Baseado no aclamado best-seller de Jojo Moyes, New Line Cinema e Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures apresentam "Como Eu Era Antes de Você", estrelando Emilia Clarke (“Game of Thrones”) e Sam Claflin (dos filmes
Elements vs Vitality Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 EL vs VIT Week 4
Elements vs Vitality Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 EL vs VIT Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
Donate via Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn
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Giants Gaming vs Fnatic - Semana 4 - Día 1 - LCS EU Spring Split 2016 - Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los i
GIA vs FNC - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - Giants vs Fnatic
GIA vs FNC - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Giants vs Fnatic
Picks & Bans: 9:39 Game Start: 17:55
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Roccat vs Unicorns of Love Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 ROC vs UOL Week 4
Roccat vs Unicorns of Love Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 ROC vs UOL Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
Donate via Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn
G2 Esports vs Origen Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 G2 vs OG Week 4
G2 Esports vs Origen Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 G2 vs OG Week 4 | Origen vs G2 Esports - OG vs G2
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
Donate via Paypal: ht
H2K vs Splyce Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 H2K vs SPY Week 4
H2K vs Splyce Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 H2K vs SPY Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
Donate via Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn
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Giants vs Fnatic Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 GIA vs FNC Week 4
Giants vs Fnatic Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 GIA vs FNC Week 4 | Fnatic vs Giants | FNC vs GIA
►Alphadraft - Draft Worlds teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
Donate via Paypal: htt
H2K Gaming vs Splyce | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | H2K vs SPY G1 W4D1
Splyce vs H2K Gaming Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Splyce vs H2K Gaming Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 SPY vs H2K W4D1 | H2K Gaming vs Splyce G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Fifth match of the day - Splyce vs H2K Gaming best o
GIA vs FNC EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 Giants vs Fnatic Week 4 Day 1
GIA vs FNC EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 Giants vs Fnatic Week 4 Day 1 | FNC vs GIA - Fnatic vs Giants
Picks 7:16 | Match Starts 15:27 | Sounds of the Game 46:24
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 32
Week: 4
Elements vs Vitality | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | EL vs VIT G1 W4D1
Vitality vs Elements Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Vitality vs Elements Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 VIT vs EL W4D1 | Elements vs Vitality G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Interview with the Winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUNxusPcgr8
Next match of the day - GIANTS vs Fnatic - https://www.youtube.com/w
‘EU not going to change’: France calls UK’s demands non-negotiable
A draft deal over Britain’s future membership of the European Union is driving a wedge between leaders...
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H2K vs SPY - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - H2K vs Splyce
H2K vs SPY - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: H2K vs Splyce
Picks & Bans: 4:30 Game Start: 11:33
Interview: 44:39
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- Andro
EL vs VIT - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - Elements vs Vitality
EL vs VIT - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Elements vs Vitality
Picks & Bans: 11:08 Game Start: 16:35
Interview: 54:50
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
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Leo em: Eu Sendo Pai
EU LCS W4D1 | Full Stream Week 4 Day 1 Spring Season 6 2016
EU LCS Full Stream Week 3 Day 2 Spring 2016 Season 6 - PB = Pick Ban | GS = Game Starts
G1: Elements vs Team Vitality - PB GS
G2: Giants vs Fnatic PB GS
G3: G2 Esports vs Origen PB GS
G4: Roccat vs Unicorns of Love PB GS
G5: H2K vs Splyce PB GS
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
☻Match statistics
ROC vs UOL - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - Roccat vs Unicorns of Love
ROC vs UOL - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Roccat vs Unicorns of Love
Picks & Bans: 5:42 Game Start: 16:00
Analyst Desk: 44:44
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EU LCS W4D2 | Full Stream Week 4 Day 2 Spring Season 6 2016
EU LCS Full Stream Week 4 Day 2 Spring 2016 Season 6 - PB = Pick Ban | GS = Game Starts
G1: G2 Esports vs Splyce - PB GS
G2: Elements vs H2K PB GS
G3: Uni...
EU LCS Full Stream Week 4 Day 2 Spring 2016 Season 6 - PB = Pick Ban | GS = Game Starts
G1: G2 Esports vs Splyce - PB GS
G2: Elements vs H2K PB GS
G3: Unicorns of Love vs Team Vitality PB GS
G4: Origen vs Giants PB GS
G5: Roccat vs Fnatic PB GS
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
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wn.com/Eu Lcs W4D2 | Full Stream Week 4 Day 2 Spring Season 6 2016
EU LCS Full Stream Week 4 Day 2 Spring 2016 Season 6 - PB = Pick Ban | GS = Game Starts
G1: G2 Esports vs Splyce - PB GS
G2: Elements vs H2K PB GS
G3: Unicorns of Love vs Team Vitality PB GS
G4: Origen vs Giants PB GS
G5: Roccat vs Fnatic PB GS
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
ⓕⓑ LCS Channel ►http://on.fb.me/1Sqnusq
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ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ►Twitter - http://bit.ly/1BkVAtG
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- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 167
The European Union Explained*
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- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 3936258
EU LCS Spring - Week 4 Day 2
Welcome to the European LCS Spring Split!
For more Lolesports action, SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/SubLolesports
For more LCS coverage including the latest schedule...
Welcome to the European LCS Spring Split!
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wn.com/Eu Lcs Spring Week 4 Day 2
Welcome to the European LCS Spring Split!
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- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 3897
●TODOS OS EPISÓDIOS: https://goo.gl/xgdhMd
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●TODOS OS EPISÓDIOS: https://goo.gl/xgdhMd
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●CONTATO (EMAIL): jazzghostgames@gmail.com
●Trilha sonora do vídeo: http://www.royalty-free-music-room.com
●Trilha sonora de abertura e encerramento: http://incompetech.com
●Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
wn.com/Minecraft Eu Fui Ao Cinema (Build Battle)
●TODOS OS EPISÓDIOS: https://goo.gl/xgdhMd
●TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1
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●CONTATO (EMAIL): jazzghostgames@gmail.com
●Trilha sonora do vídeo: http://www.royalty-free-music-room.com
●Trilha sonora de abertura e encerramento: http://incompetech.com
●Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 71773
G2 Esports vs Origen - Semana 4 - Día 1 - LCS EU Spring Split 2016 - Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victoria...
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los intensos minutos de esta jornada en vivo y en español desde nuestro canal de ESL TV España.
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Os animamos a que os suscribáis si os gusta el contenido y nos comentéis vuestras opiniones o dudas. Gracias a vosotros la comunidad crece día a día.
wn.com/G2 Esports Vs Origen Semana 4 Día 1 Lcs Eu Spring Split 2016 Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los intensos minutos de esta jornada en vivo y en español desde nuestro canal de ESL TV España.
Síguenos en:
ESL España Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ESLspain
ESL España Twitch: http://twitch.tv/ESL_lol_es
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ESL España: http://www.ESL.eu/es/
Os animamos a que os suscribáis si os gusta el contenido y nos comentéis vuestras opiniones o dudas. Gracias a vosotros la comunidad crece día a día.
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 7125
Como Eu Era Antes de Você - Trailer Oficial 1 (leg) [HD]
Emilia Clarke e Sam Claflin estrelam em COMO EU ERA ANTES DE VOCÊ, filme baseado no romance de sucesso de JoJo Moyes! Estreia em 16 de junho nos cinemas.
Emilia Clarke e Sam Claflin estrelam em COMO EU ERA ANTES DE VOCÊ, filme baseado no romance de sucesso de JoJo Moyes! Estreia em 16 de junho nos cinemas.
Baseado no aclamado best-seller de Jojo Moyes, New Line Cinema e Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures apresentam "Como Eu Era Antes de Você", estrelando Emilia Clarke (“Game of Thrones”) e Sam Claflin (dos filmes “Jogos Vorazes”), sob a direção de Thea Sharrock, que estreia como diretora.
Às vezes você encontra o amor onde menos imagina. E às vezes ele te leva onde nunca esperou ir.
Louisa “Lou” Clark (Clarke) vive em uma pitoresca cidade de campo inglesa. Sem direção certa em sua vida, a criativa e peculiar garota de 26 anos vai de um emprego a outro para tentar ajudar sua família com as despesas. Seu jeito alegre no entanto é colocado à prova quando enfrenta o novo desafio de sua carreira.
Ao aceitar um trabalho no "castelo" da cidade, ela se torna cuidadora e acompanhante de Will Traynor (Claflin), um banqueiro jovem e rico que se tornou cadeirante após um acidente ocorrido dois anos antes, mudando seu o mundo dramaticamente em um piscar de olhos.
Não mais uma alma aventureira, mas o agora cínico Will, está prestes a desistir. Isso até Lou ficar determinada a mostrar a ele que a vida vale ser vivida. Embarcando juntos em uma série de aventuras, Lou e Will irão obter mais do que esperavam e encontrarão suas vidas — e corações — mudando de um jeito que não poderiam ter imaginado.
O filme também é estrelado por Charles Dance (“O Jogo da Imitação”), Jenna Coleman (“Dr. Who”), Matthew Lewis (filmes “Harry Potter”), Vanessa Kirby (“Questão de Tempo”), Stephen Peacocke (“Hercules”), Brendan Coyle (“Downton Abbey”) e o indicado ao Oscar Janet McTeer (“Albert Nobbs”, “Livre Para Amar”).
Sharrock dirige um roteiro de Jojo Moyes e Scott Neustadter & Michael H. Weber (“A Culpa é das Estrelas”), baseado no livro de Moyes. O filme está sendo produzido por Karen Rosenfelt (filmes “Saga Crepúsculo”, “Max” – ainda não lançado) e Alison Owen (“Walt nos Bastidores de Mary Poppins”, “Suffragette” ainda não lançado). Sue Baden-Powell (“Elysium”, e os ainda não lançados “Pride and Prejudice” e “Zombies”) é produtora executiva.
O time criativo por trás das câmeras inclui o diretor de fotografia indicado ao Oscar Remi Adefarasin (“Elizabeth”), o designer de produção Andrew McAlpine (“Educação”), o editor John Wilson (“Downton Abbey”) e a figurinista Jill Taylor (“Sete Dias com Marilyn”).
"Como Eu Era Antes" de Você é uma apresentação da New Line Cinema e Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures (MGM). Com lançamento internacional previsto a partir de 3 de junho de 2016, será distribuído pela Warner Bros. Pictures, uma empresa Warner Bros. Entertainment e pela MGM em territórios selecionados.
wn.com/Como Eu Era Antes De Você Trailer Oficial 1 (Leg) Hd
Emilia Clarke e Sam Claflin estrelam em COMO EU ERA ANTES DE VOCÊ, filme baseado no romance de sucesso de JoJo Moyes! Estreia em 16 de junho nos cinemas.
Baseado no aclamado best-seller de Jojo Moyes, New Line Cinema e Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures apresentam "Como Eu Era Antes de Você", estrelando Emilia Clarke (“Game of Thrones”) e Sam Claflin (dos filmes “Jogos Vorazes”), sob a direção de Thea Sharrock, que estreia como diretora.
Às vezes você encontra o amor onde menos imagina. E às vezes ele te leva onde nunca esperou ir.
Louisa “Lou” Clark (Clarke) vive em uma pitoresca cidade de campo inglesa. Sem direção certa em sua vida, a criativa e peculiar garota de 26 anos vai de um emprego a outro para tentar ajudar sua família com as despesas. Seu jeito alegre no entanto é colocado à prova quando enfrenta o novo desafio de sua carreira.
Ao aceitar um trabalho no "castelo" da cidade, ela se torna cuidadora e acompanhante de Will Traynor (Claflin), um banqueiro jovem e rico que se tornou cadeirante após um acidente ocorrido dois anos antes, mudando seu o mundo dramaticamente em um piscar de olhos.
Não mais uma alma aventureira, mas o agora cínico Will, está prestes a desistir. Isso até Lou ficar determinada a mostrar a ele que a vida vale ser vivida. Embarcando juntos em uma série de aventuras, Lou e Will irão obter mais do que esperavam e encontrarão suas vidas — e corações — mudando de um jeito que não poderiam ter imaginado.
O filme também é estrelado por Charles Dance (“O Jogo da Imitação”), Jenna Coleman (“Dr. Who”), Matthew Lewis (filmes “Harry Potter”), Vanessa Kirby (“Questão de Tempo”), Stephen Peacocke (“Hercules”), Brendan Coyle (“Downton Abbey”) e o indicado ao Oscar Janet McTeer (“Albert Nobbs”, “Livre Para Amar”).
Sharrock dirige um roteiro de Jojo Moyes e Scott Neustadter & Michael H. Weber (“A Culpa é das Estrelas”), baseado no livro de Moyes. O filme está sendo produzido por Karen Rosenfelt (filmes “Saga Crepúsculo”, “Max” – ainda não lançado) e Alison Owen (“Walt nos Bastidores de Mary Poppins”, “Suffragette” ainda não lançado). Sue Baden-Powell (“Elysium”, e os ainda não lançados “Pride and Prejudice” e “Zombies”) é produtora executiva.
O time criativo por trás das câmeras inclui o diretor de fotografia indicado ao Oscar Remi Adefarasin (“Elizabeth”), o designer de produção Andrew McAlpine (“Educação”), o editor John Wilson (“Downton Abbey”) e a figurinista Jill Taylor (“Sete Dias com Marilyn”).
"Como Eu Era Antes" de Você é uma apresentação da New Line Cinema e Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures (MGM). Com lançamento internacional previsto a partir de 3 de junho de 2016, será distribuído pela Warner Bros. Pictures, uma empresa Warner Bros. Entertainment e pela MGM em territórios selecionados.
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 205446
Elements vs Vitality Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 EL vs VIT Week 4
Elements vs Vitality Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 EL vs VIT Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS...
Elements vs Vitality Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 EL vs VIT Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
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Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
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Highlights S4 Worlds Qualifier EU Playoffs: http://bit.ly/1r1guGE
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Elements vs Vitality Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 EL vs VIT Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
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Highlights S4 Worlds Qualifier EU Playoffs: http://bit.ly/1r1guGE
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- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 10906
Giants Gaming vs Fnatic - Semana 4 - Día 1 - LCS EU Spring Split 2016 - Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victoria...
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los intensos minutos de esta jornada en vivo y en español desde nuestro canal de ESL TV España.
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wn.com/Giants Gaming Vs Fnatic Semana 4 Día 1 Lcs Eu Spring Split 2016 Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los intensos minutos de esta jornada en vivo y en español desde nuestro canal de ESL TV España.
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Os animamos a que os suscribáis si os gusta el contenido y nos comentéis vuestras opiniones o dudas. Gracias a vosotros la comunidad crece día a día.
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 5097
GIA vs FNC - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - Giants vs Fnatic
GIA vs FNC - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Giants vs Fnatic
Picks & Bans: 9:39 Game Start: 17:55
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http...
GIA vs FNC - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Giants vs Fnatic
Picks & Bans: 9:39 Game Start: 17:55
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wn.com/Gia Vs Fnc Eu Lcs 2016 Spring W4D1 Giants Vs Fnatic
GIA vs FNC - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Giants vs Fnatic
Picks & Bans: 9:39 Game Start: 17:55
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
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- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 13780
Roccat vs Unicorns of Love Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 ROC vs UOL Week 4
Roccat vs Unicorns of Love Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 ROC vs UOL Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S...
Roccat vs Unicorns of Love Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 ROC vs UOL Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
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Highlights S4 Worlds Qualifier EU Playoffs: http://bit.ly/1r1guGE
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wn.com/Roccat Vs Unicorns Of Love Highlights Eu Lcs W4D1 2016 Spring S6 Roc Vs Uol Week 4
Roccat vs Unicorns of Love Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 ROC vs UOL Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
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- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 9889
G2 Esports vs Origen Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 G2 vs OG Week 4
G2 Esports vs Origen Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 G2 vs OG Week 4 | Origen vs G2 Esports - OG vs G2
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http...
G2 Esports vs Origen Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 G2 vs OG Week 4 | Origen vs G2 Esports - OG vs G2
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
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Highlights S4 Worlds Qualifier EU Playoffs: http://bit.ly/1r1guGE
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wn.com/G2 Esports Vs Origen Highlights Eu Lcs W4D1 2016 Spring S6 G2 Vs Og Week 4
G2 Esports vs Origen Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 G2 vs OG Week 4 | Origen vs G2 Esports - OG vs G2
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
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- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 13904
H2K vs Splyce Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 H2K vs SPY Week 4
H2K vs Splyce Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 H2K vs SPY Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Play...
H2K vs Splyce Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 H2K vs SPY Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
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Highlights S4 Worlds Qualifier EU Playoffs: http://bit.ly/1r1guGE
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wn.com/H2K Vs Splyce Highlights Eu Lcs W4D1 2016 Spring S6 H2K Vs Spy Week 4
H2K vs Splyce Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 H2K vs SPY Week 4
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
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Highlights S4 Worlds Qualifier EU Playoffs: http://bit.ly/1r1guGE
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- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 10190
Giants vs Fnatic Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 GIA vs FNC Week 4
Giants vs Fnatic Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 GIA vs FNC Week 4 | Fnatic vs Giants | FNC vs GIA
►Alphadraft - Draft Worlds teams and win money: http:...
Giants vs Fnatic Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 GIA vs FNC Week 4 | Fnatic vs Giants | FNC vs GIA
►Alphadraft - Draft Worlds teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
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Highlights S4 Worlds Qualifier EU Playoffs: http://bit.ly/1r1guGE
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wn.com/Giants Vs Fnatic Highlights Eu Lcs W4D1 2016 Spring S6 Gia Vs Fnc Week 4
Giants vs Fnatic Highlights EU LCS W4D1 2016 Spring S6 GIA vs FNC Week 4 | Fnatic vs Giants | FNC vs GIA
►Alphadraft - Draft Worlds teams and win money: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
Full S5 NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1HlmKT9
Highlights NA LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wFi92W
Full S5 EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1yJXsbQ
Highlights EU LCS Playlist: http://bit.ly/1wqxc0f
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Highlights S4 Worlds Qualifier EU Playoffs: http://bit.ly/1r1guGE
Highlights NA LCS S4 Summer: http://bit.ly/1pkge00
Highlights EU LCS S4 Summer: http://bit.ly/1wGG6fo
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- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 14878
H2K Gaming vs Splyce | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | H2K vs SPY G1 W4D1
Splyce vs H2K Gaming Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Splyce vs H2K Gaming Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 SPY vs H2K W4D1 | H2K Gaming vs Spl...
Splyce vs H2K Gaming Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Splyce vs H2K Gaming Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 SPY vs H2K W4D1 | H2K Gaming vs Splyce G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Fifth match of the day - Splyce vs H2K Gaming best of 1 Game 1.
H2K vs SPY G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
H2K Gaming Line-up:
Odoamne - top Tahm Kench
Jankos - Jungle Elise
Selfie - mid Corki
Forg1ven - ADC Lucian
Vander - Support Janna
Splyce Line-up:
Wunderwear - top Poppy
Trashy - jungle Graves
Sencux - mid Ahri
Kobbe - ADC Ezreal
Nisbeth - support Bard
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: Krepo and Pulse
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
wn.com/H2K Gaming Vs Splyce | Week 4 Day 1 S6 Eu Lcs Spring 2016 | H2K Vs Spy G1 W4D1
Splyce vs H2K Gaming Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Splyce vs H2K Gaming Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 SPY vs H2K W4D1 | H2K Gaming vs Splyce G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Fifth match of the day - Splyce vs H2K Gaming best of 1 Game 1.
H2K vs SPY G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
H2K Gaming Line-up:
Odoamne - top Tahm Kench
Jankos - Jungle Elise
Selfie - mid Corki
Forg1ven - ADC Lucian
Vander - Support Janna
Splyce Line-up:
Wunderwear - top Poppy
Trashy - jungle Graves
Sencux - mid Ahri
Kobbe - ADC Ezreal
Nisbeth - support Bard
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: Krepo and Pulse
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 11577
GIA vs FNC EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 Giants vs Fnatic Week 4 Day 1
GIA vs FNC EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 Giants vs Fnatic Week 4 Day 1 | FNC vs GIA - Fnatic vs Giants
Picks 7:16 | Match Starts 15:27 | Sounds of the Game 4...
GIA vs FNC EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 Giants vs Fnatic Week 4 Day 1 | FNC vs GIA - Fnatic vs Giants
Picks 7:16 | Match Starts 15:27 | Sounds of the Game 46:24
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 32
Week: 4
Day: 1
Patch: 6.1
TOP - Atom
MID - xPePii
ADC - Adryh
TOP - Gamsu
JUNGLE - Spirit
MID - Febiven
ADC - Rekkles
SUPP - Noxiak
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
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Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
wn.com/Gia Vs Fnc Eu Lcs W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 Giants Vs Fnatic Week 4 Day 1
GIA vs FNC EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 Giants vs Fnatic Week 4 Day 1 | FNC vs GIA - Fnatic vs Giants
Picks 7:16 | Match Starts 15:27 | Sounds of the Game 46:24
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 32
Week: 4
Day: 1
Patch: 6.1
TOP - Atom
MID - xPePii
ADC - Adryh
TOP - Gamsu
JUNGLE - Spirit
MID - Febiven
ADC - Rekkles
SUPP - Noxiak
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
ⓕⓑ LCS Channel ►http://on.fb.me/1Sqnusq
ⓖ+ ►http://bit.ly/1Bpjrba
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ►Twitter - http://bit.ly/1BkVAtG
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓒⓗ ►Livestream: http://bit.ly/1BpjzYd
ⓓⓞⓝⓐⓣⓔ ►Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 6799
Elements vs Vitality | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | EL vs VIT G1 W4D1
Vitality vs Elements Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Vitality vs Elements Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 VIT vs EL W4D1 | Elements vs Vitali...
Vitality vs Elements Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Vitality vs Elements Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 VIT vs EL W4D1 | Elements vs Vitality G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Interview with the Winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUNxusPcgr8
Next match of the day - GIANTS vs Fnatic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZseOFvNATw
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
First match of the day - Vitality vs Elements best of 1 Game 1.
EL vs VIT G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
Elements Line-up:
Steve - top Gangplank
Gilius - jungle Nidalee
Eika - mid Viktor
MrRallez - ADC Miss Fortune
Sprattel - support Thresh
Team Vitality Line-up:
Cabochard - top Lucian
Shook - jungle Elise
Nukeduck - mid Ahri
Hjarnan - ADC Corki
KaSing - support Tahm Kench
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: QuickShot and Deficio
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
wn.com/Elements Vs Vitality | Week 4 Day 1 S6 Eu Lcs Spring 2016 | El Vs Vit G1 W4D1
Vitality vs Elements Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Vitality vs Elements Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 VIT vs EL W4D1 | Elements vs Vitality G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Interview with the Winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUNxusPcgr8
Next match of the day - GIANTS vs Fnatic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZseOFvNATw
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
First match of the day - Vitality vs Elements best of 1 Game 1.
EL vs VIT G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
Elements Line-up:
Steve - top Gangplank
Gilius - jungle Nidalee
Eika - mid Viktor
MrRallez - ADC Miss Fortune
Sprattel - support Thresh
Team Vitality Line-up:
Cabochard - top Lucian
Shook - jungle Elise
Nukeduck - mid Ahri
Hjarnan - ADC Corki
KaSing - support Tahm Kench
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: QuickShot and Deficio
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 14588
‘EU not going to change’: France calls UK’s demands non-negotiable
A draft deal over Britain’s future membership of the European Union is driving a wedge between leaders...
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A draft deal over Britain’s future membership of the European Union is driving a wedge between leaders...
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
wn.com/‘Eu Not Going To Change’ France Calls Uk’S Demands Non Negotiable
A draft deal over Britain’s future membership of the European Union is driving a wedge between leaders...
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 96
H2K vs SPY - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - H2K vs Splyce
H2K vs SPY - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: H2K vs Splyce
Picks & Bans: 4:30 Game Start: 11:33
Interview: 44:39
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free sub...
H2K vs SPY - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: H2K vs Splyce
Picks & Bans: 4:30 Game Start: 11:33
Interview: 44:39
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
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- Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eventvods
wn.com/H2K Vs Spy Eu Lcs 2016 Spring W4D1 H2K Vs Splyce
H2K vs SPY - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: H2K vs Splyce
Picks & Bans: 4:30 Game Start: 11:33
Interview: 44:39
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
We want to take Eventvods to the next level, support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1O8exUH
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- Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kox.zzreal
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eventvods
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- Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eventvods
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 8392
EL vs VIT - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - Elements vs Vitality
EL vs VIT - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Elements vs Vitality
Picks & Bans: 11:08 Game Start: 16:35
Interview: 54:50
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-f...
EL vs VIT - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Elements vs Vitality
Picks & Bans: 11:08 Game Start: 16:35
Interview: 54:50
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
We want to take Eventvods to the next level, support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1O8exUH
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=loleventvods
- Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kox.zzreal
- iOS app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/loleventvods/id892551646?mt=8
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eventvods
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eventvods
- Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eventvods
wn.com/El Vs Vit Eu Lcs 2016 Spring W4D1 Elements Vs Vitality
EL vs VIT - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Elements vs Vitality
Picks & Bans: 11:08 Game Start: 16:35
Interview: 54:50
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
We want to take Eventvods to the next level, support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1O8exUH
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- Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kox.zzreal
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eventvods
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eventvods
- Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eventvods
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 11693
EU LCS W4D1 | Full Stream Week 4 Day 1 Spring Season 6 2016
EU LCS Full Stream Week 3 Day 2 Spring 2016 Season 6 - PB = Pick Ban | GS = Game Starts
G1: Elements vs Team Vitality - PB GS
G2: Giants vs Fnatic PB GS
EU LCS Full Stream Week 3 Day 2 Spring 2016 Season 6 - PB = Pick Ban | GS = Game Starts
G1: Elements vs Team Vitality - PB GS
G2: Giants vs Fnatic PB GS
G3: G2 Esports vs Origen PB GS
G4: Roccat vs Unicorns of Love PB GS
G5: H2K vs Splyce PB GS
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
ⓕⓑ LCS Channel ►http://on.fb.me/1Sqnusq
ⓖ+ ►http://bit.ly/1Bpjrba
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ►Twitter - http://bit.ly/1BkVAtG
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Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
wn.com/Eu Lcs W4D1 | Full Stream Week 4 Day 1 Spring Season 6 2016
EU LCS Full Stream Week 3 Day 2 Spring 2016 Season 6 - PB = Pick Ban | GS = Game Starts
G1: Elements vs Team Vitality - PB GS
G2: Giants vs Fnatic PB GS
G3: G2 Esports vs Origen PB GS
G4: Roccat vs Unicorns of Love PB GS
G5: H2K vs Splyce PB GS
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
ⓕⓑ LCS Channel ►http://on.fb.me/1Sqnusq
ⓖ+ ►http://bit.ly/1Bpjrba
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ►Twitter - http://bit.ly/1BkVAtG
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓒⓗ ►Livestream: http://bit.ly/1BpjzYd
ⓓⓞⓝⓐⓣⓔ ►Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 6894
ROC vs UOL - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - Roccat vs Unicorns of Love
ROC vs UOL - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Roccat vs Unicorns of Love
Picks & Bans: 5:42 Game Start: 16:00
Analyst Desk: 44:44
Esports on demand? Find our ...
ROC vs UOL - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Roccat vs Unicorns of Love
Picks & Bans: 5:42 Game Start: 16:00
Analyst Desk: 44:44
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
We want to take Eventvods to the next level, support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1O8exUH
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=loleventvods
- Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kox.zzreal
- iOS app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/loleventvods/id892551646?mt=8
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eventvods
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eventvods
- Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eventvods
wn.com/Roc Vs Uol Eu Lcs 2016 Spring W4D1 Roccat Vs Unicorns Of Love
ROC vs UOL - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: Roccat vs Unicorns of Love
Picks & Bans: 5:42 Game Start: 16:00
Analyst Desk: 44:44
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
We want to take Eventvods to the next level, support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1O8exUH
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=loleventvods
- Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kox.zzreal
- iOS app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/loleventvods/id892551646?mt=8
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eventvods
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eventvods
- Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eventvods
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 8764
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Contato PROFISSIONAL: contatomalena@live.com
Spok: http://bit.ly/Thespok
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Malena: http://bit.ly/malena02
Aldroyd: http://bit.ly/1FLd14Y
Likea: http://bit.ly/1CbNvC8
Configs PC:
Processador Intel core i5 3330 3.0GHz 6MB
HD de 1 T
Placa de vídeo: GTX 660ti 2 GB de DDR5
Placa de Captura: ElGato Game capture HD (para consoles)
Microfone: Samson C01U
Câmeras: Canon T3i, GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition, Webcam Logitech C615
Royalty Free Music by
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Oi meu nome é Malena e eu tenho 21 anos.
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 49970
G2 eSports vs Splyce | Week 4 Day 2 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | G2 vs SPY G1 W4D2
Splyce vs G2 eSports Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 2 - Splyce vs G2 eSports Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 SPY vs G2 W4D2 | G2 eSports vs Splyce G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Analyst desk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDbvCzFNLYo
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Wee
G2 vs SPY Highlights - G2 ESPORTS vs SPLYCE - EU LCS Week 4 - SPRING 2016
G2 ESPORTS vs SPLYCE Highlights - G2 vs SPY Game 1 Highlights - EU LCS Week 4 - SPRING 2016
[NEXT GAME] ***** https://youtu.be/bErv8efOxng ***** ( ELEMENTS vs H2K GAMING )
Links and game info down below
Playlist Week 4 EU LCS Spring 2016 (EU LCS Spring 2016) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Jc5pl_FN8AGTHJ4eAEYmhalcIkbF9Wl
Playlist EU LCS SPRING SPLIT 2016 https://www.youtube.com/playli
UOL vs VIT EU LCS W4D2 | Spring 2016 Season 6 Unicorns of Love vs Vitality Week 4 Day 2
UOL vs VIT EU LCS W4D2 | Spring 2016 Season 6 Unicorns of Love vs Vitality Week 4 Day 2 | VIT vs UOL - Team Vitality vs Unicorns of Love
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 37
Week: 4
Day: 2
Patch: 6.2
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● Minecraft: POTATO FARM- http://bit.ly/1zQQuDk
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● Minecraft: Perdido no E
H2K vs Splyce | EU LCS 2016 | TAVASZI SZEZON | 7. nap | 5. meccs
- -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/lcshu
► Heroes of the Storm Pro Gameplay: Virtus Pro vs. GIZ - ETS EU Playoffs
Today's Heroes of the Storm match starts off the Enter the Storm Europe Group C! Virtus Pro plays against GIZ (GoogleIshetZont) in the first match. The two Russian teams matched their strength against each other already in the past and showed some exciting games during the qualifiers. Find out in todays Heroes of the Storm video which team will go to the Winners Match to face mYinsanity for a spot
EU Poppy - H2K VS SPY 2016 EU LCS Spring W4D1
that was straight out of SOLOQ
H2K (Selfie Corki) VS SPY (Sencux Ahri) Highlights - 2016 EU LCS Spring W4D1
H2K VS SPY Full Replay : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdLC8i7GavA
Roccat (Tabzz Kalista) VS UOL (Rudy Kindred) Highlights - 2016 EU LCS Spring W4D1
Roccat VS UOL Full Replay : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCjSIBMDpiY
[REKT] Giants (Betongjocke Graves) VS Fnatic (Spirit Quinn) Highlights - 2016 EU LCS Spring W4D1
Fnatic VS Giants Full Replay : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLyBI1Sntbo
2016 EU LCS Spring Week 4 Day 1 [ G2 Esports vs Origen ] 160131
2016 EU LCS Spring Split Week 4 Day 1 Match 3: G2 Esports vs Origen
NicegameTV Homepage - http://www.nicegame.tv
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/nicegametv
035 - H2K vs SPY - W4D1 | LCS EU 2016 - FR
Retrouvez-nous en live sur Eclypsia, la webtv League of Legends n°1 en France !
Découvrez les guides pro de la Team EC : http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/lol-pro/guides
CANAL 2: https://www.youtube.com/moscosoandre
H2K vs Splyce - Semana 4 - Día 1 - LCS EU Spring Split 2016 - Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los i
033 - G2 vs OG - W4D1 | LCS EU 2016 - FR
Retrouvez-nous en live sur Eclypsia, la webtv League of Legends n°1 en France !
Découvrez les guides pro de la Team EC : http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/lol-pro/guides
H2K vs SPLYCE - Semana 4 Día 1 - LCS EU en Español
Pronto la nueva temporada División de Honor en http://www.lvp.es
G2 eSports vs Splyce | Week 4 Day 2 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | G2 vs SPY G1 W4D2
Splyce vs G2 eSports Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 2 - Splyce vs G2 eSports Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 SPY vs G2 W4D2 | G2 eSports vs Sply...
Splyce vs G2 eSports Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 2 - Splyce vs G2 eSports Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 SPY vs G2 W4D2 | G2 eSports vs Splyce G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Analyst desk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDbvCzFNLYo
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 2.
First match of the day - Splyce vs G2 eSports best of 1 Game 1.
G2 vs SPY G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
G2 eSports Line-up:
Kikis - top Poppy
Trick - jungle Graves
PerkZ - mid Viktor
Emperor - ADC Ezreal
Hybrid - support Braum
Splyce Line-up:
Wunderwear - top Poppy
Trashy - jungle Rek'Sai
Sencux - mid Lulu
Kobbe - ADC Lucian
Nisbeth - support Janna
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 05.02.2016 | 02/05/2016 | February 5th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: Stress and QuickShot
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
wn.com/G2 Esports Vs Splyce | Week 4 Day 2 S6 Eu Lcs Spring 2016 | G2 Vs Spy G1 W4D2
Splyce vs G2 eSports Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 2 - Splyce vs G2 eSports Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 SPY vs G2 W4D2 | G2 eSports vs Splyce G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Analyst desk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDbvCzFNLYo
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 2.
First match of the day - Splyce vs G2 eSports best of 1 Game 1.
G2 vs SPY G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
G2 eSports Line-up:
Kikis - top Poppy
Trick - jungle Graves
PerkZ - mid Viktor
Emperor - ADC Ezreal
Hybrid - support Braum
Splyce Line-up:
Wunderwear - top Poppy
Trashy - jungle Rek'Sai
Sencux - mid Lulu
Kobbe - ADC Lucian
Nisbeth - support Janna
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 05.02.2016 | 02/05/2016 | February 5th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: Stress and QuickShot
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 160
G2 vs SPY Highlights - G2 ESPORTS vs SPLYCE - EU LCS Week 4 - SPRING 2016
G2 ESPORTS vs SPLYCE Highlights - G2 vs SPY Game 1 Highlights - EU LCS Week 4 - SPRING 2016
[NEXT GAME] ***** https://youtu.be/bErv8efOxng ***** ( ELEMENTS vs ...
G2 ESPORTS vs SPLYCE Highlights - G2 vs SPY Game 1 Highlights - EU LCS Week 4 - SPRING 2016
[NEXT GAME] ***** https://youtu.be/bErv8efOxng ***** ( ELEMENTS vs H2K GAMING )
Links and game info down below
Playlist Week 4 EU LCS Spring 2016 (EU LCS Spring 2016) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Jc5pl_FN8AGTHJ4eAEYmhalcIkbF9Wl
Playlist EU LCS SPRING SPLIT 2016 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Jc5pl_FN8C331v5tFNFja0pvPjvIf_J
Patch 6.2
G2 ESPORTS (G2) LeBlanc Elise Corki
SPLYCE (SPY) Thresh Gangplank Kalista
Poppy Kikis TOP LANE
Graves Trick JUNGLER
Viktor Perkz MID LANE
Ezreal Emperor AD CARRY
Braum Hybrid SUPPORT
Quinn Wunderwear TOP LANE
Rek'Sai Trashy JUNGLER
Lulu Sencux MID LANE
Lucian Kobbe AD CARRY
Janna Nisbeth SUPPORT
wn.com/G2 Vs Spy Highlights G2 Esports Vs Splyce Eu Lcs Week 4 Spring 2016
G2 ESPORTS vs SPLYCE Highlights - G2 vs SPY Game 1 Highlights - EU LCS Week 4 - SPRING 2016
[NEXT GAME] ***** https://youtu.be/bErv8efOxng ***** ( ELEMENTS vs H2K GAMING )
Links and game info down below
Playlist Week 4 EU LCS Spring 2016 (EU LCS Spring 2016) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Jc5pl_FN8AGTHJ4eAEYmhalcIkbF9Wl
Playlist EU LCS SPRING SPLIT 2016 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Jc5pl_FN8C331v5tFNFja0pvPjvIf_J
Patch 6.2
G2 ESPORTS (G2) LeBlanc Elise Corki
SPLYCE (SPY) Thresh Gangplank Kalista
Poppy Kikis TOP LANE
Graves Trick JUNGLER
Viktor Perkz MID LANE
Ezreal Emperor AD CARRY
Braum Hybrid SUPPORT
Quinn Wunderwear TOP LANE
Rek'Sai Trashy JUNGLER
Lulu Sencux MID LANE
Lucian Kobbe AD CARRY
Janna Nisbeth SUPPORT
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 98
UOL vs VIT EU LCS W4D2 | Spring 2016 Season 6 Unicorns of Love vs Vitality Week 4 Day 2
UOL vs VIT EU LCS W4D2 | Spring 2016 Season 6 Unicorns of Love vs Vitality Week 4 Day 2 | VIT vs UOL - Team Vitality vs Unicorns of Love
►Alphadraft - Draft L...
UOL vs VIT EU LCS W4D2 | Spring 2016 Season 6 Unicorns of Love vs Vitality Week 4 Day 2 | VIT vs UOL - Team Vitality vs Unicorns of Love
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 37
Week: 4
Day: 2
Patch: 6.2
TOP - Vizicsacsi
JUNGLE - Diamondprox
MID - Fox
ADC - Steelback
SUPP - Hylissang
TOP - Cabochard
JUNGLE - Shook
MID - Nukeduck
ADC - Hjarnan
SUPP - kaSing
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
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Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
wn.com/Uol Vs Vit Eu Lcs W4D2 | Spring 2016 Season 6 Unicorns Of Love Vs Vitality Week 4 Day 2
UOL vs VIT EU LCS W4D2 | Spring 2016 Season 6 Unicorns of Love vs Vitality Week 4 Day 2 | VIT vs UOL - Team Vitality vs Unicorns of Love
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 37
Week: 4
Day: 2
Patch: 6.2
TOP - Vizicsacsi
JUNGLE - Diamondprox
MID - Fox
ADC - Steelback
SUPP - Hylissang
TOP - Cabochard
JUNGLE - Shook
MID - Nukeduck
ADC - Hjarnan
SUPP - kaSing
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
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Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 0
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Textura► FaithfulVenom
Música da Intro ► One Night - Matthew Koma
Snap► felipe_batista
Felipe Batista
CEP: 02430-971
São Paulo- SP
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wn.com/Minecraft Clash Of Clans Eu Vou Morrer
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✗Outras Série do canal:
● Minecraft: POTATO FARM- http://bit.ly/1zQQuDk
● Minecraft: EpicIsland- http://bit.ly/1EnSkNI
● Minecraft: Clash Of Clans- http://bit.ly/1pg2PNk
● Minecraft: Perdido no Epaço- http://bit.ly/10d4JSN
● Minecraft: SkyWars- http://bit.ly/1wUEQlC
♦Computadores► http://bit.ly/1POZxfz
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Jvnq: http://bit.ly/1KOwi8E
FebatistaCraft: http://bit.ly/1EQ8wVr
Moonkase: http://bit.ly/1yBtqHo
Tayr: http://bit.ly/1wJUgxo
Textura► FaithfulVenom
Música da Intro ► One Night - Matthew Koma
Snap► felipe_batista
Felipe Batista
CEP: 02430-971
São Paulo- SP
✓Análise Informática► http://goo.gl/c3tcT9
✓Alugue seu Servidor de Minecraft► http://bit.ly/1yqi1cB
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♦Contato Comercial ► contatofebatista@gmail.com
Poder da Batata
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 18208
► Heroes of the Storm Pro Gameplay: Virtus Pro vs. GIZ - ETS EU Playoffs
Today's Heroes of the Storm match starts off the Enter the Storm Europe Group C! Virtus Pro plays against GIZ (GoogleIshetZont) in the first match. The two Russ...
Today's Heroes of the Storm match starts off the Enter the Storm Europe Group C! Virtus Pro plays against GIZ (GoogleIshetZont) in the first match. The two Russian teams matched their strength against each other already in the past and showed some exciting games during the qualifiers. Find out in todays Heroes of the Storm video which team will go to the Winners Match to face mYinsanity for a spot in the next phase of the Heroes of the Storm Tournament!
Tournament Details: http://eu.ets.gg/
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wn.com/► Heroes Of The Storm Pro Gameplay Virtus Pro Vs. Giz Ets Eu Playoffs
Today's Heroes of the Storm match starts off the Enter the Storm Europe Group C! Virtus Pro plays against GIZ (GoogleIshetZont) in the first match. The two Russian teams matched their strength against each other already in the past and showed some exciting games during the qualifiers. Find out in todays Heroes of the Storm video which team will go to the Winners Match to face mYinsanity for a spot in the next phase of the Heroes of the Storm Tournament!
Tournament Details: http://eu.ets.gg/
The best ways to support Khaldor:
Support on Patreon → www.patreon.com/Khaldor
Amazon US Affiliate → http://goo.gl/91ObdM
Amazon GER Affiliate → https://goo.gl/Gx0PVj
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Social Media Links:
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- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 722
[TR] EU LCS - 4.HAFTA 1.GÜN...
wn.com/Tr Eu Lcs 4.Hafta 1.Gün
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 20983
2016 EU LCS Spring Week 4 Day 1 [ G2 Esports vs Origen ] 160131
2016 EU LCS Spring Split Week 4 Day 1 Match 3: G2 Esports vs Origen
NicegameTV Homepage - http://www.nicegame.tv
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/nicegametv...
2016 EU LCS Spring Split Week 4 Day 1 Match 3: G2 Esports vs Origen
NicegameTV Homepage - http://www.nicegame.tv
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/nicegametv
wn.com/2016 Eu Lcs Spring Week 4 Day 1 G2 Esports Vs Origen 160131
2016 EU LCS Spring Split Week 4 Day 1 Match 3: G2 Esports vs Origen
NicegameTV Homepage - http://www.nicegame.tv
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/nicegametv
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 422
035 - H2K vs SPY - W4D1 | LCS EU 2016 - FR
Retrouvez-nous en live sur Eclypsia, la webtv League of Legends n°1 en France !
Découvrez les guides pro de la Team EC : http:...
Retrouvez-nous en live sur Eclypsia, la webtv League of Legends n°1 en France !
Découvrez les guides pro de la Team EC : http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/lol-pro/guides
wn.com/035 H2K Vs Spy W4D1 | Lcs Eu 2016 Fr
Retrouvez-nous en live sur Eclypsia, la webtv League of Legends n°1 en France !
Découvrez les guides pro de la Team EC : http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/lol-pro/guides
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 1434
CANAL 2: https://www.youtube.com/moscosoandre
CANAL 2: https://www.youtube.com/moscosoandre
wn.com/Eu Queimo O Lula Enquanto Ficam Queimando Livro Do Luis Mariz E Da KéFera
CANAL 2: https://www.youtube.com/moscosoandre
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 1284
H2K vs Splyce - Semana 4 - Día 1 - LCS EU Spring Split 2016 - Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victoria...
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los intensos minutos de esta jornada en vivo y en español desde nuestro canal de ESL TV España.
Síguenos en:
ESL España Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ESLspain
ESL España Twitch: http://twitch.tv/ESL_lol_es
ESL España Facebook: http://facebook.com/ESLspain
ESL España: http://www.ESL.eu/es/
Os animamos a que os suscribáis si os gusta el contenido y nos comentéis vuestras opiniones o dudas. Gracias a vosotros la comunidad crece día a día.
wn.com/H2K Vs Splyce Semana 4 Día 1 Lcs Eu Spring Split 2016 Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los intensos minutos de esta jornada en vivo y en español desde nuestro canal de ESL TV España.
Síguenos en:
ESL España Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ESLspain
ESL España Twitch: http://twitch.tv/ESL_lol_es
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ESL España: http://www.ESL.eu/es/
Os animamos a que os suscribáis si os gusta el contenido y nos comentéis vuestras opiniones o dudas. Gracias a vosotros la comunidad crece día a día.
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 1834
033 - G2 vs OG - W4D1 | LCS EU 2016 - FR
Retrouvez-nous en live sur Eclypsia, la webtv League of Legends n°1 en France !
Découvrez les guides pro de la Team EC : http:...
Retrouvez-nous en live sur Eclypsia, la webtv League of Legends n°1 en France !
Découvrez les guides pro de la Team EC : http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/lol-pro/guides
wn.com/033 G2 Vs Og W4D1 | Lcs Eu 2016 Fr
Retrouvez-nous en live sur Eclypsia, la webtv League of Legends n°1 en France !
Découvrez les guides pro de la Team EC : http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/lol-pro/guides
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 2302
H2K vs SPLYCE - Semana 4 Día 1 - LCS EU en Español
Pronto la nueva temporada División de Honor en http://www.lvp.es...
Pronto la nueva temporada División de Honor en http://www.lvp.es
wn.com/H2K Vs Splyce Semana 4 Día 1 Lcs Eu En Español
Pronto la nueva temporada División de Honor en http://www.lvp.es
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 5511
GIANTS vs Fnatic | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | GIA vs FNC G1 W4D1
Fnatic vs GIANTS Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Fnatic vs GIANTS Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 FNC vs GIA W4D1 | GIANTS vs Fnatic G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Sounds of the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HWtSmJQSRM
Next match of the day - G2 eSports vs Origen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sJ5xJm
H2K vs SPY EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 H2K vs Splyce Week 4 Day 1
H2K vs SPY EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 H2K vs Splyce Week 4 Day 1 | SPY vs H2K - Splyce vs H2K
Picks 4:08 | Match Starts 11:16 | Interview & Analysis 44:18
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 35
Week: 4
G2 eSports vs Origen | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | G2 vs OG G1 W4D1
Origen vs G2 eSports Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Origen vs G2 eSports Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 OG vs G2 W4D1 | G2 eSports vs Origen G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Interview with the Winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBdRJu7WzF8
Next match of the day - ROCCAT vs Unicorns of Love - https://www.yout
ROCCAT vs Unicorns of Love | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | ROC vs UOL G1 W4D1
UOL vs ROCCAT Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Unicorns of Love vs ROCCAT Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 UOL vs ROC W4D1 | ROCCAT vs Unicorns of Love G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Analyst desk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn0fL55gy2c
Next match of the day - H2K Gaming vs Splyce - https://www.youtube.com
G2 vs OG - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - G2 Esports vs Origen
G2 vs OG - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: G2 Esports vs Origen
Picks & Bans: 3:48 Game Start: 11:39
Interview: 52:06
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Roccat vs Unicorns of Love - Semana 4 - Día 1 - LCS EU Spring Split 2016 - Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los i
G2 vs OG EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 G2 Esports vs Origen Week 4 Day 1
G2 vs OG EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 G2 Esports vs Origen Week 4 Day 1 | OG vs G2 - Origen vs G2 Esports
Picks 5:55 | Match Starts 13:41 | Interview 54:07 | Sounds of the Game 58:54
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European
G2 vs Origen - Semana 4 Día 1 - LCS EU en Español
Pronto la nueva temporada División de Honor en http://www.lvp.es
G2 Esports vs Origen - Game 3 - Week 4 Day 1 - S6 EU LCS Spring 2016
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HardcoreGames | Fireman // Hoje eu to fervendo
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GIANTS vs Fnatic | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | GIA vs FNC G1 W4D1
Fnatic vs GIANTS Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Fnatic vs GIANTS Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 FNC vs GIA W4D1 | GIANTS vs Fnatic G1 Sprin...
Fnatic vs GIANTS Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Fnatic vs GIANTS Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 FNC vs GIA W4D1 | GIANTS vs Fnatic G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Sounds of the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HWtSmJQSRM
Next match of the day - G2 eSports vs Origen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sJ5xJmWmRE
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Second match of the day - Fnatic vs GIANTS best of 1 Game 1.
GIA vs FNC G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
GIANTS Line-up:
Atom - top Fiora
BetongJocke - jungle Graves
xPePii - mid Ahri
Adryh - ADC Caitlyn
GODFRED - support Braum
Fnatic Line-up:
Gamsu - Top Malphite
Spirit - jungle Quinn
Febiven - mid LeBlanc
Rekkles - ADC Lucian
Noxiak - support Janna
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: QuickShot and Deficio
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
wn.com/Giants Vs Fnatic | Week 4 Day 1 S6 Eu Lcs Spring 2016 | Gia Vs Fnc G1 W4D1
Fnatic vs GIANTS Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Fnatic vs GIANTS Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 FNC vs GIA W4D1 | GIANTS vs Fnatic G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Sounds of the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HWtSmJQSRM
Next match of the day - G2 eSports vs Origen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sJ5xJmWmRE
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Second match of the day - Fnatic vs GIANTS best of 1 Game 1.
GIA vs FNC G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
GIANTS Line-up:
Atom - top Fiora
BetongJocke - jungle Graves
xPePii - mid Ahri
Adryh - ADC Caitlyn
GODFRED - support Braum
Fnatic Line-up:
Gamsu - Top Malphite
Spirit - jungle Quinn
Febiven - mid LeBlanc
Rekkles - ADC Lucian
Noxiak - support Janna
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: QuickShot and Deficio
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 22238
H2K vs SPY EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 H2K vs Splyce Week 4 Day 1
H2K vs SPY EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 H2K vs Splyce Week 4 Day 1 | SPY vs H2K - Splyce vs H2K
Picks 4:08 | Match Starts 11:16 | Interview & Analysis 44:18...
H2K vs SPY EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 H2K vs Splyce Week 4 Day 1 | SPY vs H2K - Splyce vs H2K
Picks 4:08 | Match Starts 11:16 | Interview & Analysis 44:18
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 35
Week: 4
Day: 1
Patch: 6.1
TOP - Odoamne
JUNGLE - Jankos
MID - Ryu
SUPP - Vander
TOP - Wunderwear
JUNGLE - Trashy
MID - Sencux
ADC - Kobbe
SUPP - Nisbeth
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
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Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
wn.com/H2K Vs Spy Eu Lcs W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 H2K Vs Splyce Week 4 Day 1
H2K vs SPY EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 H2K vs Splyce Week 4 Day 1 | SPY vs H2K - Splyce vs H2K
Picks 4:08 | Match Starts 11:16 | Interview & Analysis 44:18
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 35
Week: 4
Day: 1
Patch: 6.1
TOP - Odoamne
JUNGLE - Jankos
MID - Ryu
SUPP - Vander
TOP - Wunderwear
JUNGLE - Trashy
MID - Sencux
ADC - Kobbe
SUPP - Nisbeth
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
ⓕⓑ LCS Channel ►http://on.fb.me/1Sqnusq
ⓖ+ ►http://bit.ly/1Bpjrba
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ►Twitter - http://bit.ly/1BkVAtG
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓒⓗ ►Livestream: http://bit.ly/1BpjzYd
ⓓⓞⓝⓐⓣⓔ ►Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 3048
G2 eSports vs Origen | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | G2 vs OG G1 W4D1
Origen vs G2 eSports Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Origen vs G2 eSports Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 OG vs G2 W4D1 | G2 eSports vs Orige...
Origen vs G2 eSports Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Origen vs G2 eSports Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 OG vs G2 W4D1 | G2 eSports vs Origen G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Interview with the Winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBdRJu7WzF8
Next match of the day - ROCCAT vs Unicorns of Love - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYtFLiCSAc4
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Third match of the day - Origen vs G2 eSports best of 1 Game 1.
G2 vs OG G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
G2 eSports Line-up:
Kikis - top Malphite
Trick - jungle Graves
PerkZ - mid Ahri
Emperor - ADC Kalista
Hybrid - support Braum
Origen Line-up:
Soaz - top Tahm Kench
Amazing - jungle Elise
PowerOfEvil - mid Corki
Zven - ADC Ezreal
Mithy - Support Janna
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: Krepo, Deficio and Pulse
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
wn.com/G2 Esports Vs Origen | Week 4 Day 1 S6 Eu Lcs Spring 2016 | G2 Vs Og G1 W4D1
Origen vs G2 eSports Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Origen vs G2 eSports Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 OG vs G2 W4D1 | G2 eSports vs Origen G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Interview with the Winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBdRJu7WzF8
Next match of the day - ROCCAT vs Unicorns of Love - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYtFLiCSAc4
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Third match of the day - Origen vs G2 eSports best of 1 Game 1.
G2 vs OG G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
G2 eSports Line-up:
Kikis - top Malphite
Trick - jungle Graves
PerkZ - mid Ahri
Emperor - ADC Kalista
Hybrid - support Braum
Origen Line-up:
Soaz - top Tahm Kench
Amazing - jungle Elise
PowerOfEvil - mid Corki
Zven - ADC Ezreal
Mithy - Support Janna
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: Krepo, Deficio and Pulse
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 19605
ROCCAT vs Unicorns of Love | Week 4 Day 1 S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 | ROC vs UOL G1 W4D1
UOL vs ROCCAT Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Unicorns of Love vs ROCCAT Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 UOL vs ROC W4D1 | ROCCAT vs Unicorns...
UOL vs ROCCAT Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Unicorns of Love vs ROCCAT Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 UOL vs ROC W4D1 | ROCCAT vs Unicorns of Love G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Analyst desk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn0fL55gy2c
Next match of the day - H2K Gaming vs Splyce - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ud2XCkIIxw
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Fourth match of the day - Unicorns of Love vs ROCCAT best of 1 Game 1.
ROC vs UOL G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
ROCCAT Line-up:
Freddy122 - top Maokai
Airwaks - jungle Lee Sin
Betsy - mid Lulu
Tabzz - ADC Kalista
Extinkt - support Braum
Unicorns of Love Line-up:
Vizicsacsi - top Gangplank
Rudy - jungle Kindred
Fox - mid Viktor
Steelback - ADC Ezreal
Hylissang - support Alistar
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: Krepo and Pulse
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
wn.com/Roccat Vs Unicorns Of Love | Week 4 Day 1 S6 Eu Lcs Spring 2016 | Roc Vs Uol G1 W4D1
UOL vs ROCCAT Spring 2016. LoL eSports S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 Day 1 - Unicorns of Love vs ROCCAT Game 1 | EU LCS 2016 UOL vs ROC W4D1 | ROCCAT vs Unicorns of Love G1 Spring EU LCS VOD HD.
S6 EU LCS Spring 2016 Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCS2016SpringWeek4
Analyst desk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn0fL55gy2c
Next match of the day - H2K Gaming vs Splyce - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ud2XCkIIxw
League of Legends Season 6 EU League Championship Series Spring 2016 - Week 4 Day 1.
Fourth match of the day - Unicorns of Love vs ROCCAT best of 1 Game 1.
ROC vs UOL G1 full game in HD 720p 60FPS.
ROCCAT Line-up:
Freddy122 - top Maokai
Airwaks - jungle Lee Sin
Betsy - mid Lulu
Tabzz - ADC Kalista
Extinkt - support Braum
Unicorns of Love Line-up:
Vizicsacsi - top Gangplank
Rudy - jungle Kindred
Fox - mid Viktor
Steelback - ADC Ezreal
Hylissang - support Alistar
Patch: 6.2 - Season 6
Game date: 04.02.2016 | 02/04/2016 | February 4th 2016
Game place: EU LCS Studio, Berlin, Germany
Casters: Krepo and Pulse
Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:
Korea LCK Spring 2016 Round 1 full playlist: http://bit.ly/LCKSpring2016
China LPL Spring 2016 Round 1 full Playlist: http://bit.ly/2016LPLSpring
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 10491
G2 vs OG - EU LCS 2016 Spring W4D1 - G2 Esports vs Origen
G2 vs OG - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: G2 Esports vs Origen
Picks & Bans: 3:48 Game Start: 11:39
Interview: 52:06
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-fre...
G2 vs OG - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: G2 Esports vs Origen
Picks & Bans: 3:48 Game Start: 11:39
Interview: 52:06
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
We want to take Eventvods to the next level, support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1O8exUH
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=loleventvods
- Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kox.zzreal
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eventvods
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eventvods
- Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eventvods
wn.com/G2 Vs Og Eu Lcs 2016 Spring W4D1 G2 Esports Vs Origen
G2 vs OG - EU LCS 2016 Spring Week 4 Day 1: G2 Esports vs Origen
Picks & Bans: 3:48 Game Start: 11:39
Interview: 52:06
Esports on demand? Find our spoiler-free subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/loleventvods
We want to take Eventvods to the next level, support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1O8exUH
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=loleventvods
- Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kox.zzreal
- iOS app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/loleventvods/id892551646?mt=8
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eventvods
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eventvods
- Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eventvods
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 15166
Roccat vs Unicorns of Love - Semana 4 - Día 1 - LCS EU Spring Split 2016 - Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victoria...
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los intensos minutos de esta jornada en vivo y en español desde nuestro canal de ESL TV España.
Síguenos en:
ESL España Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ESLspain
ESL España Twitch: http://twitch.tv/ESL_lol_es
ESL España Facebook: http://facebook.com/ESLspain
ESL España: http://www.ESL.eu/es/
Os animamos a que os suscribáis si os gusta el contenido y nos comentéis vuestras opiniones o dudas. Gracias a vosotros la comunidad crece día a día.
wn.com/Roccat Vs Unicorns Of Love Semana 4 Día 1 Lcs Eu Spring Split 2016 Español
Vibra una vez más con los apasionantes encuentros de esta cuarta jornada del Spring Split 2016 de la LCS EU, donde hemos podido ser testigos de grandes victorias e inesperadas derrotas en el duro campo de batalla de la Grieta del Invocador. Disfruta nuevamente de toda la acción de la alta competición de manos de nuestros casters Keireth y RaRuM quienes nos comentaron y analizaron cada uno de los intensos minutos de esta jornada en vivo y en español desde nuestro canal de ESL TV España.
Síguenos en:
ESL España Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ESLspain
ESL España Twitch: http://twitch.tv/ESL_lol_es
ESL España Facebook: http://facebook.com/ESLspain
ESL España: http://www.ESL.eu/es/
Os animamos a que os suscribáis si os gusta el contenido y nos comentéis vuestras opiniones o dudas. Gracias a vosotros la comunidad crece día a día.
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 1630
G2 vs OG EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 G2 Esports vs Origen Week 4 Day 1
G2 vs OG EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 G2 Esports vs Origen Week 4 Day 1 | OG vs G2 - Origen vs G2 Esports
Picks 5:55 | Match Starts 13:41 | Interview 54:07 ...
G2 vs OG EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 G2 Esports vs Origen Week 4 Day 1 | OG vs G2 - Origen vs G2 Esports
Picks 5:55 | Match Starts 13:41 | Interview 54:07 | Sounds of the Game 58:54
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 33
Week: 4
Day: 1
Patch: 6.1
G2 Esports
TOP - Kikis
JUNGLE - Trick
MID - Perkz
ADC - Emperor
SUPP - Hybrid
TOP - Soaz
JUNGLE - Amazing
MID - PowerOfEvil
ADC - Zven
SUPP - Mithy
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
ⓕⓑ LCS Channel ►http://on.fb.me/1Sqnusq
ⓖ+ ►http://bit.ly/1Bpjrba
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ►Twitter - http://bit.ly/1BkVAtG
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓒⓗ ►Livestream: http://bit.ly/1BpjzYd
ⓓⓞⓝⓐⓣⓔ ►Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
wn.com/G2 Vs Og Eu Lcs W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 G2 Esports Vs Origen Week 4 Day 1
G2 vs OG EU LCS W4D1 Spring 2016 Season 6 G2 Esports vs Origen Week 4 Day 1 | OG vs G2 - Origen vs G2 Esports
Picks 5:55 | Match Starts 13:41 | Interview 54:07 | Sounds of the Game 58:54
►Alphadraft - Draft LCS teams and win money competing with fellow viewers - free to play entries: http://bit.ly/1FIFziX
►EU LCS Spring 2016 Playlist: http://bit.ly/231Wplw
Tournament: European LCS
Match: 33
Week: 4
Day: 1
Patch: 6.1
G2 Esports
TOP - Kikis
JUNGLE - Trick
MID - Perkz
ADC - Emperor
SUPP - Hybrid
TOP - Soaz
JUNGLE - Amazing
MID - PowerOfEvil
ADC - Zven
SUPP - Mithy
☻Match statistics and vods Leaguepedia: http://bit.ly/12F8GSq
✉ Social media below - Follow for regular updates
ⓕⓑ KazaGamez ►http://on.fb.me/1N5j0EH
ⓕⓑ LCS Channel ►http://on.fb.me/1Sqnusq
ⓖ+ ►http://bit.ly/1Bpjrba
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ►Twitter - http://bit.ly/1BkVAtG
ⓣⓦⓘⓣⓒⓗ ►Livestream: http://bit.ly/1BpjzYd
ⓓⓞⓝⓐⓣⓔ ►Paypal: http://bit.ly/1cBU6Jn
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1oZa2wJ
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 5946
G2 vs Origen - Semana 4 Día 1 - LCS EU en Español
Pronto la nueva temporada División de Honor en http://www.lvp.es...
Pronto la nueva temporada División de Honor en http://www.lvp.es
wn.com/G2 Vs Origen Semana 4 Día 1 Lcs Eu En Español
Pronto la nueva temporada División de Honor en http://www.lvp.es
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 14584
G2 Esports vs Origen - Game 3 - Week 4 Day 1 - S6 EU LCS Spring 2016
►Music channel : https://goo.gl/XkFcxn
►REDUCE YOUR LOL PING : http://goo.gl/G1G3om
►Music channel : https://goo.gl/XkFcxn
►REDUCE YOUR LOL PING : http://goo.gl/G1G3om
-Follow me on Facebook/twitter for some giveaways and keep up to date on those legendary games !
Subscribe for new videos! - http://bit.ly/tekglow
wn.com/G2 Esports Vs Origen Game 3 Week 4 Day 1 S6 Eu Lcs Spring 2016
►Music channel : https://goo.gl/XkFcxn
►REDUCE YOUR LOL PING : http://goo.gl/G1G3om
-Follow me on Facebook/twitter for some giveaways and keep up to date on those legendary games !
Subscribe for new videos! - http://bit.ly/tekglow
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 8796
HardcoreGames | Fireman // Hoje eu to fervendo
Essa gameplay é meio antiga, vai ter mais 2 vídeos essa semana...
Só posso voltar pra casa dia 9, pois está pintando.
Fez a thumb:
Patreon: https://www.patreo...
Essa gameplay é meio antiga, vai ter mais 2 vídeos essa semana...
Só posso voltar pra casa dia 9, pois está pintando.
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Arcano98?ty=h&alert;=2
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✦DPI → 450
✦Gravador → Action 120fps
✦ Editor → Sony vegas pro.11
✦ Twitter → @YuriDasQuebrada
✦ Mouse → Logitech G400S
✦ Teclado → Razer Blackwidow ultimate 2014
✦ Headset → Turtle Beach Px22
✦ Mousepad → Goliathus
∎Panela pvp:
∎TheCaioX: http://bit.ly/1gi9Nx6
∎Taster: http://bit.ly/1FdDEgY
∎Arcano: http://bit.ly/1FGBjjD
∎Pedro2053: http://bit.ly/1F1at0w
∎Fodangos :https://www.youtube.com/user/Elias9602
wn.com/Hardcoregames | Fireman Hoje Eu To Fervendo
Essa gameplay é meio antiga, vai ter mais 2 vídeos essa semana...
Só posso voltar pra casa dia 9, pois está pintando.
Fez a thumb:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Arcano98?ty=h&alert;=2
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Deixe seu like se quiser mais! ;D
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✦Reslução → 1360x768
✦DPI → 450
✦Gravador → Action 120fps
✦ Editor → Sony vegas pro.11
✦ Twitter → @YuriDasQuebrada
✦ Mouse → Logitech G400S
✦ Teclado → Razer Blackwidow ultimate 2014
✦ Headset → Turtle Beach Px22
✦ Mousepad → Goliathus
∎Panela pvp:
∎TheCaioX: http://bit.ly/1gi9Nx6
∎Taster: http://bit.ly/1FdDEgY
∎Arcano: http://bit.ly/1FGBjjD
∎Pedro2053: http://bit.ly/1F1at0w
∎Fodangos :https://www.youtube.com/user/Elias9602
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 5304