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Kieran Healy
Now on the lam in Bolivia.
Kieran Healy 19 h
Noises from Beneath — Angela Nagle reviews Laurie Penny.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Estonian hackers need to reinstall the botnet.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Personally I think opening up the debate on Human Sacrifice is a brave move for a Tory PM.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
You can tell how important Departments are to Universities by counting the clicks it takes to get to them from the front page.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Inbox 10^4.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Even the lowest US bin is 3x the OECD mean rate for death by assault.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Try watching Ireland play Germany.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Truly Scotland is the most accursed footballing nation on the face of the earth.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Ireland beat Germany! Holy shit.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
It's not fair to ask a nation to hold its breath for 20 minutes.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Just your usual post-school-shooting email campaign pitched to faculty. The marketing guys really work the angles.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Hospitals are an amazing source of data on what you might call highly amplified organizational processes.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
“Accepting any article with the word ‘cathexis’” would be doable; “Accepting only articles with the word ‘cathexis’”, not.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
The immediate massive and sustained volume of rejections would certainly establish a phenomenon in need of explanation.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
("Cathectic" was used in a good article by Molm et al. on trust in exchange from 2000.)
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Old-school theory: "Cathexis" appears in an AJS article for the first time since 1981. (Next one before that: 1963.)
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
They have some trend data in the PDF
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Kieran Healy ha retuitat
Dan Davies 8 oct.
can't talk, busy introducing lies into the Wikipedia page.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
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Kieran Healy 8 oct.
Incidentally, by comparison to FB it looks like the only people on Twitter are journalists and grad students.
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