Featured News

  • January 26 is Invasion Day and we all have a stake in it

    January 26 is Invasion Day and we all have a stake in it

    By David Elliott For many Australians January 26th represents a day off work, an invite to many barbeques and an opportunity to celebrate some of the quirks of Australian culture. For those of us critical of the use of nationalism as a political tool, the jingoism displayed in this day […]

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    Womens’ and LGBTIQ liberation in revolutionary Russia

    By Emma Quinn (Socialist Party, CWI in Ireland) Millions of people internationally are joining the fight against the oppression of women and LGBTIQ people, opening up debates as to how this discrimination and inequality can be ended once and for all. This article looks at the historic experience of the Russian Revolution and the radical progressive […]

  • China fears spread across global markets

    China fears spread across global markets

    Could the financial turmoil of the opening week set the tone for 2016? Per-Åke Westerlund, with additional reporting by Vincent Kolo Global financial markets started 2016 with a bang! A reprise of last summer’s chaotic falls on China’s stock markets triggered panic selling of shares, commodities and currencies around the […]

  • New movements, old dilemma: Reform or Revolution today

    New movements, old dilemma: Reform or Revolution today

    By Paul Murphy, Socialist Party TD in Ireland The election of the Syriza government in February 2015 was greeted with enthusiastic support by working class people in Greece and across Europe, only to turn into bitter disappointment after its capitulation to the Troika in July. As inequality and austerity continue […]

  • Beyond marriage: The fight to end LGBTIQ oppression

    Beyond marriage: The fight to end LGBTIQ oppression

    By Toby Dite Over the last decade the campaign for same sex marriage rights has taken centre stage in the struggle to end LGBTIQ oppression. There remains a major disconnect between the major parties and popular opinion, and the issue is seen by many as a legal barrier to social […]