Stop the persecution of Julian Assange!
5 February 2016
Despite a ruling that Assange has been subjected to “arbitrary detention,” both the UK and Sweden vow to continue his persecution.
Australian High Court sanctions indefinite offshore detention of refugees
4 February 2016
The decision sets a new global benchmark for the incarceration of men, women and children in conditions that amount to torture.
Pressure mounts on Australian government to challenge China in South China Sea
2 February 2016
“Freedom of navigation” is the threadbare pretext used to disguise US-led preparations for war with China.
Doctor challenges Australian government over refugee conditions on Nauru
2 February 2016
A paediatrics professor who worked in Nauru has condemned the indefinite detention of asylum seekers as torture, defying the police-state secrecy provisions of the Border Force Act.

Australian teenager arrested for documents “connected” to terrorism
1 February 2016
The vague charges underscore the increasingly repressive sweep of Australia’s “anti-terrorism” laws.
Former army chief named “Australian of the Year”
29 January 2016
The award is part of a broader campaign to normalise military involvement in political life, under conditions of escalating militarism and war.
Australian Treasury head demands deep spending cuts
29 January 2016
Fraser’s speech is part of a mounting ideological offensive by the financial and corporate elite to combat public hostility to the austerity agenda.
Russian arms consignment arrives in Fiji
28 January 2016
The shipment underlines the deepening geo-strategic tensions in the Pacific.