- published: 14 Aug 2015
- views: 9191632
Dr Pepper is a carbonated soft drink marketed as having a unique flavor. The drink was created in the 1880s by Charles Alderton in Waco, Texas and first served around 1885. Dr Pepper was first nationally marketed in the United States in 1904, and is now also sold in Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand (as an imported drink), South Africa (also as an imported drink), and South America. Variants include a version without high fructose corn syrup, Diet Dr Pepper, as well as a line of additional flavors, first introduced in the 2000s.
W.W. Clements, former CEO and president of the Dr Pepper/7-Up Company, described the taste of Dr Pepper as one-of-a-kind, saying, "I've always maintained you cannot tell anyone what Dr Pepper tastes like because it's so different. It's not an apple, it's not an orange, it's not a strawberry, it's not a root beer, it's not even a cola. It's a different kind of drink with a unique taste all its own."
The U.S. Patent Office recognizes December 1, 1885, as the first time Dr Pepper was served. It was introduced nationally in the United States at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition as a new kind of soda pop, made with 23 flavors. Its introduction in 1885 preceded the introduction of Coca-Cola by one year.
Pepper or Peppers may refer to:
The genus Piper of the pepper family (Piperaceae), including for example:
The genus Capsicum of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), including for example:
The genus Pimenta (genus) of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae), including for example:
Other plants known as peppers:
Diplo x CL x RiFF RAFF x OG Maco - Doctor Pepper (Official Music Video)
Doctor Pepper - Diplo X CL / Mina Myoung Choreography
Diplo X CL X RiFF RAFF X OG Maco - Doctor Pepper [Official Full Stream]
Nghệ Thuật Quyến rũ - Dr Pepper bàn về Phụ nữ & Sắc đẹp (VTV2)
Giant Dr Pepper Gummy Bottle (2 Liter Gummy Cola Bottle) from Cupcakes and Cardio
Dr Pepper: Rối loạn Cảm xúc Lưỡng cực
How To Make Dr Pepper
Dr Pepper Taste Test Challenge w/ Hbomb
The official music video for Diplo x CL x RiFF RAFF x OG Maco - Doctor Pepper. Subscribe to the official Mad Decent YouTube channel to stream Doctor Pepper and releases from artists like Diplo or show support by buying "Doctor Pepper" on iTunes. Support Doctor Pepper on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/DoctorPepper Stream Doctor Pepper: http://smarturl.it/StreamDoctorPepper Directed by Uzi Co-Directed by Prettypuke Shot by FubuGhost & Madison McKamey Edited by Fubughost, Uzi & Madison McKamey VFX by Ash Travers & Jon Eisener Produced by illroots Diplo teams up with South Korean superstar CL, RiFF RAFF and OG Maco for the official Uzi directed music video for “Doctor Pepper”! CL lays down a flawless hook you'll find stuck in your head almost immediately. Cue RiFF’s Versace rhymes and OG Maco’s...
Mina Myoung teaches choreography to Doctor Pepper by Diplo and CL. Learn from instructors of 1MILLION Dance Studio in YouTube! 1MILLION Dance TUTORIALS YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/A5ow6s 1MILLION Dance Studio YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/1milliondancestudioasia OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://www.1milliondance.com INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/1milliondance FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/1milliondancestudio 1MILLION Dance Studio & 1MILLION Dance Tutorials
The official Mad Decent YouTube release Diplo X CL X RiFF RAFF X OG Maco - Doctor Pepper. Stream the full track and other Artist releases here or show support on iTunes. Support on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/DoctorPepper Stream Doctor Pepper: http://smarturl.it/StreamDoctorPepper Diplo teams up with South Korean superstar CL, RiFF RAFF and OG Maco for “Doctor Pepper”! CL lays down a flawless hook you'll find stuck in your head almost immediately. Cue RiFF’s Versace rhymes and OG Maco’s Atlanta-style rap and you’ll find yourself driving backwards through Rome in a Range Rover, blaring "Doctor Pepper" on repeat all day long. Produced by Diplo & Swizzymack Mixed & Mastered by Mike Dean Follow Diplo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/diplo Twitter: http://twitter.com/DIPLO Soundcloud: http...
Có phải người phụ nữ đẹp lúc nào cũng hấp dẫn và quyến rũ được đàn ông? Hãy cùng Dr Pepper - Tiến sĩ Tâm lý Trị liệu Phan Thị Huyền Trân - người sáng lập và là Giảng viên chính của các khoá học Nghệ thuật Quyến rũ, Lớp học Hạnh phúc, Quý cô Thú vị... đang được hàng ngàn phụ nữ trên cả nước yêu mến - bàn vể chủ đề: Phụ nữ & Sắc đẹp trong chương trình 23 giờ của VTV2. Tìm hiểu về Dr Pepper và các khoá học của cô tại: facebook.com/NgheThuatQuyenRu
Subscribe: http://goo.gl/tuamEz BUY MY COOKBOOK: http://cookiescupcakesandcardio.com/?page_id=7366 Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER here: http://madmimi.com/signups/28657/join Read the blog post here: http://cookiescupcakesandcardio.com/?p=7942 Visit my blog at: http://cookiescupcakesandcardio.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/CupcakesandCardio# Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/cupcakescardio Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CookiesCupcakesandCardio/ Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Cookiescupcakesandcardio Tumblr: http://cookiescupcakesandcardio.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CupcakeNCardio How to a Make Giant Gummy Cola Bottle (Coca Cola, Crush, Sprite, Rootbeer) https://youtu.be/PRKRu6k3ao0 Ingredients -2L Dr Pepper -28 envelopes (196 grams) gelatine Procedure 1. Combin...
Rối loạn cảm xúc lưỡng cực (gọi tắt là rối loạn cảm xúc) là một bệnh lý thuộc phạm trù rối loạn cảm xúc. Người bệnh “vui buồn thất thường”, có lúc vui quá tột độ (gọi là hưng cảm) hoặc có lúc buồn quá mức (gọi là trầm cảm). Thường “Hưng cảm” xuất hiện nhiều ở đàn ông , còn “Trầm cảm” xuất hiện nhiều ở phụ nữ. 2 luồng cảm xúc này xen lẫn nhau, thường xuyên xảy ra và tần xuất lặp lại nhiều lần. Rối loạn cảm xúc lưỡng cực là chứng bệnh tâm lí xếp thứ hai trong danh sách các bệnh rối loạn tâm thần phổ biến nhất thế giới. Thậm chí, căn bệnh này hiện đang đe dọa cuộc sống của 6% dân số các nước châu Âu và châu Mỹ! Trước đây bệnh này chỉ xuất hiện ở người già trên 50 tuổi nhưng trong xã hội hiện đại như hiện nay, bệnh ngày càng trẻ hoá và tuổi teen là độ tuổi phát bệnh rối loạn cảm xúc cao nhấ...
Today I reveal yet another top secret beverage recipe, this time Dr Pepper! I have been trying to recreate the famous drink for almost a month now, and this morning I finally hit the correct formula. This homemade Dr Pepper tastes exactly the same as the original you buy from the shops. No doubt the company that makes Dr Pepper will see this video and have it removed, so SHARE it with as many people as possible before they do!! Click Here To Eggscribe! --► http://bit.ly/Eggscribe Have a video Suggestion? Post it in the Comments Section, Contact me through my Facebook page or Tweet me! T-Shirts & Merchandise -- http://howtobasic.spreadshirt.com/ Like me on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/HowToBasic Follow me on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/HowToBasic Follow me on Instagram! ...
Welcome to the Dr Pepper taste test Challlenge with Hbomb! This video is the first video in the pax marathon giveaway! If you don't know whats happening, check out the animation from yesterday! -------------------------------- Follow me on: Twitter! https://twitter.com/Parker_GamesMC Twitch! http://twitch.tv/mineplex Youtube! http://youtube.com/ParkerGames Instagram! http://instagram.com/parkergamesmc ----------------------------------- Want to play mineplex but don't know how? Check out this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iP4THTc0X0 Website: http://www.mineplex.com IP: us.mineplex.com eu.mineplex.com
Throwback to a warm summer day when we helped Dr Pepper Sverige keeping their soft drinks cold during a sampling in Stockholm, Sweden. Thanks for the partnership! Subscribe to our channel for more cool partnerships and find out more about us here: http://ifoodbag.com
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Come by and see us in the Creative Arts Building! We'll have Dr Pepper Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and Howdy Heroes from around the State of Texas helping out and demonstrating how the 240,000+ Adults with Special Needs of North Texas can make positive, impactful, successful contributions in our communities!
Dr Pepper is a carbonated soft drink marketed as having a unique flavor. The drink was created in the 1880s by Charles Alderton in Waco, Texas and first served around 1885. Dr Pepper was first nationally marketed in the United States in 1904, and is now also sold in Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and South America, as well as New Zealand and South Africa as an imported good. Variants include a version without high fructose corn syrup, Diet Dr Pepper, as well as a line of additional flavors, first introduced in the 2000s. Dr Pepper is not like Rootbeer or Sarsi or Cola Like and SHARE-IT-AROUND and you will help me a lot Support Gerryko Malaysia: https://www.patreon.com/gerrykomalaysia
http://www.drpeppertuition.com/profile Click here to vote for me!!!!
What is up guys Basic here and im here to tell your i bit about my channel 1st my channel is family friendly 2. i all ways like to have the best pc, mic ,intro ,outro and more and last but not least my goal on youtube is to get to a total of 100 subscribers and i i know with your help I also play on the PS4 - Basic
Created with WeVideo Video Editor (http://www.wevideo.com). Download Android App at http://bit.ly/10xf4Ec
Watch as Shibby and the rest of the Dr Pepper Ultimate Gaming House Crew hook up Ryan Torres from Kearny, NJ with the ultimate gaming setup.
Chứng ái kỷ, hay còn gọi là bệnh tự yêu mình (tên tiếng Anh: narcissistic personality disorder) được xem là một dạng rối loạn nhân cách khi một người có biểu hiện tự cao, ảo tưởng, thiếu đồng cảm với người khác. Hãy nghe Dr Pepper bàn về hiện tượng này nhé, trong chương trình Bí mật của Tạo hoá. Tìm hiểu về Dr Pepper: www.NgheThuatQuyenRu.com - facebook.com/NgheThuatquyenRu
Rick & Topsy bellyflop into a sea of aspartame and high fructose corn syrup to see which doctors are legit and which need their licenses revoked. http://www.patreon.com/icwxp http://www.facebook.com/icwxp http://www.twitter.com/icwxp http://www.icwxp.com
►Homepage: http://www.summoners-inn.de/de/start ►Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/besserwerdenimranked ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/SummonersInnDE ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summonersinn.de ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/summoners_inn
Das #DPAT2016 Finale live von der Gamescom2016. 1. Halbfinale: Fnoop vs. Palzau 2. Halbfinale: Ikarus vs. Ekop Finale: Fnoop vs. Ekop Caster: P4wnyhof und C4mlann Host: HandofBlood -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/c4mlann
Be the next winner! Go to http://majorleaguegaming.com/ugh to submit your entry! Shibby & crew return for the second episode of the Dr Pepper Ultimate Gaming House. This time the crew leaves cold and travels to sunny California to make another lucky gamer's dreams come true! You won't believe the extra hook-ups this time around, including the first ever time the UGH let's the winner pick part of their own prizes with a special shopping spree at the Microsoft Store! Debuted at the MLG Spring Championship in Anaheim 2013.
Nghệ Thuật Nói Lôi Cuốn - Người Dẫn Đường - Nghệ Thuật Quyến Rũ: Ly hôn không phải sự thất bại của một con người (Dr Pepper - Tiến sĩ Tâm lý Phan. Rối loạn cảm xúc lưỡng cực (gọi tắt là rối loạn cảm xúc) là một bệnh lý thuộc phạm trù rối loạn cảm xúc. Người bệnh “vui buồn thất thường”,. Để cơ thể khoẻ mạnh phải chăm sóc mỗi ngày. Món ăn ngon cần được thêm gia vị. Vậy Hạnh phúc liệu có phải là Gia vị không thể thiếu cho cuộc.
LEAVE A LIKE FOR MORE CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY! ● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ZerkaaHD ● Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ZerkaaHD ● FIFA Channel: http://www.youtube.com/ZerkaaHD ● Sidemen Clothing: http://www.sidemenclothing.com SIDEMEN: ● Miniminter: http://www.youtube.com/MM7Games ● Behzinga: http://www.youtube.com/Beh2inga ● Vikkstar123: http://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123 ● TBJZL: http://www.youtube.com/editingaming ● Wroetoshaw: http://www.youtube.com/BlueJumperGaming ● KSI: http://www.youtube.com/KSIOlajidebtHD How I Record My Gameplay: http://e.lga.to/zerkaa
There's a light in your soul, that says you're one of a kind,