Armed Forces of the Russian Federation — Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации
Music: Sonic Symphony – Sky Sentinels
Russian Federation, Moscow and Saint Petersburg City Tour, in 3D + HD
Russian Federation, Moscow City (Москва Сити 2011), Business Center and Saint Petersburg City Tour by Night (with Time Lapse Scenes), in 3D + HD Saint Peters...
Russia National anthem Russian & English lyrics
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, "Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii") is the nation...
Federal Agency for Tourism, Russian Federation
Russia... Large, endless and amazing. Its territory and culture are so diverse that you can travel in Russia as often as possible -- and every time you will ...
National Anthem of the Russian Federation - "Гимн России"
El Himno Estatal de la Federación Rusa (en ruso: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, Gosudárstvenni Gimn Rossíiskoi Federátsii) es el himno nacional de Rusia. Es una adaptación del himno de la Unión Soviética de 1944 y 1977, cuya música compuso originalmente Aleksandr Aleksándrov. La letra para el himno de la Federación Rusa fue revisada por Serguéi Mijalkov
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/National Anthem of the Russian Federation
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/
National Anthem of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the orchestra of the Egyptian army, 2015-02-10.
MRE Review: Russian Federation IRP
Pretty sure this is a commercial type. Enjoy!
For other great MRE Reviews check out:
Gshultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9
Kiwi Dude: https://www.youtube.com/user/KiwiDudeMRE
Gundog on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Gundog4314sRationReviews?fref=photo
For information U.S. and Foreign Rations check out mreinfo.com
MRE Info: http://www.mreinfo.com/
RHS: Escalation - Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - ArmA 3 Mod
Today I look at the first half of RHS: Escalation. RHS(Red Hammer Studios) has released Escalation, a two part mod-pack. The first part is Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the second part being United States Armed Forces.
You can choose to download either the Russian, American, or both parts of the pack(a.k.a. "Escalation"). The quality is absolutely top notch. Hope you guys enjoy, an
Anthem of the Russian Federation
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation, Госудáрственный гимн Росси́йской Федерáции. (1080p HD)
2010 | Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | HD | High Definition Trailer
Attention: All footage/clips and music are the property of their respective owners/creators. ----------------------------------------------------------------...
Documentary: Crimea Returns to Russia
Crimea has overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation after the democratically-elected Yanukovych government was overthrown in K...
Kadyrov Pledges Chechen support to the Russian Federation
Transcript: Marina
Translation: Eugene(English), Dagmar (German)
Production: Marina & Augmented Ether
The Saker's in-depth geopolitical analysis: vineyardsaker.net/ - English
Oceania Saker:
vineyardsaker.co.nz/ - English
Russian Saker:
vineyardsaker.ru - Russian/русский
French Saker:
vineyardsaker.fr - French/français
German Saker:
vineyardsaker.de - German/deutsch
Hero of the Russian Federation Ceremony: Raw, June 2, 2014
Rusev gets awarded a very prestigious Russian honor.
Russian Federation (RUS) Team Free Preliminary Kazan World Championships 2015
Visítanos: synchro.foroactivo.com
Twitter: @synchroforo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroForo
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
2014 © Gio Nebieridze
O!.. Russian Federation?! Welcome to Ukraine!!!
Русские туристы, нарушившие скоростной режим в Украине, явно не рассчитывали на такую образованность украинского "гаишника" )))
Arma 3 Mod - RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation
This Armaholic review video presents the RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation mod for Arma 3.
Hello and welcome to another video from Para from 3 commando in this video we take a look at the newly release mod for Arma 3 - RHS: Escalation (AFRF and USAF) Release 0.3.0.
The Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation mod is a realistic representation of the Russian milita
RHS : Russian Federation First Look - ArmA 3
All the rough ports are WIP, but even then the mod looks great! For being version 0.3, this is really playable already. This isn't a review or anything. Anything I missed? Throw a comment below. Probably something I did wrong. :P
A showcase of RHS: Escalation's Russian Federation faction. Mainly a look at one skin of most vehicles, the VDV units. There are plenty of other skins, but then we'd hav
Russian Federation SU-34
Just a quick mash up i pieced together and edited, enjoy. Sukhoi Su-34 General characteristics: Crew: Two Length: 23.34 m (72 ft 2 in) Wingspan: 14.7 m (48 f...
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
Video Director: Panikaha
Music: Пелагея - "Ой, то не вечер"
RHS: AFRF модификация для Arma 3, включающая в себя большое количество новой техники, пехоты и миссий.
State Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russia) Parody, ThDubya
Don't miss my other anthems! So far, the parodies for the UK (twice), Canada, Germany, Norway, France, the US, Russia, Italy, Sweden, China, Japan, Israel, N...
Russian National Anthem with english lyrics (+ anti-Putin protests)
The anthem of the Russian Federation, with the lyrics provided in English. please like! This video highlights the beauty of Russia's landscape, major cities and culture; it also includes footage of pro-democracy protests and demonstrations against Putin's actions in Ukraine. I believe history will remember Boris Nemtsov as far more patriotic, in the true sense of the word, than Putin.
I include
Media briefing “Russian Federation Armed Forces fighting against international terrorism. New data”
(complete footage)
Russian Federation, Moscow and Saint Petersburg City Tour, in 3D + HD
Russian Federation, Moscow City (Москва Сити 2011), Business Center and Saint Petersburg City Tour by Night (with Time Lapse Scenes), in 3D + HD Saint Peters......
Russian Federation, Moscow City (Москва Сити 2011), Business Center and Saint Petersburg City Tour by Night (with Time Lapse Scenes), in 3D + HD Saint Peters...
wn.com/Russian Federation, Moscow And Saint Petersburg City Tour, In 3D Hd
Russian Federation, Moscow City (Москва Сити 2011), Business Center and Saint Petersburg City Tour by Night (with Time Lapse Scenes), in 3D + HD Saint Peters...
Russia National anthem Russian & English lyrics
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, "Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii") is the nation......
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, "Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii") is the nation...
wn.com/Russia National Anthem Russian English Lyrics
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, "Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii") is the nation...
Federal Agency for Tourism, Russian Federation
Russia... Large, endless and amazing. Its territory and culture are so diverse that you can travel in Russia as often as possible -- and every time you will ......
Russia... Large, endless and amazing. Its territory and culture are so diverse that you can travel in Russia as often as possible -- and every time you will ...
wn.com/Federal Agency For Tourism, Russian Federation
Russia... Large, endless and amazing. Its territory and culture are so diverse that you can travel in Russia as often as possible -- and every time you will ...
National Anthem of the Russian Federation - "Гимн России"
El Himno Estatal de la Federación Rusa (en ruso: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, Gosudárstvenni Gimn Rossíiskoi Feder...
El Himno Estatal de la Federación Rusa (en ruso: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, Gosudárstvenni Gimn Rossíiskoi Federátsii) es el himno nacional de Rusia. Es una adaptación del himno de la Unión Soviética de 1944 y 1977, cuya música compuso originalmente Aleksandr Aleksándrov. La letra para el himno de la Federación Rusa fue revisada por Serguéi Mijalkov a partir de las letras de sus propias versiones del himno soviético de 1943 y 1977. Esta tercera y última versión elimina todas las menciones al nombre e ideas de Stalin y la «irrompible unión» del Estado Soviético, centrándose en su lugar en describir un país extenso y con grandes cantidades de recursos confiados a las generaciones futuras.
A finales del año 2000, el presidente Vladímir Putin decidió adoptar el himno, que sustituyó a La canción patriótica, que había sido el himno oficial desde 1990. Este hecho no ha estado exento de polémica, dado que, aunque la letra ya no tiene nada que ver con la Rusia de Stalin, la música es la misma que usaba la Unión Soviética.
The State Anthem of the Russian Federation is the name of the official national anthem of Russia. Its musical composition and lyrics were adopted from the National Anthem of the Soviet Union, composed by Alexander Alexandrov, and lyricists Sergey Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan. The Soviet anthem was used from 1944, replacing "The Internationale" with a more Russian-centric song. The anthem was amended in 1956 to remove lyrics that had references to former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The anthem was amended again in 1977 to introduce new lyrics written by Mikhalkov.
Public perception of the anthem is mixed among Russians. The anthem reminds some of the best days of Russia and past sacrifices, while it reminds others of the violence that occurred under the rule of Stalin. The Russian government contends that the anthem is a symbol of the unity of the people, and that it respects the past. A 2009 poll showed that 56% of respondents felt proud when hearing the anthem, and 81% liked it.
Die Hymne der Russischen Föderation (russisch Гимн Российской Федерации/Gimn Rossijskoi Federazii) ist seit dem 30. Dezember 2000 die offizielle Nationalhymne der Russischen Föderation. Der Text des Liedes wurde von Sergei Michalkow gedichtet. Die Melodie stammt von Alexander Alexandrow.
Die Hymne der Russischen Föderation ist ein Abbild der Gimn Sowjetskowo Sojusa, der Hymne der Sowjetunion. Einzig der Text des Liedes wurde umgeschrieben, und zwar von Sergei Michalkow, der auch schon den Text der sowjetischen Hymne gedichtet hatte.
Die Hymne wurde im Jahre 2000 durch den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin ausgetauscht und ersetzte das bis dahin textlose und auch deshalb wenig beliebte, bzw. als uninspirierend empfundene Patriotische Lied, das von 1991 bis 2000 die Nationalhymne der Russischen Föderation war.
Der erste offizielle Spieltermin der Hymne war der Amtsantritt des Präsidenten Putin im Kreml.
Госуда́рственный гимн Росси́йской Федера́ции является одним из главных официальных государственных символов Российской Федерации, наряду с флагом и гербом. Музыка и основа текста были заимствованы из гимна Советского Союза, мелодию к которому написал Александр Александров на стихи Сергея Михалкова и Габриэля Эль-Регистана.
wn.com/National Anthem Of The Russian Federation Гимн России
El Himno Estatal de la Federación Rusa (en ruso: Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, Gosudárstvenni Gimn Rossíiskoi Federátsii) es el himno nacional de Rusia. Es una adaptación del himno de la Unión Soviética de 1944 y 1977, cuya música compuso originalmente Aleksandr Aleksándrov. La letra para el himno de la Federación Rusa fue revisada por Serguéi Mijalkov a partir de las letras de sus propias versiones del himno soviético de 1943 y 1977. Esta tercera y última versión elimina todas las menciones al nombre e ideas de Stalin y la «irrompible unión» del Estado Soviético, centrándose en su lugar en describir un país extenso y con grandes cantidades de recursos confiados a las generaciones futuras.
A finales del año 2000, el presidente Vladímir Putin decidió adoptar el himno, que sustituyó a La canción patriótica, que había sido el himno oficial desde 1990. Este hecho no ha estado exento de polémica, dado que, aunque la letra ya no tiene nada que ver con la Rusia de Stalin, la música es la misma que usaba la Unión Soviética.
The State Anthem of the Russian Federation is the name of the official national anthem of Russia. Its musical composition and lyrics were adopted from the National Anthem of the Soviet Union, composed by Alexander Alexandrov, and lyricists Sergey Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan. The Soviet anthem was used from 1944, replacing "The Internationale" with a more Russian-centric song. The anthem was amended in 1956 to remove lyrics that had references to former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The anthem was amended again in 1977 to introduce new lyrics written by Mikhalkov.
Public perception of the anthem is mixed among Russians. The anthem reminds some of the best days of Russia and past sacrifices, while it reminds others of the violence that occurred under the rule of Stalin. The Russian government contends that the anthem is a symbol of the unity of the people, and that it respects the past. A 2009 poll showed that 56% of respondents felt proud when hearing the anthem, and 81% liked it.
Die Hymne der Russischen Föderation (russisch Гимн Российской Федерации/Gimn Rossijskoi Federazii) ist seit dem 30. Dezember 2000 die offizielle Nationalhymne der Russischen Föderation. Der Text des Liedes wurde von Sergei Michalkow gedichtet. Die Melodie stammt von Alexander Alexandrow.
Die Hymne der Russischen Föderation ist ein Abbild der Gimn Sowjetskowo Sojusa, der Hymne der Sowjetunion. Einzig der Text des Liedes wurde umgeschrieben, und zwar von Sergei Michalkow, der auch schon den Text der sowjetischen Hymne gedichtet hatte.
Die Hymne wurde im Jahre 2000 durch den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin ausgetauscht und ersetzte das bis dahin textlose und auch deshalb wenig beliebte, bzw. als uninspirierend empfundene Patriotische Lied, das von 1991 bis 2000 die Nationalhymne der Russischen Föderation war.
Der erste offizielle Spieltermin der Hymne war der Amtsantritt des Präsidenten Putin im Kreml.
Госуда́рственный гимн Росси́йской Федера́ции является одним из главных официальных государственных символов Российской Федерации, наряду с флагом и гербом. Музыка и основа текста были заимствованы из гимна Советского Союза, мелодию к которому написал Александр Александров на стихи Сергея Михалкова и Габриэля Эль-Регистана.
- published: 14 Dec 2014
- views: 103
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/National Anthem of the Russian Federation
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/
National Anthem of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the orchestra of the Egyptian army, 2015-02-10.
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/
National Anthem of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the orchestra of the Egyptian army, 2015-02-10.
wn.com/Военный Оркестр Египта Исполнил Гимн России National Anthem Of The Russian Federation
Военный оркестр Египта исполнил Гимн России/
National Anthem of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the orchestra of the Egyptian army, 2015-02-10.
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 1091147
MRE Review: Russian Federation IRP
Pretty sure this is a commercial type. Enjoy!
For other great MRE Reviews check out:
Gshultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9
Kiwi Dude: https://www.yo...
Pretty sure this is a commercial type. Enjoy!
For other great MRE Reviews check out:
Gshultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9
Kiwi Dude: https://www.youtube.com/user/KiwiDudeMRE
Gundog on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Gundog4314sRationReviews?fref=photo
For information U.S. and Foreign Rations check out mreinfo.com
MRE Info: http://www.mreinfo.com/
wn.com/Mre Review Russian Federation Irp
Pretty sure this is a commercial type. Enjoy!
For other great MRE Reviews check out:
Gshultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9
Kiwi Dude: https://www.youtube.com/user/KiwiDudeMRE
Gundog on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Gundog4314sRationReviews?fref=photo
For information U.S. and Foreign Rations check out mreinfo.com
MRE Info: http://www.mreinfo.com/
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 3946
RHS: Escalation - Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - ArmA 3 Mod
Today I look at the first half of RHS: Escalation. RHS(Red Hammer Studios) has released Escalation, a two part mod-pack. The first part is Armed Forces of the R...
Today I look at the first half of RHS: Escalation. RHS(Red Hammer Studios) has released Escalation, a two part mod-pack. The first part is Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the second part being United States Armed Forces.
You can choose to download either the Russian, American, or both parts of the pack(a.k.a. "Escalation"). The quality is absolutely top notch. Hope you guys enjoy, and be sure to vote for it if you like it in Make ArmA not War! Check it all out on the BI forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184842-RHS-Escalation-%28AFRF-and-USAF%29-Release-0-3-0
For those curious, yes this was uploaded earlier today but it had a ~3min black spot and I couldn't figure out why. I had to take the video down and re-render it twice before it was finally fixed. Enjoy!
Also, check this out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184846-Jurassic-Arma-Raptor-Pack
Want to help support my channel? - http://www.patreon.com/jester814
Looking for high quality ArmA servers with admins that know what they're doing when it comes to ArmA? They have servers for all popular games too! Check out NFO: http://bit.ly/1lOx7Aw
Check out my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/Jester814
Facebook(I actually check this one often): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jester814/249522811833198
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jester814
Steam(major stream events announced here): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/jester814
Q: Why is the video only in 360p?
A: Because I make my videos available the instant they're done uploading, but it takes youtube time(up to several hours) to finish processing the videos in full HD. A lot of people either watch on platforms that 360p is fine, or simply don't mind the lower quality and want to watch the videos asap. Either watch in low quality or be patient.
Q: What are your system specs?
A: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 770 (I run ArmA anywhere between 20-60 FPS, on med-high settings)
Q: What do you use for recording?
A: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio.
Q: Why don't you play in First Person?
A: I'm a 3rd person gamer. I hate first person. It's unrealistically restricting. Please don't try to "convince" me otherwise as if I am unaware of the gaming style I prefer.
Q: Were you in the Military?
A: US Army 99-06, Radio Operator(25C). Non-Combat Veteran.
Q: Is that AI or real people?
A: If it's Wasteland or DayZ, it's real people. If it's an ArmA Mission it's AI unless I very specifically state otherwise. The 15th doesn't PvP.
Q: What ArmA 3 mods do you use?
A: cTab, Massi's USMC and Weapons, FHQ Accessories, ASDG Joint Rails, AV_ESS, CAF M72, Saul's F-18, MCC Sandbox, Outlaw's Mag Repack, RecoilFix, rev1 flashbangs, Robert Hammer's Pistols, AGM Suite, TFAR, inko disposable launchers, slatts m32, av_ess goggles, DAR MTVR Replacement, DAR HMMWVs, F35B, hafm a2 helis. In-House 15th mods: AAV, Burnes M1, Burnes LCAC, LCU, AT4
Q: Can I join your ArmA unit?
A: 15th MEU Realism Unit: http://www.15thmeu.net The 15th is always recruiting(Must be 17 or older, zero exceptions)
- Official 15th YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/15thmeurealismunit
This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved.
See http://www.bistudio.com for more information.
BIS monetization permission:
wn.com/Rhs Escalation Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation Arma 3 Mod
Today I look at the first half of RHS: Escalation. RHS(Red Hammer Studios) has released Escalation, a two part mod-pack. The first part is Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the second part being United States Armed Forces.
You can choose to download either the Russian, American, or both parts of the pack(a.k.a. "Escalation"). The quality is absolutely top notch. Hope you guys enjoy, and be sure to vote for it if you like it in Make ArmA not War! Check it all out on the BI forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184842-RHS-Escalation-%28AFRF-and-USAF%29-Release-0-3-0
For those curious, yes this was uploaded earlier today but it had a ~3min black spot and I couldn't figure out why. I had to take the video down and re-render it twice before it was finally fixed. Enjoy!
Also, check this out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184846-Jurassic-Arma-Raptor-Pack
Want to help support my channel? - http://www.patreon.com/jester814
Looking for high quality ArmA servers with admins that know what they're doing when it comes to ArmA? They have servers for all popular games too! Check out NFO: http://bit.ly/1lOx7Aw
Check out my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/Jester814
Facebook(I actually check this one often): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jester814/249522811833198
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jester814
Steam(major stream events announced here): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/jester814
Q: Why is the video only in 360p?
A: Because I make my videos available the instant they're done uploading, but it takes youtube time(up to several hours) to finish processing the videos in full HD. A lot of people either watch on platforms that 360p is fine, or simply don't mind the lower quality and want to watch the videos asap. Either watch in low quality or be patient.
Q: What are your system specs?
A: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 770 (I run ArmA anywhere between 20-60 FPS, on med-high settings)
Q: What do you use for recording?
A: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio.
Q: Why don't you play in First Person?
A: I'm a 3rd person gamer. I hate first person. It's unrealistically restricting. Please don't try to "convince" me otherwise as if I am unaware of the gaming style I prefer.
Q: Were you in the Military?
A: US Army 99-06, Radio Operator(25C). Non-Combat Veteran.
Q: Is that AI or real people?
A: If it's Wasteland or DayZ, it's real people. If it's an ArmA Mission it's AI unless I very specifically state otherwise. The 15th doesn't PvP.
Q: What ArmA 3 mods do you use?
A: cTab, Massi's USMC and Weapons, FHQ Accessories, ASDG Joint Rails, AV_ESS, CAF M72, Saul's F-18, MCC Sandbox, Outlaw's Mag Repack, RecoilFix, rev1 flashbangs, Robert Hammer's Pistols, AGM Suite, TFAR, inko disposable launchers, slatts m32, av_ess goggles, DAR MTVR Replacement, DAR HMMWVs, F35B, hafm a2 helis. In-House 15th mods: AAV, Burnes M1, Burnes LCAC, LCU, AT4
Q: Can I join your ArmA unit?
A: 15th MEU Realism Unit: http://www.15thmeu.net The 15th is always recruiting(Must be 17 or older, zero exceptions)
- Official 15th YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/15thmeurealismunit
This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved.
See http://www.bistudio.com for more information.
BIS monetization permission:
- published: 30 Oct 2014
- views: 301
Anthem of the Russian Federation
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation, Госудáрственный гимн Росси́йской Федерáции. (1080p HD)...
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation, Госудáрственный гимн Росси́йской Федерáции. (1080p HD)
wn.com/Anthem Of The Russian Federation
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation, Госудáрственный гимн Росси́йской Федерáции. (1080p HD)
- published: 01 Jan 2015
- views: 23
2010 | Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | HD | High Definition Trailer
Attention: All footage/clips and music are the property of their respective owners/creators. ----------------------------------------------------------------......
Attention: All footage/clips and music are the property of their respective owners/creators. ----------------------------------------------------------------...
wn.com/2010 | Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation | Hd | High Definition Trailer
Attention: All footage/clips and music are the property of their respective owners/creators. ----------------------------------------------------------------...
Documentary: Crimea Returns to Russia
Crimea has overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation after the democratically-elected Yanukovych government was overthrown in K......
Crimea has overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation after the democratically-elected Yanukovych government was overthrown in K...
wn.com/Documentary Crimea Returns To Russia
Crimea has overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation after the democratically-elected Yanukovych government was overthrown in K...
- published: 07 Apr 2014
- views: 4265
author: PressTVUK
Kadyrov Pledges Chechen support to the Russian Federation
Transcript: Marina
Translation: Eugene(English), Dagmar (German)
Production: Marina & Augmented Ether
The Saker's in-depth geopolitical analysis: vineyardsake...
Transcript: Marina
Translation: Eugene(English), Dagmar (German)
Production: Marina & Augmented Ether
The Saker's in-depth geopolitical analysis: vineyardsaker.net/ - English
Oceania Saker:
vineyardsaker.co.nz/ - English
Russian Saker:
vineyardsaker.ru - Russian/русский
French Saker:
vineyardsaker.fr - French/français
German Saker:
vineyardsaker.de - German/deutsch
wn.com/Kadyrov Pledges Chechen Support To The Russian Federation
Transcript: Marina
Translation: Eugene(English), Dagmar (German)
Production: Marina & Augmented Ether
The Saker's in-depth geopolitical analysis: vineyardsaker.net/ - English
Oceania Saker:
vineyardsaker.co.nz/ - English
Russian Saker:
vineyardsaker.ru - Russian/русский
French Saker:
vineyardsaker.fr - French/français
German Saker:
vineyardsaker.de - German/deutsch
- published: 30 Dec 2014
- views: 2418
Hero of the Russian Federation Ceremony: Raw, June 2, 2014
Rusev gets awarded a very prestigious Russian honor....
Rusev gets awarded a very prestigious Russian honor.
wn.com/Hero Of The Russian Federation Ceremony Raw, June 2, 2014
Rusev gets awarded a very prestigious Russian honor.
- published: 03 Jun 2014
- views: 22652
Russian Federation (RUS) Team Free Preliminary Kazan World Championships 2015
Visítanos: synchro.foroactivo.com
Twitter: @synchroforo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroForo...
Visítanos: synchro.foroactivo.com
Twitter: @synchroforo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroForo
wn.com/Russian Federation (Rus) Team Free Preliminary Kazan World Championships 2015
Visítanos: synchro.foroactivo.com
Twitter: @synchroforo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroForo
- published: 29 Jul 2015
- views: 1600
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
2014 © Gio Nebieridze...
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
2014 © Gio Nebieridze
wn.com/Триагрутрика Russian Federation
Триагрутрика - Russian Federation
2014 © Gio Nebieridze
- published: 09 Aug 2014
- views: 57
O!.. Russian Federation?! Welcome to Ukraine!!!
Русские туристы, нарушившие скоростной режим в Украине, явно не рассчитывали на такую образованность украинского "гаишника" )))...
Русские туристы, нарушившие скоростной режим в Украине, явно не рассчитывали на такую образованность украинского "гаишника" )))
wn.com/O .. Russian Federation Welcome To Ukraine
Русские туристы, нарушившие скоростной режим в Украине, явно не рассчитывали на такую образованность украинского "гаишника" )))
Arma 3 Mod - RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation
This Armaholic review video presents the RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation mod for Arma 3.
Hello and welcome to another video...
This Armaholic review video presents the RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation mod for Arma 3.
Hello and welcome to another video from Para from 3 commando in this video we take a look at the newly release mod for Arma 3 - RHS: Escalation (AFRF and USAF) Release 0.3.0.
The Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation mod is a realistic representation of the Russian military for Arma 3.
Countless vehicles representing both superpowers
New scratch built units and equipment
New weapons and attachments
Realism enhancements: random vehicle numbers and symbols, realistic Fire Control Systems, realistic PhysX profiles, atmospheric animations etc.
ALiVE compatibility
ZEUS compatibility
Task Force Arrowhead Radio compatibility
-- RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation
Custom content can break your game installation and/or cause harm to the device you are using it on. Install custom content with care. You always install it on your own risk!
Want more mods, addons, missions, scripts? Need some support or simply just want to be part of our community? Then come and join us:
Site: http://www.armaholic.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Armaholic
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Tumblr: http://armaholic.tumblr.com/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107822847213090391984/+armaholic/posts?hl=en_US
RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation by Red Hammer Studios
Blastcore A3 by Opticalsnare
SpeedOfSound by Bigpickle
3 Commando Mods In house own mods
Video by oO Para Oo visit his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AyOopLad
3 Commando: http://www.3cdobde.com/
Custom intro made by DarkXess.
This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive.
See http://www.bistudio.com for more information.
wn.com/Arma 3 Mod Rhs Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation
This Armaholic review video presents the RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation mod for Arma 3.
Hello and welcome to another video from Para from 3 commando in this video we take a look at the newly release mod for Arma 3 - RHS: Escalation (AFRF and USAF) Release 0.3.0.
The Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation mod is a realistic representation of the Russian military for Arma 3.
Countless vehicles representing both superpowers
New scratch built units and equipment
New weapons and attachments
Realism enhancements: random vehicle numbers and symbols, realistic Fire Control Systems, realistic PhysX profiles, atmospheric animations etc.
ALiVE compatibility
ZEUS compatibility
Task Force Arrowhead Radio compatibility
-- RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation
Custom content can break your game installation and/or cause harm to the device you are using it on. Install custom content with care. You always install it on your own risk!
Want more mods, addons, missions, scripts? Need some support or simply just want to be part of our community? Then come and join us:
Site: http://www.armaholic.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Armaholic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/armaholic_com
Tumblr: http://armaholic.tumblr.com/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107822847213090391984/+armaholic/posts?hl=en_US
RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation by Red Hammer Studios
Blastcore A3 by Opticalsnare
SpeedOfSound by Bigpickle
3 Commando Mods In house own mods
Video by oO Para Oo visit his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AyOopLad
3 Commando: http://www.3cdobde.com/
Custom intro made by DarkXess.
This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive.
See http://www.bistudio.com for more information.
- published: 29 Oct 2014
- views: 1615
RHS : Russian Federation First Look - ArmA 3
All the rough ports are WIP, but even then the mod looks great! For being version 0.3, this is really playable already. This isn't a review or anything. Anythin...
All the rough ports are WIP, but even then the mod looks great! For being version 0.3, this is really playable already. This isn't a review or anything. Anything I missed? Throw a comment below. Probably something I did wrong. :P
A showcase of RHS: Escalation's Russian Federation faction. Mainly a look at one skin of most vehicles, the VDV units. There are plenty of other skins, but then we'd have hundreds of vehicles.
Before you ask any questions in the comments, read through the FAQ:
Q: What are your specs?
A: https://www.youtube.com/user/PhantomsmediaTV/about
Q: Where can I get in touch with you?
A: http://twitter.com/PhantomsmediaTV or my Steam, Jani. Steam for collaboration and other important items, Twitter for saying hi!
Q: Where can I find out more about your group?
A: The best place is www.phantactical.com.
Q: How old do you have to be to join PhanTactical?
A: 18+, with no exceptions.
Q: What do I need to do to be a part?
A: Apply. Once accepted, we require that you're active on our forums and Teamspeak 3, as well as on ArmA nights. This is an ArmA group, but we're a group of friends as well. We are not just a bunch of randoms playing ArmA. Everyone knows each other.
Q: What is the average player count?
A: 30-35. The community is growing though, hopefully we can field a full platoon of 60 sometime soon.
Q: How often does PhanTactical have events?
A: Friday and Saturday at 4pm PST and 2pm PST respectively. An optional training on Tuesday, 4pm PST.
Q: Do I have to be a native English speaker?
A: Of course not, but you must speak fluent English.
Q: Is this community exclusively ArmA or can I play other games?
A: We're an ArmA group entirely, official events are always ArmA. Yet people use TS3 and forums to organize other games with friends within the group!
"This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s."
"Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved."
"See www.bistudio.com for more information."
Tags: ArmA 2 ArmA 3 OA Operation Arrowhead Combined Operations
wn.com/Rhs Russian Federation First Look Arma 3
All the rough ports are WIP, but even then the mod looks great! For being version 0.3, this is really playable already. This isn't a review or anything. Anything I missed? Throw a comment below. Probably something I did wrong. :P
A showcase of RHS: Escalation's Russian Federation faction. Mainly a look at one skin of most vehicles, the VDV units. There are plenty of other skins, but then we'd have hundreds of vehicles.
Before you ask any questions in the comments, read through the FAQ:
Q: What are your specs?
A: https://www.youtube.com/user/PhantomsmediaTV/about
Q: Where can I get in touch with you?
A: http://twitter.com/PhantomsmediaTV or my Steam, Jani. Steam for collaboration and other important items, Twitter for saying hi!
Q: Where can I find out more about your group?
A: The best place is www.phantactical.com.
Q: How old do you have to be to join PhanTactical?
A: 18+, with no exceptions.
Q: What do I need to do to be a part?
A: Apply. Once accepted, we require that you're active on our forums and Teamspeak 3, as well as on ArmA nights. This is an ArmA group, but we're a group of friends as well. We are not just a bunch of randoms playing ArmA. Everyone knows each other.
Q: What is the average player count?
A: 30-35. The community is growing though, hopefully we can field a full platoon of 60 sometime soon.
Q: How often does PhanTactical have events?
A: Friday and Saturday at 4pm PST and 2pm PST respectively. An optional training on Tuesday, 4pm PST.
Q: Do I have to be a native English speaker?
A: Of course not, but you must speak fluent English.
Q: Is this community exclusively ArmA or can I play other games?
A: We're an ArmA group entirely, official events are always ArmA. Yet people use TS3 and forums to organize other games with friends within the group!
"This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s."
"Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved."
"See www.bistudio.com for more information."
Tags: ArmA 2 ArmA 3 OA Operation Arrowhead Combined Operations
- published: 30 Oct 2014
- views: 533
Russian Federation SU-34
Just a quick mash up i pieced together and edited, enjoy. Sukhoi Su-34 General characteristics: Crew: Two Length: 23.34 m (72 ft 2 in) Wingspan: 14.7 m (48 f......
Just a quick mash up i pieced together and edited, enjoy. Sukhoi Su-34 General characteristics: Crew: Two Length: 23.34 m (72 ft 2 in) Wingspan: 14.7 m (48 f...
wn.com/Russian Federation Su 34
Just a quick mash up i pieced together and edited, enjoy. Sukhoi Su-34 General characteristics: Crew: Two Length: 23.34 m (72 ft 2 in) Wingspan: 14.7 m (48 f...
- published: 09 Feb 2011
- views: 26216
author: Wolfen126
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
Video Director: Panikaha
Music: Пелагея - "Ой, то не вечер"
RHS: AFRF модификация для Arma 3, в...
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
Video Director: Panikaha
Music: Пелагея - "Ой, то не вечер"
RHS: AFRF модификация для Arma 3, включающая в себя большое количество новой техники, пехоты и миссий.
wn.com/Rhs Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.3 Release Teaser
Video Director: Panikaha
Music: Пелагея - "Ой, то не вечер"
RHS: AFRF модификация для Arma 3, включающая в себя большое количество новой техники, пехоты и миссий.
- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 881
State Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russia) Parody, ThDubya
Don't miss my other anthems! So far, the parodies for the UK (twice), Canada, Germany, Norway, France, the US, Russia, Italy, Sweden, China, Japan, Israel, N......
Don't miss my other anthems! So far, the parodies for the UK (twice), Canada, Germany, Norway, France, the US, Russia, Italy, Sweden, China, Japan, Israel, N...
wn.com/State Anthem Of The Russian Federation (Russia) Parody, Thdubya
Don't miss my other anthems! So far, the parodies for the UK (twice), Canada, Germany, Norway, France, the US, Russia, Italy, Sweden, China, Japan, Israel, N...
- published: 16 Mar 2010
- views: 137218
author: ThDubya
Russian National Anthem with english lyrics (+ anti-Putin protests)
The anthem of the Russian Federation, with the lyrics provided in English. please like! This video highlights the beauty of Russia's landscape, major cities and...
The anthem of the Russian Federation, with the lyrics provided in English. please like! This video highlights the beauty of Russia's landscape, major cities and culture; it also includes footage of pro-democracy protests and demonstrations against Putin's actions in Ukraine. I believe history will remember Boris Nemtsov as far more patriotic, in the true sense of the word, than Putin.
I include scenes from the Sochi Olympics because it was a source of pride for the entire country, I don't think the Olympics should be politicized.
@0:20 troops raising the Soviet flag above the Reichstagg. Russia lost nearly 20 million of its citizens in ww2. The victory over the Nazis is still celebrated every year on May 9th.
@1:49 Russian special forces (spetsnaz). in the Caucasus, not the Crimea.
wn.com/Russian National Anthem With English Lyrics ( Anti Putin Protests)
The anthem of the Russian Federation, with the lyrics provided in English. please like! This video highlights the beauty of Russia's landscape, major cities and culture; it also includes footage of pro-democracy protests and demonstrations against Putin's actions in Ukraine. I believe history will remember Boris Nemtsov as far more patriotic, in the true sense of the word, than Putin.
I include scenes from the Sochi Olympics because it was a source of pride for the entire country, I don't think the Olympics should be politicized.
@0:20 troops raising the Soviet flag above the Reichstagg. Russia lost nearly 20 million of its citizens in ww2. The victory over the Nazis is still celebrated every year on May 9th.
@1:49 Russian special forces (spetsnaz). in the Caucasus, not the Crimea.
- published: 07 Sep 2015
- views: 30
Moscow travel guide (Russia)
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/
Russia Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land unites both Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe in which both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. The Kremlin is located on a forty metre high hill above the Moskva
Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others,
Russia: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Ba
St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of th
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
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Russia Travel Guide
Travel Guide & Information http://www.planettravelbug.com
Russia Travel Guide
Орловская область ЗЛЫНСКИЙ КОНЕЗАВОД Russia Travel Guide
Кабардино-Балкария ГОЛУБЫЕ ОЗЕРА Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
КИСЛОВОДСК Russia Travel Guide
Осетия Фиагдон ДАРГАВС "Город Мертвых" Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
ЯСНАЯ ПОЛЯНА Лев Толстой Russia Travel Guide
КОРЕННАЯ ПУСТЫНЬ Russia Travel Guide
Курская Коренная Рождество-Богородичная пустынь - мужской монастырь, находящийся в Курской области.
Среди древних русских обителей одной из самых известных с давних пор была Курская Коренная Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы Пустынь. Коренная пустынь расположена на правом берегу реки Тускарь в 30 километрах от Курска по направлению на север. Основана в 1597 году, на месте явления Курской Коренной ико
БОЛХОВ Russia Travel Guide
Крым ЛИВАДИЯ Дворец Солнечная Царская тропа Russia Travel Guide
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
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St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most import
SIBERIA - Wild Russia - Beautiful Wilderness - Travel documentary HD
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD!
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If you love documentaries about our beautiful world this is the channel for you!
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and most of all ENJOY!
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
Moskva Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main l
Saint Petersburg Tourism Video | Travel Guide
The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is the country's cultural heart. View splendid architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedral, and give yourself plenty of time to browse the world-renowned art collection of the Hermitage. Sprawling across the Neva River delta, St. Petersburg offers enough art, nightlife, fine dining and cultural destinations for many repeat vis
Moscow travel guide (Russia)
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/...
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/
wn.com/Moscow Travel Guide (Russia)
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/
- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 73147
Russia Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land u...
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land unites both Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe in which both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. The Kremlin is located on a forty metre high hill above the Moskva River and beyond its protective walls are numerous buildings, palaces, towers, squares and churches. The city’s history began with the construction of the Kremlin which lay at the very heart of the city and was for centuries Russia’s spiritual and political centre. A fascinating cruise travels across numerous rivers, canals and lakes within the heart of the former Tsar’s realm, past monasteries and timber built churches. In Uglič the Dimitrijvskaija Church is crowned with blue, onion-shaped domes that are adorned with stars. The red colour of the church is a symbol of bloodshed and the incidents that once occurred at this place of death gave rise to a time of confusion. St. Petersburg, known also as the Venice Of The North, contains splendid buildings such as the Winter Palace and the Eremitage. Twenty four thousand tree stumps were used for the foundation of Isaaks Cathedral that can accommodate a congregation of fourteen thousand. In Port Baikal is the modern Circum-Baikal train that takes a full day to travel around Lake Baikal and is one of the most difficult sections of the Trans-Siberian Railroad that travels from Moscow to as far as Vladivostok. Russia is huge and its nature, culture, immense contrast and dramatic history have formed the fascinating and colourful Russian soul.
wn.com/Russia Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land unites both Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe in which both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. The Kremlin is located on a forty metre high hill above the Moskva River and beyond its protective walls are numerous buildings, palaces, towers, squares and churches. The city’s history began with the construction of the Kremlin which lay at the very heart of the city and was for centuries Russia’s spiritual and political centre. A fascinating cruise travels across numerous rivers, canals and lakes within the heart of the former Tsar’s realm, past monasteries and timber built churches. In Uglič the Dimitrijvskaija Church is crowned with blue, onion-shaped domes that are adorned with stars. The red colour of the church is a symbol of bloodshed and the incidents that once occurred at this place of death gave rise to a time of confusion. St. Petersburg, known also as the Venice Of The North, contains splendid buildings such as the Winter Palace and the Eremitage. Twenty four thousand tree stumps were used for the foundation of Isaaks Cathedral that can accommodate a congregation of fourteen thousand. In Port Baikal is the modern Circum-Baikal train that takes a full day to travel around Lake Baikal and is one of the most difficult sections of the Trans-Siberian Railroad that travels from Moscow to as far as Vladivostok. Russia is huge and its nature, culture, immense contrast and dramatic history have formed the fascinating and colourful Russian soul.
- published: 20 Nov 2014
- views: 13529
Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is...
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others, and join in the sense of pride Russia feels for its literary tradition. Moscow has named a number of its parks and open spaces after its poets and authors, so take a break at the fountain in Pushkin Square, or rest beneath the leafy trees in Gorky Park. When you’ve gotten your fill of literary splendor, head to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonauts, where you can learn about the Soviet Union’s efforts to reach the stars and the epic space race that lasted from 1955 to 1972.
Moscow is a city of creativity and innovation, but is also very much aware of its own history; as such, a haunting part of any Moscow sightseeing is a visit to the Fallen Monument Park. After the fall of the Soviet Union, countless statues and monuments were removed from their pedestals and moved to this park. Over the years, more modern artwork and sculptures have been added, turning the park into a strange, yet peaceful graveyard of former icons.
What is your favorite part of Moscow?
Visit our Moscow travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
wn.com/Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others, and join in the sense of pride Russia feels for its literary tradition. Moscow has named a number of its parks and open spaces after its poets and authors, so take a break at the fountain in Pushkin Square, or rest beneath the leafy trees in Gorky Park. When you’ve gotten your fill of literary splendor, head to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonauts, where you can learn about the Soviet Union’s efforts to reach the stars and the epic space race that lasted from 1955 to 1972.
Moscow is a city of creativity and innovation, but is also very much aware of its own history; as such, a haunting part of any Moscow sightseeing is a visit to the Fallen Monument Park. After the fall of the Soviet Union, countless statues and monuments were removed from their pedestals and moved to this park. Over the years, more modern artwork and sculptures have been added, turning the park into a strange, yet peaceful graveyard of former icons.
What is your favorite part of Moscow?
Visit our Moscow travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 241777
Russia: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn...
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Basil's Cathedral
2. Hermitage Museum
3. Moscow Kremlin
4. Suzdal
5. Lake Baikal
6. St Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod
7. Kizhi Island
8. Valley of Geysers
9. Mount Elbrus
10. Trans-Siberian Railway
wn.com/Russia 10 Top Tourist Attractions Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Basil's Cathedral
2. Hermitage Museum
3. Moscow Kremlin
4. Suzdal
5. Lake Baikal
6. St Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod
7. Kizhi Island
8. Valley of Geysers
9. Mount Elbrus
10. Trans-Siberian Railway
- published: 13 Nov 2014
- views: 1440
St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city...
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of the Savior on Blood (one of the greatest landmarks of St. Petersburg, its striking facade leaves a memorable impression on visitors that come from around the world), St. Isaac's Cathedral (one of Russia's largest churches. Constructed in the 19th century, a French-born architect created this remarkable structure), Peterhof Palace (Peter the Great built this incredibly luxurious imperial palace. Situated by the gulf of Finland, it was built in the early 18th century), Hermitage and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important St. Petersburg travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide Must See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of the Savior on Blood (one of the greatest landmarks of St. Petersburg, its striking facade leaves a memorable impression on visitors that come from around the world), St. Isaac's Cathedral (one of Russia's largest churches. Constructed in the 19th century, a French-born architect created this remarkable structure), Peterhof Palace (Peter the Great built this incredibly luxurious imperial palace. Situated by the gulf of Finland, it was built in the early 18th century), Hermitage and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important St. Petersburg travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 218457
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
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Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
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wn.com/Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
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- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 5221
Russia Travel Guide
Travel Guide & Information http://www.planettravelbug.com...
Travel Guide & Information http://www.planettravelbug.com
wn.com/Russia Travel Guide
Travel Guide & Information http://www.planettravelbug.com
- published: 28 Jun 2009
- views: 29546
Кабардино-Балкария ГОЛУБЫЕ ОЗЕРА Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник)....
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
wn.com/Кабардино Балкария Голубые Озера Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 463
Осетия Фиагдон ДАРГАВС "Город Мертвых" Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский А...
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
wn.com/Осетия Фиагдон Даргавс Город Мертвых Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 277
КОРЕННАЯ ПУСТЫНЬ Russia Travel Guide
Курская Коренная Рождество-Богородичная пустынь - мужской монастырь, находящийся в Курской области.
Среди древних русских обителей одной из самых известных с да...
Курская Коренная Рождество-Богородичная пустынь - мужской монастырь, находящийся в Курской области.
Среди древних русских обителей одной из самых известных с давних пор была Курская Коренная Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы Пустынь. Коренная пустынь расположена на правом берегу реки Тускарь в 30 километрах от Курска по направлению на север. Основана в 1597 году, на месте явления Курской Коренной иконы Божией Матери «Знамение».
wn.com/Коренная Пустынь Russia Travel Guide
Курская Коренная Рождество-Богородичная пустынь - мужской монастырь, находящийся в Курской области.
Среди древних русских обителей одной из самых известных с давних пор была Курская Коренная Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы Пустынь. Коренная пустынь расположена на правом берегу реки Тускарь в 30 километрах от Курска по направлению на север. Основана в 1597 году, на месте явления Курской Коренной иконы Божией Матери «Знамение».
- published: 24 Jan 2015
- views: 268
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with our latest...
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with our latest videos - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_6_OFK7sIatMbTsgovuxg?sub_confirmation=1
Check us out on Instagram https://instagram.com/poleteli_tv/ – be the first who gets news and useful recommendations on video shooting from the experts!
Have question? Write: tv.poleteli@gmail.com
Thank you for watching this video.
By the way you can learn Russian language! :)
Very big thanks to Mariya Grishina for translation!
Перевод на английский сделала Мария Гришина https://vk.com/id5483550. За что ей бесконечно огромное спасибо!
wn.com/Sochi Russia Travel Guide Part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht For Rent.
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with our latest videos - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_6_OFK7sIatMbTsgovuxg?sub_confirmation=1
Check us out on Instagram https://instagram.com/poleteli_tv/ – be the first who gets news and useful recommendations on video shooting from the experts!
Have question? Write: tv.poleteli@gmail.com
Thank you for watching this video.
By the way you can learn Russian language! :)
Very big thanks to Mariya Grishina for translation!
Перевод на английский сделала Мария Гришина https://vk.com/id5483550. За что ей бесконечно огромное спасибо!
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 377
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more...
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most important churches.
The cathedral was started in 1555 as eight chapels built around a larger ninth.
There have been several theories about the design of St. Basil's, but no certain answers.
The cathedral has had several additions, and the whole church narrowly escaped destruction under Stalin.
St. Basil's is no longer a church, it now operates as a museum.
wn.com/St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most important churches.
The cathedral was started in 1555 as eight chapels built around a larger ninth.
There have been several theories about the design of St. Basil's, but no certain answers.
The cathedral has had several additions, and the whole church narrowly escaped destruction under Stalin.
St. Basil's is no longer a church, it now operates as a museum.
- published: 06 Oct 2010
- views: 45019
SIBERIA - Wild Russia - Beautiful Wilderness - Travel documentary HD
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD!
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With great new content coming out regularly subscribing ...
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD!
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If you love documentaries about our beautiful world this is the channel for you!
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wn.com/Siberia Wild Russia Beautiful Wilderness Travel Documentary Hd
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD!
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With great new content coming out regularly subscribing will help you keep up to date!
If you love documentaries about our beautiful world this is the channel for you!
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and most of all ENJOY!
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 124803
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of t...
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda.
Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain its beauty and history.
wn.com/Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda.
Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain its beauty and history.
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 3162
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, He...
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
wn.com/Gay Travel Guide Moscow St. Petersburg , Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 2179
Moskva Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the c...
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main landmarks of the Russian metropolis and was built at the command of Moscow sovereign, Ivan The Fourth, also known as Ivan The Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar. The cathedral is representative of Moscow’s architecture with red brick monuments and an accumulation of onion-shaped towers. The Kremlin extends beyond a red wall and various towers that date back to the fifteenth century. Since time immemorial it has been the seat of both tsars and bishops and in front of its walls is Red Square that was once used as a marketplace and also a place of execution. Here the death penalty was declared and immediately carried out. Arbatskaya is a city district west of the Kremlin. In the fifteenth century, the craftsmen and servants of the Tsar lived there and then followed artists, intellectuals and aristocrats. In 1935 the Metro was inaugurated and had thirteen stations. Today there are more than a hundred located along two hundred and sixty kilometres of rail, used by millions each and every day. The Moscow Underground is fast, cheap and quite splendid. Its stations are veritable works of art! When the Tsar’s empire vanished, the realm of the Communist rulers was torn apart. But the mega metropolis of Moscow managed to survive. A restless and powerful city of fantastic culture and truly dramatic history.
wn.com/Moskva Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main landmarks of the Russian metropolis and was built at the command of Moscow sovereign, Ivan The Fourth, also known as Ivan The Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar. The cathedral is representative of Moscow’s architecture with red brick monuments and an accumulation of onion-shaped towers. The Kremlin extends beyond a red wall and various towers that date back to the fifteenth century. Since time immemorial it has been the seat of both tsars and bishops and in front of its walls is Red Square that was once used as a marketplace and also a place of execution. Here the death penalty was declared and immediately carried out. Arbatskaya is a city district west of the Kremlin. In the fifteenth century, the craftsmen and servants of the Tsar lived there and then followed artists, intellectuals and aristocrats. In 1935 the Metro was inaugurated and had thirteen stations. Today there are more than a hundred located along two hundred and sixty kilometres of rail, used by millions each and every day. The Moscow Underground is fast, cheap and quite splendid. Its stations are veritable works of art! When the Tsar’s empire vanished, the realm of the Communist rulers was torn apart. But the mega metropolis of Moscow managed to survive. A restless and powerful city of fantastic culture and truly dramatic history.
- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 59913
Saint Petersburg Tourism Video | Travel Guide
The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is the country's cultural heart. View splendid architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedr...
The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is the country's cultural heart. View splendid architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedral, and give yourself plenty of time to browse the world-renowned art collection of the Hermitage. Sprawling across the Neva River delta, St. Petersburg offers enough art, nightlife, fine dining and cultural destinations for many repeat visits.
wn.com/Saint Petersburg Tourism Video | Travel Guide
The second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg is the country's cultural heart. View splendid architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedral, and give yourself plenty of time to browse the world-renowned art collection of the Hermitage. Sprawling across the Neva River delta, St. Petersburg offers enough art, nightlife, fine dining and cultural destinations for many repeat visits.
- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 2104
Infinity Of Sound - Million Scarlet roses
Million Scarlet roses
Official artist Alla Pugacheva, the title of the million Scarlet roses
Russian Federation
Произведение «Infinity Of Sound - Million Scarlet roses» созданное автором по имени Yoko Matsugane, публикуется на условиях лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution» («Атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная.
Основано на произведении с https://www.youtu
Russia: Putin and Medvedev outline new taxation system
Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvdev in Novo-Ogarevo in Moscow, Friday, to agree a new consolidated system for administrating the country's tax system.
SOT, Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation (Russian): "Dmitri Anatolyevich, we already discussed the about the realization of the [goals set out in the] State of the Nation [address] which I de
Ukraine Russian troops in Crimea 2014 HD
View videos in 720p HD : Рекомендованный просмотр видео в 720p HD :
Vyacheslav Butusov «Nautilus Pompilius» — My Star.
The heavily armed soldiers who appeared in Crimea in late February and surrounded government buildings and Ukrainian Army bases gained the nickname ''The polite People''
«Polite people» — a euphemism for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, blocking th
Increased German farm equipment production in Russia on weaker ruble
German farm equipment manufacturer Claas has announced plans to export machinery produced in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar. The decision was made because of falling production costs in Russia due to a weaker ruble.The company plans to export combine harvesters and spare parts made in the Russian factory, which until now were produced for the Russian market.
Demand for efficient harvestin
Basket Coach: Andrei Lopatin profile - CSKA Moscow
Date of birth: Aug 27, 1998
Height: 206 cm
Weight: 87 kg
Place of Birth: Moscow (Russia)
1st Coach: Andrey Shigin (Trinta Junior Sports School of the Olympic Reserve);
2010-13 – Trinta Junior Sports School;
2013-14 – Trinta Junior Sports School, MBA Moscow;
2014-15 – CSKA Junior Team;
2015… – CSKA-2
Russian Federation of 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division Top 12 Facts.mp4
Virtus.pro vs Vega Squadron - SLTV Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Radiant heroes:
Dire heroes:
Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBFNxexSFve3hBAu75RD0BE
Highlights The International
Virtus.pro vs Team Liquid - SLTV Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/midashim
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Radiant heroes:
Dire heroes:
Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBFNxexSFve3hBAu75RD0BE
Highlights The International
Park on the waterfront
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - JUNE 26, 2011: Residents of Novosibirsk stroll along the embankment of the river Ob in the City Day
Snowboarding in the winter park
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - JANUARY 3, 2016: Snowboarder accelerates and makes simple acrobatic leap
Russia: Russian national detained in Turkey already on wanted list - Zakharova
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova commented the three Russian citizens who were detained by Turkish authorities in Antalya, stating that one of the suspects was already on Russia's wanted list during a press conference in Moscow, Thursday.
SOT, Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson (Russian): "We are talking about detaining three Russian citizens due to suspe
Russian Су-25 | Su-25 operations over Syria | СИРИЯ
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Russian Су-34 | Su-34 operations over Syria | СИРИЯ
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Russian Su-30SM escort Tu-160s, which launched cruise missiles over the Mediterranean
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Russian Ту-160 | Tu-160 refueling over Syria | СИРИЯ
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Joint doctrine of military aviation in Russia and Syria
Fighting the work of Russian Su 25 AVB Hmeymim accompanied by Syrian Mig 29
Russian and Serbian pilots for the first time carried out a joint combat mission in the skies over the Syrian Arab Republic.
MiG-29 fighters of the Syrian Air Force to provide cover Russian Su-25s airfield "Hmeymim" in the performance of a combat mission to destroy the object infrastrutkury terrorists.
The crews of Su-25
МИД РФ, О задержании в Турции граждан РФ, 13.01.2016, arrested a Turkish citizen of the RF
МИД РФ, О задержании в Турции граждан РФ, 13.01.2016, arrested a Turkish citizen of the Russian Federation
Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации, сокращённо МИД России — федеральный орган исполнительной власти Российской Федерации, осуществляющий государственное управление в области отношений Российской Федерации с
Virtus.pro vs Team Secret - SLTV Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/midashim
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Secret Team : Puppey(C) MiSeRy- pieliedie w33haaa EternalEnvy
Radiant heroes:
Dire heroes:
Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL
Вооруженные силы РФ| The armed forces of the Russian Federation
Russian PD-14 Engine
Flight testing of the new generation PD-14 aviation engine started in November 2015 after successful completion of the required series of ground tests.
At the end of October, during the session of the Presidium of the Procedural Council of experimental aviation in flight testing in Gromov’s Flight Research Institute the decision was taken about Il-76LL flying testbed readiness for the first test
Putin I am not a friend, bride or groom, I am the President of the Russian Federation
The latest military information from Syria
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Syria war - Kurds - ISIS - Sinjar battle - Kobane battle - Kobani - female soldier -
Infinity Of Sound - Million Scarlet roses
Million Scarlet roses
Official artist Alla Pugacheva, the title of the million Scarlet roses
Russian Federation
Произведение «Infinity Of Sound - Million...
Million Scarlet roses
Official artist Alla Pugacheva, the title of the million Scarlet roses
Russian Federation
Произведение «Infinity Of Sound - Million Scarlet roses» созданное автором по имени Yoko Matsugane, публикуется на условиях лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution» («Атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная.
Основано на произведении с https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIu0MlGywiIFRobKtAfGsnw.
Разрешения, выходящие за рамки данной лицензии, могут быть доступны на странице https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIu0MlGywiIFRobKtAfGsnw.
wn.com/Infinity Of Sound Million Scarlet Roses
Million Scarlet roses
Official artist Alla Pugacheva, the title of the million Scarlet roses
Russian Federation
Произведение «Infinity Of Sound - Million Scarlet roses» созданное автором по имени Yoko Matsugane, публикуется на условиях лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution» («Атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная.
Основано на произведении с https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIu0MlGywiIFRobKtAfGsnw.
Разрешения, выходящие за рамки данной лицензии, могут быть доступны на странице https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIu0MlGywiIFRobKtAfGsnw.
- published: 15 Jan 2016
- views: 2
Russia: Putin and Medvedev outline new taxation system
Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvdev in Novo-Ogarevo in Moscow, Friday, to agree a new consolidated system for admini...
Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvdev in Novo-Ogarevo in Moscow, Friday, to agree a new consolidated system for administrating the country's tax system.
SOT, Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation (Russian): "Dmitri Anatolyevich, we already discussed the about the realization of the [goals set out in the] State of the Nation [address] which I delivered at the end of last year. One of the trends is the consolidation of budgetary resources, the optimisation of this work, especially in the present conditions, when you need to certainly ensure budget revenues. I know that the Government has its own suggestions on this issue. I would like you to tell us about what is suggested for the final version."
Dmitri Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister (Russian): "It is proposed that a consistent system of administration of tax and non-tax payments within the Ministry of Finance is established to preserve the Federal Tax Service inside it [the Ministry], as it is responsible for the overall methodical management, administration and collection of taxes. As well, Federal Customs Service, which collecting custom payments will be included in this system and use the same methodology as in Federal Tax Service. And Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation, which collects certain payments, is engaged to the accounting system for production and sale of alcoholic beverages in the country."
Dmitri Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister (Russian): "It is assumed that the pension payments and social payments, which are the part of social funds, could also be transferred to this system for their administration by the Federal Tax Service."
Video ID: 20160115-040
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wn.com/Russia Putin And Medvedev Outline New Taxation System
Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvdev in Novo-Ogarevo in Moscow, Friday, to agree a new consolidated system for administrating the country's tax system.
SOT, Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation (Russian): "Dmitri Anatolyevich, we already discussed the about the realization of the [goals set out in the] State of the Nation [address] which I delivered at the end of last year. One of the trends is the consolidation of budgetary resources, the optimisation of this work, especially in the present conditions, when you need to certainly ensure budget revenues. I know that the Government has its own suggestions on this issue. I would like you to tell us about what is suggested for the final version."
Dmitri Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister (Russian): "It is proposed that a consistent system of administration of tax and non-tax payments within the Ministry of Finance is established to preserve the Federal Tax Service inside it [the Ministry], as it is responsible for the overall methodical management, administration and collection of taxes. As well, Federal Customs Service, which collecting custom payments will be included in this system and use the same methodology as in Federal Tax Service. And Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation, which collects certain payments, is engaged to the accounting system for production and sale of alcoholic beverages in the country."
Dmitri Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister (Russian): "It is assumed that the pension payments and social payments, which are the part of social funds, could also be transferred to this system for their administration by the Federal Tax Service."
Video ID: 20160115-040
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
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DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 15 Jan 2016
- views: 300
Ukraine Russian troops in Crimea 2014 HD
View videos in 720p HD : Рекомендованный просмотр видео в 720p HD :
Vyacheslav Butusov «Nautilus Pompilius» — My Star.
The heavily armed soldiers who appeared i...
View videos in 720p HD : Рекомендованный просмотр видео в 720p HD :
Vyacheslav Butusov «Nautilus Pompilius» — My Star.
The heavily armed soldiers who appeared in Crimea in late February and surrounded government buildings and Ukrainian Army bases gained the nickname ''The polite People''
«Polite people» — a euphemism for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, blocking the strategic facilities in the Crimea during the Crimean crisis.
“Polite People” – this expression has become a popular meme all over the Internet in Russia. Addressed to the Russian troops occupying Crimea, polite people meme means that the Russian intervention looks not quite like the Western media describes it.
wn.com/Ukraine Russian Troops In Crimea 2014 Hd
View videos in 720p HD : Рекомендованный просмотр видео в 720p HD :
Vyacheslav Butusov «Nautilus Pompilius» — My Star.
The heavily armed soldiers who appeared in Crimea in late February and surrounded government buildings and Ukrainian Army bases gained the nickname ''The polite People''
«Polite people» — a euphemism for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, blocking the strategic facilities in the Crimea during the Crimean crisis.
“Polite People” – this expression has become a popular meme all over the Internet in Russia. Addressed to the Russian troops occupying Crimea, polite people meme means that the Russian intervention looks not quite like the Western media describes it.
- published: 15 Jan 2016
- views: 41
Increased German farm equipment production in Russia on weaker ruble
German farm equipment manufacturer Claas has announced plans to export machinery produced in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar. The decision was made becau...
German farm equipment manufacturer Claas has announced plans to export machinery produced in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar. The decision was made because of falling production costs in Russia due to a weaker ruble.The company plans to export combine harvesters and spare parts made in the Russian factory, which until now were produced for the Russian market.
Demand for efficient harvesting technology is high and there was an ongoing need to modernize, according to the company.Claas has been working in Russia for the past 23 years. The company began with the export of used machinery followed by production.
The plant in Krasnodar was opened in 2005 making Claas the first large-scale manufacturer of agricultural machinery with its own facility in Russia. The factory was designed to produce 1,000 machines annually. Claas invested €120 million in the project.
In October 2015 the company was classified as a “Russian manufacturer” after signing a letter of intent with the Russian Federation. The company’s headquarters is located in Harsewinkel, North Rhine-Westphalia.
wn.com/Increased German Farm Equipment Production In Russia On Weaker Ruble
German farm equipment manufacturer Claas has announced plans to export machinery produced in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar. The decision was made because of falling production costs in Russia due to a weaker ruble.The company plans to export combine harvesters and spare parts made in the Russian factory, which until now were produced for the Russian market.
Demand for efficient harvesting technology is high and there was an ongoing need to modernize, according to the company.Claas has been working in Russia for the past 23 years. The company began with the export of used machinery followed by production.
The plant in Krasnodar was opened in 2005 making Claas the first large-scale manufacturer of agricultural machinery with its own facility in Russia. The factory was designed to produce 1,000 machines annually. Claas invested €120 million in the project.
In October 2015 the company was classified as a “Russian manufacturer” after signing a letter of intent with the Russian Federation. The company’s headquarters is located in Harsewinkel, North Rhine-Westphalia.
- published: 15 Jan 2016
- views: 65
Basket Coach: Andrei Lopatin profile - CSKA Moscow
Date of birth: Aug 27, 1998
Height: 206 cm
Weight: 87 kg
Place ...
Date of birth: Aug 27, 1998
Height: 206 cm
Weight: 87 kg
Place of Birth: Moscow (Russia)
1st Coach: Andrey Shigin (Trinta Junior Sports School of the Olympic Reserve);
2010-13 – Trinta Junior Sports School;
2013-14 – Trinta Junior Sports School, MBA Moscow;
2014-15 – CSKA Junior Team;
2015… – CSKA-2
Won the 2nd place of the 2014-15 Russian Junior Basketball League with CSKA Junior Team… Member of the Russian U16 National Team: played at the 2014 and the 2013 U16 European Championships.
wn.com/Basket Coach Andrei Lopatin Profile Cska Moscow
Date of birth: Aug 27, 1998
Height: 206 cm
Weight: 87 kg
Place of Birth: Moscow (Russia)
1st Coach: Andrey Shigin (Trinta Junior Sports School of the Olympic Reserve);
2010-13 – Trinta Junior Sports School;
2013-14 – Trinta Junior Sports School, MBA Moscow;
2014-15 – CSKA Junior Team;
2015… – CSKA-2
Won the 2nd place of the 2014-15 Russian Junior Basketball League with CSKA Junior Team… Member of the Russian U16 National Team: played at the 2014 and the 2013 U16 European Championships.
- published: 15 Jan 2016
- views: 125
Virtus.pro vs Vega Squadron - SLTV Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/midashim
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Radiant heroes:
Dire he...
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Radiant heroes:
Dire heroes:
Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBFNxexSFve3hBAu75RD0BE
Highlights The International 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDD-7p88sbJMsAOmAGqK17n
Miracle- Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNSpsrU3k0M-GvhMQO39Y0
Dendi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNCGfh9Lq72ldchvLUNJaO1A
Mushi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDrDuzDK3Qw8XFcJsgvNq8g
Natus Vincere Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNVoFWhX4VkyPmbJ6Mo6cp
Evil Geniuses Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNA8Ld_phD9vObouqlmyFj-M
Team Secret Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDDgeL7TJ0WxDlsa6d54fiV
Full Highlights Dota 2 Virtus.pro vs Vega Squadron Recap - SLTV Star Series 13
MatchID 2078130243
wn.com/Virtus.Pro Vs Vega Squadron Sltv Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/midashim
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Radiant heroes:
Dire heroes:
Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBFNxexSFve3hBAu75RD0BE
Highlights The International 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDD-7p88sbJMsAOmAGqK17n
Miracle- Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNSpsrU3k0M-GvhMQO39Y0
Dendi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNCGfh9Lq72ldchvLUNJaO1A
Mushi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDrDuzDK3Qw8XFcJsgvNq8g
Natus Vincere Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNVoFWhX4VkyPmbJ6Mo6cp
Evil Geniuses Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNA8Ld_phD9vObouqlmyFj-M
Team Secret Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDDgeL7TJ0WxDlsa6d54fiV
Full Highlights Dota 2 Virtus.pro vs Vega Squadron Recap - SLTV Star Series 13
MatchID 2078130243
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 206
Virtus.pro vs Team Liquid - SLTV Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/midashim
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Radiant heroes:
Dire he...
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/midashim
Spoiler-free at: http://midashim.com
Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Radiant heroes:
Dire heroes:
Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBFNxexSFve3hBAu75RD0BE
Highlights The International 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDD-7p88sbJMsAOmAGqK17n
Miracle- Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNSpsrU3k0M-GvhMQO39Y0
Dendi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNCGfh9Lq72ldchvLUNJaO1A
Mushi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDrDuzDK3Qw8XFcJsgvNq8g
Natus Vincere Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNVoFWhX4VkyPmbJ6Mo6cp
Evil Geniuses Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNA8Ld_phD9vObouqlmyFj-M
Team Secret Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDDgeL7TJ0WxDlsa6d54fiV
Full Highlights Dota 2 Virtus.pro vs Team Liquid Recap - SLTV Star Series 13
MatchID 2077929558
wn.com/Virtus.Pro Vs Team Liquid Sltv Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/midashim
Spoiler-free at: http://midashim.com
Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Radiant heroes:
Dire heroes:
Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBFNxexSFve3hBAu75RD0BE
Highlights The International 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDD-7p88sbJMsAOmAGqK17n
Miracle- Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNSpsrU3k0M-GvhMQO39Y0
Dendi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNCGfh9Lq72ldchvLUNJaO1A
Mushi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDrDuzDK3Qw8XFcJsgvNq8g
Natus Vincere Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNVoFWhX4VkyPmbJ6Mo6cp
Evil Geniuses Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNA8Ld_phD9vObouqlmyFj-M
Team Secret Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDDgeL7TJ0WxDlsa6d54fiV
Full Highlights Dota 2 Virtus.pro vs Team Liquid Recap - SLTV Star Series 13
MatchID 2077929558
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 4575
Park on the waterfront
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - JUNE 26, 2011: Residents of Novosibirsk stroll along the embankment of the river Ob in the City Day
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - JUNE 26, 2011: Residents of Novosibirsk stroll along the embankment of the river Ob in the City Day
wn.com/Park On The Waterfront
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - JUNE 26, 2011: Residents of Novosibirsk stroll along the embankment of the river Ob in the City Day
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Snowboarding in the winter park
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - JANUARY 3, 2016: Snowboarder accelerates and makes simple acrobatic leap
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - JANUARY 3, 2016: Snowboarder accelerates and makes simple acrobatic leap
wn.com/Snowboarding In The Winter Park
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - JANUARY 3, 2016: Snowboarder accelerates and makes simple acrobatic leap
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Russia: Russian national detained in Turkey already on wanted list - Zakharova
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova commented the three Russian citizens who were detained by Turkish authorities in Antalya, stating that one...
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova commented the three Russian citizens who were detained by Turkish authorities in Antalya, stating that one of the suspects was already on Russia's wanted list during a press conference in Moscow, Thursday.
SOT, Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson (Russian): "We are talking about detaining three Russian citizens due to suspecting them of belonging to the terrorist group ISIS. As you know, yesterday we commented on this issue straight after we received the information from Turkey that Russian citizens had been detained. The Russian foreign affairs outfit requested access to Russians. According to the information from Turkish authorities, the detained Russian citizens declined to meet Russian diplomatic personnel. It is quite a rare case, but after we received additional information on these people, a lot of things were cleared up, especially why they declined to meet with Russian authorities. According to Turkish law enforcement sources, among the detained Russians is Aidar Suleimanov, born in 1984. I would like to say that on August 10, 2015, the Interior Ministry of Tatarstan brought a charge against him in his connection with the terrorist group ISIS, forbidden in Russian Federation. Moreover [he is accused] of recruiting terrorists for this organization. I can mention the protocol from Tatarstan police, number 2015/3907. After this, November 25, 2015, Suleimanov was put on the wanting list in Interpol line. According to the information that we have, Suleimanov left Russia June 26, 2003. He left the country and was on its territory more than 12 years ago. It is very important information and these are very important facts for understanding on what is happening at the moment: about detaining Russian citizens and on their refusal to meet officials. And I would like to point out that and pay your attention that all countries that are connected through Interpol including Turkey have been properly informed about his connection to ISIS."
Video ID: 20160114-058
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wn.com/Russia Russian National Detained In Turkey Already On Wanted List Zakharova
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova commented the three Russian citizens who were detained by Turkish authorities in Antalya, stating that one of the suspects was already on Russia's wanted list during a press conference in Moscow, Thursday.
SOT, Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson (Russian): "We are talking about detaining three Russian citizens due to suspecting them of belonging to the terrorist group ISIS. As you know, yesterday we commented on this issue straight after we received the information from Turkey that Russian citizens had been detained. The Russian foreign affairs outfit requested access to Russians. According to the information from Turkish authorities, the detained Russian citizens declined to meet Russian diplomatic personnel. It is quite a rare case, but after we received additional information on these people, a lot of things were cleared up, especially why they declined to meet with Russian authorities. According to Turkish law enforcement sources, among the detained Russians is Aidar Suleimanov, born in 1984. I would like to say that on August 10, 2015, the Interior Ministry of Tatarstan brought a charge against him in his connection with the terrorist group ISIS, forbidden in Russian Federation. Moreover [he is accused] of recruiting terrorists for this organization. I can mention the protocol from Tatarstan police, number 2015/3907. After this, November 25, 2015, Suleimanov was put on the wanting list in Interpol line. According to the information that we have, Suleimanov left Russia June 26, 2003. He left the country and was on its territory more than 12 years ago. It is very important information and these are very important facts for understanding on what is happening at the moment: about detaining Russian citizens and on their refusal to meet officials. And I would like to point out that and pay your attention that all countries that are connected through Interpol including Turkey have been properly informed about his connection to ISIS."
Video ID: 20160114-058
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
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DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 436
Russian Су-25 | Su-25 operations over Syria | СИРИЯ
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation...
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
wn.com/Russian Су 25 | Su 25 Operations Over Syria | Сирия
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 73
Russian Су-34 | Su-34 operations over Syria | СИРИЯ
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation...
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
wn.com/Russian Су 34 | Su 34 Operations Over Syria | Сирия
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 57
Russian Ту-160 | Tu-160 refueling over Syria | СИРИЯ
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation...
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
wn.com/Russian Ту 160 | Tu 160 Refueling Over Syria | Сирия
Video by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 246
Joint doctrine of military aviation in Russia and Syria
Fighting the work of Russian Su 25 AVB Hmeymim accompanied by Syrian Mig 29
Russian and Serbian pilots for the first time carried out a joint combat mission i...
Fighting the work of Russian Su 25 AVB Hmeymim accompanied by Syrian Mig 29
Russian and Serbian pilots for the first time carried out a joint combat mission in the skies over the Syrian Arab Republic.
MiG-29 fighters of the Syrian Air Force to provide cover Russian Su-25s airfield "Hmeymim" in the performance of a combat mission to destroy the object infrastrutkury terrorists.
The crews of Su-25 air and space forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the MiG-29 aircraft of the Air Force Syrian Arab Republic completed jointly combat mission in the skies over Syria. A pair of MiG-29 fighters carried out air cover for Russian attack planes that attacked the terrorist infrastructure.
Syrian fighters carried off from the airfield home and in the designated area met the Russian attack aircraft, coming from the airport "Hmeymim", followed by support and cover for Russian attack aircraft throughout the flight to the area and strikes back.
Previously, a group of Syrian pilots Hmeymim visited the air base, where, together with the Russian pilots worked prior preparation activities for interaction and rules of radio at the joint combat missions to destroy the terrorist infrastructure.
Russian and Syrian pilots accomplished joint mission in the sky over the Syrian Arab Republic.
MiG-29 of the Syrian Air Force covered Russian Su-25 attack aircraft from the Hmeymim airbase during combat mission on destruction of terrorists' infrastructure.
Crews of the Su-25 of the Russian Aerospace Forces and MiG-29's of the Syrian Air Force have accomplished joint mission in the sky over the Syrian Arab Republic. A pair of MiG-29's of the Syrian Air Force covered the Russian Su-25 attack aircraft during combat mission on destruction of terrorists' infrastructure.
Syrian fighters took off from the airbase and met the Russian attack aircraft, which had taken off from the Hmeymim airbase, and provided escort and protection to the Russian aircraft throughout their flight to the attack point and on their way back.
Recently, a group of Syrian pilots had visited the Hmeymim airbase, where they improved cooperation with the Russian pilots and familiarized themselves with radio communication rules that must be followed during performing joint combat tasks on eliminating terrorists' infrastructure.
wn.com/Joint Doctrine Of Military Aviation In Russia And Syria
Fighting the work of Russian Su 25 AVB Hmeymim accompanied by Syrian Mig 29
Russian and Serbian pilots for the first time carried out a joint combat mission in the skies over the Syrian Arab Republic.
MiG-29 fighters of the Syrian Air Force to provide cover Russian Su-25s airfield "Hmeymim" in the performance of a combat mission to destroy the object infrastrutkury terrorists.
The crews of Su-25 air and space forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the MiG-29 aircraft of the Air Force Syrian Arab Republic completed jointly combat mission in the skies over Syria. A pair of MiG-29 fighters carried out air cover for Russian attack planes that attacked the terrorist infrastructure.
Syrian fighters carried off from the airfield home and in the designated area met the Russian attack aircraft, coming from the airport "Hmeymim", followed by support and cover for Russian attack aircraft throughout the flight to the area and strikes back.
Previously, a group of Syrian pilots Hmeymim visited the air base, where, together with the Russian pilots worked prior preparation activities for interaction and rules of radio at the joint combat missions to destroy the terrorist infrastructure.
Russian and Syrian pilots accomplished joint mission in the sky over the Syrian Arab Republic.
MiG-29 of the Syrian Air Force covered Russian Su-25 attack aircraft from the Hmeymim airbase during combat mission on destruction of terrorists' infrastructure.
Crews of the Su-25 of the Russian Aerospace Forces and MiG-29's of the Syrian Air Force have accomplished joint mission in the sky over the Syrian Arab Republic. A pair of MiG-29's of the Syrian Air Force covered the Russian Su-25 attack aircraft during combat mission on destruction of terrorists' infrastructure.
Syrian fighters took off from the airbase and met the Russian attack aircraft, which had taken off from the Hmeymim airbase, and provided escort and protection to the Russian aircraft throughout their flight to the attack point and on their way back.
Recently, a group of Syrian pilots had visited the Hmeymim airbase, where they improved cooperation with the Russian pilots and familiarized themselves with radio communication rules that must be followed during performing joint combat tasks on eliminating terrorists' infrastructure.
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 57
МИД РФ, О задержании в Турции граждан РФ, 13.01.2016, arrested a Turkish citizen of the RF
МИД РФ, О задержании в Турции граждан РФ, 13.01.2016, arrested a Turkish citizen of the Russian Federation
МИД РФ, О задержании в Турции граждан РФ, 13.01.2016, arrested a Turkish citizen of the Russian Federation
Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации, сокращённо МИД России — федеральный орган исполнительной власти Российской Федерации, осуществляющий государственное управление в области отношений Российской Федерации с иностранными государствами и международными организациями.
Министерство подведомственно Президенту Российской Федерации по вопросам, закреплённым за ним Конституцией, либо в соответствии с законодательными актами Российской Федерации.
Возглавляется министром иностранных дел; с 2004 года пост занимает Сергей Викторович Лавров.
МИД России (в 1946—1992 гг. МИД РСФСР) был образован как Народный комиссариат иностранных дел 1 февраля 1944 года, и существовал параллельно с МИД СССР.
wn.com/Мид Рф, О Задержании В Турции Граждан Рф, 13.01.2016, Arrested A Turkish Citizen Of The Rf
МИД РФ, О задержании в Турции граждан РФ, 13.01.2016, arrested a Turkish citizen of the Russian Federation
Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации, сокращённо МИД России — федеральный орган исполнительной власти Российской Федерации, осуществляющий государственное управление в области отношений Российской Федерации с иностранными государствами и международными организациями.
Министерство подведомственно Президенту Российской Федерации по вопросам, закреплённым за ним Конституцией, либо в соответствии с законодательными актами Российской Федерации.
Возглавляется министром иностранных дел; с 2004 года пост занимает Сергей Викторович Лавров.
МИД России (в 1946—1992 гг. МИД РСФСР) был образован как Народный комиссариат иностранных дел 1 февраля 1944 года, и существовал параллельно с МИД СССР.
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 15
Virtus.pro vs Team Secret - SLTV Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Secret Team : Puppey(C) ...
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Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Secret Team : Puppey(C) MiSeRy- pieliedie w33haaa EternalEnvy
Radiant heroes:
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Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBFNxexSFve3hBAu75RD0BE
Highlights The International 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDD-7p88sbJMsAOmAGqK17n
Miracle- Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNSpsrU3k0M-GvhMQO39Y0
Dendi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNCGfh9Lq72ldchvLUNJaO1A
Mushi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDrDuzDK3Qw8XFcJsgvNq8g
Natus Vincere Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNVoFWhX4VkyPmbJ6Mo6cp
Evil Geniuses Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNA8Ld_phD9vObouqlmyFj-M
Team Secret Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDDgeL7TJ0WxDlsa6d54fiV
Full Highlights Dota 2 Virtus.pro vs Team Secret Recap - SLTV Star Series 13
MatchID 2075759693
wn.com/Virtus.Pro Vs Team Secret Sltv Star Series 13 Full Highlights Dota 2
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/midashim
Spoiler-free at: http://midashim.com
Virtus Pro(Russian Federation) : FNG Lil illidanstr god dkphobos
Secret Team : Puppey(C) MiSeRy- pieliedie w33haaa EternalEnvy
Radiant heroes:
Dire heroes:
Highlights ESL One at New York Super Week: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBFNxexSFve3hBAu75RD0BE
Highlights The International 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDD-7p88sbJMsAOmAGqK17n
Miracle- Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNSpsrU3k0M-GvhMQO39Y0
Dendi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNCGfh9Lq72ldchvLUNJaO1A
Mushi Dota2 pro game play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDrDuzDK3Qw8XFcJsgvNq8g
Natus Vincere Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNBNVoFWhX4VkyPmbJ6Mo6cp
Evil Geniuses Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNA8Ld_phD9vObouqlmyFj-M
Team Secret Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVq0ARoVSsNDDgeL7TJ0WxDlsa6d54fiV
Full Highlights Dota 2 Virtus.pro vs Team Secret Recap - SLTV Star Series 13
MatchID 2075759693
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 189
Russian PD-14 Engine
Flight testing of the new generation PD-14 aviation engine started in November 2015 after successful completion of the required series of ground tests.
At the ...
Flight testing of the new generation PD-14 aviation engine started in November 2015 after successful completion of the required series of ground tests.
At the end of October, during the session of the Presidium of the Procedural Council of experimental aviation in flight testing in Gromov’s Flight Research Institute the decision was taken about Il-76LL flying testbed readiness for the first test flight with the prototype PD-14 powerplant.
The first flight of the PD-14 engine took place on the 3rd of November 2015 in Gromov’s Flight Research Institute in the presence of Dmitrii Rogozin, Vice Prime Minister of the RF.
The 40-min flight was performed in strict compliance with the flight program. All engine components and systems parameters were monitored during the flight with no problems detected. It was the first time when a unique telemetry system was used. This system gave Perm test engineers residing in Perm the capability for online monitoring of the engine parameters on wing. The commenced flight tests are the result of a series of full-size engine and components ground tests conducted at various test facilities in Aviadvigatel, CIAM and TsAGI.
At the moment the PD-14 flight tests go on, the engine demonstrates its target parameters and operation capability in anticipated operating conditions. Permit for the first flight of the MC-21 aircraft with the PD-14 engine will be issued based on the results of these tests.
PD-14 is the most ambitious project in Russia in the aircraft engine building industry for the last 30 years. The Lead Designer of the new generation engine is Aviadvigatel from Perm, the Lead Manufacturer – Perm Engine Company, and the Principal Contractor is UEC. Development and manufacturing of the PD-14 engine is carried out in extensive cooperation of the industry leading companies and institutes which is a unique experience for the Russian engine building industry.
The project business idea is development of the family of various power rating engines for different types of aircraft and IGTs on the basis of a common state-of-the-art core. Core commonality will facilitate its mass production for various application engines which will significantly reduce the cost of each subsequent engine modification.
The Government of the Russian Federation plays an active part in project implementation as for the country it is a realistic chance to return Russian aircraft to the market of aviation operations the biggest segment of which is short- and medium-range aircraft of the MC-21 type which is exactly what the baseline PD-14 engine is meant for.
More information: http://www.avid.ru/en/pd14/
wn.com/Russian Pd 14 Engine
Flight testing of the new generation PD-14 aviation engine started in November 2015 after successful completion of the required series of ground tests.
At the end of October, during the session of the Presidium of the Procedural Council of experimental aviation in flight testing in Gromov’s Flight Research Institute the decision was taken about Il-76LL flying testbed readiness for the first test flight with the prototype PD-14 powerplant.
The first flight of the PD-14 engine took place on the 3rd of November 2015 in Gromov’s Flight Research Institute in the presence of Dmitrii Rogozin, Vice Prime Minister of the RF.
The 40-min flight was performed in strict compliance with the flight program. All engine components and systems parameters were monitored during the flight with no problems detected. It was the first time when a unique telemetry system was used. This system gave Perm test engineers residing in Perm the capability for online monitoring of the engine parameters on wing. The commenced flight tests are the result of a series of full-size engine and components ground tests conducted at various test facilities in Aviadvigatel, CIAM and TsAGI.
At the moment the PD-14 flight tests go on, the engine demonstrates its target parameters and operation capability in anticipated operating conditions. Permit for the first flight of the MC-21 aircraft with the PD-14 engine will be issued based on the results of these tests.
PD-14 is the most ambitious project in Russia in the aircraft engine building industry for the last 30 years. The Lead Designer of the new generation engine is Aviadvigatel from Perm, the Lead Manufacturer – Perm Engine Company, and the Principal Contractor is UEC. Development and manufacturing of the PD-14 engine is carried out in extensive cooperation of the industry leading companies and institutes which is a unique experience for the Russian engine building industry.
The project business idea is development of the family of various power rating engines for different types of aircraft and IGTs on the basis of a common state-of-the-art core. Core commonality will facilitate its mass production for various application engines which will significantly reduce the cost of each subsequent engine modification.
The Government of the Russian Federation plays an active part in project implementation as for the country it is a realistic chance to return Russian aircraft to the market of aviation operations the biggest segment of which is short- and medium-range aircraft of the MC-21 type which is exactly what the baseline PD-14 engine is meant for.
More information: http://www.avid.ru/en/pd14/
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 10
Putin I am not a friend, bride or groom, I am the President of the Russian Federation
The latest military information from Syria
группа вконтакте http://vk.com/russiavssyria
PARADISE of Russia https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCI0hj-_pEE5j4IVAKy...
The latest military information from Syria
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PARADISE of Russia https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCI0hj-_pEE5j4IVAKyspTQ
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Russia attack ISIS - Russia vs. ISIS - Russian airtrikes in Syria - Iraq war -
Syria war - Kurds - ISIS - Sinjar battle - Kobane battle - Kobani - female soldier -
Arin Mirkan - Zozan Cudi - Female soldiers IDF - Yezidis - iraq Christians - Peshmerga -
Kurdos - IDF - Kurds female fighters - Gaza - YPJ - Kurdish YPG - Ukraine war
wn.com/Putin I Am Not A Friend, Bride Or Groom, I Am The President Of The Russian Federation
The latest military information from Syria
группа вконтакте http://vk.com/russiavssyria
PARADISE of Russia https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCI0hj-_pEE5j4IVAKyspTQ
Игровой канал Штормика https://www.youtube.com/user/sstormlive
Russia attack ISIS - Russia vs. ISIS - Russian airtrikes in Syria - Iraq war -
Syria war - Kurds - ISIS - Sinjar battle - Kobane battle - Kobani - female soldier -
Arin Mirkan - Zozan Cudi - Female soldiers IDF - Yezidis - iraq Christians - Peshmerga -
Kurdos - IDF - Kurds female fighters - Gaza - YPJ - Kurdish YPG - Ukraine war
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 114
The Russian Naval Force Documentary
The Russian Navy (Russian: Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (ВМФ России), tr. Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (VMF Rossii), lit. Military-Maritime Fleet of the Russian Federation) is the naval arm of the Russian military. The present Russian Navy was formed in January 1992, succeeding the Navy of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which had itself succeeded the Soviet Navy
Full HD Russian Army Parade Victory Day, 2015 Парад Победы
-With English subtitles!- This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (what the Eastern Front of World War II is called in the former Soviet Union), 9 May, 2015. Giving the commemoration speech is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over 11,000 military personnel participated in this event. Presiding ove
World Magic Cup 2014 Round 1 (Team Sealed): Russian Federation vs. France
The Russian Federsation team has their hands full playing against France: the defending champions, the hometown team, and sporting the reigning Player of the Year, Jeremy Dezani. Welcome to the World Magic Cup.
Lets play CRMP [Russian Federation RP] #1
Пишите в комменты кого интересует вопрос почему так долго не было видео
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
BBC Documentary - Better Mind The Computer overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
Please enjoy and subscribe too. Thanks! Andrew investigates drawin
President Vladimir Putin of Russian Federation Meets with President Bush (2007)
http://thefilmarchive.org/ July 2, 2007 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; IPA: [vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪr vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ ˈputʲɪn]; ...
Davos 2013 - Scenarios for the Russian Federation
Scenarios for the Russian Federation Despite a decade of high growth, Russia's economic model is at a turning point. Against a backdrop of significant global...
YUSUPOV PALACE (MOYKA PALACE), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The Yusupov Palace is also known by Moyka (or Moika) Palace, because it was built in a bank of the river Moyka (Мо́йка, in Russian). The river is small but s...
osu! world cup 2014 Group Stage (Denmark VS Russian Federation)
Linux OBS Test!
Korean UI in Round 16!
Official Visit of President of the Russian Federation: Exchange of Documents and Media Statements
НОВЫЙ ГОРОД - Russian Federation RP (CRMP)
Приветос ребят, сегодня вы будете смотреть видео с проекта RF RP, в этой серии мы посмотрели сервер, типо как новый город;). Ребят 100 лойсов и новая серия.
Группа Russian Federation RolePlay - https://vk.com/rfrp_project
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ДОСТАВКА ПИЦЦЫ! - Russian Federation RP (CRMP) #20
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Russian Federation at UN- Vladimir Putin- Full Speech English
Mentions financial collapse,
Vitaly I. Churkin (Russian Federation) on Ukraine - Press Conference
22 Aug 2014 - Press Conference by H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations on the situation in Ukrai...
Чемпионат России 1995. Kyokushinkai karate IFK Championship of Russian Federation
The Jesus Film - Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language (Russian Federation)
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Russian Federation) Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language. God...
My trip, road between Novo-Ogaryovo and Moscow ( Russian Federation )
Communist Party of the Russian Federation is to the Right of Most Conservative Parties
osu! Mania 4K World Cup 2015 Group Stage - Group B - Russian Federation vs Norway
mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422906
Peru vs Brazil mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422912
Sweden vs Argentina mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422917
MWC 4K 2015 : https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/MWC_4K_2015
The Russian Naval Force Documentary
The Russian Navy (Russian: Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (ВМФ России), tr. Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (VMF Rossii), lit. Military-Mar...
The Russian Navy (Russian: Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (ВМФ России), tr. Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (VMF Rossii), lit. Military-Maritime Fleet of the Russian Federation) is the naval arm of the Russian military. The present Russian Navy was formed in January 1992, succeeding the Navy of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which had itself succeeded the Soviet Navy following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.
The regular Russian Navy was established by Peter the Great (Peter I) in October 1696. Ascribed to Peter I is the oft quoted statement: "A ruler that has but an army has one hand, but he who has a navy has both." The symbols of the Russian Navy, the St. Andrew's flag and ensign (seen to the right), and most of its traditions were established personally by Peter I.
Neither Jane's Fighting Ships nor the International Institute for Strategic Studies list any standard ship prefixs for the vessels of the Russian Navy. For official U.S. Navy photographs, they are sometimes referred to as "RFS" — "Russian Federation Ship". However, the Russian Navy does not use this convention for itself.
The Russian Navy possesses the vast majority of the former Soviet naval forces, and currently comprises the Northern Fleet, the Russian Pacific Fleet, the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Russian Baltic Fleet, the Russian Caspian Flotilla, Naval Aviation, and the coastal troops (consisting of the naval infantry and the coastal missile and artillery troops).
wn.com/The Russian Naval Force Documentary
The Russian Navy (Russian: Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (ВМФ России), tr. Voyenno-morskoy Flot Rossiyskoy Federatsii (VMF Rossii), lit. Military-Maritime Fleet of the Russian Federation) is the naval arm of the Russian military. The present Russian Navy was formed in January 1992, succeeding the Navy of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which had itself succeeded the Soviet Navy following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.
The regular Russian Navy was established by Peter the Great (Peter I) in October 1696. Ascribed to Peter I is the oft quoted statement: "A ruler that has but an army has one hand, but he who has a navy has both." The symbols of the Russian Navy, the St. Andrew's flag and ensign (seen to the right), and most of its traditions were established personally by Peter I.
Neither Jane's Fighting Ships nor the International Institute for Strategic Studies list any standard ship prefixs for the vessels of the Russian Navy. For official U.S. Navy photographs, they are sometimes referred to as "RFS" — "Russian Federation Ship". However, the Russian Navy does not use this convention for itself.
The Russian Navy possesses the vast majority of the former Soviet naval forces, and currently comprises the Northern Fleet, the Russian Pacific Fleet, the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Russian Baltic Fleet, the Russian Caspian Flotilla, Naval Aviation, and the coastal troops (consisting of the naval infantry and the coastal missile and artillery troops).
- published: 16 Jul 2014
- views: 89920
Full HD Russian Army Parade Victory Day, 2015 Парад Победы
-With English subtitles!- This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriot...
-With English subtitles!- This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (what the Eastern Front of World War II is called in the former Soviet Union), 9 May, 2015. Giving the commemoration speech is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over 11,000 military personnel participated in this event. Presiding over the military parade in Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army, Sergei Shoigu. Commanding the parade is Colonel General, Oleg Salyukov. Music by the Military Orchestra Service of the Russian Federation, directed by Lieutenant General, Valery Khalilov.
wn.com/Full Hd Russian Army Parade Victory Day, 2015 Парад Победы
-With English subtitles!- This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (what the Eastern Front of World War II is called in the former Soviet Union), 9 May, 2015. Giving the commemoration speech is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over 11,000 military personnel participated in this event. Presiding over the military parade in Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army, Sergei Shoigu. Commanding the parade is Colonel General, Oleg Salyukov. Music by the Military Orchestra Service of the Russian Federation, directed by Lieutenant General, Valery Khalilov.
- published: 16 May 2015
- views: 282546
World Magic Cup 2014 Round 1 (Team Sealed): Russian Federation vs. France
The Russian Federsation team has their hands full playing against France: the defending champions, the hometown team, and sporting the reigning Player of the Ye...
The Russian Federsation team has their hands full playing against France: the defending champions, the hometown team, and sporting the reigning Player of the Year, Jeremy Dezani. Welcome to the World Magic Cup.
wn.com/World Magic Cup 2014 Round 1 (Team Sealed) Russian Federation Vs. France
The Russian Federsation team has their hands full playing against France: the defending champions, the hometown team, and sporting the reigning Player of the Year, Jeremy Dezani. Welcome to the World Magic Cup.
- published: 05 Dec 2014
- views: 2898
Lets play CRMP [Russian Federation RP] #1
Пишите в комменты кого интересует вопрос почему так долго не было видео...
Пишите в комменты кого интересует вопрос почему так долго не было видео
wn.com/Lets Play Crmp Russian Federation Rp 1
Пишите в комменты кого интересует вопрос почему так долго не было видео
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 83
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpop...
Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
BBC Documentary - Better Mind The Computer overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
Please enjoy and subscribe too. Thanks! Andrew investigates drawing as a primal human instinct and a learned discipline, looking at the earliest cave drawing.
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 201.
BBC documentary - The Secret Life of Mary Poppins new HD 720p BBC documentary - The Secret Life of Mary Poppins new HD 720p BBC documentary - The Secret Life.
BBC Documentary - Too ugly for love BBC New Documentary 2014fiat 2014,overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc doc.
Please like, share and subscribe for more. Have an awesome day !!! Thanks for watchingThis Video is meant for educational purpose. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT .
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
We share information only for educational purposes Subscribe & Join us : Don't Forget To LIKE. Documentary - Ancient Egyptian Glass From Outer Space BBC Scie.
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documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
Please like, share and subscribe for more. Have an awesome day !!! Thanks for watching.This Video is meant for educational purpose. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEME. .
The Secret of Drawing - All in the Mind (BBC Documentary) The Secret of Drawing in Two Episodes 1. The Secret of Drawing - All in the Mind (BBC Documentary) .
BBC Documentary DINOSAUR FOSSILS THE ONE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD Science History new HD 720p medicare part d, alcohol withdrawal, medicare advantage, divorce .
Please Enjoy. Subscribe & Like too. Thanks. Cheers! Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. documentary, documentaries, full documentary,.
Please Enjoy & Subscribe. Likes & Comments are highly appreciated. Thanks! Scotland is plagued with over 50000 drug addicts and one of the roots of this add..
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
BBC - Tails You Win The Science of Chance - Science Documentary. BBC Tails You Win The Science of Chance Science Documentary Mega Structures Follow me for ne.
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New Docu: Subscribe for more Docus 2014! The Topics of these video documentaries are varied and cover ancient history, Rome, Gree.
Computer documentary from 1983.
Alex Alvarez, Franco Attolini, and Alberto (Beto) Nava are members of PET (Projecto Espeleológico de Tulum), an organization that specializes in the explorat.
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Russia - Documentary on How the Russian Empire was Built overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
BBC Documentary - Better Mind The Computer overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc documentary,overpopulation doc.
Please enjoy and subscribe too. Thanks! Andrew investigates drawing as a primal human instinct and a learned discipline, looking at the earliest cave drawing.
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 201.
BBC documentary - The Secret Life of Mary Poppins new HD 720p BBC documentary - The Secret Life of Mary Poppins new HD 720p BBC documentary - The Secret Life.
BBC Documentary - Too ugly for love BBC New Documentary 2014fiat 2014,overpopulation,overpopulation myth,too many people on earth,bbc documentary,new bbc doc.
Please like, share and subscribe for more. Have an awesome day !!! Thanks for watchingThis Video is meant for educational purpose. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT .
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
We share information only for educational purposes Subscribe & Join us : Don't Forget To LIKE. Documentary - Ancient Egyptian Glass From Outer Space BBC Scie.
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2014 new HD 720p Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 201.
The Story of Dinosaurs Full AmazingDocumentary documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentar.
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
Please like, share and subscribe for more. Have an awesome day !!! Thanks for watching.This Video is meant for educational purpose. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEME. .
The Secret of Drawing - All in the Mind (BBC Documentary) The Secret of Drawing in Two Episodes 1. The Secret of Drawing - All in the Mind (BBC Documentary) .
BBC Documentary DINOSAUR FOSSILS THE ONE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD Science History new HD 720p medicare part d, alcohol withdrawal, medicare advantage, divorce .
Please Enjoy. Subscribe & Like too. Thanks. Cheers! Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. documentary, documentaries, full documentary,.
Please Enjoy & Subscribe. Likes & Comments are highly appreciated. Thanks! Scotland is plagued with over 50000 drug addicts and one of the roots of this add..
documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geogra.
BBC - Tails You Win The Science of Chance - Science Documentary. BBC Tails You Win The Science of Chance Science Documentary Mega Structures Follow me for ne.
documentaries, documentary, documentaries 2014, youtube documentaries, documentaries online, documentaries discovery channel, online documentaries, watch doc.
New Docu: Subscribe for more Docus 2014! The Topics of these video documentaries are varied and cover ancient history, Rome, Gree.
Computer documentary from 1983.
Alex Alvarez, Franco Attolini, and Alberto (Beto) Nava are members of PET (Projecto Espeleológico de Tulum), an organization that specializes in the explorat.
SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR MORE GREAT DOCUMENTARIES! youtubesubscription_c.David Attenborough - The JUNGLE documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history doc. .
- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 44823
President Vladimir Putin of Russian Federation Meets with President Bush (2007)
http://thefilmarchive.org/ July 2, 2007 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; IPA: [vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪr vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ ˈputʲɪn]; ......
http://thefilmarchive.org/ July 2, 2007 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; IPA: [vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪr vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ ˈputʲɪn]; ...
wn.com/President Vladimir Putin Of Russian Federation Meets With President Bush (2007)
http://thefilmarchive.org/ July 2, 2007 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; IPA: [vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪr vɫɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ ˈputʲɪn]; ...
Davos 2013 - Scenarios for the Russian Federation
Scenarios for the Russian Federation Despite a decade of high growth, Russia's economic model is at a turning point. Against a backdrop of significant global......
Scenarios for the Russian Federation Despite a decade of high growth, Russia's economic model is at a turning point. Against a backdrop of significant global...
wn.com/Davos 2013 Scenarios For The Russian Federation
Scenarios for the Russian Federation Despite a decade of high growth, Russia's economic model is at a turning point. Against a backdrop of significant global...
YUSUPOV PALACE (MOYKA PALACE), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The Yusupov Palace is also known by Moyka (or Moika) Palace, because it was built in a bank of the river Moyka (Мо́йка, in Russian). The river is small but s......
The Yusupov Palace is also known by Moyka (or Moika) Palace, because it was built in a bank of the river Moyka (Мо́йка, in Russian). The river is small but s...
wn.com/Yusupov Palace (Moyka Palace), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The Yusupov Palace is also known by Moyka (or Moika) Palace, because it was built in a bank of the river Moyka (Мо́йка, in Russian). The river is small but s...
- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 16941
author: 1947Rogerio
НОВЫЙ ГОРОД - Russian Federation RP (CRMP)
Приветос ребят, сегодня вы будете смотреть видео с проекта RF RP, в этой серии мы посмотрели сервер, типо как новый город;). Ребят 100 лойсов и новая серия.
Приветос ребят, сегодня вы будете смотреть видео с проекта RF RP, в этой серии мы посмотрели сервер, типо как новый город;). Ребят 100 лойсов и новая серия.
Группа Russian Federation RolePlay - https://vk.com/rfrp_project
ip -
Группа Unusual RolePlay - http://vk.com/uns_roleplay
По поводу рекламы - https://vk.com/topic-87682373_31654003
ПОДПИШИСЬ - https://www.youtube.com/user/SkodaMak/
wn.com/Новый Город Russian Federation Rp (Crmp)
Приветос ребят, сегодня вы будете смотреть видео с проекта RF RP, в этой серии мы посмотрели сервер, типо как новый город;). Ребят 100 лойсов и новая серия.
Группа Russian Federation RolePlay - https://vk.com/rfrp_project
ip -
Группа Unusual RolePlay - http://vk.com/uns_roleplay
По поводу рекламы - https://vk.com/topic-87682373_31654003
ПОДПИШИСЬ - https://www.youtube.com/user/SkodaMak/
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 890
ДОСТАВКА ПИЦЦЫ! - Russian Federation RP (CRMP) #20
Kirill Pavlov - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCok1sNxzDKqMFD4Sm1arpcw
Вк: https://vk.com/club39133404
Ставь пальчик вверх и по...
Kirill Pavlov - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCok1sNxzDKqMFD4Sm1arpcw
Вк: https://vk.com/club39133404
Ставь пальчик вверх и подписывайся на канал для дальнейшего смотра Fozzi Show
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Отзывы - http://vk.com/topic-87272487_33346169
wn.com/Доставка Пиццы Russian Federation Rp (Crmp) 20
Kirill Pavlov - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCok1sNxzDKqMFD4Sm1arpcw
Вк: https://vk.com/club39133404
Ставь пальчик вверх и подписывайся на канал для дальнейшего смотра Fozzi Show
Подписаться - www.youtube.com/FozziShow
=========Информация обо мне===============
Заказать рекламу - http://vk.com/topic-87272487_33346235
Обзор вашего сервера - http://goo.gl/BxD5gz
Группа ВК - http://vk.com/fozzishow
VSP Partner Group - https://youpartnerwsp.com/join?27283
Отзывы - http://vk.com/topic-87272487_33346169
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 367
Vitaly I. Churkin (Russian Federation) on Ukraine - Press Conference
22 Aug 2014 - Press Conference by H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations on the situation in Ukrai......
22 Aug 2014 - Press Conference by H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations on the situation in Ukrai...
wn.com/Vitaly I. Churkin (Russian Federation) On Ukraine Press Conference
22 Aug 2014 - Press Conference by H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations on the situation in Ukrai...
- published: 23 Aug 2014
- views: 256
author: QMurom
The Jesus Film - Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language (Russian Federation)
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Russian Federation) Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language. God......
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Russian Federation) Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language. God...
wn.com/The Jesus Film Mari, Meadow Lowland Mari Language (Russian Federation)
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Russian Federation) Mari, Meadow / Lowland Mari Language. God...
- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 187
author: eyong52
osu! Mania 4K World Cup 2015 Group Stage - Group B - Russian Federation vs Norway
mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422906
Peru vs Brazil mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422912
Sweden vs Argentina mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422917
MWC 4K 2015 : htt...
mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422906
Peru vs Brazil mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422912
Sweden vs Argentina mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422917
MWC 4K 2015 : https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/MWC_4K_2015
wn.com/Osu Mania 4K World Cup 2015 Group Stage Group B Russian Federation Vs Norway
mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422906
Peru vs Brazil mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422912
Sweden vs Argentina mp : https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/18422917
MWC 4K 2015 : https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/MWC_4K_2015
- published: 23 Aug 2015
- views: 130