Aralar strongly condemns the massacre against the people gathered in solidarity with Kobani en the Northern Kurdish town of Suruc. A bomb set up by ISIS killed 28 people and injured 100.

Aralar wants to show its full support and solidarity to Aiala Zaldibar, Igarki Robles and Ibon Esteban, the three young political activists who have been sentenced to prison.

The general secretary of Aralar Rebeka Ubera and the member of the Board of Aralar and Navarrese parliamentary Asun Fernández de Garaialde appeared before the media to do a statement on the peace process and political situation.

The members of Aralar Jon Inarritu and Alex Larragoiti went to Diyarbakir in Kurdistan for the Newroz, the Kurdish national day that marks the beginning of the year. The members of Aralar were invited by HDP party. Inarritu and Larragoiti expressed to the Kurdish representatives their support and solidarity to cause of peace and. freedom for Kurdistan

Aralar thinks that today's decision by the Supreme Court against Basque prisioners, Alberto Plazaola and Santiago Arrospide, is contrary to human rights, law and democracy. In that sense, the general secretary of Aralar Rebeka Ubera stated that it is "a fascist decision that goes against human rights, laws and therefore, democracy itself."

The EFA Group in the European Parliament has welcomed Inaki Irazabalbeitia from the Basque political movement Aralar as its newest MEP.

Aralar praised positively the 12 recommendations presented this week by the Social Forum. Patxi Zabaleta, Rebeka Ubera and Dani Maeztu stressed that the recommendations must be satisfied in full, without exceptions.

Aralar made a press conference to analyse the situation of both the peace process and the political normalization of the Basque Country. Dani Maeztu, deputy coordinator of Aralar and Rebeka Ubera, secretary of organization, called the Basque and Navarrese governments to follow a path of open collaboration similar to that of Northern Basque Country, where all political parties are working together to build peace.

EHBildu, the coalition of which is member Aralar, has appealed to support the general strike called by Basque trade unions.

The responsible of international affairs of Aralar, inaki irazabalbeitia, attended this weekend to the 10th General Assembly Iniciativa per Catalunya Verts held in Vidaldecans (Barcelona)

Desde que conseguimos desalojar del ayuntamiento a la derecha racista y antisocial liderada por Maroto se abrieron en Gasteiz grandes retos a cubrir.

Apirilean Bakerako Euskal Bidea aurkeztu genuen. Gure bide propioan, hiru bideetako bat den, bakerako bidean sakondu nahirik eta koalizio gisa beste urrats bat emanez; beti ere, aldebakartasunaren bidean. Herri hau noizbait aske izateko, funtsezkoa delako elkarbizitza demokratikoa lortzea. Horretarako, gatazkaren erroetan esku hartzeaz gain, behrrezkoa da gatazkaren ondorioei erreparatzea eta konponbidea bilatzea. Ez da gero lan makala! Are gehiago, ETAk 2011an behin betirako armak utzi zituenetik herritarren eta herri honen eragileetako masa kritiko handi batek ulertu duenean bakea egina eta lortua dagoela.

Abenduak 20-ko hauteskundeak urruti sentitzen ditugu. Urruti, arrazoi desberdinengatik. Baina urruti, bai distantzian eta gureak ez direla argi daukagulako.

Urruti eta arrotz. Dagoeneko euskaldunok hamarkadetan ikasten joan garelako Madriletik ez datorrela ezer. Hobeto esanda, etorriko dena ez dela gauza ona izango. Etortzekotan edo ekartzekotan, sufrimendua, erasoa, indarkeria – indarkeri politikoa, soziala, laborala- izango dela. Herri eta herritar gisa dagozkigun eskubideen aurkako “legalitatea”. Izan ere, Espainiar demokrazia indarkeriaz jantzia dagoen legalitateaz egituratzen baita, frankismoaren oinordeko zintzo bezala. Berdin izango zaigu motosdun gizontxoa, laranjadun gizona edo eta “Barbiren” senargaiaren antza duen beste gizona… Guztien eskaintza Euskal Herriarentzat berbera delako: ukazioa. Gure erabaki ahalmenaren, eskubideen eta burujabetzaren ukazioa.

(Berria egunkarian Patxi Zabaletak argitaratutako artikuloa)

Joan den asteko Pariseko atentatu izugarrien ondoren, egunkari gehienek beren orrialde nagusiak egoeraren garraztasunari eman dizkiote. Erreakzioak, gehienetan zoritxarrez, indarrez erantzutearen ildotik doaz, eta Frantzia bera, Hollanderen gobernu sozialistarekin indarra erabiltzearen jarreran, gidari moduan azaltzen zaigu.


(Artículo publicado por Nekane Pérez en Diario de Noticias)


Reconozco que con el trajín de todos los días no me da tiempo a mirar el panorama con un poco de perspectiva y calma, a veces siento que me engulle el día a día. Hoy me he sentado en mi mecedora después de comer y no sé si he pensado un rato o ha sido una cabezada, pero ante el no apocalipsis navarro he decidido ponerme teclas a la obra.