Pholeros the fearless architect

Elizabeth Farrelly 9:00 PM   We who are left should make PP’s big-heart small-ego heroism the stuff of legend. We should teach our kids his sustaining insight, that architecture is our dance with nature.

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For voters, elite is a dirty word

Paul Sheehan.

Paul Sheehan 11:15 PM   Voter distrust towards the political class has become potent in the US, volatile in Europe and evident in Australia, where the electorate has dispatched ten major party leaders in just 12 years.

Asylum seekers on Nauru in a legal black hole

George Williams dinkus

George Williams 3:52 PM   All this means that Australia's treatment of asylum seekers by way of offshore processing will now raise few legal questions. Instead, it will be governed by the politics of the day.

GST hike is a solution in search of a problem

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin 12:00 AM   We need a clear goal if the attempt to change the tax system is to succeed.

What we lose with the death of handwriting

William McKeith dinkus

William McKeith 9:28 PM   There is much more to handwriting than that which meets the eye. There is a culture. A tradition. A way of thinking. Yes, it has a cost, but maybe that’s a cost that a mature society should be prepared to bear.

Comments 15

Geneva peace talks must have long-term goal

Smoke rises after three bombs exploded in Sayyda Zeinab, a predominantly Shiite Muslim suburb of the Syrian capital. The ...

Joseph Camilleri 12:00 AM   One thing is clear: both global and regional powers have much to answer for in the tragedy that is Syria.

Americans united by a single emotion: Anger

Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, speaks during a campaign event at ...

Nicole Hemmer 12:30 AM   Candidates in the presidential race are not promising hope, they’re chasing mad-as-hell voters who feel the system is rigged against them.

View from the Street

Andrew P Street dinkus

Andrew P Street 7:22 PM   Let's stop beating around the bush: how can hurting children be a sane and compassionate policy? Your news of the day, as a heartbroken rant.

Comments 2

Moral blight: kids paying for 'sins' of parents'

SMH Editorial dinkus

7:37 PM   So Australia's offshore detention regime at Nauru and Manus Island is legal, the High Court has ruled. But is it moral?


Letters to the Editor

SMH letters dinkus

9:00 PM   Paul Keating's sage advice is timely. Health and education, once the envy of other countries, have been so mismanaged by successive state governments that we are left with but a shell of what we had.

Column 8

Column 8

9:00 PM   "To answer Suzanne Wicks' 'Why paper bags?' query from the other day, in the US you cannot have nudity and sell alcohol in the same venue," we're told by Gerry Brooks, of Haberfield.

In the Herald: February 4, 1931

In the Herald dinkus

Stephanie Bull 12:00 AM   Queries over the Sydney Harbour Bridge tramway and concerns over unrest in Darwin.

Raising the GST to 15% is fiscal folly

paul keating dinkus

Paul Keating 1:42 AM   If Australia goes down the path of increasing the GST to 15 per cent, it will be on the way to joining that collection of West European countries which are the highest taxed countries in the world.

Banks are using us to hedge their bets

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   We only need a tiny part of the financial services industry – the rest is just speculation and it doesn't stand up to close scrutiny.

Comments 39

Logic says Valizadeh shouldn't get a visa

Tim Wilson dinkus.

Tim Wilson   In the past few days there have been increasing calls on the Federal Government to block the so-called "neo-masculinist" from entering Australia. 

Comments 180

Your table manners suck: I want a divorce

Alan Stokes.

Alan Stokes   If couples can't agree on never touching that cutlery until every single person at the table has been served, then no amount of sex, money or friendship will help.

Iowa sets scene for volatile presidential race

Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz speaks at a caucus night rally in Des Moines, Iowa.

Andrew Hammond   This year's race is only in its infancy and remains potentially very volatile as it heads into the New Hampshire primary on February 9.

Why we need to fight domestic terrorism

Daryush Valizadeh, AKA Roosh V

Jennie Hill   This is why it's so important to speak out about groups like Return of Kings and Real Social Dynamics and others.

Let's take control of synthetic drugs

Synthetic cannabis has been linked to the tragic death of teenager Dean Shield.

Matt Noffs   Prohibiting recreational drugs hasn't worked, so it's time to try regulating them.

Comments 4

View from the Street

Andrew P Street dinkus

Andrew P Street   Who's adorably pretending that they're bestest mates with Obama? Your news of the day, reduced to a snarky rant.

Comments 6

Voters deal Trump his first losing hand

SMH Editorial dinkus

Has Mr Trump simply scared off too many people to be a viable candidate against the badly shaken Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton?

Malaysia's reputation sinking in scandal

SMH Editorial dinkus

It's almost a year since Malaysia's highest court rejected former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's appeal against a dubious charge of sodomy to uphold his five year jail sentence.


Letters to the Editor

SMH letters dinkus

The government's moves to send babies to Nauru are part of a repugnant and cruel saga.

Column 8

column 8

"I can testify for Barry Riley's sake (in your column of February 1) that the great singular pronouns still survive in the North of England," writes Thomas Keneally, who knows a thing or two about words.

In the Herald: February 3, 1990

In the Herald dinkus

Stephanie Bull   We delve back into our archives.


Disgrace oddity - how I tried to help David Bowie

Thirty years ago the writer interviewed David Bowie - and blew it entirely.

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From the desk of our chief comment moderator

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In defence of the hangover

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Bystanders struggle to do the right thing

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Why New Year's Eve is the most hypocritical night

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The Australian fair go is dead

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Captain's speech doesn't represent the Ravenswood I know

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Where to now for a newly unseated PM

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Big karma hits big pharma

Paul Sheehan: When a venture capitalist bought the rights to a drug and increased its price by 5500 per cent, there was widespread outrage. Now comes corporate revenge against corporate evil.

Islamic State thrives as big boys squabble

Waleed Aly: Force will not wipe out Islamic State because it is a byproduct of a much bigger conflict that needs to be resolved first.

Why Turnbull will be our longest-serving PM

Elizabeth Farrelly: It is a relief to have a leader who uses intelligence to connect with us.

The only thing worse than having your family murdered

When Ann O'Neill woke up in hospital after her estranged husband had shot her and killed their two children, she wasn't prepared for the public response.

A photo diary of France's week of terror

For photographer Andrew Meares, a dinner in Berlin turned into a week of terror after attacks ripped through the heart of Paris.

Why I won't be changing my Facebook profile

I am a self-confessed Francophile. I speak French; have a degree in French; in my 20s I did the obligatory year as an au pair, in Limoges, working for the family of a famous French porcelain house.

Turning hateful tweets into a force for good

Susan Carland: Bombarded with hateful tweets from trolls, it was only natural that my response would be rooted in the fact that I am Muslim.