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  1. & there is nothing humanitarian about blocking & where you cant see their suffering.

  2. retweeté

    EU-Turkey deal in practice : Turkish coastguard attacking migrant boat engine with long pole in Greek water

  3. BREAKING: The EU-Turkey deal has been passed. From Sunday, arriving in may be sent back to

  4. retweeté

    . to : "The UK would be complicit in abandoning people to this regime of abuse & violence"

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    Europe’s restrictive policies put some of the world's most vulnerable people in more danger

  6. Europe seems to think that making conditions in unlivable will stop fleeing wars. Europe is wrong.

  7. This was the scene moments after the team in assisted 150 safely to shore.

  8. Kassim is 91. His family made it to but he's stuck in Belgrade. All he wants is peace and them by his side.

  9. says offer to curb flow to is "humanitarian". As a humanitarian organization, we take offense!

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    Turkish coastguards then attempt to swamp/capsize the dinghy with full-throttle broadside wake.

  11. retweeté

    The migrants attempt to protect themselves and engine with a red rag

  12. Whilst leaders are sitting down to speak to . The Turkish coastguard is attacking boats.

  13. retweeté

    Outrageous. PM confirms he has no respect for or intention of upholding international refugee law.

  14. Hey when you suggest returning people to do you see them back with smugglers, 4 factions or IS?

  15. Meet Hassan, he's 25 and a law student from . After weeks at he is rapidly losing hope.

  16. This is what it means to "put up a new tent" in . Heavy machinery is needed to clear to mud

  17. camp is squalid. There are no other words for it. The 12,000 men, women & kids living here need

  18. 43,407 human beings are stranded in Greece. The vast majority fled wars in and .

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