Roll Call
CQ Roll Call Feb. 2, 2016
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Cruz Wins, But Iowa's Barely Winnowing Field

Bulletin: The Iowa caucuses did not nominate a presidential candidate in either party. Okay, that wasn’t much of a news flash. But it is a reminder how easy it can be to over-hype the results from an overwhelmingly white state where just over one quarter of the voters bothered to turn out on caucus night.


What One Retirement May Say About the Future

At first glance, the Reid Ribble retirement doesn’t appear headline-worthy. Yes, he is now among 16 House Republicans to announce a voluntary departure at year’s end.


Elijah Cummings Won't Run for Senate in Maryland

Elijah Cummings Won't Run for Senate in Maryland

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland will not seek an open Senate seat. He'll run for re-election instead.

Supreme Court Allows Virginia Redistricting to Stand in 2016

Virginia’s 2016 congressional elections can move ahead using a judge-selected redistricting plan put in place last month despite a pending Supreme Court challenge.


Congressional Hopefuls Cozy Up to Iowa Caucus Circus

As presidential candidates storm their state ahead of next week’s caucuses, Iowa’s congressional candidates are struggling to be noticed. But behind the scenes, they’re taking advantage of an energized electorate and organized political infrastructure to help build their own campaign operations.


Huckabee and Santorum and Coffee and Pizza

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa — The last two Republicans to win Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses have formed an odd fraternity: mired in the low-single digits in polling, marooned in the undercard debates and even finding themselves attending a campaign rally Jan. 28 for the frontrunner, Donald Trump.

Obama to Meet With Ryan, McConnell on Tuesday

President Barack Obama will meet with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., next week to discuss legislative priorities and potential areas of common ground in 2016.

Will Shkreli Show Up?

Despite his dismissive tweets in answer to a subpoena, House Oversight and Government Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said he expects notorious pharmaceutical entrepreneur Martin Shkreli to testify on Capitol Hill on Thursday in arguably the most-hyped hearing so far in 2016.

Fat Tuesday, Polish-Style

Look out for Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., carrying pastries through the Capitol on Tuesday. Paczki Day is a Mardi Gras tradition, also known as Fat Tuesday, for Polish Lent celebrators.


New Candidate Already Spending Big in Maryland Race

With only a few days before the door closes on candidate filing in Maryland, one surprise candidate is on his way through – and he brought a big checkbook with him.

Democrats Talk Unity as Pelosi Knocks Sanders

BALTIMORE — As House Democrats gathered here Wednesday to show their unity, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi indicated there’s at least one Democrat who doesn’t share their vision for the future: presidential candidate Sen. Bernard Sanders.


Who'll Be First in Congress to Endorse Trump?

Of all Donald Trump’s curious unblemished records, this one will almost surely end pretty soon: At last one member of Congress will endorse him for president.

Take Five: Rep. Barbara Lee

Take Five: Rep. Barbara Lee

It’s time again for Take Five, when HOH talks with a member of Congress about topics relatively unrelated to legislative work.

We Keep Electing Outsiders; How's That Working Out?

Americans have fallen in love with the romantic notion of an “outsider” president who rides into Washington and brings the establishment to heel.

Lawmakers Who've Led on Heroin Epidemic Get Hit on It Anyway

Lawmakers Who've Led on Heroin Epidemic Get Hit on It Anyway

The mood in the Senate hearing room was somber as lawmakers pledged bipartisan support to combat the scourge of heroin and prescription drug addiction. But with two of the Senate’s most vulnerable Republicans testifying, the hearing offered the opportunity to demonstrate some passion for an issue voters care about intensely. It also gave Democratic opponents a chance to criticize them.

Hill Life The H8ful Eight

The H8ful Eight

Finally! A movie about politics that ain’t beanbag.

Senate Food Workers Allege 'Raise Theft'

After achieving an apparent victory with wage increases in a new contract, Senate food workers now say that a number of workers have been illegally barred from receiving a raise.

Clinton Adviser: Schumer Was 'So Happy' She Left the Senate

A longtime Hillary Clinton adviser seemed to think Sen. Charles E. Schumer was happy to see the current Democratic presidential candidate leave the world’s greatest deliberative body.

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