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Danielle Sabrina
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Danielle Sabrina is a heart-centered business intuitive, monetization strategist, and writer who is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post. After leaving a successful career in Financial Planning, Danielle developed her Freedom based business What Vibes Your Tribe and Tribe Builder Academy, where she helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs monetize their passion and do what they love full time. Danielle is well known for helping her clients connect with their tribe, turn followers into fans, and fans into paying clients

Entries by Danielle Sabrina

David Bowie: A Transforming Medium of Art

(0) Comments | Posted January 12, 2016 | 12:04 AM

2016-01-12-1452568161-8373802-BowieRaR87.jpgDavid Bowie was not simply a musician, because he wasn't simply anything or anyone. He was what few of us are, a true original.

Whether you call him David Robert Jones, or David Bowie, or if your preference is Ziggy Stardust...

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From Procrastination to Profit and Power

(1) Comments | Posted January 4, 2016 | 9:34 AM

Your business isn't generating the kind of income you were hoping for. You feel like your brand is stagnating. You're struggling to come up with valuable content to share with your followers.


If this sounds like you, I can tell you something: you're...

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Will Your Business Become Irrelevant in 2016?

(0) Comments | Posted December 18, 2015 | 11:39 AM

You can fight it all you want, but social media is going to be the driving force behind whether you and your business are considered relevant. There are thousands of people searching for solutions that you provide, but unless google thinks you're relevant, good luck on anyone on having the...

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3 Tools to Grow Your Local Business Online

(0) Comments | Posted November 6, 2015 | 6:22 PM

Starting an online local business isn't easy. You've got to build your website from the ground up, fill it with content, check for technical glitches and ultimately, launch it to the public.

And the work doesn't end with your grand opening. In fact, after launching, there's even more to do:...

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6 Reasons Why Your Coaching Business Isn't Taking Off

(3) Comments | Posted October 20, 2015 | 10:40 PM

You've started your coaching business, you've put yourself out there, and you've made your voice heard. You're excited to utilize your talents to help others. But after the big launch, you're hearing ... crickets.

If your business just can't seem to generate any buzz, don't worry: I've got you covered....

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3 Common Mistakes On Your About Me Page

(0) Comments | Posted October 5, 2015 | 2:23 PM

On the surface, the purpose of your "About Me" page is simple: it's a place where your clients can get to know you better -- right? But actually, the goal of your "About Me" page goes much deeper than a simple autobiography.

Indeed, your "About Me" shouldn't just tell...

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What If a School Could Teach You to Be Great?

(3) Comments | Posted September 25, 2015 | 2:20 PM


"Life should be lived passionately. Otherwise you're playing another person's game."

What if there was a school that focused on living passionately? One that showed you that you can build not only an epic business, but also an epic life?

What if there...

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Being Vulnerable Is Good for Business

(1) Comments | Posted September 23, 2015 | 5:14 PM

When I launched my 30 day challenge of posting daily one minute video tips, the response was amazing! People from all over the world, from different backgrounds and walks of life are creating these bite sized pieces of inspiration and valuable tips to help improve the lives of others. Some...

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Your Value Is Something You Are Born With

(2) Comments | Posted September 23, 2015 | 1:54 AM

A couple of days ago I kicked off a 30-day challenge to post daily one minute video tips to help inspire others whether it be in their life or business. The challenge so far has been incredible, the tips are powerful, moving and sometimes just the message you need to...

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Do You Have Just One Minute A Day?

(0) Comments | Posted September 21, 2015 | 5:03 PM

Few things are more comforting than knowing that someone else has been there before, has experienced what you've experienced, and can give you that beam of hope that light truly is right around the corner. In celebration of International Peace Day, I thought it was a good time to talk...

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Engagement Is In, Exclusivity Is Out!

(9) Comments | Posted August 13, 2015 | 5:44 PM

There's no question that establishing authority in your field is one of the key objectives when building a profitable business. This is particularly true in the realm of online business, and let's face it: nowadays, if you have a business, you most likely...
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8 Steps to Living Your Passion Full-Time

(2) Comments | Posted July 31, 2015 | 1:01 PM

"Do what you love." It's simple advice, yet so many of us find ourselves taking on jobs we don't enjoy, spending our valuable time half-asleep in front of our desks, and living our day-to-day lives with no real sense of passion or purpose....
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