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  • Intimate Rivals
    Intimate Rivals by Sheila A. Smith

    "Beautifully written and saturated with insights," Smith's book explores emerging issues in the Japan-China relationship.

  • Foreign Policy Begins at Home
    Foreign Policy Begins at Home by Richard N. Haass

    The biggest threat to U.S. security and prosperity comes not from abroad but from within, writes Haass in his provocative new book.

Introducing: Model Diplomacy

Model Diplomacy

Model Diplomacy is a free simulation of the National Security Council that teaches college and high school students the challenges of shaping and implementing foreign policy. Learn More

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CFR LIVE: World Economic Update

February 2, 2016

CFR LIVE: World Economic Update

Watch experts discuss recent trends in the global economy, live on Tuesday, February 2, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. (EST).

Campaign 2016

Foreign policy is central to the 2016 election. View CFR's interactive guide to the candidates' positions on a range of issues.


Reach behind today's headlines with primers on major international developments.

On This Day

  • February 2, 1971

    Idi Amin declares himself president of Uganda after seizing power in a coup.

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