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1 February 2016

Following Prisoner Deal, Iranian Nobel Laureate Calls on Tehran to ‘Make Peace With Its Own People’

While expressing joy at Iran’s recent release of four imprisoned Iranian-Americans, Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi has called on the Iranian government to “make peace with its own people.”

Russian Social Network VK Claims to Protect Users From Warrantless Surveillance

RuNet EchoGlobal Voices Advocacy

VKontakte's Ukrainian spokesperson says the social network abhors censorship and only shares user data with secret services when presented with court orders. The website's turbulent history paints a different picture.

The Dangerous and Complex Reality of Women Who Join Central American Gangs

"...I thought it was the best way that people could defend themselves, by being on the strong side rather than the weak one."

What Kicked Off in Uruguay that Lasts for 40 Days?

It lasts for 40 days and is considered the longest carnival in the world. The Uruguayan Carnival brings together traditions born Europe and Africa, and offers a whole lot more.

An Interactive Digital Archive Helps Preserve Traditional Australian Aboriginal Literature

Rising Voices

The archive features versions of old-time children’s stories, pre- and post-contact histories, books about the environment and hunting, ghost stories, creation stories, and cautionary tales from Australia's Northern Territory.

Seizing Jewelry Isn't the Only Awful Change to Denmark's Refugee Law

The law says asylum seekers must now wait up to three years to have their spouses and children join them, which could violate Denmark’s international treaty commitments.

Jamaican Painter Barrington Watson Dies, Leaving Behind a Rich Visual Legacy

"He was the most highly trained artist, and he brought those academic principles to art."

A Syrian Man Takes Refuge in a Korean Honeymoon Resort Island

Ahmed Lababidi, 22, left the war-ravaged city of Aleppo back in 2012, fleeing across the Turkish border. He followed his younger brother on a journey to South Korea.

Spaniards Fired up Over Photo of Bullfighter With a Baby in His Arms

From "irresponsible" to "guardian of traditions": A photo of a popular matador fighting a heifer with his baby in his arms provokes a strong and mixed reaction in Spain.

Lampedusa's ‘Lioness’ Giusi Nicolini Wins the 2016 Simone de Beauvoir Award

The 2016 “Simone de Beauvoir Prize" has been awarded to Giusi Nicolini, mayor of Lampedusa and Linosa. She has been called "lioness" “for her brave actions in favour of refugees”

One Photo, One Thousand Words About Post-Apartheid South Africa

South Africans are saying the photo, which shows a controversial radio personality with his lawyer walking near a man seemingly digging through rubbish, captures the income equality plaguing their country.

31 January 2016

Once a Prisoner in Cuba, a Transgender Cuban Woman Vows to Never Return

These days, it’s a lot easier to travel between the US and Cuba, but some Cubans have no interest in going back to their homeland.

30 January 2016

What Kenya’s Biggest Slum Can Teach Us About Saving Cities From Floods

An innovative design firm is using data and community outreach to protect Nairobi's poorest residents from devastating storms.

Crime in Trinidad & Tobago Brings Out Netizens’ Racial Prejudices

Are racial stereotypes so ingrained in Trinidad and Tobago that some think criminals can only be of one ethnic denomination? A dramatic robbery in Port of Spain proves that #CrimeHasNoEthnicity.

New Ukrainian Draft Bill Seeks Extrajudicial Blocking for Websites Violating Copyright

RuNet Echo

A new bill in the Ukrainian parliament wants to replace the common pre-court notice and takedown procedure for copyright violations online with a faster blocking mechanism bypassing the courts.

No, Eritrea Isn't Forcing Men to Marry at Least Two Wives

The two wives hoax inspired a flood of hilarious memes on Twitter.

Rastafarian Jamaican Farmer Cooks ‘Ital’ for the Internet

"I’d love for people to take away an appreciation of Mokko’s culture, the beauty in simplicity, and start to think about where their food and energy comes from."

Laf Productions, the Chilean Team Behind Several Hilarious Viral Videos in Latin America

The Laf team give a humorous twist to everyday themes, and perhaps that's one of the reasons behind their success.

29 January 2016

Russian Internet Users Turn to TV for News, But Trust Online Sources More, Study Finds

RuNet Echo

37 percent of Russian Internet users believe Russian television and online media report on news in the same way, while an equal 37 percent argue the coverage differs significantly.

Grandma March Day, the Balkan Tradition of Exchanging Handmade Amulets

Balkan countries have joined forces to preserve the custom and push for its inclusion on UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage.

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