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Twitter Is An Ad-Free Experience For Its Most Popular Users

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Twitter's timeline has changed a LOT over the last 12 months, from the revelation that what you're looking at isn't in order to the introduction of ads.


Well it now transpires that for Twitter's rich and famous their experience of the social media app is very different. For starters, they don't get any ads.

Re/code reports that sources within Twitter confirmed that the company was removing ads from the timelines of some of its most influential users.


The idea behind it is quite simply to try and make the app experience as stress-free as possible with the inevitable outcome being that those users stay on Twitter.

According to re/code's sources, the users chosen to not have any ads aren't simply picked because of the number of followers they have. Instead Twitter defines each person by the how much they tweet, how engaged their followers are and the number of impressions they have.

For the rest of us, Twitter hasn't been skimping on new features. In the last 12 months the app has seen the addition of Moments as well as the ability to watch live Periscope feeds direct in your timeline.

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