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Samsung's Family Hub Refrigerator Has A Massive 21.5-inch Screen And Runs Android

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CES 2016 begins this week but already Samsung might have landed itself the award for the best gadget of the year in the form of its new and frankly absurd Family Hub Refrigerator.

samsung family hub

For starters lets just deal with the obvious which is that yes, there's a massive great screen on the front of it. To be more precise it's a 21.5-inch Full-HD touchscreen.


Realising that modern fridges have become too sterilised, Samsung wanted to apparently create something that would allow kids and parents to turn the fridge back into the organisation hub of the family.

To do this they created the world's largest Android device. The huge touchscreen can be synced up with everyone's calendars so everyone can enter in what they're doing on their phones and then have it wirelessly update to the fridge.

Of course there's also the ability to leave notes, post pictures and in the US you'll even be able to order your shopping straight form the fridge door.

samsung family hub

But how will you know what to buy? Well don't panic because Samsung's thought of that. Inside the fridge doors are cameras which take a picture of the contents of your fridge every time you close the door.

This culinary espionage means that if you get to the shops and can't remember you just open up the Smart Home app on your phone and look into your fridge.

Naturally it's absurdly good at being a fridge as well with each section able to seamlessly transition from being a fridge or a freezer depending on what you need.

Of course none of that matters because you'll be too busy staring at the TV-sized screen that's now plastered all over what was once a box that kept food cold.

Samsung's not letting slip on the price or the availability but expect it to be over £1000 and potentially even a US-only product. That said we're just happy it exists.

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