Monthly Archives: August 2014

Unto the Threats of Power: No Silence or Complacency

August 2014 Four years after the “Salamandra” police operative, otherwise known as “The [Chilean] Bombs Case,” the repressive tactics used by the police and the media continue to seek the imprisonment of our comrades, in a climate of Antiterrorist hysteria. … Continue reading

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Responding to Repressive State Measures: The Fight for Autonomy and Territory

We must begin by categorically reaffirming that this dispute is not over extensions of land – that is the concept of land as a commodity – but the reclamation and struggle to regain a way of life, an understanding of … Continue reading

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CSIS OUT OF WALLMAPU: EL ENGAÑO “The Deceit” Film Screening at the PSF!!

CSIS OUT OF WALLMAPU: EL ENGAÑO “The Deceit” Film Screening at the PSF!! FRIDAY, AUGUST22 @ 4PM, The Peoples’ Social Forum| University of Ottawa Room: FTX 232 (In)Famous Players ********************************************** NGÜENÉN: EL ENGAÑO [The Deceit – with English Subtitles] (2012) … Continue reading

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The Anti-Terrorist Law vs. the Autonomist Mapuche Movement; Contributions to the Debate by Hector Llaitul

Neoliberal governments, like their economies need certain commodities in the course of their development with the ends to consolidate, improve and deepen their dynamics, which may not necessarily be easy for the elites. This is why they build stories that … Continue reading

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Arauco Malleco Coordinator of Mapuche Communities in Conflict (CAM) Communiqué

This communiqué is in regards to the latest meeting between the Chilean Interior Minister Rodrigo Peñailillo, other government representatives of the Right, such as Diego Paulsen, Rene Manuel Garcia and German Becker (of the Region of Arauco), and statements made … Continue reading

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