Monthly Archives: November 2012


***************************(VER CASTELLANO ABAJO)****************************** ON THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE POLICE MURDER OF MAPUCHE WEICHAFE ALEX LEMUN… DOWN WITH THE PRISON SYSTEM! PRISONERS OF THE WORLD ONTO THE STREETS! Mapuche, Anarchist and Revolutionary International Solidarity Night In support of the CAM Mapuche … Continue reading

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COMMUNIQUE No.2 – CAM Mapuche Political Prisoner Hunger Strike

COMMUNIQUE No.2 CAM MAPUCHE POLITICAL PRISONER HUNGER STRIKE November 23rd, 2012 We communicate to the Mapuche Nation and general public opinion the following: The CAM Mapuche Political Prisoners reaffirm their compromise with the hunger strike that began this past Wednesday, … Continue reading

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The Collapse of the $hilean Anarchist Bomb Case

The Collapse of the $hilean Anarchist Bomb Case Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 After several days and traps set out by the prosecution and the Interior Minister that delayed the discussion of the trial annulment (which they proposed themselves), the Superior … Continue reading

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CAM Mapuche Political Prisoners Initiate New Hunger Strike

CAM Mapuche Political Prisoners Initiate New Hunger Strike November 14th, 2012 Public Communiqué The CAM Mapuche Political Prisoners, Hector Llaitul Carrillanca and Ramon Llanquileo Pilquiman communicate the following to the Mapuche Nation, and general public opinion: Beginning today, Wednesday November … Continue reading

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After 10 Years of Impunity, Alex Lemun Family Reaffirm Compromise for Territorial Struggle

After 10 Years of Impunity, Alex Lemun Family Reaffirm Compromise for Territorial Struggle Nov 13th, 2012 Public Communique On the 10th Anniversary of the murder of our son and Weichafe [Warrior] Alex Lemun Saavedra on November 12th, 2002, the family … Continue reading

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On the 10th Anniversary of his Murder: Alex Lemun Lives in Every Day of Mapuche Struggle

On the 10th Anniversary of his Murder:  Alex Lemun Lives in Every Day of Mapuche Struggle November 8th, 2012 In the next few days, it will be the 10th Anniversary since Chilean Police would murder the young Weichafe [Warrior] Alex … Continue reading

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Mapuche Resistance, the Mass Media (RE: “Informe Especial”) & the CAM National Liberation Project

Mapuche Resistance, the Mass Media (RE: “Informe Especial”) and the National Liberation Project of the CAM Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 The history of the Mapuche nation from the arrival of the Europeans till now has been set across annihilation, scorn … Continue reading

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