Monthly Archives: June 2012

Final Verdict of the $hilean Anarchist Bombs Case: ALL CHARGES DROPPED

June 3rd, 2012 WCCC [Toronto] Translated – Solidaridadporlxspresxs On Friday, June 1st, 2012 at 11 AM the verdict of the remaining 6 co-accused of the notorious $hilean Anarchist “Bombs Case” was being read in court. The room was full of … Continue reading

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The Non-Homogeneity and Emergence of Anti-Capitalist Positions in the [Chilean] Student Movement

Second Round of Student Mobilizations! Take Position!                                 A new process of student mobilizations seems to be taking place throughout the country. Once again the streets of all of $hile are full of potential that is characteristic of the masses that … Continue reading

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Chilean 14 Bomb Case: Ministry of the Interior and State Prosecution Loose Challenge

Chilean 14 Bomb Case: Ministry of the Interior and State Prosecution Loose Challenge Published May 16th, 2012 The Court did not accept the challenge presented against the Judges of the Public hearing, moreover were made to pay the legal fees … Continue reading

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