Ted Cruz (AP)

Ted Cruz (AP)

Ted Cruz won a major victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses. Polls showed him running behind Donald Trump, who attacked Cruz furiously, calling him a nasty person, a stooge of Goldman Sachs, and, heaven forbid, a Canadian. But Cruz persevered and beat Trump 28 to 24 percent, with Marco Rubio a close third at 23 percent. Cruz’s path to the Republican nomination depended on him winning the Iowa caucuses. Well, he won them.

Editor's Blog

Israeli Cabinet Allocates Stretch of Western Wall to Non-Orthodox Jewish Denominations

Western Wall

JERUSALEM—In a rare instance of a Middle East dispute being resolved by compromise, the Israeli cabinet on Sunday allocated a stretch of Jerusalem’s Western Wall, hitherto reserved exclusively for Orthodox religious practices, to non-Orthodox Jewish denominations to follow their own prayer services as they wish.

Ted Cruz Wins Iowa

Ted Cruz

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas prevailed over his competitors in the Iowa Republican caucus Monday night.

Multiple news outlets called the race at about 9:30 P.M. Monday in favor of Cruz, who received 28 percent of the vote.

Businessman Donald Trump and Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) followed neck and neck behind with 24 percent and 23 percent, respectively, when the race was called for Cruz.

Congress Moves to Boost Military’s Electronic Warfare Capability


As Army leaders work behind the scenes to beef up the force’s electronic warfare capability, which lags about 25 years behind most other modern nations, Congress is readying a new piece of legislation to help military leaders procure the funds necessary to catch up with the rest of the globe, according to a preview of a new bill viewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

Ted Cruz Wins Iowa

Ted Cruz

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas prevailed over his competitors in the Iowa Republican caucus Monday night.

Multiple news outlets called the race at about 9:30 P.M. Monday in favor of Cruz, who received 28 percent of the vote.

Businessman Donald Trump and Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) followed neck and neck behind with 24 percent and 23 percent, respectively, when the race was called for Cruz.