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Note for non-English sites: We're not now asking for help translating the "about" pages. We don't want to ask for too much! Also, we're in the process of rewriting these pages.

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Private libraries

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The law

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Terms of Use

Get off my lawn, you kids!

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"In Painting, Sculpture, and rapt Poesy, / And arts, though unimagined, yet to be." (Shelley, Prometheus Unbound)

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Social features

Freedom of discussion and personal attacks

  • LibraryThing has no speech code. You can dispute ideas and words without limitation.
  • LibraryThing prohibits personal attacks on members. As Wikipedia's policy states, "Comment on content, not on the contributor."

Good advice

  • Use common sense. Be polite. Think before you post.
  • If you're upset by something or someone, try to calm down before responding.
  • Discussions can become heated and passionate. Don't forget that the person on the other side is human.
  • Remember that LibraryThing Talk is a public space; don't say anything to others that you wouldn't want a room full of people to overhear.
  • Avoid quoting or otherwise exposing private communication. While this does not necessarily violate the Terms of Service, you should consider whether it qualifies as a personal attack or a disclosure of private information.
  • Consider the context before posting. A political religious dispute does not belong in a knitting group.

How to deal with abuse

  • If you come across an abusive post, click the "flag abuse" link. The flag will be visible only after it has been flagged twice. After four different users have flagged a post, it will be deleted.
  • Please do not flag posts as "abuse" simply because you disagree with what is said, or if someone criticizes your favorite book, author, or idea—that's not abuse, it's a difference of opinion. We welcome differences of opinion!
  • LibraryThing staff do not review all flags. Severe abuse should be reported to LibraryThing staff.

Other rules

  • LibraryThing is not an advertising medium. Egregious commercial solicitation is forbidden. No matter how great your novel, this does apply to authors. (See Tips and Guidelines for Authors.)
  • Do not spam member comments or group invitations. Inviting people in your town to a new group is okay; inviting hundreds of members is not.
  • Do not repost flagged content in Talk. If you believed you were flagged unfairly, go ahead and discuss the issue (without getting personal). You can discuss it, with short selections. But you may NOT repost it. If people want to read it, they can; Talk allows you to click something to see the flagged content.
  • Do not create "pointless," "meaningless" or "random" groups or topics. We give all groups the benefit of the doubt, but the creation of multiple, duplicative and contentless groups is against these terms.
  • Do not intentionally disclose sensitive private information about another member.
  • One violation of the Terms of Service does not justify another one.

System integrity

  • Do not subvert or misuse site features.
  • Do not set up "shell" or "sock puppet" accounts for any purpose whatsover.
  • Common Knowledge, covers and other core, shared bibliographic data must be edited in good faith.
  • LibraryThing is for your books—books you own, have read or want. It would not be appropriate to fill your LibraryThing catalog with all the books in your local library or Project Gutenberg.
  • Except by permission or through an authorized API, you may not add to or query your library automatically. See our APIs.

Account types

Individual accounts are designed for personal collections. Couples and families are fine too. Organizations, like churches, companies, schools and museums, can also join, with some restrictions. (See organizational accounts.)

Lifetime memberships

People who pay for lifetime memberships get what they paid for, and probably a lot more. If, however, LibraryThing adds major new features, including but not limited to tracking your borrowed books by satellite and punishing malefactors with a death-ray, using these new features may require an additional payment.

LibraryThing asks for $25 (life) or $10 (year) for over 200 books. If you go to pay, you will discover that you can pay what you want.

Pay-for-review schemes

LibraryThing encourages members to participate in book give-away programs. (LibraryThing has two: Early Reviewers and Member Giveaways.) We forbid reviews from "pay-for-review" schemes.

  • Reviewers must be free to write what they think. They may not be required or rewarded to write positive reviews, or punished for writing bad ones.
  • Reviewers must own and control their reviews, granting other parties only a non-exclusive license.
  • Reviewers must act on their own volition, cross-posting their review when and where they want. Companies that sell services based on how many sites get reviews are explicitly forbidden from using LibraryThing.
  • Reviewers must not be paid for their reviews, except in free books and similar non-monetary perks.

Member recommendations

In adding a Member recommendation to any given work page, you are expected to make good-faith, disinterested recommendations. You can only make three recommendations per book, and cannot recommend the same book more than five times overall. Recommending your own book is strictly forbidden. Members can rate the validity of other member recommendations from the Rate Recommendations page. You are free to recommend books already listed by others or by LibraryThing itself.

What, more?

  • You may not post any content that violates copyright or other intellectual property law.
  • LibraryThing may not be used for any illegal activity.
  • LibraryThing may not be used to injure, threaten, stalk, impersonate or harrass someone.
  • Do not plagiarize another member's content.
  • Do not upload X-rated pictures.
  • Do not upload suggestive images of minors or seeming minors.
  • Your username may not be an insult, either general or specific. Sheesh!
  • We reserve the right to remove accounts with no books after three months. (We have never done so.)

We take it all back

These terms and conditions are subject to the usual change-at-any-time rule that websites put on their terms and conditions and which seem so unfair. ("What, I have to submit a DNA sample?") We have edited them as new situations have come up, but we promise not to change any of the core principles, particularly with regard to sale of information, copyright and death rays. We promise to make all changes openly, with tracking and with the opportunity for users to withdraw their accounts.


Credit where it's due

We proudly use some icons from these great icon sets:

Silk Icons and Fugue Icons

LEXILE®, LEXILE FRAMEWORK® and the LEXILE® logo are trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc., and are registered in the United States and abroad. Copyright © 2010 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved.

LittleFreeLibrary® and the® logo are trademarks of Little Free Library, Ltd., and are registered in the United States, as well as internationally. Copyright © Little Free Library, Ltd. 2010-2012.

BookCrossing™ and the BookCrossing™ logo are trademarks of BookCrossing, Inc. Copyright © BookCrossing, Inc. 2001-2013.

Certain content that appears in on this site comes from Amazon Services, LLC. This content is provided "as is" and is subject to change or removal at any time.



11/30/16. Added HIPAA Compliance and Patron Privacy section.

09/8/16. Added DMCA section.

06/25/15. Added "topics" to Other Rules section on "pointless" groups.

12/29/14. Added "Member recommendations" section to Terms of Use. These are long-standing rules that simply needed to be added here.

8/12/14. Added equal opportunity employer statement.

5/1/14. Added suggestive images of minors bullet.

1/27/11. Major design changes to page. No textual changes.

6/24/10. Made significant changes, especially to order and style. See old version, Wiki page, tracking changes and Talk topic.

5/27/10. Added plagiarism bullet.

12/15/08. Added "Disclaimers/Attributions" section.

3/25/08. Added "Review integrity" section.

10/31/08. Fixed a spelling error.

3/2/08. Fixed a spelling error.

2/29/08. Added italics, capital letters.

2/28/08. Clarified posting rules, which have been on and off this document and elsewhere on the site. Edited don't-dos to include impersonating someone else.

8/11/07. Reordered a bit; clarified that authors promoting their books is commercial.

7/12/07. Added prohibiton against duplicative or nonsense groups.

7/1/07. Added prohibition against reposting flagged content.

1/2/07. Added "Participating in Translation" link. Reordered items a bit.

12/17/06. Added "sock puppets" to "shell accounts." Edited some of the "don't be a jerk," for brevity not content.

12/11/06. Added "Participating in Talk and Groups." Removed "Intellectual Property and Reverse Engineering" clause.

9/11/06. Added part about use by booksellers to "Individual accounts".

8/21/06. Updated "Individual accounts" section to link to information about organizations.

4/3/06. Added section on "Automated Input and Retrieval," and second paragraph of "Individual accounts."

11/8/05. Added IP and reverse engineering clause.

11/8/05. Made it clearer that your username can't be an insult, general or specific, or use a term that suggests you run the website.

10/3/05. Added rule about empty libraries.
Added rule about couples and other family groupings not being considered organizations.

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