Traditional Barbie.

Barbie shows signs of a comeback

Mattel, the owner of Barbie, Hot Wheels and Fisher-Price, surged the most in almost seven years after holiday results topped analysts' estimates, a sign the world's largest toy company is making progress in its comeback bid.

Dow Chemical's Darwin-born chief executive, Andrew Liveris, plans to retire by mid-2017.

Australian-born Dow Chemical CEO to retire

Andrew Liveris said he plans to retire by mid-2017 after years of pitched battles with an activist shareholder unhappy with his leadership.

Yahoo! CEO Officer Marissa Mayer is exploring strategic alternatives for the company's beleaguered Web business while ...

Yahoo to cut 15pc of staff

Yahoo! Inc. Chief Executive Officer Marissa Mayer is exploring strategic alternatives for the company's beleaguered Web business while slashing staff by about 15 percent and exiting product lines, giving in to demands by restive shareholders displeased by her failure to boost growth.

Rubio the real winner in Iowa

Regardless of how the official scorecard reads, young charasmatic senator Marco Rubio is the big winner to emerge from the first US presiden...

Next stop New Hampshire

For the more traditional presidential candidates, New Hampshire has emerged as a valuable proving ground.