Daily Kos presents Daily Kos Radio. Progressive politics, news & talk hosted by Contributing Editor David Waldman
Kagro in the Morning - February 5, 2016

Is it “PING!” or is it “DING!”? David Waldman welcomes both sides of the debate for the KITM Friday Weekend Sendoff: 

Greg Dworkin saw last night’s Democratic debate, as well as Wednesday’s forum and loved them both. Both threw great punches, and stayed substantive as usual, and we all won. Both candidates are winners in the polls as well, depending on where you look, and what you are looking for. Where do Americans look for news, anyhow? More are winning in the US economy as today’s job numbers show.  

Is it now time to debate and dream of possible VPs?

It is now time to lust after Tesla’s new product, The Powerwall. If you just want to eat your vegetables, but don’t want to cut back on calories, McDonald’s can help.

David explores a puff piece on the meanest, ruthless, most remorseless clone of Karl Rove that ever pretended to be tough.


Direct download: February_5_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:43am EST

Kagro in the Morning - February 4, 2016

Tune in today, and get your fill of David Waldman and KITM, with weather and traffic on the nines:

Remember Iowa? Greg Dworkin is here to bring data and analysis to those disgruntled and those completely gruntled on the caucus process. Going into New Hampshire, the polls are pretty stable. Bernie Sanders leads big among independents, but the problem is they might independently vote Republican in the future. Will class eventually become the deal breaker for voters? Meanwhile, Trump throws a fit, Christie throws a fit, and the Bernie/Hillary camps throw a fit. Here is the rant of Al Giordano on being someone else's idea of a progressive.

KITM Michigan Correspondent Rosalind MacGregor corresponds from Michigan: Detroit Public Schools emergency manager Darnell Earley, facing an onslaught of criticism over dilapidated schools and his role in the Flint water crisis, quits. 87 cases of Legionella bacteria in the Flint area, and neighbors of Flint are showing tainted water, while state workers get their water shipped in. Ballot info law spurs fears for Michigan’s March vote, and local officials sue Michigan over the ballot info law.

So, what is the truth on the Iowa Caucus coin toss story? Is that really a less serious way to break a tie? Trump may sue over Iowa dirty tricks. That gives him a good stump speech, but really, isn't that an issue that needs to be dealt with somehow? Rubio says he doesn’t like a “willingness to say or do anything.” It smells a little on our side, too. Cruz helps wife make money, she helps him get power, is that bad? Ben Carson’s money starts to run out.

Direct download: February_4_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:39am EST

Kagro in the Morning - February 3, 2016

David Waldman sends get well wishes to Joan McCarter, and looks forward to her visit next Wednesday!  

House Republicans celebrated Groundhog Day reliving their failure of repealing Obamacare. Breitbart.com National Security Editor Dr. Sebastian Gorka was arrested trying to board a flight at Reagan National Airport with a 9mm handgun. Gorka learned nothing from WorldNetDaily Joseph F. Farah’s dumber than dumb mistake. More than 250 gunFAILs this year, by the way. Texas open carriers have gotten their way, are still not satisfied, and bring their case before Walmart greeters.

Greg Dworkin joins us all in congratulating the bearer of the longest held erection known to science. So, what got Iowans most excited this week? Greg leads us through the polls and the pundits. Before we finally leave Iowa, one more look at the pros and cons of the caucus, what the expert hindsight tells us, and what the pundits aren’t telling us. Why it’s a bigger deal than you think, being decided by a tiny group of people.

Hillary Clinton keeps winning, but it is never enough for some people. Here are graphs to give you an idea of the states Cruz, Trump and Rubio need to win.

Donald Trump wants to back up to Iowa and re-do the caucus, because Ted Cruz does dirty things. The IA Secretary of State thinks Ted is kind of dirty too. Some think he was dirty with his wife

David further explores how "no cost" license plate readers are turning Texas police into mobile debt collectors and data miners.

Direct download: February_3_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:39am EST

David Waldman is sick of hearing “Happy Holidays” — it’s “Happy Groundhog Day”, people!

Greg Dworkin and Armando co-host today’s KITM as David braves snow-ravaged Virginia streets to take his kids to school. Today they and David pore over the data coming in from Iowa, comparing it to previous rounds in the past. How did ideology, loyalty, independence of the voters, and the locations and experience of Clinton and Sanders operatives factor into the results? And what sort of responsible speculation can be made for the upcoming New Hampshire primary?

The pollsters kind of missed how Cruz and Clinton were going to win, but they told you this was hard stuff to do. People decided to vote for Cruz and Rubio at the last minute, pollsters guess. Rick Santorum would have increased his turnout by 100% if only the voting pen didn’t run out of ink.

David takes a big look at the Daily Kos article  ”How to really make America great again: Get rid of 'the dumbest idea in the world'”, which addresses the notion of shareholders vs. stakeholders, a concept posited by KITM many times in the past.

Senators, including Bernie Sanders, fight for a raise increase for their cafeteria workers, which succeeded until the moment their back was turned.

Texas police become the Uber of debt collectors and data miners.

Direct download: February_2_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:40am EST

Kagro in the Morning - February 1, 2016

Listen as David Waldman battles nature, school delays, and mic levels in today’s installment of KITM!

Greg Dworkin sifts through mounds of data and poll results as we go into the Iowa Caucus: Donald Trump may pick up the Gop side, Hillary Clinton the Democratic, but the race is so tight that results will depend on how well the voters are being turned out. Enthusiasm and persuadabilty metrics are interesting as are race, ethnicity, class, and age gaps, but why does  it have to be Iowa?

Sanders and Clinton are reshaping their coalitions in interesting ways as they compete for the nomination, while Republican candidates ask “What would Jeff Sessions do?”

Armando hops behind the KITM microphone for a while as David is called away and discusses the Iowa Caucus, its importance, and why that importance should be shared in the future.

Virginia reverses its decision to not recognize concealed carry licenses from other states, a decision that is predicted to poison the remainder of Governor Terry McAuliffe’s time in office.

A Tennessee gun bill allows concealed carriers to sue owners of gun-free businesses if a problem occurs that they could have solved with their gun.

What they don’t teach you in Drivers Ed - how to determine if the guy following you in a high speed chase, aiming a gun at your head is a “good guy with a gun”.

Direct download: February_1_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:34am EST

Kagro in the Morning - January 29, 2016

David Waldman survives the week holed up with the kids. Next week, like last week, will be a 4 day school week, allowing the Xbox some time to cool off.

Greg Dworkin watched some of the Republican debate, as well as the Donald Trump salutes Trump special. The verdict: Trump won them both. At the debate Ben Carson closed big and ominously with a reading of the Constitution. Was this his dog whistle for the 3%-ers? or the Article III-ers? David and Greg look into where these two fringe groups meet, including the legal, historical, and cultural roots of these loonies

In related news, Donald Trump gets trolled by the huger billionaire. Back in the real world, Governor Snyder’s standing weakens in the midst of the Flint water crisis, although he would need to be weakened much more to have his position really threatened.

Then “weather-related issues” took KITM off the air — thanks Obama. You can hear the rest of David’s analysis of the 3%er culture on the podcast here!

Direct download: January_29_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:24am EST

Kagro in the Morning - January 28, 2016

Almost to the end of school snow cancellation week, David Waldman gets to talk to adults for two hours straight!

Greg Dworkin is counting the days until the Iowa Caucus, when he can switch gears from punditry to analysis. Bernie Sanders is great at bringing a revolution, but how will he get things done? Nancy Pelosi distances the Democrats from Sanders’ talk of taxes. David and Greg talk about running for office vs. holding an office, and being an absolutist vs. an incrementalist.

Half in US say they are better off than 8 years ago, including Republicans that were 10 years old, eight years ago. GOP voters want someone with testicular fortitude, and think Trump can come up to that standard

Greg highly recommends that you watch the Flint Michigan town hall, hosted by MSNBC yesterday. It is just as riveting watching it as recorded as it was watching it live!

David reviews the story of reporter Jane Mayer, when she wrote about the Koch Brothers. Joan McCarter is preparing a review of the book covering this, “Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right”.

A member of armed society reacts with deadly impoliteness to woman rejecting his advances outside a bar.

The Texas law requiring retailers to check gun permits is confusing some of the Texas public.  

The idea to teach gun safety has some worried about anti-gun propaganda, others are worried about handing over taxpayer money to the NRA.

Trey Radel will tell his life story and give a behind-the-scenes look at his time using cocaine, and being a congressman, to make some money now.

Direct download: January_28_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:36am EST

Kagro in the Morning - January 27, 2016

David Waldman has dug his way out of the snow and brings us another KITM:

David, Greg Dworkin, and Joan McCarter bring us the latest Bundypalooza news. There will be news updates and analysis throughout the day from many sources, but here is where you can get the KITM take on events.

Greg Dworkin cogently describes the incoherence of the Republicans in the last few days before the Iowa Caucus, after which he will finally a chance to analyze incoming results. Hillary Clinton’s lead shrinks, but she is still smooth sailing.  For all of its importance and attention, hardly anybody will be voting in the IA Caucus. Conservatives make a last minute decision of whether to back Trump or the Republican. Is Trump more malleable, can Cruz really mean what he says? Has the conservative crackup finally arrived? Republicans wonder why they didn’t stop Trump earlier. How much power will whoever is elected really wield

Joan McCarter reports from the front on the war between Trump and Fox. Trump issues his declaration of independence. Here is the story of a reporter caught in the tentacles of the Kochtopus. Utah goes to Idaho to talk about freedom. 

Babysitters shoot a toddler and get probation, $200 fine.

Direct download: January_27_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:50am EST

Kagro in the Morning - January 26, 2016


Even with snow piled high, school cancelled for days, and the food running out, David Waldman is ready for today’’s KITM show. He has even had plenty of time to work on his 4000 word essay “All Work and No Play Makes Dave a Dull Boy.”

Greg Dworkin stayed warm watching the Democratic Town Hall Forum last night. Hillary Clinton talked about the experience she’s bringing to the table. Bernie Sanders talked about the new ideas that he brings. Friends and Aids of President Obama begin to form behind Hillary Clinton. Traditionally, the winner of the nomination steals the best ideas of the vanquished, which Greg assures us is a feature, not a bug.

Going into Iowa and New Hampshire, the Republicans now lead with their most unpalatable players.  Will voters judge on substance, style, who will win, or just who has the best chance of making team D lose?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence decided not to run for president right after he made the decision to lose at least $60B for the state cracking down on the LGBTQ, and John Kasich may soon regret using cronyism and graft to raise Ohio’s wealth. Even so, Kasich just got an endorsement from the Boston Globe, who previously boosted John Huntsman to untold heights.

Armando calls in for his review of the Democratic Town Hall Forum, and continued his analysis, and criticism of Bernie Sanders’ stand on gun industry immunity

News of the Renton Theater shooter somehow feeds the concept that people would gain safety from wearing a gun.

Militiaman adds gravitas to the Oregon debate by challenging Chris Christie to a Sumo Wrestling match deciding the fate of the constitution.

Anti-abortion activists are indicted for Planned Parenthood sting. Karma supporters rejoice.

Little kids breathing out of respirators sounds bad, but it's a small price for libertyFlint children never had a fair shot, even before lead poisoning. The rich have enough to worry about with all of the noise, noise, noise.

Donald Trump admires people who may be more stupid, crazy, and bigoted than he is, as proven by science.

Direct download: January_26_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:56am EST

Kagro in the Morning - January 25, 2016

Good Day! How’s it going? The great snowy south doesn’t hamper David Waldman, at least in putting together today’s KITM.

The guy who hoped to be a hero when ISIS stormed the Regal in Renton, Washington, then accidentally shot someone, follows by lying to authorities, although he might be remembering through the haze of war, Xanax, and beer.

Greg Dworkin asks: Do you know the 1 weird trait that predicts if you are a Trump supporter? (Hint: Greg told you the secret 6 years ago.) Is Trump just like Obama, in that he is the opposite? Is Iowa the first and worst step of the democratic process?

The election markets say that Trump is doing pretty good, actually is pretty unstoppable, as the rest of the Gop pack hope to tie for second.

Going into IA and NH, Hillary Clinton just has to stay cool; coming out of IA and NH, Bernie Sanders has to hope for miracles. Here is what Barack Obama thinks about Iowa, 2016, and the choice between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Ted Cruz last week said he didn’t have health insurance, blamed Obamacare, now he says he does have health insurance. Thanks, Obama.

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder lied: Flint water switch was not about saving money after all, as a civil deposition reveals more information.

Impolite society has pushing and shoving, armed society kicks that up a couple notches in a feud over a $25 service fee.

Direct download: January_25_2016_64.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:24am EST