New Book: The Ways of the World

The Ways of the WorldPublished by Profile Books in the UK:

This book presents a sequence of landmark works in David Harvey’s intellectual journey over five decades. It shows how experiencing the riots, despair and injustice of 1970s Baltimore led him to seek an explanation of capitalist inequalities via Marx and to a sustained intellectual engagement that has made him the world’s leading exponent of Marx’s work. The book takes the reader through the development of his unique synthesis of Marxist method and geographical understanding that has allowed him to develop a series of powerful insights into the ways of the world, from the new mechanics of imperialism, crises in financial markets and the effectiveness of car strikers in Oxford, to the links between nature and change, why Sacré Coeur was built in Paris, and the meaning of the postmodern condition. David Harvey is renowned for originality, acumen and the transformative value of his insights. This book shows why.

The Ways of the WorldPublished by Oxford University Press in the US:

David Harvey is one of most famous Marxist intellectuals in the past half century, as well as one of the world’s most cited social scientists. Beginning in the early 1970s with his trenchant and still-relevant book Social Justice and the City and through this day, Harvey has written numerous books and dozens of influential essays and articles on topics across issues in politics, culture, economics, and social justice.

In The Ways of the World, Harvey has gathered his most important essays from the past four decades. They form a career-spanning collection that tracks not only the development of Harvey over time as an intellectual, but also a dialectical vision that gradually expanded its reach from the slums of Baltimore to global environmental degradation to the American imperium. While Harvey’s coverage is wide-ranging, all of the pieces tackle the core concerns that have always animated his work: capitalism past and present, social change, freedom, class, imperialism, the city, nature, social justice, postmodernity, globalization, and-not least-the crises that inhere in capitalism.

A career-defining volume, The Ways of the World will stand as a comprehensive work that presents the trajectory of Harvey’s lifelong project in full.

“Nothing to Lose but our Fear”: Fiona Jeffries in conversation with Silvia Federici and David Harvey

[part 2] | [part 3]

“Nothing to Lose but our Fear”
Fiona Jeffries in conversation with Silvia Federici and David Harvey
The Graduate Center, CUNY
December 2, 2015

Consolidating Power: Interview with Roar Magazine

Consolidating Power
Roar Magazine
December 9, 2015

AK Malabocas: In the last forty years, the mode of capital accumulation has changed globally. What do these changes mean for the struggle against capitalism?

David Harvey: From a macro-perspective, any mode of production tends to generate a very distinctive kind of opposition, which is a curious mirrored image of itself. If you look back to the 1960s or 1970s, when capital was organized in big corporatist, hierarchical forms, you had oppositional structures that were corporatist, unionist kinds of political apparatuses. In other words, a Fordist system generated a Fordist kind of opposition.

With the breakdown of this form of industrial organization, particularly in the advanced capitalist countries, you ended up with a much more decentralized configuration of capital: more fluid over space and time than previously thought. At the same time we saw the emergence of an opposition that is about networking and decentralization and that doesn’t like hierarchy and the previous Fordist forms of opposition.

So, in a funny sort of way, the leftists reorganize themselves in the same way capital accumulation is reorganized. If we understand that the left is a mirror image of what we are criticizing, then maybe what we should do is to break the mirror and get out of this symbiotic relationship with what we are criticizing. [continue reading]

Video: The Power of Ideas: a discussion with David Harvey at LSE

The Power of Ideas: a discussion with David Harvey
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
10 December 2015

Also available as audio file (mp3)

Video: David Harvey Interview: Life & Thought

Interview: Life & Thought
30 July 2015
ENFF, Sao Paulo, Brazil,

Lau Kin Chi and Sit Tsui Jade interviewed David Harvey about his childhood, his studies, his work on Marx’s Capital, and his involvement in social movements.

Video: David Harvey: Talk on the Contradictions of Capitalism in Chile

The Contradictions of Capitalism
Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano
School of Geography
Providencia, Chile
November 2014

Video: David Harvey: The Urbanization of Our Discontents

The Urbanization of Our Discontents
The Ideal City Conference
August 27, 2015

Video: David Harvey: The Revolutionary Class Today [legendas em português]

Text from Boitempo Editorial:

David Harvey talks about how to conceive of and organize the working class in contemporary circumstances. Different from its classical, factory-based, guise, the working class today is fragmented and scattered throughout the urban setting. In this context, Harvey emphasizes the importance of thinking up new territorial strategies for class struggle – a terrain more explored by the anarchist tradition than the classical Marxist one. He then, paraphrasing Murray Bookchin, insists that the future of the left depends crucially on our capacity for putting together the best of Marxism with the best of anarchism. A must see video.

The clip is an excerpt of the closing panel of Boitempo’s Rebel Cities International Seminar, that took place in São Paulo, Brazil in June 2015 and celebrated the publication of the Brazilian edition of Professor Harvey’s PARIS, CAPITAL OF MODERNITY (

A video recording of the full panel is available online here:

Video: David Harvey: Slums & Skyscrapers: Space, Housing and the City Under Neoliberalism

Slums & Skyscrapers: Space, Housing and the City Under Neoliberalism
Dangerous Times Festival
28 June 2015

Video: David Harvey at Dangerous Times Festival 2015 London

Dangerous Times Festival
28 June 2015

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