Peter Kingsley: Complete Interview
Groundbreaking scholar of pre-Socratic philosophy Peter Kingsley emphasizes the sacred role of Western civilization in global oneness. Drawing from his perso...
Arnold Hermann - "On Imagination" - Sky Radio Interview (6:36 min)
Arnold Hermann, author of "To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides. the Origins of Philosophy," was interviewed by Sky Radio's host Denis C. Michael on the importance of using *imagination* to think for oneself in today's information age.
Raymond Tallis on Parmenides
Philosophy Bites: Raymond Tallis talks about the philosophy of Parmenides. Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Denker des Abendlandes 04: Heraklit & Parmenides
"Es ist nicht möglich, zweimal in denselben Fluss zu steigen. Immer ist alles im Flusse. Es fließe das All nach Flusses Art" - das hat uns Heraklit überliefert. Um ihn und den griechischen Philosophen Parmenides geht es in dieser Folge der "Denker des Abendlandes".
Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (dt.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin gehört neben Jürgen Habermas und Peter Sloterdijk zu den renommiertesten Philosophen in Deutschland. Er studierte Philosophie, Physik, Mathematik und Politikwissenschaft, wurde in Philosophie bei Wolfgang Stegmüller promoviert, war dann wissenschaftlicher Assistent in München und habilitierte sich dort 1989. Nach einer Gastprofessur in den USA übernahm er erst einen Lehrstuhl f
Albrecht von Muller on Personalised Medicine
Interviewed at the COST conference on Personalised Medicine, Albrecht von Muller, Director, Parmenides Foundation, comments on the connection between philoso...
Awareness Knows Itself by Itself an interview with Rupert Spira
In this interview Rupert Spira answers questions related to realization, individual character, mistaken projections onto spiritual teachers and more. Some of the questions discussed are: Is personal development necessary for realization? and Does awareness need an individual mind to know itself?
This interview is featured in the "Science and Nonduality Anthology Vol.4".
From an early age Rupert
Chapter Five from Book One, Part One of Bertrand Russell's "The History Of Western Philosophy" (1945).
Pre-Socratic Greek Philosopher.
Finding Reality Through Your Senses - Peter Kingsley
Peter Kingsley talks about the powerful mystical practices preserved in the writings of Parmenides and Empedocles, two of the creators of western civilizatio...
Heraklit und Parmenides!
Heraklit von Ephesos um 520 v. Chr.; † um 460 v. Chr.) war ein vorsokratischer Philosoph aus dem ionischen Ephesos. Heraklit beanspruchte eine eine nachhalti...
Imgrid Klimke - Parmenides - German Masters Stuttgart 2015
Ingrid Klimke mit Parmenides bei den German Masters Stuttgart 20015
Preis der Firma WALTER solar
Indoor Derby - Vielseitigkeitsprüfung
Nat. Zeitspringprüfung Kl.M** - mit Naturhindernissen
Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (engl.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin is one of Germany’s best-known contemporary philosophers, along with Jürgen Habermas and Peter Sloterdijk. He studied Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics and Political Sciences, acquiring his doctorate in the field of Philosophy under Wolfgang Stegmüller. There followed a period as a research fellow at Munich, where he obtained a post-doctoral degree in 1989. After a guest lecture
Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (it.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin, insieme a Jürgen Habermas e Peter Sloterdijk, è uno dei maggiori filosofi viventi tedeschi. Il suo libro Die Optimierungsfalle – Philosophie einer humanen Ökonomie (2011) ha dato adito ad un intenso dibattito in molte aziende su come l’etica possa giocare un ruolo nel raggiungimento del successo economico. Innumerevoli i suoi interventi presso piccole imprese ed istituti finan
Parménide et Héraclite, 2 pôles
Conférence d'introduction à la philosophie de Monsieur l'Abbé Jean-Marc Rulleau.
Introduction à la philosophie : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLes0Xd1U1KcwnOdnje2oN00yrKxk2WCdh
After realization is there still an interest in personal growth? - Rupert Spira
This is an excerpt from the interview with Rupert Spira at the Science and Nonduality Conference featured in the 3DVD set "Science and Nonduality Anthology V...
1 1 1 1 Change Parmenides or Heraclites 03 24
On Strategy : What Managers Can Learn from Great Philosophers
by Luc de Brabandere
Parmenides GottschalksTrakehner
CIC 2* Bad Harzburg Trakehner Parmenides von GottschalksTrakehner unter Ingrid Klimke beim Bad Harzburger Vielseitigkeitsmeeting 2011.
Heidegger's "Parmenides"
In "Philosophy in Literature" we were introduced to Heidegger's work in the form of "Parmenides". Every paper we wrote failed to capture the gravity of what ...
Teaser: Stuttgart German Masters 2015 - Interview mit Michael Jung
Unsere beiden REITTV-Mitarbeiter Leon und Annabell waren am vergangenen Wochenende auf den Stuttgart German Masters unterwegs. Die Kamera durfte dabei natürlich nicht fehlen.
Neben dem Kostümspringen mit Superman, Rotkäppchen, Luigi & Co. wartet außerdem ein kleines Interview mit Vielseitigkeitsweltmeister Michael Jung auf Euch, bei dem Ihr ein paar andere Fakten über den erfolgreichen Reiter erfa
"Parmenides and the All is One" - Nonduality Song
"Parmenides and the All is One" .....sung, composed by Brendan Smith here.
For further music, see www.everythingislooking.com
"Out upon the road of Truth, the Goddess revealed to Parmenides,
That there is a blazing Sun, that nobody Sees.
But instead of pointing up to the Heavens, She indicated His own Being-
She said, "This Light within Light shows, You are the Light that no opposite knows,
CIC Renswoude 2012 Parmenides unter Ingrid Klimke
CIC *** Renswoude 08.-10.06.2012 Vielseitigkeit Eventing.
Spanos, Heidegger and Parmenides, Part One
Peter Kingsley: Complete Interview
Groundbreaking scholar of pre-Socratic philosophy Peter Kingsley emphasizes the sacred role of Western civilization in global oneness. Drawing from his perso......
Groundbreaking scholar of pre-Socratic philosophy Peter Kingsley emphasizes the sacred role of Western civilization in global oneness. Drawing from his perso...
wn.com/Peter Kingsley Complete Interview
Groundbreaking scholar of pre-Socratic philosophy Peter Kingsley emphasizes the sacred role of Western civilization in global oneness. Drawing from his perso...
Arnold Hermann - "On Imagination" - Sky Radio Interview (6:36 min)
Arnold Hermann, author of "To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides. the Origins of Philosophy," was interviewed by Sky Radio's host Denis C. Michael on the...
Arnold Hermann, author of "To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides. the Origins of Philosophy," was interviewed by Sky Radio's host Denis C. Michael on the importance of using *imagination* to think for oneself in today's information age.
wn.com/Arnold Hermann On Imagination Sky Radio Interview (6 36 Min)
Arnold Hermann, author of "To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides. the Origins of Philosophy," was interviewed by Sky Radio's host Denis C. Michael on the importance of using *imagination* to think for oneself in today's information age.
- published: 20 Mar 2015
- views: 9
Raymond Tallis on Parmenides
Philosophy Bites: Raymond Tallis talks about the philosophy of Parmenides. Ex nihilo nihil fit....
Philosophy Bites: Raymond Tallis talks about the philosophy of Parmenides. Ex nihilo nihil fit.
wn.com/Raymond Tallis On Parmenides
Philosophy Bites: Raymond Tallis talks about the philosophy of Parmenides. Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Denker des Abendlandes 04: Heraklit & Parmenides
"Es ist nicht möglich, zweimal in denselben Fluss zu steigen. Immer ist alles im Flusse. Es fließe das All nach Flusses Art" - das hat uns Heraklit überliefert....
"Es ist nicht möglich, zweimal in denselben Fluss zu steigen. Immer ist alles im Flusse. Es fließe das All nach Flusses Art" - das hat uns Heraklit überliefert. Um ihn und den griechischen Philosophen Parmenides geht es in dieser Folge der "Denker des Abendlandes".
wn.com/Denker Des Abendlandes 04 Heraklit Parmenides
"Es ist nicht möglich, zweimal in denselben Fluss zu steigen. Immer ist alles im Flusse. Es fließe das All nach Flusses Art" - das hat uns Heraklit überliefert. Um ihn und den griechischen Philosophen Parmenides geht es in dieser Folge der "Denker des Abendlandes".
- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 44
Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (dt.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin gehört neben Jürgen Habermas und Peter Sloterdijk zu den renommiertesten Philosophen in Deutschland. Er studierte Philosophie, Physik, Mathe...
Julian Nida-Rümelin gehört neben Jürgen Habermas und Peter Sloterdijk zu den renommiertesten Philosophen in Deutschland. Er studierte Philosophie, Physik, Mathematik und Politikwissenschaft, wurde in Philosophie bei Wolfgang Stegmüller promoviert, war dann wissenschaftlicher Assistent in München und habilitierte sich dort 1989. Nach einer Gastprofessur in den USA übernahm er erst einen Lehrstuhl für Ethik in den Bio-Wissenschaften an der Universität Tübingen, dann für Philosophie an der Universität Göttingen. Anschließend folgte er einem Ruf an das Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, dessen Direktor er von 2004 bis 2007 war. 2009 wechselte er in die philosophische Fakultät auf einen Lehrstuhl für Philosophie. 2011 veranstaltete er als Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie den Kongress „Welt der Gründe“ mit 400 Vorträgen und 2.700 Teilnehmern in München. Von 2004 bis 2012 wirkte er als Kuratoriumsvorsitzender des Deutschen Studienpreises. Er ist Mitinitiator und Sprecher des berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengangs Philosophie, Wirtschaft, Politik an der Universität München. Seit 2011 leitet JNR das interdisziplinäre Münchner Kompetenzzentrum für Ethik. 2014 verlieh ihm die Universität Triest die Ehrendoktorwürde. Seit 2014 ist er im Beratungsausschusses des Instituts für Recht, Politik und Entwicklung (Instituto Dripolis) der Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa. Julian Nida-Rümelin ist Honorarprofessor an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ord. Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste und der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin. Für fünf Jahre (1998-2002) wechselte JNR in die Kulturpolitik, zunächst als Kulturreferent der Landeshauptstadt München und dann als Kulturstaatsminister im ersten Kabinett Schröders. Nida-Rümelin kooperiert mit dem Deutschen Verband für Finanzanalysten und Assetmanager (DVFA) für eine ethisch sensible Ausbildung von Finanzmanagern und ist Mitglied des Beirats Integrität und Unternehmensverantwortung der Daimler AG sowie Vorsitzender des wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Parmenides Academy GmbH, einem think tank, welches Führungskräfte in philosophisch-ethischen Fragestellungen schult und berät. JNR hat bis heute zahlreiche Bücher verfasst, die sich mit Themen aus der praktischen Philosophie und politischen Theorie befassen, darunter Kritik des Konsequentialismus (1993), Economic Rationality and Practical Reason (1997), Ethische Essays (2002), Angewandte Ethik (2005)², Demokratie und Wahrheit (2006), Philosophie und Lebensform (2009) sowie die Reclam-Trilogie über Rationalität (2001), Freiheit (2005) und Verantwortung (2011). Zuletzt sind erschienen: Die Optimierungsfalle – Philosophie einer humanen Ökonomie (2011), Risikoethik (2012), der Sokrates-Club – Philosophische Gespräche mit Kindern sowie Philosophie einer humanen Bildung (2013), Akademisierungswahn – zur Krise beruflicher und akademischer Bildung (2014) und Auf dem Weg in eine deutsche Bildungskatastrophe – Zwölf unangenehme Wahrheiten (2015). Einige politische Reden sind in dem Band Humanismus als Leitkultur (2006) zusammengestellt. Der Band Vernunft und Freiheit – zur praktischen Philosophie von Julian Nida-Rümelin (2012), herausgegeben von Dieter Sturma, diskutiert zentrale Aspekte seiner philosophischen Arbeit.
wn.com/Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (Dt.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin gehört neben Jürgen Habermas und Peter Sloterdijk zu den renommiertesten Philosophen in Deutschland. Er studierte Philosophie, Physik, Mathematik und Politikwissenschaft, wurde in Philosophie bei Wolfgang Stegmüller promoviert, war dann wissenschaftlicher Assistent in München und habilitierte sich dort 1989. Nach einer Gastprofessur in den USA übernahm er erst einen Lehrstuhl für Ethik in den Bio-Wissenschaften an der Universität Tübingen, dann für Philosophie an der Universität Göttingen. Anschließend folgte er einem Ruf an das Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, dessen Direktor er von 2004 bis 2007 war. 2009 wechselte er in die philosophische Fakultät auf einen Lehrstuhl für Philosophie. 2011 veranstaltete er als Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie den Kongress „Welt der Gründe“ mit 400 Vorträgen und 2.700 Teilnehmern in München. Von 2004 bis 2012 wirkte er als Kuratoriumsvorsitzender des Deutschen Studienpreises. Er ist Mitinitiator und Sprecher des berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengangs Philosophie, Wirtschaft, Politik an der Universität München. Seit 2011 leitet JNR das interdisziplinäre Münchner Kompetenzzentrum für Ethik. 2014 verlieh ihm die Universität Triest die Ehrendoktorwürde. Seit 2014 ist er im Beratungsausschusses des Instituts für Recht, Politik und Entwicklung (Instituto Dripolis) der Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa. Julian Nida-Rümelin ist Honorarprofessor an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ord. Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste und der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin. Für fünf Jahre (1998-2002) wechselte JNR in die Kulturpolitik, zunächst als Kulturreferent der Landeshauptstadt München und dann als Kulturstaatsminister im ersten Kabinett Schröders. Nida-Rümelin kooperiert mit dem Deutschen Verband für Finanzanalysten und Assetmanager (DVFA) für eine ethisch sensible Ausbildung von Finanzmanagern und ist Mitglied des Beirats Integrität und Unternehmensverantwortung der Daimler AG sowie Vorsitzender des wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Parmenides Academy GmbH, einem think tank, welches Führungskräfte in philosophisch-ethischen Fragestellungen schult und berät. JNR hat bis heute zahlreiche Bücher verfasst, die sich mit Themen aus der praktischen Philosophie und politischen Theorie befassen, darunter Kritik des Konsequentialismus (1993), Economic Rationality and Practical Reason (1997), Ethische Essays (2002), Angewandte Ethik (2005)², Demokratie und Wahrheit (2006), Philosophie und Lebensform (2009) sowie die Reclam-Trilogie über Rationalität (2001), Freiheit (2005) und Verantwortung (2011). Zuletzt sind erschienen: Die Optimierungsfalle – Philosophie einer humanen Ökonomie (2011), Risikoethik (2012), der Sokrates-Club – Philosophische Gespräche mit Kindern sowie Philosophie einer humanen Bildung (2013), Akademisierungswahn – zur Krise beruflicher und akademischer Bildung (2014) und Auf dem Weg in eine deutsche Bildungskatastrophe – Zwölf unangenehme Wahrheiten (2015). Einige politische Reden sind in dem Band Humanismus als Leitkultur (2006) zusammengestellt. Der Band Vernunft und Freiheit – zur praktischen Philosophie von Julian Nida-Rümelin (2012), herausgegeben von Dieter Sturma, diskutiert zentrale Aspekte seiner philosophischen Arbeit.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Albrecht von Muller on Personalised Medicine
Interviewed at the COST conference on Personalised Medicine, Albrecht von Muller, Director, Parmenides Foundation, comments on the connection between philoso......
Interviewed at the COST conference on Personalised Medicine, Albrecht von Muller, Director, Parmenides Foundation, comments on the connection between philoso...
wn.com/Albrecht Von Muller On Personalised Medicine
Interviewed at the COST conference on Personalised Medicine, Albrecht von Muller, Director, Parmenides Foundation, comments on the connection between philoso...
- published: 12 Jul 2012
- views: 376
author: COST
Awareness Knows Itself by Itself an interview with Rupert Spira
In this interview Rupert Spira answers questions related to realization, individual character, mistaken projections onto spiritual teachers and more. Some of th...
In this interview Rupert Spira answers questions related to realization, individual character, mistaken projections onto spiritual teachers and more. Some of the questions discussed are: Is personal development necessary for realization? and Does awareness need an individual mind to know itself?
This interview is featured in the "Science and Nonduality Anthology Vol.4".
From an early age Rupert was deeply interested in the nature of Reality. For twenty years he studied the teachings of Ouspensky, Krishnamurti, Rumi, Shankaracharya, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta and Robert Adams, until he met his teacher, Francis Lucille, twelve years ago. Francis introduced Rupert to the teaching of Jean Klein, Parmenides, Wei Wu Wei and Atmananda Krishnamenon and, more importantly, directly indicated to him the true nature of experience.
Rupert’s first book is “The Transparency of Things”, subtitled “Contemplating the Nature of Experience”. His second book, Presence Volume I The Art of Peace and Happiness and Presence Volume II The Intimacy of All Experience has been currently released by Non-Duality Press.
To learn more about Rupert Spira please visit: http://non-duality.rupertspira.com/
wn.com/Awareness Knows Itself By Itself An Interview With Rupert Spira
In this interview Rupert Spira answers questions related to realization, individual character, mistaken projections onto spiritual teachers and more. Some of the questions discussed are: Is personal development necessary for realization? and Does awareness need an individual mind to know itself?
This interview is featured in the "Science and Nonduality Anthology Vol.4".
From an early age Rupert was deeply interested in the nature of Reality. For twenty years he studied the teachings of Ouspensky, Krishnamurti, Rumi, Shankaracharya, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta and Robert Adams, until he met his teacher, Francis Lucille, twelve years ago. Francis introduced Rupert to the teaching of Jean Klein, Parmenides, Wei Wu Wei and Atmananda Krishnamenon and, more importantly, directly indicated to him the true nature of experience.
Rupert’s first book is “The Transparency of Things”, subtitled “Contemplating the Nature of Experience”. His second book, Presence Volume I The Art of Peace and Happiness and Presence Volume II The Intimacy of All Experience has been currently released by Non-Duality Press.
To learn more about Rupert Spira please visit: http://non-duality.rupertspira.com/
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 56
Chapter Five from Book One, Part One of Bertrand Russell's "The History Of Western Philosophy" (1945)....
Chapter Five from Book One, Part One of Bertrand Russell's "The History Of Western Philosophy" (1945).
Chapter Five from Book One, Part One of Bertrand Russell's "The History Of Western Philosophy" (1945).
Pre-Socratic Greek Philosopher....
Pre-Socratic Greek Philosopher.
Pre-Socratic Greek Philosopher.
Finding Reality Through Your Senses - Peter Kingsley
Peter Kingsley talks about the powerful mystical practices preserved in the writings of Parmenides and Empedocles, two of the creators of western civilizatio......
Peter Kingsley talks about the powerful mystical practices preserved in the writings of Parmenides and Empedocles, two of the creators of western civilizatio...
wn.com/Finding Reality Through Your Senses Peter Kingsley
Peter Kingsley talks about the powerful mystical practices preserved in the writings of Parmenides and Empedocles, two of the creators of western civilizatio...
Heraklit und Parmenides!
Heraklit von Ephesos um 520 v. Chr.; † um 460 v. Chr.) war ein vorsokratischer Philosoph aus dem ionischen Ephesos. Heraklit beanspruchte eine eine nachhalti......
Heraklit von Ephesos um 520 v. Chr.; † um 460 v. Chr.) war ein vorsokratischer Philosoph aus dem ionischen Ephesos. Heraklit beanspruchte eine eine nachhalti...
wn.com/Heraklit Und Parmenides
Heraklit von Ephesos um 520 v. Chr.; † um 460 v. Chr.) war ein vorsokratischer Philosoph aus dem ionischen Ephesos. Heraklit beanspruchte eine eine nachhalti...
Imgrid Klimke - Parmenides - German Masters Stuttgart 2015
Ingrid Klimke mit Parmenides bei den German Masters Stuttgart 20015
Preis der Firma WALTER solar
Indoor Derby - Vielseitigkeitsprüfung
Nat. Zeitspringprüfung Kl...
Ingrid Klimke mit Parmenides bei den German Masters Stuttgart 20015
Preis der Firma WALTER solar
Indoor Derby - Vielseitigkeitsprüfung
Nat. Zeitspringprüfung Kl.M** - mit Naturhindernissen
wn.com/Imgrid Klimke Parmenides German Masters Stuttgart 2015
Ingrid Klimke mit Parmenides bei den German Masters Stuttgart 20015
Preis der Firma WALTER solar
Indoor Derby - Vielseitigkeitsprüfung
Nat. Zeitspringprüfung Kl.M** - mit Naturhindernissen
- published: 19 Nov 2015
- views: 60
Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (engl.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin is one of Germany’s best-known contemporary philosophers, along with Jürgen Habermas and Peter Sloterdijk. He studied Philosophy, Physics, M...
Julian Nida-Rümelin is one of Germany’s best-known contemporary philosophers, along with Jürgen Habermas and Peter Sloterdijk. He studied Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics and Political Sciences, acquiring his doctorate in the field of Philosophy under Wolfgang Stegmüller. There followed a period as a research fellow at Munich, where he obtained a post-doctoral degree in 1989. After a guest lectureship in the United States, he was appointed first to a Chair in the Ethics of Bioscience at the University of Tübingen, then to another in Philosophy at the University of Göttingen. Later he was called to the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, and he headed this institute from 2004 to 2007. In 2009 he moved to the Philosophy Faculty, accepting a Chair in Philosophy. From 2009 until 2012 he was Dean of the Philosophy Faculty. In 2011, as President of the German Society of Philosophy, he organised its congress “A World of Reasons” in Munich, with 400 lectures and 2700 participants. He chaired the Board of Trustees of the Deutscher Studienpreis from 2004 to 2012. He is spokesperson for the extra-mural M.A. in Philosophy, Economics and Politics which he co-founded at Munich University. Since 2011 JNR has been running Munich’s interdisciplinary Competence Centre for Ethics. In 2014 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Trieste. Since 2014 he has served on the advisory committee of the Institute of Law, Politics and Development (Dirpolis Institute) at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa.
Julian Nida-Rümelin is an honorary professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin, and also an Ordinary Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the Academy for Ethics in Medicine.
For five years (1998-2002) JNR switched to the world of cultural politics, first as Cultural Secretary for the Bavarian capital Munich, and then as Commissioner for Culture in Gerhard Schröder’s first cabinet. Nida-Rümelin works with the German Society For Financial Analysis and Asset Management (DVFA) towards ethically aware training for financial managers. He also serves on the Daimler AG Advisory Board for Integrity and Corporate Responsibility and chairs the scientific advisory board at Parmenides Academy GmbH, a think tank that trains and advises executives around philosophical and ethical issues. JNR has written many books about issues of practical philosophy and political theory, including Kritik des Konsequentialismus (1993), Economic Rationality and Practical Reason (1997), Ethische Essays (2002), Angewandte Ethik (2005)², Demokratie und Wahrheit (2006), Philosophie und Lebensform (2009) and the Reclam trilogy devoted to Rationality (2001), Freedom (2005) and Responsibility (2011). His latest publications are: Die Optimierungsfalle – Philosophie einer humanen Ökonomie (2011), Risikoethik (2012), Der Sokrates-Club – Philosophische Gespräche mit Kindern and Philosophie einer humanen Bildung (2013), Akademisierungswahn – zur Krise beruflicher und akademischer Bildung (2014) and Auf dem Weg in eine deutsche Bildungskatastrophe – Zwölf unangenehme Wahrheiten (2015). Some of his political speeches are contained in the compilation Humanismus als Leitkultur (2006). 2012 saw publication of Vernunft und Freiheit – zur praktischen Philosophie, in which the editor Dieter Sturma discusses key aspects of JNR’s philosophical work.
wn.com/Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (Engl.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin is one of Germany’s best-known contemporary philosophers, along with Jürgen Habermas and Peter Sloterdijk. He studied Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics and Political Sciences, acquiring his doctorate in the field of Philosophy under Wolfgang Stegmüller. There followed a period as a research fellow at Munich, where he obtained a post-doctoral degree in 1989. After a guest lectureship in the United States, he was appointed first to a Chair in the Ethics of Bioscience at the University of Tübingen, then to another in Philosophy at the University of Göttingen. Later he was called to the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, and he headed this institute from 2004 to 2007. In 2009 he moved to the Philosophy Faculty, accepting a Chair in Philosophy. From 2009 until 2012 he was Dean of the Philosophy Faculty. In 2011, as President of the German Society of Philosophy, he organised its congress “A World of Reasons” in Munich, with 400 lectures and 2700 participants. He chaired the Board of Trustees of the Deutscher Studienpreis from 2004 to 2012. He is spokesperson for the extra-mural M.A. in Philosophy, Economics and Politics which he co-founded at Munich University. Since 2011 JNR has been running Munich’s interdisciplinary Competence Centre for Ethics. In 2014 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Trieste. Since 2014 he has served on the advisory committee of the Institute of Law, Politics and Development (Dirpolis Institute) at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa.
Julian Nida-Rümelin is an honorary professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin, and also an Ordinary Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the Academy for Ethics in Medicine.
For five years (1998-2002) JNR switched to the world of cultural politics, first as Cultural Secretary for the Bavarian capital Munich, and then as Commissioner for Culture in Gerhard Schröder’s first cabinet. Nida-Rümelin works with the German Society For Financial Analysis and Asset Management (DVFA) towards ethically aware training for financial managers. He also serves on the Daimler AG Advisory Board for Integrity and Corporate Responsibility and chairs the scientific advisory board at Parmenides Academy GmbH, a think tank that trains and advises executives around philosophical and ethical issues. JNR has written many books about issues of practical philosophy and political theory, including Kritik des Konsequentialismus (1993), Economic Rationality and Practical Reason (1997), Ethische Essays (2002), Angewandte Ethik (2005)², Demokratie und Wahrheit (2006), Philosophie und Lebensform (2009) and the Reclam trilogy devoted to Rationality (2001), Freedom (2005) and Responsibility (2011). His latest publications are: Die Optimierungsfalle – Philosophie einer humanen Ökonomie (2011), Risikoethik (2012), Der Sokrates-Club – Philosophische Gespräche mit Kindern and Philosophie einer humanen Bildung (2013), Akademisierungswahn – zur Krise beruflicher und akademischer Bildung (2014) and Auf dem Weg in eine deutsche Bildungskatastrophe – Zwölf unangenehme Wahrheiten (2015). Some of his political speeches are contained in the compilation Humanismus als Leitkultur (2006). 2012 saw publication of Vernunft und Freiheit – zur praktischen Philosophie, in which the editor Dieter Sturma discusses key aspects of JNR’s philosophical work.
- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 54
Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (it.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin, insieme a Jürgen Habermas e Peter Sloterdijk, è uno dei maggiori filosofi viventi tedeschi. Il suo libro Die Optimierungsfalle – Philosophi...
Julian Nida-Rümelin, insieme a Jürgen Habermas e Peter Sloterdijk, è uno dei maggiori filosofi viventi tedeschi. Il suo libro Die Optimierungsfalle – Philosophie einer humanen Ökonomie (2011) ha dato adito ad un intenso dibattito in molte aziende su come l’etica possa giocare un ruolo nel raggiungimento del successo economico. Innumerevoli i suoi interventi presso piccole imprese ed istituti finanziari su tematiche diverse, come la responsabilità nella governance, il rischio etico e la motivazione dei collaboratori. JNR dirige il Centro interdisciplinare di Etica dell’Università di Monaco di Baviera ed è portavoce dell’Executive Master in Filosofia, Economia, Politica. Dirige inoltre il gruppo di lavoro “Finanze ed Etica” dell’Associazione tedesca degli analisti finanziari. È membro del comitato consultivo della Daimler AG che si occupa di “Integrità e responsabilità sociale delle imprese” e presidente del comitato scientifico della Parmenides Academy GmbH, un think tank per la formazione e la consulenza di dirigenti aziendali sui quesiti etico-filosofici. Per un periodo di cinque anni (1998-2002) si è occupato di cultura in campo politico, inizialmente in qualità di assessore alla cultura di Monaco, capitale della Baviera, e successivamente quale ministro della cultura nel primo governo Schröder. Julian Nida-Rümelin ha pubblicato sino ad oggi numerosi libri dedicati alle tematiche della filosofia pratica e della teoria politica, tra i quali ricordiamo: Kritik des Konsequentialismus (1993), Economic Rationality and Practical Reason (1997), Ethische Essays (2002), Angewandte Ethik (2005), Demokratie und Wahrheit (2006), Philosophie und Lebensform (2009) e la trilogia edita da Reclam su “Rationalität” (2001), “Freiheit” (2005) e “Verantwortung” (2011). Di ultima pubblicazione sono: Risikoethik (2012), Der Sokrates-Club – Philosophische Gespräche mit Kindern (2013), Philosophie einer humanen Bildung (2013), Der Akademisierungswahn – zur Krise beruflicher und akademischer Bildung (2014) e Auf dem Weg in eine deutsche Bildungskatastrophe – Zwölf unangenehme Wahrheiten (2015). I suoi discorsi politici sono riassunti nel volume Humanismus als Leitkultur (2006). Su Nida-Rümelin è uscito da ultimo Vernunft und Freiheit – zur praktischen Philosophie von Julian Nida-Rümelin (2012), a cura di Dieter Sturma.
wn.com/Interview Prof. Dr. Julian Nida Rümelin, Berlin, 12.10.2015 (It.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin, insieme a Jürgen Habermas e Peter Sloterdijk, è uno dei maggiori filosofi viventi tedeschi. Il suo libro Die Optimierungsfalle – Philosophie einer humanen Ökonomie (2011) ha dato adito ad un intenso dibattito in molte aziende su come l’etica possa giocare un ruolo nel raggiungimento del successo economico. Innumerevoli i suoi interventi presso piccole imprese ed istituti finanziari su tematiche diverse, come la responsabilità nella governance, il rischio etico e la motivazione dei collaboratori. JNR dirige il Centro interdisciplinare di Etica dell’Università di Monaco di Baviera ed è portavoce dell’Executive Master in Filosofia, Economia, Politica. Dirige inoltre il gruppo di lavoro “Finanze ed Etica” dell’Associazione tedesca degli analisti finanziari. È membro del comitato consultivo della Daimler AG che si occupa di “Integrità e responsabilità sociale delle imprese” e presidente del comitato scientifico della Parmenides Academy GmbH, un think tank per la formazione e la consulenza di dirigenti aziendali sui quesiti etico-filosofici. Per un periodo di cinque anni (1998-2002) si è occupato di cultura in campo politico, inizialmente in qualità di assessore alla cultura di Monaco, capitale della Baviera, e successivamente quale ministro della cultura nel primo governo Schröder. Julian Nida-Rümelin ha pubblicato sino ad oggi numerosi libri dedicati alle tematiche della filosofia pratica e della teoria politica, tra i quali ricordiamo: Kritik des Konsequentialismus (1993), Economic Rationality and Practical Reason (1997), Ethische Essays (2002), Angewandte Ethik (2005), Demokratie und Wahrheit (2006), Philosophie und Lebensform (2009) e la trilogia edita da Reclam su “Rationalität” (2001), “Freiheit” (2005) e “Verantwortung” (2011). Di ultima pubblicazione sono: Risikoethik (2012), Der Sokrates-Club – Philosophische Gespräche mit Kindern (2013), Philosophie einer humanen Bildung (2013), Der Akademisierungswahn – zur Krise beruflicher und akademischer Bildung (2014) e Auf dem Weg in eine deutsche Bildungskatastrophe – Zwölf unangenehme Wahrheiten (2015). I suoi discorsi politici sono riassunti nel volume Humanismus als Leitkultur (2006). Su Nida-Rümelin è uscito da ultimo Vernunft und Freiheit – zur praktischen Philosophie von Julian Nida-Rümelin (2012), a cura di Dieter Sturma.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 20
Parménide et Héraclite, 2 pôles
Conférence d'introduction à la philosophie de Monsieur l'Abbé Jean-Marc Rulleau.
Introduction à la philosophie : https://www.youtube.co...
Conférence d'introduction à la philosophie de Monsieur l'Abbé Jean-Marc Rulleau.
Introduction à la philosophie : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLes0Xd1U1KcwnOdnje2oN00yrKxk2WCdh
wn.com/Parménide Et Héraclite, 2 Pôles
Conférence d'introduction à la philosophie de Monsieur l'Abbé Jean-Marc Rulleau.
Introduction à la philosophie : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLes0Xd1U1KcwnOdnje2oN00yrKxk2WCdh
- published: 07 Sep 2015
- views: 54
After realization is there still an interest in personal growth? - Rupert Spira
This is an excerpt from the interview with Rupert Spira at the Science and Nonduality Conference featured in the 3DVD set "Science and Nonduality Anthology V......
This is an excerpt from the interview with Rupert Spira at the Science and Nonduality Conference featured in the 3DVD set "Science and Nonduality Anthology V...
wn.com/After Realization Is There Still An Interest In Personal Growth Rupert Spira
This is an excerpt from the interview with Rupert Spira at the Science and Nonduality Conference featured in the 3DVD set "Science and Nonduality Anthology V...
1 1 1 1 Change Parmenides or Heraclites 03 24
On Strategy : What Managers Can Learn from Great Philosophers
by Luc de Brabandere...
On Strategy : What Managers Can Learn from Great Philosophers
by Luc de Brabandere
wn.com/1 1 1 1 Change Parmenides Or Heraclites 03 24
On Strategy : What Managers Can Learn from Great Philosophers
by Luc de Brabandere
- published: 23 May 2014
- views: 6
Parmenides GottschalksTrakehner
CIC 2* Bad Harzburg Trakehner Parmenides von GottschalksTrakehner unter Ingrid Klimke beim Bad Harzburger Vielseitigkeitsmeeting 2011....
CIC 2* Bad Harzburg Trakehner Parmenides von GottschalksTrakehner unter Ingrid Klimke beim Bad Harzburger Vielseitigkeitsmeeting 2011.
wn.com/Parmenides Gottschalkstrakehner
CIC 2* Bad Harzburg Trakehner Parmenides von GottschalksTrakehner unter Ingrid Klimke beim Bad Harzburger Vielseitigkeitsmeeting 2011.
Heidegger's "Parmenides"
In "Philosophy in Literature" we were introduced to Heidegger's work in the form of "Parmenides". Every paper we wrote failed to capture the gravity of what ......
In "Philosophy in Literature" we were introduced to Heidegger's work in the form of "Parmenides". Every paper we wrote failed to capture the gravity of what ...
wn.com/Heidegger's Parmenides
In "Philosophy in Literature" we were introduced to Heidegger's work in the form of "Parmenides". Every paper we wrote failed to capture the gravity of what ...
Teaser: Stuttgart German Masters 2015 - Interview mit Michael Jung
Unsere beiden REITTV-Mitarbeiter Leon und Annabell waren am vergangenen Wochenende auf den Stuttgart German Masters unterwegs. Die Kamera durfte dabei natürlich...
Unsere beiden REITTV-Mitarbeiter Leon und Annabell waren am vergangenen Wochenende auf den Stuttgart German Masters unterwegs. Die Kamera durfte dabei natürlich nicht fehlen.
Neben dem Kostümspringen mit Superman, Rotkäppchen, Luigi & Co. wartet außerdem ein kleines Interview mit Vielseitigkeitsweltmeister Michael Jung auf Euch, bei dem Ihr ein paar andere Fakten über den erfolgreichen Reiter erfahrt.
Wir wünschen viel Spaß mit dem Video „wink“-Emoticon
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wn.com/Teaser Stuttgart German Masters 2015 Interview Mit Michael Jung
Unsere beiden REITTV-Mitarbeiter Leon und Annabell waren am vergangenen Wochenende auf den Stuttgart German Masters unterwegs. Die Kamera durfte dabei natürlich nicht fehlen.
Neben dem Kostümspringen mit Superman, Rotkäppchen, Luigi & Co. wartet außerdem ein kleines Interview mit Vielseitigkeitsweltmeister Michael Jung auf Euch, bei dem Ihr ein paar andere Fakten über den erfolgreichen Reiter erfahrt.
Wir wünschen viel Spaß mit dem Video „wink“-Emoticon
Das Video gibts in der kostenlosen App in der Kategorie Specials & Events oder unter: http://www.reittv.de/Die_Stuttgart_German_Masters_2015-vid86878
Jetzt kostenlos REITTV-App downloaden:
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- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 5076
"Parmenides and the All is One" - Nonduality Song
"Parmenides and the All is One" .....sung, composed by Brendan Smith here.
For further music, see www.everythingislooking.com
"Out upon the road of Truth, ...
"Parmenides and the All is One" .....sung, composed by Brendan Smith here.
For further music, see www.everythingislooking.com
"Out upon the road of Truth, the Goddess revealed to Parmenides,
That there is a blazing Sun, that nobody Sees.
But instead of pointing up to the Heavens, She indicated His own Being-
She said, "This Light within Light shows, You are the Light that no opposite knows,
except You cannot be lit, and nothing can extinguish it....Oh Parmenides!
For this Knowing and this Being, are One in What You Are-
And What exists just once cannot be, extinguished Once and for All.'
Helplessness in their divided thoughts, leads their wandering Minds astray,
as they wander the road of Truth, with no discerning way!!
For they believe that to be and not to be, are One in the Same:
'But they haven't seen their own Thought's game,
Thought rejects the stuff of which it's own Being is made,
Nothing does exist without Awareness of it....Oh Parmenides!
For this Knowing and this Being, are One in What They Are-
And what exists just once cannot be, extinguished Once and for All.'
How could what is have ever come out of No-thing?
How could everything have ever come out of nothing?
'Existence, right here, is Infinite by necessity,
For that Which truly is, has always been-
And never came, and never will be done....Oh Parmenides!'
What it is that is sensing the Center, cannot be Centered.
And what it is that is noticing these thoughts, cannot be thought of!
And what it is that is perceiving this World, cannot be this world;
'For that which sees all appearances, that itself does not appear!
That which is feeling this body, that cannot, that cannot be embodied here!
For this Knowing and this Being, they are One in what They Are-
And what exists just Once cannot be, extinguished Once and for All.....'"
Song composed and recorded by Brendan Smith July 2013 in
Kent Welsch's Studio in Berkeley, CA.
wn.com/Parmenides And The All Is One Nonduality Song
"Parmenides and the All is One" .....sung, composed by Brendan Smith here.
For further music, see www.everythingislooking.com
"Out upon the road of Truth, the Goddess revealed to Parmenides,
That there is a blazing Sun, that nobody Sees.
But instead of pointing up to the Heavens, She indicated His own Being-
She said, "This Light within Light shows, You are the Light that no opposite knows,
except You cannot be lit, and nothing can extinguish it....Oh Parmenides!
For this Knowing and this Being, are One in What You Are-
And What exists just once cannot be, extinguished Once and for All.'
Helplessness in their divided thoughts, leads their wandering Minds astray,
as they wander the road of Truth, with no discerning way!!
For they believe that to be and not to be, are One in the Same:
'But they haven't seen their own Thought's game,
Thought rejects the stuff of which it's own Being is made,
Nothing does exist without Awareness of it....Oh Parmenides!
For this Knowing and this Being, are One in What They Are-
And what exists just once cannot be, extinguished Once and for All.'
How could what is have ever come out of No-thing?
How could everything have ever come out of nothing?
'Existence, right here, is Infinite by necessity,
For that Which truly is, has always been-
And never came, and never will be done....Oh Parmenides!'
What it is that is sensing the Center, cannot be Centered.
And what it is that is noticing these thoughts, cannot be thought of!
And what it is that is perceiving this World, cannot be this world;
'For that which sees all appearances, that itself does not appear!
That which is feeling this body, that cannot, that cannot be embodied here!
For this Knowing and this Being, they are One in what They Are-
And what exists just Once cannot be, extinguished Once and for All.....'"
Song composed and recorded by Brendan Smith July 2013 in
Kent Welsch's Studio in Berkeley, CA.
- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 35
CIC Renswoude 2012 Parmenides unter Ingrid Klimke
CIC *** Renswoude 08.-10.06.2012 Vielseitigkeit Eventing....
CIC *** Renswoude 08.-10.06.2012 Vielseitigkeit Eventing.
wn.com/Cic Renswoude 2012 Parmenides Unter Ingrid Klimke
CIC *** Renswoude 08.-10.06.2012 Vielseitigkeit Eventing.