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February 1, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Pity the Children

If we continue to ignore the hunger, poverty and desperate families and communities of our young, we guarantee there will be a huge, violent population plagued by crime, drug addiction and high incarceration rates. If we save the children, we save society.


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Andrew Harnik / AP

Want Endless War? Love the U.S. Empire? Well, Hillary Clinton’s Your Choice

If the candidate's foreign policy record is any guide, a Hillary Clinton presidency would perpetuate and bolster some of our most hateful national characteristics.
Dennis Van Tine / MediaPunch / IPX

Neoliberalism’s Zero Hour in the Heartland

Will Monday's caucus in Iowa open the door wider to the political insurgents and leave the traditionalists gulping Xanax? Or will it expose Big Change as just a brief burst of lightning?
A/V Booth

An old clip of the Massachusetts senator shows she’s known the truth about Hillary Clinton’s relationship with Wall Street for quite some time.

In light of the love fest over the Fox News anchor, we thought it worth remembering Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show” takedowns of two of Kelly’s more unfortunate rants, including her declaration that Santa Claus “just is white” and her “fair and balanced” approach to the news.

WHO Declares Zika Virus a Global Public Health Emergency

The World Health Organization has declared a rare “public health emergency of international concern” because of the apparent link between the Zika virus and a huge increase in serious birth defects in Central and South America.

Oxfam Says Close-Fisted Wealthy Nations Are ‘Failing the People of Syria’

While some small European countries are donating more than their fair share to aid Syrians, the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Russia are still far behind.

10,000 Migrant Children Missing in Europe, E.U. Police Agency Says

Europol, the European Union’s law enforcement agency, says gangs throughout Europe are targeting young migrants for sex work and slavery.

VIDEO: Hundreds of Union Plumbers Volunteer to Help Victims of Flint’s Lead-Poisoning Crisis

Plumbers from across Michigan and other states are visiting 800 homes in the city of Flint to make sure residents’ faucets can accommodate water filters being installed to mitigate the city’s ongoing lead crisis.



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Teenage Girl Admits to Fabricating Migrant Rape Claim That Outraged Germany

A 13-year-old Russian-German girl has admitted to making up a story about being kidnapped and raped by Middle Eastern or North African migrants in a case that outraged Germans and caused far-right protests in Russia.

Is the Iowa Caucus Overrated?

It’s possible all the commotion over the Iowa caucus has more to do with media than with politics. In another report, a writer says the platform of the Green Party’s Jill Stein has a better chance than Bernie Sanders’ does. Meanwhile, a former trader reveals just how much the Clintons are indebted to Wall Street and vice versa. These discoveries and more after the jump.

The Most Expensive Election Ever Is a Billionaire’s Playground (Except for Bernie Sanders)

Given that our brand of democracy is cold hard cash, let’s examine the relationships between our 21st-century plutocrats and the contenders for the White House.

The Long and Painful Road to Iowa

As voting in the 2016 presidential campaign begins, it’s apparent that this strange and melodramatic contest was created by the political upheaval that didn’t immediately happen after 9/11, the failure of the Iraq War and the Great Recession.

Renewables Offer a Quick Fix for U.S. Emissions

Scientists say interstate energy “highways” would allow current wind and solar technologies to deliver electricity where and when it’s needed throughout the United States.

Islamic State Kills 70 in Bombing of a Syrian Shiite Area in Apparent Bid to Derail Talks (Video)

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for bomb attacks in Syria’s capital Damascus that were probably aimed at derailing peace talks in Geneva.

Turkish-Russian Airspace Conflict Continues as Ankara-Backed Turkmen Flee Syria (Video)

Russia has rejected as “propaganda” renewed charges that its fighter jets had crossed Turkish territory. But it’s likely that Turkey’s complaint is actually about something else.

Manna From Hell

War is hell. Unless, of course, you happen to be a global corporate peddler of rockets, drones, bombs and all the other hellish weaponry of military conflict.

Truthdigger of the Week: Progressive Congressional Candidate Tim Canova

This reform-minded lawyer and law professor with a history of progressive advocacy is answering Bernie Sanders’ call for a political revolution by challenging Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida for her congressional seat. Here, Truthdig interviews him, and we like what he has to say.

‘Threat-Score Software’: Will It Get You Shot by a Cop?

This law enforcement technology can use facts such as ZIP codes and frequency of address changes to assign a danger level to people an officer might engage. A high threat score could increase the officer’s anxiety ... and you know where that could lead.

N.Y. Times Misleads About Bernie Sanders’ Funding and Later Endorses Hillary Clinton

The newspaper hangs an article about Sanders’ campaign finances on a legal technicality, and the next day it backs his main rival’s presidential bid.

Everything You Need to Know About the Planned Parenthood Videos

A reading guide to the Planned Parenthood videos and what has happened since their release last summer.

Exasperated by Netanyahu, France Prepares to Recognize Palestinian State

Even the staunchly pro-Israel French Socialist Party has had it with Israeli expansionism and aggression.

Why The Washington Post’s Attack on Bernie Sanders’ Health Plan Is Wrongheaded at Best

The editorial board of The Washington Post has charged that Bernie Sanders’ plan rests on “unbelievable assumptions” about how much it would slash costs without affecting the care ordinary Americans receive.

Rhetorical Terror: GOP Candidates Pledge War Crimes, Carpet-Bombing and Asian Land Wars (Video)

At the Trumpless GOP debate last week, the candidates once again promised to bankrupt us with military and intelligence spending and to commit vast war crimes—with reckless disregard for the lives of women, children and noncombatant men—of the sort not openly plotted since the demise of the Axis powers in 1943-45.

Cloud Blanket Is Warming Up a Melting Ice Cap

A new study shows that up to 30 percent of the melting of the Greenland ice cap results from cloud cover that is helping to raise temperatures—and accelerate sea level rise.

22 Clinton Emails Deemed ‘Top Secret’ by State Department (VIDEO)

Some previously released emails have since been redacted, but the 22 now declared top-secret are the first to be withheld outright.

U.N. Experts Catalog a Seemingly Endless List of Racial Discrimination in the U.S.

Past injustices and crimes against African-Americans in the United States need to be addressed with reparatory justice.