2015 eDiscovery Case Law Year in Review, Part 2

By: Doug Austin

As we noted yesterday, eDiscoveryDaily published 89 posts related to eDiscovery case decisions and activities over the past year, covering 72 unique cases! Yesterday, we looked back at cases related to admissibility and proportionality, production format disputes and (once again) the ubiquitous Apple v. Samsung case. Today, let’s take a look back at cases related to disputes about discovery, eDiscovery cost reimbursement and issues related to privilege and confidentiality assertions.

2015 eDiscovery Case Law Year in Review, Part 1

By: Doug Austin

Did you think we forgot? No, we didn’t forget! It’s time for our annual review of eDiscovery case law! Once again, we had more than our share of sanctions granted and denied, as well as disputes over production formats, admissibility of electronically stored information (ESI) and even a dispute regarding whether contract review attorneys can receive overtime pay! So, as we have done for the last four years, let’s take a look back at eDiscovery case law in 2015!

The Fourth Generation of eDiscovery Offerings is Upon Us as Well: eDiscovery Trends

By: Doug Austin

If you read this blog regularly, you know that we’re big admirers of Rob Robinson’s Complex Discovery site, from his software and services “mashup” to his running 14+ year list of mergers, acquisitions and investments in the eDiscovery industry. Now, Rob provides a generational breakdown of eDiscovery technology offerings, giving organizations out there useful information to differentiate offerings in the eDiscovery marketplace.

Not Only is the Age of eDiscovery Automation Upon Us, But So is the Age of Cloud-Based eDiscovery: eDiscovery Trends

By: Doug Austin

On Monday, I declared that, in 2016, the age of eDiscovery automation is upon us. So, who are these “jokers” asking if 2016 is the year of cloud-based eDiscovery? The nerve!



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About the Bloggers

Brad Jenkins

Brad Jenkins, President and CEO of CloudNine Discovery, has over 20 years of experience leading customer focused companies in the litigation support arena. Brad has authored many articles on litigation support issues, and has spoken before national audiences on document management practices and solutions.

Doug Austin

Doug Austin, Professional Services Manager for CloudNine Discovery, has over 20 years experience providing legal technology consulting and technical project management services to numerous commercial and government clients. Doug has also authored several articles on eDiscovery best practices.

Jane Gennarelli

Jane Gennarelli is a principal of Magellan’s Law Corporation and has been assisting litigators in effectively handling discovery materials for over 30 years. She authored the company’s Best Practices in a Box™ content product and assists firms in applying technology to document handling tasks. She is a known expert and often does webinars and presentations for litigation support professionals around the country. Jane can be reached by email at jane@litigationbestpractices.com.