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Northern Territory Government Australia
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News archive | Media releases

Additional assistance for Northern Territory communities affected by Tropical Cyclone Lam and Nathan

Posted: 22 January 2016

The Australian and Northern Territory Governments announced today that they will jointly fund a $5 million Community Recovery Fund (CRF) under the Commonwealth-State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements.

The fund will complement the existing rebuilding activities already underway in affected communities by assisting with the medium and long term recovery needs.

The CRF will enable upgrades to Galiwin'ku oval, including repairing the surface damaged while the oval housed the emergency accommodation after the cyclone. The restoration of the oval is a top priority for the community to ensure youth are re-engaged with regular sporting activities.

The fund will also allow the continuation of an expanded mental health and wellbeing program being run by Miwatj Health in Galiwin'ku using locally trained Yolngu counsellors.

In addition to the projects funded through the CRF, major progress is being made in rebuilding the communities affected by Cyclones Lam and Nathan, which struck earlier last year.

Current situation in affected communities:


  • Eighty houses are being rebuilt in Galiwin'ku. The first 40 are currently being constructed. The first four houses are due to be completed before the end of January 2016 with the remaining 36 due to be completed progressively through to July 2016
  • In line with the community leaders' direction, the second 40 houses are planned to be delivered over a longer period of time to maximise local economic development opportunities, especially training and employment. The houses are using designs developed under the guidance of the Community.
  • A further eight houses required major restoration and refurbishment works, and will be completed in early 2016
  • Barge landing repair works have been completed
  • Significant funding has been committed to East Arnhem Regional Council to restore and improve local and regional roads.
  • Essential services infrastructure works to support the housing program are also be progressed.
  • Local service providers including the East Arnhem Regional Council have worked hard to restore community infrastructure like parks, childcare centres and other community facilities.

Ramingining and Milingimbi

  • Two houses are being replaced in Ramingining and are due for completion in early 2016.
  • The school in Ramingining sustained major damage and school rebuilding works are to be delivered in the 2016 dry season.
  • Significant funding is being provided to East Arnhem Regional Council to restore and improve local and regional roads.

Regional Homelands

  • Seven temporary houses have been installed across four homelands to ensure that displaced families have appropriate accommodation while their houses are rebuilt by homeland service providers under insurance arrangements.
  • $1.6 million has been provided to homeland service providers to support the restoration of homelands essential services and infrastructure.

Daly River residents to return home

Posted: 11 January 2016

Daly River residents will be able to return to the community tomorrow while all essential services such as water, sewerage, the store and health clinic will be back online today.

Water levels have now fallen substantially and the clean-up has progressed well with 76 of 84 houses in the community to be ready for residents to return on Tuesday.

Local residents, Government staff, contractors and volunteers have done a fantastic job over the last few days working to clean up houses and get the Daly River community up and running as quickly as possible. Residents will be able to leave the evacuation centre and start returning home from Tuesday.

Traffic restrictions and road closures remain in place and only vehicles with a legitimate reason to be in the area will be allowed through. Check the Road Report website for details.

There is still a lot of work going on to clean up and fix damaged infrastructure with houses being connected to power progressively once they are cleaned and have had an environmental health check.

The Daly River store continues to be stocked and all essential services personnel are returning to the community from today.

The Department of Business is working with businesses affected by flooding to help them recover and resume trading as soon as possible with a Business Development officer visiting Daly River this week to meet one on one with businesses.

Northern Territory Government staff are working with residents to assess households which may be eligible to receive replacement household goods and other financial assistance.

Teams from a number of Government agencies began assessments a week ago and their work will continue to assess the impact of the flooding on the Daly River community.

Seniors Participation Framework 2016-19 Discussion Paper

Posted: 23 December 2015

The Territory Government has released a draft Strong Seniors: Seniors Participation Framework 2016-19 Discussion Paper for public consultation.

The draft framework lays the foundations for future policies to support our ageing population and aligns with the Framing the Future strong society and confident culture strategic goals.

All Territorians, in particular seniors are encouraged to have their say and provide feedback on the draft framework. 

Feedback can be provided through a short confidential online survey until 15 February 2016. The Office of Senior Territorians can also be contacted at or 08 8999 3861.

For more information visit