January 2016
Volume 29
Number 1




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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important in understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.






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JAN-16. pgbirthday onlinelowres


Celebrate Z's January 2016 Birthday with a donation; whatever you can afford.

Are you surprised to learn that the recent San Bernardino massacre was (by the statistical reckoning of the Washington Post) the 355th mass shooting to occur in the U.S. in 2015?

The thought of blood just doesn’t go with breakfast cereal

It should come as no surprise that when people have life made more difficult, when the weight of corporate power and the governments that do the bidding of that corporate power constantly press down, health and well-being deteriorate.

Discerning the ethical side of the World Bank’s research in Afghanistan is not small potatoes.

On November 8, the World Bank predicted that climate change is on track to drive 100 million people into poverty by 2030.

My first stop, after living for 22 years in a refugee camp in Gaza, was the city of Seattle, a...
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By 1912, the Socialist Party, with Debs as its presidential candidate, was a force to be reckoned with. In speech after speech, Debs set crowds ablaze.

The terrorist attacks in Paris are a chronicle foretold, an expected blowback of French militarism and adventurism in the Middle East and France’s too long inability to integrate its Islamic young population, the largest one in Europe

The Paris attacks make further escalations harder to resist, if not politically inevitable and politically all but impossible to oppose. But opposition must arise from somewhere if we are ever to break out of this spiral of violence that has led only downward for more than a decade.

On November 13, 2015, the United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) announced it was charging ten individual bankers, working for two separate banks, Deutsche Bank and Barclays, with fraud over their rigging of the Euribor rates.

At the most fundamental level, the shift from investing in real assets to financial asset investing occurs because the structure of the global economy today incentivizes financial asset investment more than real asset investment.

A federal judge in Manhattan has ruled for the first time that transgender people are entitled to protections against discrimination under the U.S. Constitution.


Taylor argues that, yes, America can be racist despite Black leaders, and, in fact, such superficial gains for Blacks mask far-reaching structural discrimination in housing, education, employment, and policing.

An important feature of Weisbrot’s analysis is his recognition of the extent to which policy failures have flowed from biased analyses that serve a small elite and punish the majority, and that policy successes have often followed the loss of power by those serving elite interests

Ness’s analysis of the changing composition of class relations between workers and capital is exclusively concentrated on industrial workers in order to contest myopic claims of the declining relevance of the working class.

Suffragette is the first film to depict a women’s movement with major Hollywood stars. And Gavron’s introduction, Skyped in at the preview, was superb, emphasizing global women’s struggles and class and race inequality as well as the historical fight for suffrage


The African People’s Socialist Party USA Plenary will be held January 9-10, in St. Petersburg, FL.

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AFRICAN/SOCIALIST - The African People’s Socialist Party USA Plenary will be held January 9-10, in St. Petersburg, FL.

Contact: 1245 18th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33705; 727-821-6620; info@;

GUANTANAMO - January 11, 2016 marks 15 years of torture and indefinite detention at Guantanamo.  Groups includeWitness For Torture, CODE PINK, World Can’t Wait will be gathering from January 5-13, 2015 to act for justice and a week of actions.


MLK/PROTEST - The People’s Organization For Progress will have a Martin Luther King Jr. March For Racial Equality, Economic Justice And Peace Friday, January 15, 2016, 12:00 noon beginning at the Lincoln Statue in Newark, New Jersey.

Contact: 973-801-0001; P.O. Box 22505, Newark, NJ 07101-2505;;

MEDIA - The Media Consortium Conference will be held February 11, in Philadelphia. The conference brings together over 100 leaders of independent news.


BLACK SOLIDARITY - The 21st Annual Black Solidarity Conference at Yale University will be held February 11-14. The theme is, The Miseducation: Changing History As We Know It.

Contact: PO Box 206471, New Haven, CT 06520;

INDIGENOUS WOMEN - The 10th Strawberry Ceremony for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls will be held February 14, in Toronto, to demonstrate against the complicity of the state in the ongoing genocide of Indigenous women and the impunity of state institutions (police, RCMP, coroners’ offices, the courts, and an indifferent federal government).


MUSIC - The 28th Annual International Folk Alliance Conference & Winter Music Camp will be held February 17-21, in Kansas City, MO.

Contact: 509 Delaware St. #101, Kansas City, MO 64105; 816-221-3655;;

PROGRESSIVES - The 7th annual Pennsylvania Progressive Summit will be held February 19-21, in Harrisburg. Hundreds of social justice advocates, labor organizers, legislators, and grassroots activists will come together to build the progressive movement.

Contact: aprogressivesummit_1.

REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH - The Take Root Conference will be held February 26-27, in Norman, OK. The conference aim is to root the fight for reproductive health, rights, and dignity in the struggle for social, racial, political, and economic justice.


LGBTQ -Rainbow Health Ontario hosts Canada’s largest LGBTQ health conference, March 9-11, in London, Ontario.

Contact: Rainbow Health Ontario, Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto ON M5A 2S5; 416.324.4100; http://www.rainbowhealth

LABOR - The 2016 Labor Notes Conference will be held April 1-3, in Chicago.

Contact: Labor Notes, 7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI, 48210; 313-842-6262;;

POETRY - The annual Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness 2016 will be held April 14-17, in Washington, DC.

Contact: Split This Rock, 1112 16th Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036; 202-787-5210;;

DIGITAL BLACKNESS - The Digital Blackness Conference will be held April 22-23, 2016 in New Brunswick, NJ at Rutgers University and will bring together scholars, students, activists, and artists to interrogate the many new modes, customs, and arrangements of racial identity as they are mediated through digital technologies.

Contact: Digital Blackness Conference Coordinator, Rutgers University, Department of History, 111 Van Duck Hall, 16 Seminary Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901;; http://www.rutgersdigitalblac

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