The 2016 presidential predictions you’ve been waiting for!


The Danish physicist Niels Bohr once said, ‘Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.’ But hey, it’s presidential primary season and everyone’s doing it anyway. Therefore, I have no choice but to fulfill my duty as a white male and share my opinions and predictions, even though no one has directly asked me for them.

 handpointRTig Please click to hear my commentary!

What do almost all war criminals and dictators have in common?


War criminals and dictators come in many age ranges, are found in just about every geographical location, and run the gamut of religions, ethnicities, and financial classes. So, if none of these is the most universal marker for recognizing such predators, what is?

Think it over. I’ll wait.

handpointRTig Please click here to read my full article!

Hey everyone, it’s the Bill & Bernie Show!


Both Bill and Bernie have been at this a long time. They know their lines, always hit their marks, and aren’t afraid to chew the scenery, when necessary. It’s clear what’s in it for them. The bigger question is this: When will the rest of us realize there’s nothing in it for us?

 handpointRTig Please click to hear my commentary!



Fast forward to 2015-6 (click here for my assessment of the post-OWS years) and the timeworn liberal script has been dusted off. This time, an old white establishment dude claiming to want revolution has occupiers ready to #MarchForBernie on January 23, 2016. The event page copy might be excusable if it were written by a junior high student (it reads like it may have been) but these folks have zero excuse for lining up behind the vapid words from their hero: “I beg of you, do not enter that world of despair. We can win this fight, if we stand together.”

And where will this epic march commence? Zuccotti Park, of course. One can’t help but conjure up images of the zombies in Dawn of the Dead, aimlessly walking around the shopping mall out of sheer reflexive habit — but don’t tell that to those feeling the Bern. For them, “Occupy Wall Street lit a fire under the progressive movement that has continued to burn today.”

handpointRTigPlease click here to read my full article!