Teachers in Slovakia have begun an indefinite strike today. They demand higher wages, more money to be invested into education and changes in the system of teachers’ further education. The strike...

A Kurdish anarchist reflects critically on the Rojava revolution, its positive aspects and some negative elements posing challenges to it.

Hillary Clinton meets with Saudi puppet  Abd Monsour Hadi 2012

The US claims to be fighting a war on groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, but you wouldn't know it by looking its actions in countries like Yemen.

December 3, 2015, over 20 Guangzhou and Foshan labor activists were apprehended by police, launching a crackdown that has as of the latest updates put 4 activists under arrest and closed down...


Interesting set of articles debating the nature of unions in capitalist society and how revolutionary workers should relate to them, from a pro-working class, left communist perspective.


A vivid and action-packed account of the Battle of Lewisham, written by Martin Lux and taken from his book Anti-Fascist.