1 February 2016

Swedish neo-nazi mob assaults immigrants in Stockholm, Sweden

By Jordan Shilton, 1 February 2016

The emergence of a fascist movement on the streets of a major European city is a result of the anti-refugee hysteria being whipped up by the political establishment across the continent.

Divisions mount in German government over refugee policy

By Ulrich Rippert, 1 February 2016

The swing to the right by the entire German political establishment has unleashed violent tensions within the government.

German government restricts right to asylum

Greek Syriza government colludes with EU in refugee crackdown

The end of liberal Europe

More on the refugee crisis »

US navy carries out provocative operation in South China Sea

By Peter Symonds, 1 February 2016

Washington’s actions are deliberately confrontational and reckless, raising the danger of a military clash with China.

US secretary of state demands China act against North Korea

South Korea joins US-Japan intelligence link

By Ben McGrath, 1 February 2016

Seoul’s decision will further integrate South Korea into Washington’s plans for an anti-ballistic missile system aimed against China.

Human Rights Watch report documents attack on democratic rights in US and Europe

By Tom Hall, 1 February 2016

The group’s annual report warns, “blatant Islamophobia and shameless demonizing of refugees have become the currency of an increasingly assertive politics of intolerance.”

German parliament backs new military intervention in Mali

By Johannes Stern, 1 February 2016

The speeches in parliament left no doubt that the German military is intervening in Mali to defend the economic and geopolitical interests of German imperialism.

Report reveals ongoing social crisis for Chicago’s youth and young adults

By George Gallanis, 1 February 2016

In the past decade, Chicago’s youth and young adults have seen a steady increase in unemployment, and with it social misery.

Notes on the housing crisis
Number of empty luxury apartments in New York City continues to rise

By Robert Fowler, 1 February 2016

As the number of homeless reaches new heights in New York City, more and more apartments owned by absentee, super-wealthy owners stay empty for most of the year.

US Congress quietly enables funding for Ukrainian neo-Nazi-led Azov Regiment

By David Levine, 1 February 2016

A proposed ban on US funding of Ukrainian neo-Nazis that had attracted substantial media attention last June when it was introduced never actually became law.

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

World Bank documents growth of “ninis” in Latin America: Youth neither working nor in school

By Kevin Martinez, 1 February 2016

At least 20 million young people in Latin America and the Caribbean are neither studying nor working despite the region being touted as a economic “success story.”

China announcing 400,000 steelworker job cuts

By Samuel Davidson, 1 February 2016

The steelworkers will lose their jobs, in line with plans to slash crude steel production capacity by between 100 million and 150 million tons.

Thousands of jobs threatened in North Sea oil and gas industry

By Stephen Alexander, 1 February 2016

As many as 200,000 oil-related jobs could be lost in the UK.

Australian teenager arrested for documents “connected” to terrorism

By Mike Head, 1 February 2016

The vague charges underscore the increasingly repressive sweep of Australia’s “anti-terrorism” laws.

New in French

Berlin demande 130 milliards d’euros de plus pour l’armée

Par Johannes Stern, 1 février 2016

Le gouvernement allemand veut plus de véhicules blindés,, d'hélicoptères, et de navires.

Wall Street fête les signes annonciateurs d’une récession américaine

Par Andre Damon, 1 février 2016

Les marchés financiers ont réagi à plusieurs indications d'un ralentissement important de l’économie américaine de manière euphorique.

New in Portuguese

Governo brasileiro reprime protestos em São Paulo contra o aumento do transporte

Por Armando Cruz, 30 de janeiro de 2016

O aumento da tarifa no transporte público é parte de um ano inteiro de ataques ao padrão de vida da população.

New in Turkish

Küresel ekonomik çalkantının siyasi önemi

Nick Beams, 30 Ocak 2016

Yeni jeo-ekonomik ve siyasi ortamdaki en önemli faktör, mevcut düzene karşı milyarlarca insanın bilincine derinlemesine yerleşmiş olan, tırmanan toplumsal muhalefet dalgasıdır.

Suriye “barış görüşmeleri” arifesinde Washington bölgede müdahaleyi tırmandırma tehdidinde bulunuyor

Bill Van Auken, 30 Ocak 2016

Sözde barış görüşmelerine kimin katılacağı üzerine şiddetli anlaşmazlıkların altında, ABD ile Rusya arasındaki keskin şekilde uyumsuz olan çıkarlar yatmaktadır.

Other Languages


On eve of first presidential contest: US two-party system in crisis

1 February 2016

Tonight’s Iowa caucuses mark the first primary contest in a presidential election campaign already characterized by political convulsions in both corporate-controlled parties.

Earlier Perspectives »

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

The World Socialist Web Site and the Flint water crisis

By Shannon Jones, 1 February 2016

Long before the crisis in Flint became a national issue, the World Socialist Web Site was exposing the facts and issuing warnings.

State workers in Flint supplied with bottled water one year prior to acknowledgement of crisis

“This is not a race issue—we need everyone to support this”
Detroit Public School students take a stand with teachers, spreading protests

By Nancy Hanover, 1 February 2016

High school students throughout Detroit speak up, walk out and protest to make their stand with teachers.

Detroit student protest organizers explain issues behind Cass Tech walkout

Emergency meeting on the crisis in Detroit and Flint draws over one hundred workers and youth

By E.P. Bannon, 29 January 2016

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

25 years ago: US saturation bombing kills thousands of Iraqi civilians

This week in 1991, Operation Desert Storm brought the saturation bombing of Iraqi cities, towns and villages by US warplanes.

More »

50 years ago: Soviet probe lands on the Moon

On February 3, 1966, the Soviet Union announced the successful soft landing of its unmanned Luna 9 spacecraft on the surface of the moon, in the lunar region called the Ocean of Storms.

More »

75 years ago: Bulgaria drawn into Axis

On February 4, 1941, the Bulgarian government of Tsar Boris III was reported about to accept Berlin’s demand to join the Axis powers’ “Tripartite Pact.”

More »


100 years ago: Mass garment workers strike in New York City

Mass strikes of garment workers continued to grow in New York this week in 1916, taking the total number of striking garment workers in the New York metropolitan area to 25,000.

More »


Wall Street celebrates mounting signs of US slump

By Andre Damon, 30 January 2016

Japan moves to negative interest rates

Republican debate in Iowa promotes war and reaction

By Patrick Martin, 30 January 2016

Washington to escalate US Mideast wars

By Bill Van Auken, 30 January 2016

World Health Organization: Zika virus “spreading explosively” in Americas

By Kate Randall, 29 January 2016

German defence minister demands additional €130 billion for military

By Johannes Stern, 29 January 2016

Bernie Sanders mobilizes African American celebrities to help “keep hope alive”

By Nick Barrickman, 27 January 2016

More on the 2016 US elections »

War and the destruction of social infrastructure in America

Arts Review

Racialism, art and the Academy Awards controversy

By David Walsh, 30 January 2016

It is no exaggeration to point out that, in ideological terms, Cara Buckley in the New York Times and others, in their obsession with race, are spouting a conception of society and art identified historically with the extreme right.

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi—Michael Bay’s mythmaking

Featured Commentary

To create a genuine artistic “avant garde” means confronting critical historical issues

By David Walsh, 20 January 2016

The essay by David Walsh we are posting today considers whether or not an artistic vanguard exists today—and, if not, what such a vanguard would consist of and what questions it would have to confront.

Workers Struggles

Longshoremen walk out at New York/New Jersey Port

By Daniel de Vries, 30 January 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE statement on the student parliament vote at Humboldt University

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Germany), 22 January 2016

Mehring Books

Twenty-five years since the first Gulf War
Desert Slaughter: The Imperialist War Against Iraq—an enduring contribution to waging war on war

By Eric London, 21 January 2016

In 1991, the Workers League, forerunner of the SEP, published this valuable compendium of articles and statements providing a Marxist analysis of the imperialist war in Iraq and the breakdown of the postwar international order.

New in Arabic

Arabic translation of “On the threshold of the New Year”

We are publishing here an Arabic translation of the Perspective that was posted on the WSWS in English on December 31.

Autoworkers Struggles

US auto companies announce big payout to stockholders

By Shannon Jones, 15 January 2016

More on autoworkers struggles »

Book Review

Power Wars: Inside Obama’s Post-9/11 Presidency
Obama’s place in history: Permanent war and the breakdown of American democracy
Part two

By Eric London, 14 January 2016

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky