January 16 article deadline for issue #120 – 3 pm

Submit your articles, photographs, drawings, book reviews, zine reviews, radical contact lists information, and calendar events for publication in issue #120 by Jan. 16 at 3 pm.  The issue is due out early February.   Email materials to slingshot -at- tao -dot- ca.  Also if you are in the Bay area the weekend of January 16 or January 23 contact us if you want to join the art party to create issue #120.  

Here are some excerpts from our article brainstorm meeting of topics we’re hoping to include in the issue that we’re looking to find someone who can write:

–Current protest movements on college campuses (race, sexual violence, divestment)

–Migrants in Europe and elsewhere

–Resistance to coal trains, pipelines, fracking, mining

–Black Lives Matter protests and updated

–War expanding vs. ISIS


–Responses to the US climate of racism, hate and fear

–Resistance to gentrification

–Organizing around economic justice and low wages

–Blurbs of resistance

–DIY projects people are doing

Click here to see the articles is issue #119 (Fall 2015)

The 2016 organizer is now available!  click here! to see a list of local stores that carry the organizer, links to mail-order distro websites, and names of the 2016 cover colors.

Note:  2 errors in the spiral 2016 organizer ONLY: (i) on page 3 where there is a 2016/2017 calendar, the headline for 2017 is over the 2016 calendar and the headline for 2016 is over a 2017 calendar.  OOOPS – tell a friend to avoid calendar chaos! (ii)  on June 11 the International day of solidarity with Marius Mason says “Marie”, not Marius.

Also – Oops – the chemical formulas for hormones found in the organizer are apparently incorrect.

Click here to see our previous issue #118

.Also, PLEASE bring us your spare rubber bands  – we need them for the mailing!!!!!



The Slingshot Collective