The SUWA Show /// Invasion Day


On this month’s episode of the ‘Floating Anarchy’ edition of The SUWA Show (3CR /// 855AM /// Friday, January 22, 2016: 5.30-6.30pm), my co-host Dr Cam Smith and I talk to Professor Rob Sparrow of Monash University — recently declared to be the author of my blog by some neo-Nazi critics — and to Jason Wilson, a freelance journalist who’s written several articles for The Guardian on the subject of the ongoing occupation by ‘patriots’ of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, USA.

Relevant links:

From Oregon to Australia: the unifying force of far-right resentment (January 19, 2016)
The Oregon militia revolt recipe: timber, despair and a crippling political isolation (January 15, 2016)
The Bundy bunch: who are the armed militia in the Oregon standoff? (w Sam Levin, January 6, 2016)
Authorities plan to cut off power to militia at occupied Oregon refuge (w John M Glionna, January 5, 2016)
Oregon armed occupiers include prominent anti-Islam activist (January 5, 2016)
Oregon militia occupying wildlife refuge aims to overthrow government, says sheriff (January 4, 2016)
Oregon militia threatens showdown with US agents at wildlife refuge (January 4, 2016)
Rural Organizing Project : “The Rural Organizing Project (ROP) is a statewide organization of locally-based groups that work to create communities accountable to a standard of human dignity: the belief in the equal worth of all people, the need for equal access to justice and the right to self-determination.”
Spencer Sunshine : What the Oregon Standoff Is Really About, yes!, January 15, 2016 | Interview with Spencer Sunshine on the Oregon Militia Occupation, It’s Going Down, January 11, 2016 | I Studied Oregon’s Militia Movement. Here’s 5 Things You Need to Know, US Uncut, January 3, 2016.
Campaign to Stop Killer Robots | Stephen Hawking, Noam Chomsky and thousands of others sign open letter calling for a ban on ‘killer robots’, The Independent, July 28, 2015.


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About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2016 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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8 Responses to The SUWA Show /// Invasion Day

  1. ablokeimet says:

    Will the people who said Slackbastard is Rob Sparrow retract their allegations? I’m not holding my breath.

  2. psyberimp says:

    Great show last Friday. Of course the neo nazis will never apologize to you or Rob.

  3. Sam says:

    The recent events in Europe could be classed as an invasion.

  4. ablokeimet says:

    Sam: “The recent events in Europe could be classed as an invasion.”

    Only by people who don’t use the ordinary definition. The refugees are not an army and are not being sent by a State or any other body with the intention of military conquest. Rather, what we see is the collective result of the decisions of individual people and families seeking a better life for themselves.

    For events in Europe to be an invasion, the population movements would have to be the result of a single decision, whether by the migrants themselves or some other body sending them, with the intention of overcoming and defeating the societies which govern the territories they are entering. Rather than attempting to defeat and destroy these societies, however, the refugees are attempting to join them.

  5. Sam says:

    Definition of invasion:

    …an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.

    “there was a brief pitch invasion when Sunderland scored”

    synonyms: influx, inundation, inrush, rush, flood, torrent, deluge, stream, avalanche
    “every year the valley suffers an invasion of cars”

    By definition, it’s an invasion.

  6. ablokeimet says:

    Sam: “Definition of invasion:

    …an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.

    By definition, it’s an invasion.”

    By Sam’s definition, Flinders St Station would be invaded twice every weekday.

  7. Sam says:

    Precisely, A bloke, the European borders are currently being invaded by a foreign group of people who are not of European [descent].

  8. bee says:

    Sam wants to have his semantic cake and eat it too.

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