About The Women's Coordinating Committee For a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]

The Women's Coordinating For a Free Wallmapu is an indigenous grassroots organization based in Toronto advocating for the sovereign rights of the Mapuche Nation.

Matias Catrileo…. We Remember you in Struggle

Matias Poster

WCCC Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.695156467183027.1073741825.180896458609033&type=3

Today, January 3rd, 2014 marks the 6th anniversary of the brutal police murder of Mapuche indigenous Weichafe [Warrior] Matias Catrileo Quezada, who was shot in the back during a peaceful land reclamation in so-called southern Chile (i.e. Wallmapu). He was only 24 years old, and one of at least four police murders of Mapuche land defenders over the last 10 years. The officer who shot him, Walter Ramirez, was only convicted to 3 years probation and still serves in the Chilean National Police (Carabineros de Chile).

Every year, our Mapuche People commemorate his death with various actions across Wallmapu, against forestry corporations and large landed estates that have usurped the territory. Today, we support our Warrior Sisters and Brothers on the front lines of struggle, to oust the Capitalist interest in our territory and for the complete reconstruction, reclamation and liberation of our Mapuche Nation.

“Matias Catrileo, you’re death was not in vain. Throughout all the territory, your brothers rise up in your name.”

For more information on the Mapuche Struggle in English visit the Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto] website at http://wccctoronto.wordpress.com/ or País Mapuche in Spanish (Video In Spanish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FehoyAJAgd4)

Mapuche Resistance Defies the State of Siege

file_20131231083837December 31st, 2013

What can only be described as an act of defiance unto the State of Siege imposed by the Chilean State was carried out this mourning (December 31st), against the Chilean occupation and its Capitalist plunder in the province of Malleco.

The events took place nearby the town of Angol, a small distance away from a police station. It involved the complete arson of a helicopter belonging to Mininco Forestry Inc, and the partial damage of another.
The events also included the alleged assault of a police officer, who was subdued by the “assailants,” according to various media reports.

helicoptero_mininco_saboteado-300x199We should remember that the Chilean government had ordered more police presence to Mapuche territory, in which several reinforcements were brought from various parts of the country. This also included the use of surveillance planes, or drones, with infrared cameras and heat detectors, in order to control and monitor the movement in the area, especially at night.

Nothing worked; the permanent police presence used to prevent unidentified people from entering site proved to be a dismal failure. A private contractor is used to maintain planes and other equipment for Mininco Forestry Inc, where the two planes were set on fire, destroying one and damaging the other.

Second Helicopter Attack in the Area

This is the second time that Forestry planes have been targeted in the area of Malleco. In another incident. An earlier incident included a helicopter that was shot in a rural area of Ercilla.

Forestry Companies: The Ugliest Face of Capitalism in Wallmapu

The forestry companies represent the worst aspect that Capitalism has shown to Mapuche community members in Wallmapu. Their extreme extractive activities have only generated dissaster for communities, including toxic fumes, the dissaperance of rivers, brooks and streams, as well as the extinction of the natural flora and fauna of the area which serve as food and medicine for the Mapuche People. These are the main effects, amoung others, of the industry financed by the Chilean State through Law 701.

Moreover, the enormous extensions of land currently held by the Forestry companies lie on stolen land from Mapuche communities. These corporate properties are directly related to the territorial plunder of the Mapuche People.

Three Families against a People

This business not only is targeted against the Mapuche People; it also excludes the thousands of Chileans that have maintained this industry through subsidized taxes for the last 20 years. The property concentrated by the forestry industry lies in the hands of only three families: Angelini, Matte and Carey, whom own companies such as Bosques Arauco, CMPC and Masisa respectively.

Bosques Arauco alone encompasses almost 1.2 million hectares, with Mininco Forestry Inc at 700,000 hectares, which does not include the many uncertified estates in the area.

According to an official report, the forestry companies posses almost three million hectares in southern Chile – in other words – Wallmapu. This accounts to almost 30% of our traditional Mapuche Territory [south of the Bio Bio River], in comparison with only 700,000 hectares held by Mapuche communities, accounting for only 7% of traditional territory.

País Mapuche
Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]

Sabotage Attacks in Wallmapu unleash Government and Police Hysteria

attaquedec27,2013December 30th, 2013

At least three sabotage attacks against the Chilean occupation have occurred in the last week including the arson of a private get-away cottage in Lleu-Lleu; a corporate management house in Vilcun; and a logging encampment in Lumaco. This has unleashed the hysterical reaction of the Chilean government and the police apparatus in the area, as well as the rage of the corporate elite have begun to criticize their own government for the failure of repressive policies against the Mapuche movement.

This hysterical reaction, brought about by the rise in actions of resistance throughout various places in Wallmapu, have prompted officials to use the latest surveillance technology, including the use of at least two spy planes to assure the “peace” of occupants and control the movement of people in the area, especially at night. At the same time, authorities have significantly increased police presence in the area, allowing for 120 more police officers in addition to those that have already stationed.

helicoptero-e1357305514464-300x199These spy planes and helicopters are traditionally used to control drug trafficking, especially in Northern Chile, and had not been previously used to contain Mapuche resistance officially by the Chilean government. Nonetheless, Mapuche community members throughout Wallmapu have witnessed seeing or hearing these planes, nearly imperceptible at plain site, but can be heard, especially at night. These planes are thought to be of Israeli origin, acquired recently by the Chilean government, which are the same drones that are used to repress the Palestinian People.

Cabins Burn on Lake Lleu-Lleu

One of the last private cottages left on the shoreline of Lake Lleu-Lleu had been burnt down on the mourning of Tuesday, December 23rd, 2013.

According to media reports, pamphlets in reference to the Mapuche struggle had been left on the scene.

With this, practically the entire north shore of the lake is free from Capitalist and private Chilean investors and advances the territorial reclamation of the Mapuche communities along the shoreline.  For many years, Lake Lleu-Lleu was heavily privatized and was practically foreign to Mapuche community members in the area.

Since the early 1990’s, the Mapuche plight for territorial reclamation along the shoreline of Lake Lleu-Lleu has taken over various Estates in the area, passing from private/corporate hands into the realm of Mapuche communities through a diversity of tactics. Some estates still remain as legal property of forestry companies; however Mapuche autonomous communities have managed to stage their ground along the shoreline.

Management House in Vilcun Estate and Forestry Encampment in Lumaco Burned

On the mourning of Friday, December 27th, media reports indicated that a management house and a vehicle were burned in the Santa Ana Estate, usurped by the Ex- Director of the Chilean Construction Chamber in Vilcun.

That same mourning a forestry encampment with various logging equipment was also burned in an Estate in Lumaco.

Matias Catrileo Continues the Struggle

These new actions of sabotage have been carried out in the framework of ongoing emblematic Anti-Mapuche trials throughout Wallmapu, the increased police brutality against peaceful marches by Mapuche communities, as well as on the eve of Weichafe [Warrior] Matias Catrileo’s murder who was shot in the back by Chilean Police six years ago.

On January 3rd, 2008, Matias Catrileo participated in a peaceful land reclamation on the Santa Marguerita Estate in Vilcun when he was shot with a rifle in the back by then Police Officer Walter Ramirez, whom has not spent a single day in custody for the heinous crime.

País Mapuche

The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]



Political Conviction against Mapuche Youth of Chekenko

file_201312051317041December 5th, 2013

The three young Mapuche Political Prisoners belonging to the Lof Chekenko Community were convicted this Thursday in the town of Angol for the murder of farmer Hector Gallardo. The injustice and racism of the Chilean courts can be seen once again within the framework of the current Presidential elections, in which the entire political class washes their hands of any responsibility.

Luis Marileo, Leonardo Quijon, and Gabriel Valenzuela, who risk 25, 30 and 10 year prison sentences respectively, were found guilty of armed robbery causing death in the events that took place on September 1st, 2012 inside Parcel 22, in the area of San Ramon.

In hearing the verdict, the family members irrupted in a flood of tears and began confronting prison guard personnel surrounding the room, where the farmer’s family was also present.

The Mapuche protest was then moved outside of the courthouse, where riot police arrived in large numbers. Many windows at the Courthouse were broken and an unknown number of Mapuche community members were also arrested.

The convicted belonged to the Wente Winkul Mapu and Jose Guiñon Communities and have been persecuted since they were minors.

This conviction marks a precedent in future trials against Mapuche community members charged by the Chilean State. There are various emblematic trials set to be dealt with by the courts between now and March, including the trial against Machi [Medicine healer] Celestino cordova and Werken [Spokesperson] Daniel Melinao, when the newly elected Chilean President is set to take power. It is quite likely that they will be convicted, since no one is willing to take responsibility for these convictions during the electoral period. These trials and convictions clearly correlate to the political persecution suffered by the communities that maintain dignified processes of resistance and reconstruction of Wallmapu.

País Mapuche

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]


STOP THE PLUNDER: Mi’kmaq and Sepwepemc (NYM) Warriors Speak in Mapuche Solidarity Event – Toronto

Stop the Plunder, Version 1 (2013) copySTOP THE PLUNDER: Mi’kmaq Warriors and NYM Speak in Mapuche Solidarity Event – Toronto


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 2013 @ 6:30pm

O.I.S.E – 252 Bloor Street West, Rm 2211

Organized by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]

More info at: http://wccctoronto.wordpress.com



FROM EAST TO WEST: Representatives of the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society and the Native Youth Movement (Kanahus Pelkey – NYM) from across Turtle Island will be converging in Toronto on December 7th, 2013 to speak on the ongoing struggle for indigenous sovereignty and in solidarity with the Mapuche struggle in so-called southern Chile.

***IN BENEFIT of the ELSIPOTOG LEGAL FUND for Mik’Maq Warriors defending the land against Fracking in so-called New Brunswick, Klanada.***

In memory of Mapuche WEICHAIFE, ALEX LEMUN murdered by Chilean police during a land reclamation in Wallmapu.

“Our freedom does not have a price; neither do our hearts and conscience. It is because of these we seek it all…, where borders exist solely for those who respect them.” – Marcelo Villaroel, Anti-Authoritarian Political Prisoner charged under the “Security Case” in the hands of the $hilean State.

Within the framework of International Human Rights Day, our people continue to be displaced, imprisoned, and annihilated by colonial capitalism and the State supported by it. We have nothing to celebrate and everything to gain from our liberation. Let us break the chains that keep us prisoner, and struggle to take back the land and our warriors/comrades captured by the State.








WCCC [Toronto]


See more info on cases below (more info forthcoming):



CALL SUPERINTENDENT JONAH BRIAN – Demand Germaine Jr Breau is released from solitary confinement! (506) 532-7885

Southeastern Regional Correctional Centre in so-called New Brunswick has just placed Germain “Junior” Breau, 22, into solitary confinement. This is part of the ongoing mistreatment of Indigenous peoples inside of the Prison Injustice System, and a slap in the face to Land Defenders and Warriors standing up for the peoples against fracking. Germain was arrested on the violent raid by RCMP on Oct. 17th, has been held in detention without trial ever since. The RCMP continues to enforce the violation of treaties and the colonial courts continue to abuse the Indigenous peoples of these territories who defend the water and the land. Contact the Superintendent Jonah Brian to demand Germain’s release from solitary.

“Our warriors are still being mistreated in the system, JUSTICE for our political prisoners of war.” Suzanne Patles, member of the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society

CALL SUPERINTENDENT JONAH BRIAN – Demand Germaine Jr Breau is released from solitary confinement! (506) 532-7885

Also contact:

New Brunswick Premier, David Alward: 506 453 2144


Mi’kmaq Warrior Germain Jr Breau released from solitary confinement
Mi’kmaq inherent and treaty rights and title be respected by the Province
A complete moratorium on shale gas exploration

Federal Minister of Justice, Peter McKay: 613 992 6022


Germain “Junior” Breau, Mi’kmaq Warrior be released from solitary confinement
End the use of solitary confinement in Correctional facilities
End systemic discrimination against Indigenous peoples in the Prison Injustice System


BREAKING: [Spain] Comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar Left in Pre-Trial Custody & 3 Others Released on Bail

November 17th, 2013

After nearly a week since our comrades’ arrests on November 13th under the hands of the Spanish Anti-terrorist Police, Judge Eloy Velasco of the National Court ordered the “provisional custody” (otherwise known as pre-trial custody or remand) of comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar. We do not know how long the requested time is for this pre-tial detention in order for the “investigation” to take place.

The charges that were finally laid on the accused are as follows:

*Illicit Terrorist Association
*Placement of Explosive Artifacts (Specifically at the Church of Zaragoza)
*CONSPIRACY to Commit Terrorist Acts (Alleged plans to attack the Monastery of Montserrat in Barcelona).

***[Translator's Note: This has not been the first time Conspiracy charges have been laid against Anarchists in recent years, which have been readily used in North America to criminalize anarchist organizing, most recently with 20 people charged under Toronto G20 Case in 2010. For a full(er) list, see Crimethinc.]***

On the other hand, Italian comrade Valeria Giamoni, Gerardo Damián Formoso and Rocío Yune, were released upon bail after remaining incommunicado for 5 days; their passports were retained and must appear in court on a periodic basis.

We greet the three comrades that are now on the street after having been under the hands of the disgusting Anti-terrorist police.

It is expected that our comrades Francisco and Monica will enter into the brutal regimen that are the F.I.E.S isolation units, where they will be dispersed throughout different and distant prisons across Spain. We will not remain indifferent or comfortable with our comrades in the claws of Power. We should note that our comrade Monica maintains a vegan diet, which she was able to maintain throughout her duration in political prison in 2010, and therefore should be considered under the current circumstances, where ever she may end up.

We ask that if any comrade has information on their whereabouts in prison, to please forward information to publicacionrefractario[at]gmail.com (in Spanish) [or in English to wccc_98 (at) hotmail.com], as well as how long the investigation period would be and any other information.


Publicación Refractario

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]



Since September 16, 2013, 191 migrant detainees are on strike in Lindsay, Ontario’s Central East Correctional Centre, a maximum security prisons.

The striking immigration detainees in Lindsay are demanding:

  • An end to indefinite detention
    • An end to maximum security detention: Immigration detainees should should not be held in maximum security  provincial jails, and must have access to basic services and be close to family members.
    • An end to indefinite detention: If removal cannot happen past 90 days, detainees must be released. Canada’s current immigration detention system is in direct contravention of the United Nations’ recommendation on indefinite detention.
    • Extend access to legal aid for detention reviews
    • Overhaul the adjudication appointment process for detention review.
  • Improvement to prison conditions
    • Better access to medical care and social workers
    • Cheaper phone calls and access to international calling cards (many have family overseas)
    • Access to better food, like the food on the non-immigration ranges
    • An end to constant lockdowns
    • Keep the improved canteen program going
    • Better access to legal aid and legal services
    • Additionally, detainees are demanding that the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) grant specific requests to move individuals to facilities nearer to their families, legal resources, and social services.

Some of the prisoners are long-term detainees, people immigration enforcement cannot deport but will not release. Others have been designated as ‘high security’ based on prior criminal history but this can be as little as an arrest that has not led to conviction. Some people have been in jail for over 7 years because Canada unlike the US and UK has no limit on how long someone can be held prior to deportation.



BREAKING: [Spain] Comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar Left in Pre-Trial Custody & 3 Others Released on Bail

BREAKING: [Spain] Comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar Left in Pre-Trial Custody & 3 Others Released on Bail

Solidarity Demo in London for the Chilean Anarchist Bomb Case

Solidarity Demo in London for the Chilean Anarchist Bomb Case

November 17th, 2013

After nearly a week since our comrades’ arrests on November 13th under the hands of the Spanish Anti-terrorist Police, Judge Eloy Velasco of the National Court ordered the “provisional custody” (otherwise known as pre-trial custody or remand) of comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar. We do not know how long the requested time is for this pre-tial detention in order for the “investigation” to take place.

The charges that were finally laid on the accused are as follows:

*Illicit Terrorist Association
*Placement of Explosive Artifacts (Specifically at the Church of Zaragoza)
*CONSPIRACY to Commit Terrorist Acts (Alleged plans to attack the Monastery of Montserrat in Barcelona).

***[Translator's Note: This has not been the first time Conspiracy charges have been laid against Anarchists in recent years, which have been readily used in North America to criminalize anarchist organizing, most recently with 20 people charged under Toronto G20 Case in 2010. For a full(er) list, see Crimethinc.]***

On the other hand, Italian comrade Valeria Giamoni, Gerardo Damián Formoso and Rocío Yune, were released upon bail after remaining incommunicado for 5 days; their passports were retained and must appear in court on a periodic basis.

We greet the three comrades that are now on the street after having been under the hands of the disgusting Anti-terrorist police.

It is expected that our comrades Francisco and Monica will enter into the brutal regimen that are the F.I.E.S isolation units, where they will be dispersed throughout different and distant prisons across Spain. We will not remain indifferent or comfortable with our comrades in the claws of Power. We should note that our comrade Monica maintains a vegan diet, which she was able to maintain throughout her duration in political prison in 2010, and therefore should be considered under the current circumstances, where ever she may end up.

We ask that if any comrade has information on their whereabouts in prison, to please forward information to publicacionrefractario[at]gmail.com (in Spanish) [or in English to wccc_98 (at) hotmail.com], as well as how long the investigation period would be and any other information.


Publicación Refractario

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]

Chilean Justice Affirms Conviction against Mapuche Youth on Hunger Strike

justicia chilenaNovember 14th, 2013

The Chilean Supreme Court rejected an appeal that sought to annul the trial that convicted two Mapuche Youth in Ercilla, whom have been on hunger strike for almost 30 days in Angol Prison.

Fernando Millacheo and Cristian Levinao of the of the Newen Mapu and Rayen Mapu Communities respectively, were convicted to 15 and 10 years in prison, allegedly for events regarding land reclamation in the area of Chequenco, in the township of Ercilla.

Families and supporters of the Mapuche movement reacted by shouting and chants inside the Superior Court, protesting against the final verdict and refused to leave the premises.

The verdict of the Highest Court in the country was divided between 2 votes against 3, rejecting the appeal presented by the Defense for the Mapuche community members, who were convicted of assaulting field workers in 2012.

The close to 20 protesters were removed by Prison Guards and handed over to Police that waited outside the courtroom, to then be transferred to Santiago’s Third Police Division.

País Mapuche

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]


Extending Bonds of Solidarity: Statement of Solidarity for Monica and Francisco by Chilean Bombs Case Ex Co-Accused

Extending Bonds of Solidarity: Statement of Solidarity for Monica and Francisco by Chilean Bombs Case Ex Co-Accused

Monica and Francisco Solidarity

On November 13th, our comrades Monica and Francisco were arrested by the repressive forces of the Spanish State, accused of the explosive bomb attack on the Pilar Basilica in Spain.

A hurricane of grandiloquent statements have been unleashed unto this situation between representatives of both [Chilean and Spanish] governments; congratulations of resurrected prosecutors and recycled Interior Ministers as well.

Monica and Francisco were arrested in August 2010 in the so-called Chilean Bombs Case. Both confronted the trial against them with dignity and rebellion; more than 9 months in medium and maximum pre-trial prison, rejected the prosecutor’s blackmail, carried out a 65 day hunger strike and confronted one of the longest trials [in Chilean history], and had all their charges dropped by the Court with their convictions in tact.

The police and media accusations that our comrades face today are based on the judicial files of the Chilean Bombs Case; raids that were unleashed against anarchist spaces, environments and individuals.

Today, the powerful want to resurrect the body of the Chilean Bombs Case, threatening to open new processes against us. Unto this we clearly state: we reject the accusations, but we do not deny who we are, our ideas, our links, our past, present and future of struggle.

There was and is no illicit association Anarchist association, there are no informal leaders, centres of power or terrorist funding. These delirious investigations only attempt to frame us in a logic of organization and life that we negate in practice. We despise the methods of Power and unto this the [Chilean] State identifies us as the usual suspects and the eternally convicted.

Beyond the somersaults given by the Judges, the MInister of the Interior, Prosecutors and Journalists, we maintain ourselves firm in our conviction that the judicial process that began in 2010 was an infamy that sought to criminalize friendships, persecute spaces, pointing toward life styles, past and present struggles.

The complicity between the Spanish and Chilean State demonstrates the terrorist facade of any structure of Power that maintain their domination through surveillance and fear.

We call out for energetic SOLIDARITY with Monica and Francisco as Anarchist comrades, beyond any judicial verdict, in the same way we express solidarity with the rest of those captured by the State throughout the world.

Despite the vast geography that separates us, our conviction of struggle keep us united against Power. It is necessary to approach realities and realize solidarity to break the isolation and the fear.

Monica and Francisco are our comrades and we will defend them against the police and media campaigns carried out by both States.

Because all States are Terrorist States and All Prisons are Centres of Extermination…
Revolutionary Solidarity Beyond all Borders!

Some Ex Co-accused from the Chilean Bombs Case
Publicacion Refractario

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]

URGENT: The Chilean Bombs Case Continues with Monica Caballero & Francisco Solar Arrested for Bomb Charges in Barcelona

Monica y Francisco 2013URGENT: The Chilean Bombs Case Continues with Monica Caballero & Francisco Solar Arrested for Bomb Charges in Barcelona

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

Today, Wednesday November 13th at 3 AM in the mourning, 5 people of various nationalities including Valeria Giacomoni (34 years old), Monica Caballero (25 years old) and Francisco Solar (34 years). There are another two men of Chilean and Argentinean nationality; however the police have yet to release their names.

The police indicate Monica and Francisco as those primarily responsible for the attack against the Zaragoza Cathedral, especially for having been prosecuted in the Chilean Anarchist Bomb Case (2010 – 2012). Specifically, they mention Monica’s alleged involvement in the arson attack against Los Sacramentos Church in Chile, which fit perfectly for the police, even though her case was completely absolved by Chilean courts.

The Interior Minister of Spain, Jorge Fernández Díaz, did not hesitate to contact his political counterpart equivalent in Chile, Andres Chadwick, to speak on the case and later communicate to the mass media that this was nothing but “a very well organized anarchist commando, which can be extremely dangerous and with strong international connections.”

Furthermore, there is an added hypothesis in that Spain would be acting as “the international refuge of anarcho-insurrectionists throughout the world.”

The information is still quite diffuse, but we are still expecting more information to be given by police

URGENT SOLIDARITY for Monica, Francisco and the Rest of the Arrestees in Barcelona!


Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]


Bachelet Continues to Attack the Mapuche

Bachelet Continues to Attack the Mapuche

Sra.-Monica-300x224November 12th, 2013

Monica Quezada, the mother of slain Mapuche Warrior, Matias Catrileo, who was murdered by police in January of 2008 in Vilcún, ended up with a broken denture during one of Bachelet’s Presidential campaign appearances earlier today.

The incident happened when the Lamngnen (Sister) interrupted the Presidential Candidate in her closing campaign speech in Temuco, who then beat Monica Quezada in the attempt of silencing her.

Bachelet was President of Chile when Officer Walter Ramirez shot at a group of Mapuche youth who entered into the Santa Margarita Estate for the purpose land reclamation. The order was directed by higher authority as seen within the audio evidence by Police Central Communications that looked after the investigation.

Jaime Mendoza Collio, another Mapuche Warrior was also murdered by police during Bachelet’s Government, as was the application of the Antiterrorist in cases related to the conflict between the Chilean State and Mapuche communities, giving an Anti-Mapuche seal to her administration.

The incidents that occurred today with Monica Quezada are a clear indication of what will be the treatment of the Mapuche People and their just demands for the reclamation of their territory under an eventual Bachelet government, reflected of course in the history of the previous period.

País Mapuche

Distributed by: the Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]
