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Summary Tools for technical communications
Owner(s) jrobbins


Technical communications happens in every stage of the whole software development process. In fact, many theories of project management start with the assumption that communications is the biggest bottleneck that everything else must be planned around (e.g., see Brook's "The Mythical Man-Month").

The projects in this category all seek to help developers communicate techical issues. Relevant technologies include email, news groups, web forums, structured documents, tools for group decision making, and design rationale.


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Project name Summary
anzu Mailing list management interface
bbapi Java API for Bulletin Boards
cowiki GPLed object oriented web collaboration tool written in PHP5
cvsanaly-web A web front-end for CvsAnaly
dnet a modern, extensible and secure Internet mail infrastructure
dryadwiki dryadWIKI is a wiki engine developed in PHP 4
dynamicsax Dynamics Ax dev
emow emow - the easy manager of websites
eyebrowse Mailing list archive browser
jshell Shell replacement for windows comand prompt.
ldp reusable docbook stylesheets
newsbruiser A simple but feature-packed system for writing weblogs
nondeveclipse Eclipse tailored for non-development tasks such as XML Authoring
oiva A free mobile network
openpsa Management package for software consultancies
openzis OpenZIS is a open source Zone Integration Server for EDU
opt Outreach Project Tool
peach PHP5 Content Management Framework
phpportalen A new, different, flexible CMS. A framework for webapplications.
pradoportal Prado framework based portal
productreviews Create product reviews based on user-suggested criteria
rainbow Opensource ASP.NET CMS, Portal Engine
readyset Ready-to-use Software Engineering Templates
readysetsphinx ReadySET for Sphinx
rife java web application framework