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Sun January 31, 2016
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If you are a disgraced former basketball star, please don't use Instagram to post questionable things, like this admission to grand theft and credit card fraud
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(WFAA Fort Worth)
Ethan Couch will remain in juvie at least until his February 19 hearing, judge rules when he finally stops laughing at bail request
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(Daily Mail)
Tough guy threatens to break the legs of the passenger kicking his airplane seat. Fark: A 7-year-old kid
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(Rocketnews 24)
It was so terrible when the kitty got eaten by the mices, so terrible in fact he couldn't even wake up for it
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Coming up at the top of the hour it's Livingston Stapler Company Presents. Two hours of music hosted live by a farker in chilly Juneau, Alaska. (9PM AKST/10PM PST)
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(6ABC Philadelphia)
Hard working college students to be penalized for finding a way to pay for overpriced college education
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Sat January 30, 2016
(WYMT Hazard)
← Free BBQ
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(CBS Images)
Photoshop this dark warrior
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(USA Today)
New Zealand town says it's under attack by a gang of great white sharks: "We are being targeted, and it's only a matter of time before they get someone. It's like Jaws anonymous out there"
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Marietta, OH police officer retired this week. He wanted his partner to retire with him. Instead, the city will auction him off to the highest bidder. You can bet people have a problem with this
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(CBS Los Angeles 2)
Couple who met on Instagram marry at airport minutes after meeting for the 1st time. #ThisShouldEndWell
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(Daily Mail)
'Slummy mummies' who wear pajamas in public while taking children to school should expect their husbands to cheat, according to Daily Mail writer who asserts that in France the moms primp themselves to look sexy and flirt with the headmaster
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(Zenfs images)
Photoshop this cold climb
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(CBS4Denver - KCNC)
Biker brawl at Colorado Motorcycle Expo leaves multiple people shot, one stabbed
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(Toronto Star)
"Yeah, gimme a shot of that fancy cognac you have over there, would you?" "That will be $1000, sir." *spit-take*
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(Some Guy)
For these Benedictine monks, to brew well-made beer is to pray. Also, rare monk trifecta complete
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Overnight count shows a sharp uptick in homeless people on the streets of Seattle, of which approximately two thirds fall into the category of 'gender unknown'
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NYC Fark Party at White Oak Tavern 1/31 noon
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Ever tried emulating the jumps, spins, kicks and aerial antics of the Shaolin warrior monks? How about on horseback?
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(ABC News)
From the Whadja-Think-Would-Happen Dept: Guy who hid $2M in gold in Rocky Mountains and published it probably got treasure seeker frozen to death
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(Local10 WPLG)
You should take care in dressing for your crime spree lest you get a really unfortunate nickname
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(Local10 WPLG)
If you were hanging out at the Cracker Barrel trying to pick up 79 year old women, the Boynton Beach police would like a word with you
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(ABC News)
*Knock Knock* who's there? Monk delivery
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(LA Times)
California's most wanted prison escapee walks into friends' business, has them call police, and goes outside to smoke for 20 minutes waiting to be arrested
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(Minneapolis Star Tribune)
"It seems like the Mound Westonka students have dressed as KKK members to play an annual dodgeball tournament." "It's a bold strategy, Cotton, lets see if it pays off for them"
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(CBS Detroit)
Detroit panhandler, tired of people saying they don't have any spare change, now accepts credit cards
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(ABC7 Chicago)
Okay, so you got free tickets to a Lady Gaga concert, took luxury trips and nailed a couple of prostitutes. Big deal. Excuse me? Well, what kind of secrets are we talking about?
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(Yahoo Images)
Photoshop this mean case of the grumps
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"I am sorry madam, but Slovakia is not in our system. This country does not exist." "Can you google it?"
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ASPCA seizes almost 600 animals from no-kill shelter. People involved will get a tote bag for their troubles
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(ABL13 Houston)
A veteran who suffers from PTSD reunites with Hemi the cat who went missing 4-years ago. "I never knew a cat would get attached to me, or I get attached to it." Enjoy your Caturday everyone
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(LA Times)
China to pay Ecuador $80 million for Amazon prime
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Couple tried to get a-head of life by renting out human craniums that had diseases
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(NBC News)
Facebook bans gun sales from its site. In related news, you could buy a gun on Facebook
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(Herald Tribune (SW Florida))
Woman found dead in hotel room, with an incoherent man and two monkeys. Police are calling the death "suspicious"
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(Belfast Telegraph)
While it may be raining cats and dogs where you are, it's coming down rabbits in Northern Ireland
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(Daily Mail)
And in Australia, toilet seats are killing people like everything else there
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How much money do porn stars really make? I'm asking for a friend
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(The Daily Beast)
"There is no easy way to say this, but gin was like the meth of 1700s England. While its production didn't involve exploding RVs in cornfields or mass Sudafed heists, gin wreaked havoc on society"
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Budget supermarket chain now really, really wishes it hadn't asked the internet to play 'fill in a blank'
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