Bracket creep no longer main problem as jobless rate soars

Mark Kenny 12:41 AM   The Coalition seems to have lost its enthusiasm for returning bracket creep, less than a day after Treasurer Scott Morrison dashed hopes of significant pre-election tax cuts in its May 10 federal budget.

Latest political news

Bishop treads fine line on China photos

BEIJING, CHINA - FEBRUARY 17:  Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop speaks during a joint news conference with ...

Philip Wen in Beijing and David Wroe 7:08 PM   Foreign Minister Julie Bishop maintains reports of China deploying surface-to-air missiles in the South China Sea remained in dispute, despite official confirmation.

Jones supports ex-Wallaby over Bishop

Radio host Alan Jones is a former supporter of Bronwyn Bishop.

Heath Aston 1:01 AM   Alan Jones has delivered a blow to Bronwyn Bishop's hopes of holding on to her safe Liberal seat by throwing his support behind a former Wallaby.

PM steps in over Lib pre-selection fight

Member for Hume Angus Taylor.

James Massola, Sean Nicholls 8:12 PM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has stepped in to protect two of his sitting NSW MPs in the days before preselection nominations close on Friday.

Psychiatrist likens detention to Nazis, gulags

Asylum seekers at Manus Island detention centre.

Nicole Hasham 12:56 PM   "Public numbing and indifference" towards state abuses in Nazi Germany resembles that enabling Australia's immigration detention centres, a prominent psychiatrist says.

Turnbull's new ministers are sworn-in

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce

Matthew Knott 12:56 PM   We've had the proposal, clinked glasses at the engagement party and now it's official: Barnaby and Malcolm are as one.

Comments 17

367 years of parliamentary experience lost

Liberal MPs Bruce Billson and Philip Ruddock are both quitting politics.

Fergus Hunter 1:50 PM   Almost 400 years of experience will walk out the doors of Parliament House by the 2016 election as preselection season sees the resignation and retirement list grow.

Comments 21

'Make pensioners rely on home equity'

Peter Harris, the Productivity Commission chairman, says Australia  is ill-prepared for the coming flood of relatively ...

Peter Martin   Retirees with substantial wealth tied up in their homes might soon face face the prospect of losing their pension, the head of the Productivity Commission says.

Economy faces hazards unlike any in 20 years

Australia is about 70 per cent of the way through its fall from the peak of the mining construction boom, according to ...

Gareth Hutchens   The Australian economy is facing hazards unlike any seen in more than 20 years, and is starting from a position of income weakness, according to a frank new report.

Morrison aims low in first pre-election budget

Treasurer Scott Morrison.

Mark Kenny   Treasurer Scott Morrison has all but ditched the Coalition's commitment to fast deficit repair, signalling a mild budget in which spending cuts to balance the budget are ou.

Negative gearing losses biggest in ACT, WA

Treasurer Scott Morrison addressed the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday 17 February 2016. Photo: Andrew Meares

Peter Martin   The Australian Capital Territory is the nation's biggest loser according to a new analysis of tax statistics, with Western Australia a close second.

Comments 41

Comment & Analysis

Morrison and art of the economic sales pitch

Treasurer Scott Morrison addresses the National Press Club in Canberra.

Stephanie Peatling   Treasurer Scott Morrison is known for his love of a three word slogan. But more was expected from him today at his first address to the National Press Club since becoming Treasurer.

More than one way to kill negative gearing

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin 9:42 AM   The big problem is the capital gains tax concession.

Comments 183

Why Bishop deserves to stay on as an MP

Former speaker Bronwyn Bishop has paid a big price for her error of judgment.

Jeremy Mitchell   Of all the MPs past and present over the past 20 years, I would argue that Bronwyn has been among the hardest working, dedicated and energetic MPs the Parliament has seen.

Comments 80

Syrian refugees just want a fresh start


Innes Willox   Driven from their homeland by violence, these people need our help to build new lives.

Comments 40

Why we shouldn't scrap negative gearing


Sam Crosby    The $2.4 billion a year currently spent on negative gearing is an unjustifiable use of precious taxpayer money in today's climate.

Comments 58

Bronwyn and the invasion of the Westies

Alan Stokes.

Alan Stokes   Vote me! I promise to introduce dedicated four-wheel-drive lanes on all major thoroughfares in Mackellar – and no speed limits for BMWs or Audis!

Negative gearers aren't poor, Mr Morrison

Treasurer Scott Morrison is not telling the full story when he says that two-thirds of negative gearers have a taxable ...

Peter Martin   It's the myth that keeps going round, in part because it contains an element of truth.

Sweeping done, Mal? Not quite. Love, Ian

Former cabinet minister Ian Macfarlane is leaving politics following his failed bid to defect to the Nationals.

Tony Wright   Malcolm Turnbull seems unlikely to have had Ian Macfarlane in mind when he declared, at the very beginning of his prime ministership, "there has never been a more exciting time to be alive".

Labor's tax policy is courageous

Labor proposes reducing capital gains discounts and limiting negative gearing.

John Daley and Danielle Wood   Tax reform is politically difficult, so the opposition should be applauded for giving it a go.

Comments 12

New cold war would have different frontrunner

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   Russia's prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, reportedly said at the weekend that the world was "sliding into a new cold war". Can that possibly be true? And, if so, who's winning?

Comments 28

Announcement that starts your rapid decline

Peter Reith

Peter Reith   Once you have the scent of politics, it is hard to get it out of your system. The longer you have been in politics the greater the shock when you announce that you are leaving politics. Literally, from that moment, your political life slowly drains away from you.

Can Turnbull pull off the soft-shoe shuffle?

The new firm: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.

Amanda Vanstone   What some wanted to see as a crisis, the PM typically saw as an opportunity.

Turnbull needs to act after wilted rose

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull  faces a challenge to retain the public's interest and affection.

Peter Hartcher   The Australian people have sent Malcolm Turnbull a rumpled Valentine, a wilted rose.

Fading euphoria a warning for team Turnbull

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will be hoping this cabinet performs better than his first.

Michael Gordon   The lingering sense of joy, hope and relief that Malcolm Turnbull is Prime Minister is giving way to something decidedly less romantic.

Learning the language

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull hugs Matilda House after her welcome-to-country address at the Closing the Gap breakfast ...

Michael Gordon   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's efforts to "close the gap" have begun with some highly symbolic words.

Class clown Barnaby Joyce has centre stage

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   Barnaby Joyce's capacity for populist revolt made him famous and effective. But the new Nationals leader will have to control his bluster if he is to be taken seriously in Canberra and the rest of the country.

The dangers exposed by the sacking of Robert

Stuart Robert left PM Malcolm Turnbull no option but to sack him.

Michael Gordon   Malcolm Turnbull had no choice but to sack Stuart Robert for breaching ministerial standards, even though the advice from his department head suggested grounds for leniency.

CSIRO chief points ship into a scientific storm

Nothing to see here: CSIRO plans to slash climate monitoring and modelling research.

Peter Hannam   Scientists are calling for CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall to change his mind and not slash key climate researchers by half.

Off duty in China? Tell him he's dreaming

Judith Ireland dinkus

Judith Ireland   The first sign the government was not going to get the week it wanted came on Monday morning.

Turnbull struggles to embrace change

Mark kenny

Mark Kenny   The PM's backdown on the GST at the first whiff of grapeshot has punctured overblown expectations.

No political stunt, it was a moment of clarity

Life on Nauru offers little hope for children.

Dan Andrews   Remove politics from kids being returned to Nauru and the answer becomes clear.

Special features

Morrison and the art of economic sales pitch

Treasurer Scott Morrison is known for his love of a three word slogan. But more was expected from him today at his first address to the National Press Club since becoming Treasurer.

More than one way to kill negative gearing

The big problem is the capital gains tax concession.

Why Bishop deserves to stay on as an MP

Of all the MPs past and present over the past 20 years, I would argue that Bronwyn has been among the hardest working, dedicated and energetic MPs the Parliament has seen.

Who said that about negative gearing?

Test your knowledge with our quiz.

Syrian refugees just want a fresh start

Driven from their homeland by violence, these people need our help to build new lives.

Malcolm and Barnaby, best avoid the Canyon

 'I don't remember ever feeling this awake!' exclaims one of the two freewheeling runaways of [this] hugely appealing new road movie, as they race ecstatically across the American Southwest. 

We shouldn't completely scrap negative gearing

 The $2.4 billion a year currently spent on negative gearing is an unjustifiable use of precious taxpayer money in today's climate.

Prisons trap our money along with crooks

Things may be gloomy in other countries, and even in parts of our own economy, but there's one aspect of Australian life where everything's on the up: we're enjoying a sustained prison boom.

Labor's tax policy is courageous

Tax reform is politically difficult, so the opposition should be applauded for giving it a go.

Sweeping done, Mal? Not quite. Love, Ian

Malcolm Turnbull seems unlikely to have had Ian Macfarlane in mind when he declared, at the very beginning of his prime ministership, "there has never been a more exciting time to be alive".

Negative gearers aren't poor, Mr Morrison

It's the myth that keeps going round, in part because it contains an element of truth.

Announcement that starts your decline

Once you have the scent of politics, it is hard to get it out of your system. The longer you have been in politics the greater the shock when you announce that you are leaving politics. Literally, from that moment, your political life slowly drains away from you.

Fading euphoria a warning for Turnbull

The lingering sense of joy, hope and relief that Malcolm Turnbull is Prime Minister is giving way to something decidedly less romantic.

Malcolm Turnbull needs to act after wilted rose

The Australian people have sent Malcolm Turnbull a rumpled Valentine, a wilted rose.

The dangers exposed by the sacking of Robert

Analysis Malcolm Turnbull had no choice but to sack Stuart Robert for breaching ministerial standards, even though the advice from his department head suggested grounds for leniency.

Learning the language

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's efforts to "close the gap" have begun with some highly symbolic words.

Class clown Barnaby Joyce has centre stage

Barnaby Joyce's capacity for populist revolt made him famous and effective. But the new Nationals leader will have to control his bluster if he is to be taken seriously in Canberra and the rest of the country.

Politics ten biggest stories

It's been a big week in federal politics - here are the top ten stories, told in less than a minute.

Time to go. Soon. Pre-farewells for the elders

Truss, Robb and Ruddock. Could there be a better name for a political consultancy?

Turnbull struggles to embrace change

The PM's backdown on the GST at the first whiff of grapeshot has punctured overblown expectations.

It wasn't a political stunt, it was a moment of clarity

Remove politics from kids being returned to Nauru and the answer becomes clear.