Why did the BBC think it was a good idea to devote an entire episode of The Big Questions to the question “Do we need a British Islam”? The location was Bradford and the audience was overwhelmingly Muslim. Did you see it? How about we have an entire programme devoted to the question “Do we need Islam in Britain” and have an overwhelmingly non-muslim audience debate it? Here were just … Continue reading

Muslim Terrorists…..’Kind, clever, angry and idealistic… victims of the British State’

      Jihadi John was a ‘beautiful person’…so said the extremists of Cage. Apparently they were right.  Muslim extremists (when not being Churchill, Ghandi or Mandela) are, according to the BBC….kind, clever, angry and idealistic….and of course victims themselves of a tyrannical British state. Kind of think the BBC has totally lost the plot….more so than ever I should add. How would you persuade a young Muslim from becoming … Continue reading

Islam’s ‘Dirty little secret’?

    Remember when Islamist Mehdi Hasan tried to curry favour and win credibility with those who could further his inflitration of the media and grow his influence by admitting in a series of articles that Islam wasn’t perfect?  One such article delcared that ‘It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. Any … Continue reading

Google Is Magic

    Rich Hall appeared on the News Quiz on Saturday.  It’s probably the last time he will ever be invited on. For some reason this troop of comedy greats were described as the ‘piranhas of satire’….more like goldfish….at least the lefties were…round and round they go, the same old stuff being trotted out time after time with no recall that they’d played that tune a thousand times…with one exception…Rich … Continue reading

A Trusted Brand

      Why oh why is A&E struggling? asks the BBC. Winters are always busy in the NHS and there are always difficult weeks. This one is unusual because of the scale of the increase in demand. So what’s going on? Nobody, it seems, has a very clear answer. Nobody except the BBC of course….it’s all down to a surge of elderly patients…and oh yes….people have such  trust in … Continue reading


The BBC wants to see Hillary Clinton become the next POTUS. That much is obvious from their kid glove handling of her run to gain the Democrat nomination. The BBC wants ANY Republican other than Donald Trump to win the GOP nomination so they can lose nobly to Clinton, just as in 2008 and 2012. Hence the prominence given to this sort of nonsense… US election 2016: Republican rivals mock … Continue reading

Not seen and not heard

  The BBC has been filling the airwaves with sad tales of asylum seeking children, well almost filling the airwaves, some stories the BBC is reluctant to tell. If you are a regular listener or viewer of the BBC news you may recall many, many anguished reports condemning the government or the authorities because hospital patients, or people needing care or even prisoners were forced to travel long distances away … Continue reading

Get Trump

  The BBC’s golf correspondent, Iain Carter, (08:53) has a go at pressuring R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers into not running golf events at Trump owned golf courses….the tone is not of inquiry but of disapproval and arrogant moralistic bullying based upon Carter’s personal opinion of Trump’s politics…..which he calls ‘grubby’.  Carter’s clear intent was to very publicly put Slumbers in a difficult position, a kangaroo court, knowing full well … Continue reading


The BBC have been to the fore in cheerleading for the UK to accept many more refugee ‘children” from the tsunami that has fanned across Europe. Here’s an item they ran earlier…. The government has stopped short of accepting Labour and the Liberal Democrat’s proposal of resettling 3,000 refugee children in the UK from mainland Europe, although the government will now resettle more under 18s from the war torn areas … Continue reading


The Today programme was particularly vile this morning. It ran TWO items between 7am and 7.30am. The first was with EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager and she there to tell us how the well intentioned EU could investigate how companies such as Amazon, Google and Apple conduct their tax affairs in the UK. The BBC continually play this “tax avoidance” angle up for all it is with – forgetting that these … Continue reading

Sleepwalking into segregation…and cultural disaster

  Trevor Phillips’ 2005 speech in which he said that society was sliding into a dangerous segregation, and Muslims in particular were most at risk of doing so, is quite hard to find on the internet for some reason….at least I found it so. In light of that I thought I would publish it in full here for you to read at your leisure…and as an easy place to find … Continue reading

Submission to…intellectual, legal, political and media terrorism

  One of our commenters (apologies can’t remember who) linked us to a tale of the ‘Lancaster Plan’…an alleged plan that was concocted by the Establishment in order to not have to deal with the ‘Muslim problem’ that was inevitably going to ensue as bunches of Muslims swarmed into Europe…their plan was to prevent any objections and opposition to the encroaching Islamisation and silence debate and criticism to stop people … Continue reading