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Konnichiwa, China: Japan’s tourism industry says hello to Chinese investment
South China Morning Post | 2016-01-30
Mahatma Gandhi's story needed to be retold for the young, says writer Pramod Kapoor
DNA India | 2016-01-31
Scotland's Jamie Murray and Gordon Reid savour grand slam success in Australia
Belfast Telegraph | 2016-01-30
Open Minds Worldwide
California Coyotes on Drugs?
California Coyotes on Drugs?
There are some strange goings on in North California. Okay, that's not unusual, but this time it...
The Movie Gets Millennials Right — Our Fight Isn't With "The Man," but With Each Other
The Movie Gets Millennials Right — Our Fight Isn't With "The Man," but With Each Other
Our enemies, the ones that matter, aren’t our parents or grandparents–the real enemies will be our...
Islamophobia Is the Outgrowth of a Deeply Racist System
Islamophobia Is the Outgrowth of a Deeply Racist System
We need to look beyond the individual and at the racist and militaristic structures of American society. 2015 was a horrific year for Muslims. Even CNN noted that it “has been one of the most intensely anti-Muslim periods in American history.” The previous highpoint was 2010 during the so-called...
How the Homeless Population Is Changing — and Becoming Much More Vulnerable
How the Homeless Population Is Changing — and Becoming Much More Vulnerable
What policymakers and the general public need to recognize is that the homeless are aging faster...
Here's Why Identity Theft Can Be Far Worse Than You Might Imagine
Here's Why Identity Theft Can Be Far Worse Than You Might Imagine
There are a number of companies saying they can protect you, but if you listen closely, none of them...
GOP Insiders Can Pretend All They Want — Marco Rubio Is a Hardcore Conservative
GOP Insiders Can Pretend All They Want — Marco Rubio Is a Hardcore Conservative
Rubio’s youthful exuberance masks his old and regressive ideas. Marco Rubio has become the darling...
Asked How He'd Protect the Uninsured, He Dodges and Lies
Asked How He'd Protect the Uninsured, He Dodges and Lies
Repealing Obamacare would leave lots of people uninsured, and Cruz would help them with free-market...