for Business Owners

Find and Claim your Yelp Business Page

  • Respond to reviews as the business owner
  • Measure visitor activity on your page
  • Call to get started
    0800 093 9357

Millions of people turn to Yelp every day to make spending decisions

Products & Services

Free Tools

Just the essentials

A suite of tools to help you get the most out of your Yelp Business Page.

Claim Your Business

Self Service

Buy Yelp Ads online

A simple advertising solution to help you attract more customers.

Start Advertising

Full Service

Call a Yelp Ads Specialist

A powerful combination of Yelp Ads, business page upgrades, and support from our experts.

Call 0800 093 9357
  • Respond to reviews
  • Upload photos
  • Create a Yelp Deal
Learn more
  • Targeted Yelp Ads
  • Set your own budget
Learn more
  • Targeted Yelp Ads
  • Removal of competitor ads
  • Call to Action Button
  • Upgraded slideshow
  • Optional high-quality video
  • Dedicated Account Manager
Learn more

Free Tools

Just the essentials

A suite of tools to help you get the most out of your Yelp Business Page.

Claim Your Business
  • Respond to reviews
  • Upload photos
  • Create a Yelp Deal
Learn more

Self Service

Buy Yelp Ads online

A simple advertising solution to help you attract more customers.

Start Advertising
  • Targeted Yelp Ads
  • Set your own budget
Learn more

Full Service

Call a Yelp Ads Specialist

A powerful combination of Yelp Ads, business page upgrades, and support from our experts.

Call 0800 093 9357
  • Targeted Yelp Ads
  • Removal of competitor ads
  • Call to Action Button
  • Upgraded slideshow
  • Optional high-quality video
  • Dedicated Account Manager
Learn more
Do you want to learn more about Yelp for Business Owners? Watch video

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