The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Social Experiment)
SNAPCHAT: @cobypersin
Subscribe To Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/zipkid99
In association with: http://damn.com & http://pranksters.com/
This video was based off a real life event that happened 1 month ago:https://youtu.be/7MlAb7wrQEs
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coby_persin
Sound edit by http://rollersteady.com/
For permission to use this video o
Wiz Khalifa - No Social Media ft. Snoop Dogg
Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg go somewhere with "No Social Media" on their new record.
Produced By ID Labs & Po Shod
Essena O'Neill - Why I REALLY am quitting social media - The Truth.
This is a mirror upload of Essena O'Neil's www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyI2Sugw6Yc with comments enabled.
"Stripping away distractions made me question everything I did online. I want you to do the same. Real Life Isn't Through Screens."
"So my first little challenge for you is to go social media free for one week. Use your phone for
The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Experiment) Boy Edition!
SNAPCHAT: @cobypersin
Subscribe To Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/zipkid99
In association with: http://pranksters.com/ & http://damn.com
Girls Edition:https://youtu.be/6jMhMVEjEQg
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coby_persin
Sound edit by http://rollersteady.com/
For permission to use this video or other media / business inquiries/interview request
5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now
Your brain may never be the same!
Watch our Q&A;: http://youtu.be/thYzq0TEwbs
Send us stuff! ASAPSCIENCE INC. P.O. BOX 93, Toronto P, TORONTO, ON, M5S2S6
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/10kWnZ7
Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit
Clickable: http://bit.ly/16F1jeC and http://bit.ly/15J7ube
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1fjWszw
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1d84R71
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1amIP
Social Media Vs. Real Life • Broke
It’s a Tumblr world for Tumblr girls. Miloh goes to party that B.W. is spinning at where one of her favorite Tumblr girls is going to be. Paul wants to figure out the secret ingredient in Miloh’s mother’s cookie recipe.
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
One Of A Kind
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
SFX provided by Audioblock
10 Crazy Deaths From Social Media
Social media is all around us and has allowed for social relationships to move from the real world into cyberspace. It’s not always a happy ending though, and while social networks are not responsible for the deaths on this list, the events which led to the confrontations that ended in death were done over social networks, so join us as we count 10 crazy deaths from social media.
Top 10 Most Dangerous Social Media Challenges
Social media can be both a positive and a negative and it has spawned some interesting and dangerous
Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10 Channel: http://bit.ly/1IPtQdq
Jessica Gi
11 Shocking Facts About Social Media
Remember Myspace?
Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1msVFkn
Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k
Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/1msVJ3K
Music: Bongos A Go Go
Music Licensed Via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Stripper - Georgia Sothern
Prelinger Archives
Social Media- Sucking Time or Saving Lives: Kristen Howerton at TEDxChapmanU
Kristen Howerton is a marriage and family therapist and professor of psychology at Vanguard University. She is also the author of the popular blog Rage Again...
Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?
Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me.
You need not delete your social networks or destroy your cell phones, the message is simple, be balanced, be mindful, be present, be here. :)
Download This Spoken Word Now: https://princeea.bandcamp.com/track/can-we-auto-correct-humanity
Music composed by DJsNeverEndingStory
Graphics done by Neonbyte
If You Were Honest On Social Media
What you actually mean on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook.
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedViolet videos!
Eugene Lee Yang - https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedeugene
Mr Jeeves
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Social Media Revolution 2015 #Socialnomics
Social Media Revolution 2015 by Erik Qualman. Video showcasing the power of social and mobile. Created by best selling author and keynote speaker Erik Qualman (@equalman). More information at http://www.equalman.com. Data from #1 Best Selling book #Socialnomics by Erik Qualman
Social Media Awards 2015!
It's that time of year again... NessBoog is here to present the Social Media Awards of 2015! Watch to see this year's best moments & best memes. Let us know if we missed anything in the comments below!
For more NessBoog
Happy New Year @ TheFlama.com
13 Celebs Who Quit Social Media
12 Scandalous Beyonce Rumors►►https://youtu.be/uYuK2HuaXA8
More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews
Yeahhh, the act of quitting social media may seem liberating at first, but usually tends to come back around full swing because you just can’t deny your severe case of FOMO or the adrenaline rush you feel in response to the increasing number of likes you get ACT. Don’t worry, you’re not
7 Celebs Who Will Never Join Social Media
16 Celeb Pics That Broke the Internet ►► http://youtu.be/p5y1JrLM23Y
More stars who hate social media ►► http://bit.ly/1uMLGdl
More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are just a few forms of social media that the world seems to be addicted to, but believe it or not, there are certain celebrities who wouldn’t touch these things with a 10 foot pole.
10 Unwritten Rules of Social Media
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Social Media Revolution
Social Media Revolution (Original) This video was produced in 2009 based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. There have been two newer versions since t...
People Fired Because of Social Media
Avoid doing these things on social media if you want to keep your job. GMM #704!
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/ot0kzlPE9TE
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#LIKELIFE! World with vs World without Social Media
"Do you remember good old days when we all lived without social media? How great it is to be offline sometimes and still have fun."
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ESSENA O'NEILL Quitting Social Media Is A HOAX
Essena O'Neill has been in the news recently because of her claims about social media. Turns out that most of what she's saying isn't true. Hear from the social media influencers Essena stayed with in Los Angeles who Essena claims are "fake," "miserable" and "fooling you." What really happened to change Essena's mind about social media? It has to do with Nina and Randa's friend, a famous TV star
Is social media bad?
http://www.youtube.com/doddleoddle for "main" channel
Essena's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyI2Sugw6Yc
I just watched her video again, and it's so clear that this has just been building up and building up. She has probably wanted to be this genuine for a long time! And she's right about companies exploiting people on social media. But that's why I made tha
I'm not attacking this girl, just defending myself and my friends. From what I've seen and heard from people who knew her, her intentions may not be as genuine as she makes it out to be. You decide!
Thanks for watching and please make sure to subscribe to my channel... I post new videos every week! If you like when I do this type of video, press "like" so I know!
The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Social Experiment)
SNAPCHAT: @cobypersin
Subscribe To Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/zipkid99
In association with: http://damn.com & http://pranksters.com/
This video was based...
SNAPCHAT: @cobypersin
Subscribe To Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/zipkid99
In association with: http://damn.com & http://pranksters.com/
This video was based off a real life event that happened 1 month ago:https://youtu.be/7MlAb7wrQEs
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coby_persin
Sound edit by http://rollersteady.com/
For permission to use this video or other media / business inquiries/interview request email me here: - zipkid99@gmail.com check it often
wn.com/The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Social Experiment)
SNAPCHAT: @cobypersin
Subscribe To Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/zipkid99
In association with: http://damn.com & http://pranksters.com/
This video was based off a real life event that happened 1 month ago:https://youtu.be/7MlAb7wrQEs
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coby_persin
Sound edit by http://rollersteady.com/
For permission to use this video or other media / business inquiries/interview request email me here: - zipkid99@gmail.com check it often
- published: 10 Aug 2015
- views: 63040
Wiz Khalifa - No Social Media ft. Snoop Dogg
Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg go somewhere with "No Social Media" on their new record.
Produced By ID Labs & Po Shod...
Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg go somewhere with "No Social Media" on their new record.
Produced By ID Labs & Po Shod
wn.com/Wiz Khalifa No Social Media Ft. Snoop Dogg
Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg go somewhere with "No Social Media" on their new record.
Produced By ID Labs & Po Shod
- published: 08 Sep 2015
- views: 5463
Essena O'Neill - Why I REALLY am quitting social media - The Truth.
This is a mirror upload of Essena O'Neil's www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyI2Sugw6Yc with comments enabled.
This is a mirror upload of Essena O'Neil's www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyI2Sugw6Yc with comments enabled.
"Stripping away distractions made me question everything I did online. I want you to do the same. Real Life Isn't Through Screens."
"So my first little challenge for you is to go social media free for one week. Use your phone for texting friends ONLY. No Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube or Facebook or twitter or anything else where you view other people online. One week. Just one week. Post a caption or photo saying it's a personal experiment. THEN DELETE ALL THE APPS OFF YOUR PHONE. I want you to actually do this and see what happens. My whole life changed when I did. I finally woke up. I saw more, I listened more, I had more time, I found myself becoming more and more creative, less stressed, happier and with this new sense of power.... but most of all I just FELT MORE. I want you to feel this too. It's so beautiful. It's real.
And now that you'll have so much more time, please give these a read. I listened to them all on audible. They are collectively what got me to this point where I put down my phone, stopped caring about what everyone else is doing and LOOKED UP.
1) Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert
2) The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown
3) The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
Listen to the playlist "Wake Up" its a personal selection of songs I believe that act to test society in equally brilliant ways.
Finally create something. I don't care what it is, art, a cartoon (OMG make an ironic cartoon or piece of art that has a powerful message and submit it to me to add to the art collection here!!) write a song, a poem, a piece of cloth, garden, a sport, or do something so random it scares you. DO ANYTHING, SOMETHING. Something that you can say after a week, 'hey I created this, did this, made this'. Don't do it for anyone but you. GIVE THIS WORLD YOU. What's something you love? Gives you passion? Something you find relaxing or thrilling? Doesn't matter what, just do something, anything. You know you are capable of so much more. The time is NOW."
"Never did I think this would be shared so globally. I have so much I want to say and talk about. Thank you to all these media outlets for helping start this discussion. I am so so so grateful. I'm crying because I needed to hear this when I was younger, heck anyone who spends hours and hours on a screen wishing they could have a 'perfect' life, this is for you. There is nothing cool about spending all your time taking edited pictures of yourself to prove to the world 'you are enough'. Don't let numbers define you. Don't let anyone tell you you're not enough without excessive makeup, latest trends, 100+ likes on a photo, 'a bikini body', thigh gap, long blonde hair. I was born into the flesh I have, there is nothing inspirational about that. I am just so grateful to think of how many young men and women might see this movement and stop limiting themselves to artificial ideas of happiness online. When you stop comparing and viewing yourself against others, you start to see your own spark and individuality. Everyone has love, kindness, creativity, passion and purpose. Don't let anyone sell you something different."
~Essena ONeill
wn.com/Essena O'Neill Why I Really Am Quitting Social Media The Truth.
This is a mirror upload of Essena O'Neil's www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyI2Sugw6Yc with comments enabled.
"Stripping away distractions made me question everything I did online. I want you to do the same. Real Life Isn't Through Screens."
"So my first little challenge for you is to go social media free for one week. Use your phone for texting friends ONLY. No Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube or Facebook or twitter or anything else where you view other people online. One week. Just one week. Post a caption or photo saying it's a personal experiment. THEN DELETE ALL THE APPS OFF YOUR PHONE. I want you to actually do this and see what happens. My whole life changed when I did. I finally woke up. I saw more, I listened more, I had more time, I found myself becoming more and more creative, less stressed, happier and with this new sense of power.... but most of all I just FELT MORE. I want you to feel this too. It's so beautiful. It's real.
And now that you'll have so much more time, please give these a read. I listened to them all on audible. They are collectively what got me to this point where I put down my phone, stopped caring about what everyone else is doing and LOOKED UP.
1) Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert
2) The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown
3) The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
Listen to the playlist "Wake Up" its a personal selection of songs I believe that act to test society in equally brilliant ways.
Finally create something. I don't care what it is, art, a cartoon (OMG make an ironic cartoon or piece of art that has a powerful message and submit it to me to add to the art collection here!!) write a song, a poem, a piece of cloth, garden, a sport, or do something so random it scares you. DO ANYTHING, SOMETHING. Something that you can say after a week, 'hey I created this, did this, made this'. Don't do it for anyone but you. GIVE THIS WORLD YOU. What's something you love? Gives you passion? Something you find relaxing or thrilling? Doesn't matter what, just do something, anything. You know you are capable of so much more. The time is NOW."
"Never did I think this would be shared so globally. I have so much I want to say and talk about. Thank you to all these media outlets for helping start this discussion. I am so so so grateful. I'm crying because I needed to hear this when I was younger, heck anyone who spends hours and hours on a screen wishing they could have a 'perfect' life, this is for you. There is nothing cool about spending all your time taking edited pictures of yourself to prove to the world 'you are enough'. Don't let numbers define you. Don't let anyone tell you you're not enough without excessive makeup, latest trends, 100+ likes on a photo, 'a bikini body', thigh gap, long blonde hair. I was born into the flesh I have, there is nothing inspirational about that. I am just so grateful to think of how many young men and women might see this movement and stop limiting themselves to artificial ideas of happiness online. When you stop comparing and viewing yourself against others, you start to see your own spark and individuality. Everyone has love, kindness, creativity, passion and purpose. Don't let anyone sell you something different."
~Essena ONeill
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 1575
The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Experiment) Boy Edition!
SNAPCHAT: @cobypersin
Subscribe To Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/zipkid99
In association with: http://pranksters.com/ & http://damn.com
Girls Edition:http...
SNAPCHAT: @cobypersin
Subscribe To Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/zipkid99
In association with: http://pranksters.com/ & http://damn.com
Girls Edition:https://youtu.be/6jMhMVEjEQg
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coby_persin
Sound edit by http://rollersteady.com/
For permission to use this video or other media / business inquiries/interview request email me here: - cobypersinshow@yahoo.com I check it often
wn.com/The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Experiment) Boy Edition
SNAPCHAT: @cobypersin
Subscribe To Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/zipkid99
In association with: http://pranksters.com/ & http://damn.com
Girls Edition:https://youtu.be/6jMhMVEjEQg
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coby_persin
Sound edit by http://rollersteady.com/
For permission to use this video or other media / business inquiries/interview request email me here: - cobypersinshow@yahoo.com I check it often
- published: 17 Sep 2015
- views: 40810
5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now
Your brain may never be the same!
Watch our Q&A;: http://youtu.be/thYzq0TEwbs
Send us stuff! ASAPSCIENCE INC. P.O. BOX 93, Toronto P, TORONTO, ON, M5S2S6
Your brain may never be the same!
Watch our Q&A;: http://youtu.be/thYzq0TEwbs
Send us stuff! ASAPSCIENCE INC. P.O. BOX 93, Toronto P, TORONTO, ON, M5S2S6
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/10kWnZ7
Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit
Clickable: http://bit.ly/16F1jeC and http://bit.ly/15J7ube
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1fjWszw
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1d84R71
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1amIPjF
Vine: Search "AsapSCIENCE" on vine!
Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).
Further Reading--
Abnormal White Matter Integrity in Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder: A Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Study
Phantom vibrations among undergraduates: Prevalence and associated psychological characteristics
Cognitive control in media multitaskers
Amygdala Volume and Social Network Size in Humans
What is the role of dopamine in reward: hedonic impact, reward
learning, or incentive salience?
wn.com/5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now
Your brain may never be the same!
Watch our Q&A;: http://youtu.be/thYzq0TEwbs
Send us stuff! ASAPSCIENCE INC. P.O. BOX 93, Toronto P, TORONTO, ON, M5S2S6
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/10kWnZ7
Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit
Clickable: http://bit.ly/16F1jeC and http://bit.ly/15J7ube
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1fjWszw
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1d84R71
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1amIPjF
Vine: Search "AsapSCIENCE" on vine!
Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).
Further Reading--
Abnormal White Matter Integrity in Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder: A Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Study
Phantom vibrations among undergraduates: Prevalence and associated psychological characteristics
Cognitive control in media multitaskers
Amygdala Volume and Social Network Size in Humans
What is the role of dopamine in reward: hedonic impact, reward
learning, or incentive salience?
- published: 07 Sep 2014
- views: 2026914
Social Media Vs. Real Life • Broke
It’s a Tumblr world for Tumblr girls. Miloh goes to party that B.W. is spinning at where one of her favorite Tumblr girls is going to be. Paul wants to figure ...
It’s a Tumblr world for Tumblr girls. Miloh goes to party that B.W. is spinning at where one of her favorite Tumblr girls is going to be. Paul wants to figure out the secret ingredient in Miloh’s mother’s cookie recipe.
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
One Of A Kind
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
SFX provided by Audioblocks.
Footage provided by VideoBlocks
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
Paul Dupree
Chandra Russell
Film Footage courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Used with Permission
BuzzFeed Motion Picture’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo
wn.com/Social Media Vs. Real Life • Broke
It’s a Tumblr world for Tumblr girls. Miloh goes to party that B.W. is spinning at where one of her favorite Tumblr girls is going to be. Paul wants to figure out the secret ingredient in Miloh’s mother’s cookie recipe.
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
One Of A Kind
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
SFX provided by Audioblocks.
Footage provided by VideoBlocks
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
Paul Dupree
Chandra Russell
Film Footage courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Used with Permission
BuzzFeed Motion Picture’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo
- published: 12 Nov 2015
- views: 46445
10 Crazy Deaths From Social Media
Social media is all around us and has allowed for social relationships to move from the real world into cyberspace. It’s not always a happy ending though, and w...
Social media is all around us and has allowed for social relationships to move from the real world into cyberspace. It’s not always a happy ending though, and while social networks are not responsible for the deaths on this list, the events which led to the confrontations that ended in death were done over social networks, so join us as we count 10 crazy deaths from social media.
WARNING: Spoilers!
10. Matthew Dubois
9. Torrie Lynn Emery
8. John Albert Gardner III
7. Jameg Blake
6. Scott Humphrey
5. Korena Roberts
4. Edward Richardson
3. Calvin Lawson
2. Wayne Forrester
1. Hughstan Schlicker
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChf19X-xjHOQAsZx5GbEk3g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CountdownCnt
Legal Notes:
Background audio copyright Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
wn.com/10 Crazy Deaths From Social Media
Social media is all around us and has allowed for social relationships to move from the real world into cyberspace. It’s not always a happy ending though, and while social networks are not responsible for the deaths on this list, the events which led to the confrontations that ended in death were done over social networks, so join us as we count 10 crazy deaths from social media.
WARNING: Spoilers!
10. Matthew Dubois
9. Torrie Lynn Emery
8. John Albert Gardner III
7. Jameg Blake
6. Scott Humphrey
5. Korena Roberts
4. Edward Richardson
3. Calvin Lawson
2. Wayne Forrester
1. Hughstan Schlicker
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChf19X-xjHOQAsZx5GbEk3g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CountdownCnt
Legal Notes:
Background audio copyright Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- published: 02 Jan 2016
- views: 645
Top 10 Most Dangerous Social Media Challenges
Social media can be both a positive and a negative and it has spawned some interesting and dangerous
Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10 Channel: http://bit.ly/1...
Social media can be both a positive and a negative and it has spawned some interesting and dangerous
Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10 Channel: http://bit.ly/1IPtQdq
Jessica Gilbert: http://instagram.com/jessicagilbs
wn.com/Top 10 Most Dangerous Social Media Challenges
Social media can be both a positive and a negative and it has spawned some interesting and dangerous
Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10 Channel: http://bit.ly/1IPtQdq
Jessica Gilbert: http://instagram.com/jessicagilbs
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 24961
11 Shocking Facts About Social Media
Remember Myspace?
Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1msVFkn
Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k
Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/1msVJ3K
Remember Myspace?
Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1msVFkn
Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k
Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/1msVJ3K
Music: Bongos A Go Go
Music Licensed Via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Stripper - Georgia Sothern
Prelinger Archives
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, edgy, interesting videos from theBuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/11 Shocking Facts About Social Media
Remember Myspace?
Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1msVFkn
Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k
Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/1msVJ3K
Music: Bongos A Go Go
Music Licensed Via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Stripper - Georgia Sothern
Prelinger Archives
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, edgy, interesting videos from theBuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 1371496
Social Media- Sucking Time or Saving Lives: Kristen Howerton at TEDxChapmanU
Kristen Howerton is a marriage and family therapist and professor of psychology at Vanguard University. She is also the author of the popular blog Rage Again......
Kristen Howerton is a marriage and family therapist and professor of psychology at Vanguard University. She is also the author of the popular blog Rage Again...
wn.com/Social Media Sucking Time Or Saving Lives Kristen Howerton At Tedxchapmanu
Kristen Howerton is a marriage and family therapist and professor of psychology at Vanguard University. She is also the author of the popular blog Rage Again...
- published: 17 Jun 2013
- views: 31206
author: TEDx Talks
Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?
Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me.
You need not delete your social networks or destroy your cell phones, the message is simple, be balanced, be mindful...
Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me.
You need not delete your social networks or destroy your cell phones, the message is simple, be balanced, be mindful, be present, be here. :)
Download This Spoken Word Now: https://princeea.bandcamp.com/track/can-we-auto-correct-humanity
Music composed by DJsNeverEndingStory
Graphics done by Neonbyte
Prince EA
http://www.twitter.com/PrinceEa // @PrinceEa
wn.com/Can We Auto Correct Humanity
Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me.
You need not delete your social networks or destroy your cell phones, the message is simple, be balanced, be mindful, be present, be here. :)
Download This Spoken Word Now: https://princeea.bandcamp.com/track/can-we-auto-correct-humanity
Music composed by DJsNeverEndingStory
Graphics done by Neonbyte
Prince EA
http://www.twitter.com/PrinceEa // @PrinceEa
- published: 29 Sep 2014
- views: 11892145
If You Were Honest On Social Media
What you actually mean on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook.
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedViolet videos!
What you actually mean on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook.
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedViolet videos!
Eugene Lee Yang - https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedeugene
Mr Jeeves
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
BuzzFeed Violet: the good kind of awkward. Short, relatable videos that are totally you. Just like BuzzFeedVideo but violetier.
wn.com/If You Were Honest On Social Media
What you actually mean on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook.
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedViolet videos!
Eugene Lee Yang - https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedeugene
Mr Jeeves
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
BuzzFeed Violet: the good kind of awkward. Short, relatable videos that are totally you. Just like BuzzFeedVideo but violetier.
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 1522903
Social Media Revolution 2015 #Socialnomics
Social Media Revolution 2015 by Erik Qualman. Video showcasing the power of social and mobile. Created by best selling author and keynote speaker Erik Qualman ...
Social Media Revolution 2015 by Erik Qualman. Video showcasing the power of social and mobile. Created by best selling author and keynote speaker Erik Qualman (@equalman). More information at http://www.equalman.com. Data from #1 Best Selling book #Socialnomics by Erik Qualman
wn.com/Social Media Revolution 2015 Socialnomics
Social Media Revolution 2015 by Erik Qualman. Video showcasing the power of social and mobile. Created by best selling author and keynote speaker Erik Qualman (@equalman). More information at http://www.equalman.com. Data from #1 Best Selling book #Socialnomics by Erik Qualman
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 20616
Social Media Awards 2015!
It's that time of year again... NessBoog is here to present the Social Media Awards of 2015! Watch to see this year's best moments & best memes. Let us know if ...
It's that time of year again... NessBoog is here to present the Social Media Awards of 2015! Watch to see this year's best moments & best memes. Let us know if we missed anything in the comments below!
For more NessBoog
Happy New Year @ TheFlama.com
wn.com/Social Media Awards 2015
It's that time of year again... NessBoog is here to present the Social Media Awards of 2015! Watch to see this year's best moments & best memes. Let us know if we missed anything in the comments below!
For more NessBoog
Happy New Year @ TheFlama.com
- published: 31 Dec 2015
- views: 3435
13 Celebs Who Quit Social Media
12 Scandalous Beyonce Rumors►►https://youtu.be/uYuK2HuaXA8
More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews
Yeahhh, the act of quitting social media may see...
12 Scandalous Beyonce Rumors►►https://youtu.be/uYuK2HuaXA8
More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews
Yeahhh, the act of quitting social media may seem liberating at first, but usually tends to come back around full swing because you just can’t deny your severe case of FOMO or the adrenaline rush you feel in response to the increasing number of likes you get ACT. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, because right now we’re breaking down 13 celebrities who have also parted ways with the World Wide Web, and we’ve got it all right now on Listed.
For More Clevver Visit:
Website: http://www.clevver.com
Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ClevverNews
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverNews
Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver
Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverNews
Tweet Me: http://www.twitter.com/mistykingma
wn.com/13 Celebs Who Quit Social Media
12 Scandalous Beyonce Rumors►►https://youtu.be/uYuK2HuaXA8
More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews
Yeahhh, the act of quitting social media may seem liberating at first, but usually tends to come back around full swing because you just can’t deny your severe case of FOMO or the adrenaline rush you feel in response to the increasing number of likes you get ACT. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, because right now we’re breaking down 13 celebrities who have also parted ways with the World Wide Web, and we’ve got it all right now on Listed.
For More Clevver Visit:
Website: http://www.clevver.com
Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ClevverNews
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverNews
Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver
Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverNews
Tweet Me: http://www.twitter.com/mistykingma
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 301
7 Celebs Who Will Never Join Social Media
16 Celeb Pics That Broke the Internet ►► http://youtu.be/p5y1JrLM23Y
More stars who hate social media ►► http://bit.ly/1uMLGdl
More Celebrity News ►► http://bi...
16 Celeb Pics That Broke the Internet ►► http://youtu.be/p5y1JrLM23Y
More stars who hate social media ►► http://bit.ly/1uMLGdl
More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are just a few forms of social media that the world seems to be addicted to, but believe it or not, there are certain celebrities who wouldn’t touch these things with a 10 foot pole.
Yes, while some stars have fully embraced the power of social media – cough TAYLOR SWIFT cough – other famous faces are saying thanks but no thanks to joining these online communities. And some of their reasons why might surprise you!
And that is why we’re here today my friends – we’re giving you seven celebrities who will NEVER join social media.
1. Jennifer Lawrence
2. Kristen Stewart
3. Amy Poehler
4. Chris Hemsworth
5. Dakota Fanning
6. Tina Fey
7. Mila Kunis
For More Clevver Visit:
Website: http://www.clevver.com
Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ClevverNews
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverNews
Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver
Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverNews
Tweet Me: http://www.twitter.com/danawardonline
wn.com/7 Celebs Who Will Never Join Social Media
16 Celeb Pics That Broke the Internet ►► http://youtu.be/p5y1JrLM23Y
More stars who hate social media ►► http://bit.ly/1uMLGdl
More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are just a few forms of social media that the world seems to be addicted to, but believe it or not, there are certain celebrities who wouldn’t touch these things with a 10 foot pole.
Yes, while some stars have fully embraced the power of social media – cough TAYLOR SWIFT cough – other famous faces are saying thanks but no thanks to joining these online communities. And some of their reasons why might surprise you!
And that is why we’re here today my friends – we’re giving you seven celebrities who will NEVER join social media.
1. Jennifer Lawrence
2. Kristen Stewart
3. Amy Poehler
4. Chris Hemsworth
5. Dakota Fanning
6. Tina Fey
7. Mila Kunis
For More Clevver Visit:
Website: http://www.clevver.com
Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ClevverNews
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverNews
Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver
Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverNews
Tweet Me: http://www.twitter.com/danawardonline
- published: 22 Nov 2014
- views: 19644
10 Unwritten Rules of Social Media
GET MY APP: iOS: http://apple.co/1Hgr039
Android: http://bit.ly/1RLbDpk
Tour Info: http://www.lillysinghtour.com
Mumbai Show: Be at the box office at 1 PM TODA...
GET MY APP: iOS: http://apple.co/1Hgr039
Android: http://bit.ly/1RLbDpk
Tour Info: http://www.lillysinghtour.com
Mumbai Show: Be at the box office at 1 PM TODAY for front section tickets!
FOLLOW AT2UI: http://www.instagram.com/at2uiofficial
BECOME A UNICORN: http://bit.ly/1HiqYG0
Join the FREE Team Super Mailing List: http://www.teamsuper.ca
Hi! My name is Lilly and I make funny videos every Monday and Thursday. I rant, create sketches and sometimes even dress up as my parents! Most importantly, I smile a lot and want to make you feel happy. Subscribe!
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/iisuperwomanii
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1wpasO8
TUMBLR: http://iisuperwomanii.tumblr.com
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/iisuperwomanii
SNAPCHAT: @iisuperwomanii
VINE: https://vine.co/IISuperwomanII
DAILY VLOGS: http://www.youtube.com/superwomanvlogs
BUSINESS INQUIRIES: iisuperwomanii@gmail.com
Official Team Super Merchandise:
1661 Denison Street (PO Box 76596)
Markham, ON L3R 6E0
Thanks for watching and don't forget to keep smiling =D !
wn.com/10 Unwritten Rules Of Social Media
GET MY APP: iOS: http://apple.co/1Hgr039
Android: http://bit.ly/1RLbDpk
Tour Info: http://www.lillysinghtour.com
Mumbai Show: Be at the box office at 1 PM TODAY for front section tickets!
FOLLOW AT2UI: http://www.instagram.com/at2uiofficial
BECOME A UNICORN: http://bit.ly/1HiqYG0
Join the FREE Team Super Mailing List: http://www.teamsuper.ca
Hi! My name is Lilly and I make funny videos every Monday and Thursday. I rant, create sketches and sometimes even dress up as my parents! Most importantly, I smile a lot and want to make you feel happy. Subscribe!
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/iisuperwomanii
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1wpasO8
TUMBLR: http://iisuperwomanii.tumblr.com
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/iisuperwomanii
SNAPCHAT: @iisuperwomanii
VINE: https://vine.co/IISuperwomanII
DAILY VLOGS: http://www.youtube.com/superwomanvlogs
BUSINESS INQUIRIES: iisuperwomanii@gmail.com
Official Team Super Merchandise:
1661 Denison Street (PO Box 76596)
Markham, ON L3R 6E0
Thanks for watching and don't forget to keep smiling =D !
- published: 19 May 2015
- views: 301
Social Media Revolution
Social Media Revolution (Original) This video was produced in 2009 based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. There have been two newer versions since t......
Social Media Revolution (Original) This video was produced in 2009 based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. There have been two newer versions since t...
wn.com/Social Media Revolution
Social Media Revolution (Original) This video was produced in 2009 based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. There have been two newer versions since t...
People Fired Because of Social Media
Avoid doing these things on social media if you want to keep your job. GMM #704!
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/ot0kzlPE9TE
SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: h...
Avoid doing these things on social media if you want to keep your job. GMM #704!
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/ot0kzlPE9TE
SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: http://bit.ly/subrl2 ****
PREVIOUS episode: https://youtu.be/WXsR2q9BsZ4?list=PLJ49NV73ttrtQP_nY7NTldYfEsYmlCV2L
NEXT episode: Link Coming Soon!
Get the GMM Coffee Mug!
Get the GMM Poster plus the GMM T-shirt!
Watch the Rhett & Link Channel: http://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Listen to Ear Biscuits!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/ear-biscuits/id717407884
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/earbiscuits
JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity!
LIKE us on FACEBOOK! http://facebook.com/rhettandlink
FOLLOW us on TUMBLR: http://rhettandlink.tumblr.com/
FOLLOW our INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/rhettandlink
JOIN our circle on GOOGLE PLUS: https://plus.google.com/+rhettandlink
We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show "Good Mythical Morning" at youtube.com/rhettandlink2. Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best, mythical beast. - Rhett & Link
Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box
Go to http://rhettandlink.com/contact for details.
Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine
Supervising Producer: Noah Starr
Writer/Producer: Edward Coleman
Writer: Lizzie Bassett
Editor, Graphics, Technical Director: Morgan Locke
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Production Coordinator: Alexander Punch
Production Assistant: Chase Hilt
Show Graphics Package and Lighting: Ben Eck
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Wheel Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
Microphone: The Mouse from Blue Microphones: http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
wn.com/People Fired Because Of Social Media
Avoid doing these things on social media if you want to keep your job. GMM #704!
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/ot0kzlPE9TE
SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: http://bit.ly/subrl2 ****
PREVIOUS episode: https://youtu.be/WXsR2q9BsZ4?list=PLJ49NV73ttrtQP_nY7NTldYfEsYmlCV2L
NEXT episode: Link Coming Soon!
Get the GMM Coffee Mug!
Get the GMM Poster plus the GMM T-shirt!
Watch the Rhett & Link Channel: http://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Listen to Ear Biscuits!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/ear-biscuits/id717407884
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/earbiscuits
JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity!
LIKE us on FACEBOOK! http://facebook.com/rhettandlink
FOLLOW us on TUMBLR: http://rhettandlink.tumblr.com/
FOLLOW our INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/rhettandlink
JOIN our circle on GOOGLE PLUS: https://plus.google.com/+rhettandlink
We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show "Good Mythical Morning" at youtube.com/rhettandlink2. Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best, mythical beast. - Rhett & Link
Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box
Go to http://rhettandlink.com/contact for details.
Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine
Supervising Producer: Noah Starr
Writer/Producer: Edward Coleman
Writer: Lizzie Bassett
Editor, Graphics, Technical Director: Morgan Locke
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Production Coordinator: Alexander Punch
Production Assistant: Chase Hilt
Show Graphics Package and Lighting: Ben Eck
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Wheel Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
Microphone: The Mouse from Blue Microphones: http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 301
#LIKELIFE! World with vs World without Social Media
"Do you remember good old days when we all lived without social media? How great it is to be offline sometimes and still have fun."
Everyone, who watches and sh...
"Do you remember good old days when we all lived without social media? How great it is to be offline sometimes and still have fun."
Everyone, who watches and shares this video are helping us to raise money for charity!
Read more here: http://bit.ly/1xXfbhY
Subscribe for more videos!
Our website:
Follow us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HayotFilms
Instagram: https://instagram.com/otashuz/
Google+: http://google.com/+hayotfilmscom
#Likelife is a charitable non-profit project that aims to draw attention to this generation’s preoccupation with the Internet and social media. In our video "#Likelife! World with vs World without social media" we demonstrate the depth of this phenomenon. Our task is not to assess what is happening with the generic labels of "good" or "bad". Rather, the goal is to encourage consideration of the importance of keeping a grasp of life outside of the computer monitor while still maintaining an online presence. What really lies behind the desire to photograph and upload everything for the world to see? Is it the endless pursuit of social acceptance, or simply just boredom? With the help of our video, the viewer will develop a perspective of the gains and losses of devoting particular amounts of time to the Internet vs. reality.
In addition, #Likelife is an important social project. All money received from monetization our video on YouTube will go to charity in support of the organization charita.cz . Charita.cz is a non-profit organization that supports those in need, regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnicity. The money will be transferred from our team to a charitable organization that supports orphanages. Each person who watches the video "Like life" or shares the link to it automatically becomes a member of our project. He or she will not only be able to donate to the charity, but also help our campaign affect more people by drawing attention to this generation’s obsessive use of the internet.
Written and Directed by...............Otabek Djuraev
Producer.........................................Sergey Lemon
Director of Photography...............Mikhail Imaykin
Styling, MUA.................................Alla Fedorova
Copywriter.....................................Elena Yakimova
Sound Recordist............................Andrei Dabrakou
Graffer............................................Martin Felbab
Martin Gardavský – http://facebook.com/martin.gardavsky.5, instagram: @martingardavsky
Alex Domazio – follow at Bohemia model management - http://facebook.com/damazio
Oksana Fedorova – http://facebook.com/ksanafedorovaphoto
Lucie Chládová – http://facebook.com/chladova.lucie
Andrejka Macháčková – http://facebook.com/andrejka.machackova.9
Dan Xaver – http://facebook.com/dan.xaver
Roman Michalčík – http://facebook.com/roman.michalcik.9
Jakub Pavlovsky – http://facebook.com/pavlovsky.j, http://www.bookscalling.eu
Jan Havlovic – http://facebook.com/JanHavlovic.cz, http://www.janhavlovic.cz
Anutka Kapeluha – http://facebook.com/anutka.kapeluha, https://www.youtube.com/user/Agirl316/
Additional Cast
Miroslav Hoštický
Alla Fedorova
Anastasiya Lokhanina
Mariya Bondareva
Stepan Kildyashev
Special Thanks
Alexandr Onishenko - Galerie Jakubská
Sergej Kozlov
AQUA DREAM - centrum vodni zábavy Sídliště Barrandov, K Barrandovu 8, Praha 5 - Hlubočepy
Blah Blah Bar - Špičkový bar v Praze Žitná 41, 110 00 Praha 1
Fitness club Řepy - http://www.fitnessrepy.cz
BIOFILMS RENTAL - nejdostupnější rental pro filmaře - http://www.biofilms.cz
Special Thanks for Extra Ideas
Jan Havlovic
Roman Michalčík
Jakub Pavlovsky
Prague, Czech Republic
Hayotfilms production 2015
Лайкни жизнь! Мир с или без соцсетей (#LikeLife)
Lajkni život! Svět s nebo bez sociálních sítí (#LikeLife)
#LIKELIFE! World with vs World without Social Media
wn.com/Likelife World With Vs World Without Social Media
"Do you remember good old days when we all lived without social media? How great it is to be offline sometimes and still have fun."
Everyone, who watches and shares this video are helping us to raise money for charity!
Read more here: http://bit.ly/1xXfbhY
Subscribe for more videos!
Our website:
Follow us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HayotFilms
Instagram: https://instagram.com/otashuz/
Google+: http://google.com/+hayotfilmscom
#Likelife is a charitable non-profit project that aims to draw attention to this generation’s preoccupation with the Internet and social media. In our video "#Likelife! World with vs World without social media" we demonstrate the depth of this phenomenon. Our task is not to assess what is happening with the generic labels of "good" or "bad". Rather, the goal is to encourage consideration of the importance of keeping a grasp of life outside of the computer monitor while still maintaining an online presence. What really lies behind the desire to photograph and upload everything for the world to see? Is it the endless pursuit of social acceptance, or simply just boredom? With the help of our video, the viewer will develop a perspective of the gains and losses of devoting particular amounts of time to the Internet vs. reality.
In addition, #Likelife is an important social project. All money received from monetization our video on YouTube will go to charity in support of the organization charita.cz . Charita.cz is a non-profit organization that supports those in need, regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnicity. The money will be transferred from our team to a charitable organization that supports orphanages. Each person who watches the video "Like life" or shares the link to it automatically becomes a member of our project. He or she will not only be able to donate to the charity, but also help our campaign affect more people by drawing attention to this generation’s obsessive use of the internet.
Written and Directed by...............Otabek Djuraev
Producer.........................................Sergey Lemon
Director of Photography...............Mikhail Imaykin
Styling, MUA.................................Alla Fedorova
Copywriter.....................................Elena Yakimova
Sound Recordist............................Andrei Dabrakou
Graffer............................................Martin Felbab
Martin Gardavský – http://facebook.com/martin.gardavsky.5, instagram: @martingardavsky
Alex Domazio – follow at Bohemia model management - http://facebook.com/damazio
Oksana Fedorova – http://facebook.com/ksanafedorovaphoto
Lucie Chládová – http://facebook.com/chladova.lucie
Andrejka Macháčková – http://facebook.com/andrejka.machackova.9
Dan Xaver – http://facebook.com/dan.xaver
Roman Michalčík – http://facebook.com/roman.michalcik.9
Jakub Pavlovsky – http://facebook.com/pavlovsky.j, http://www.bookscalling.eu
Jan Havlovic – http://facebook.com/JanHavlovic.cz, http://www.janhavlovic.cz
Anutka Kapeluha – http://facebook.com/anutka.kapeluha, https://www.youtube.com/user/Agirl316/
Additional Cast
Miroslav Hoštický
Alla Fedorova
Anastasiya Lokhanina
Mariya Bondareva
Stepan Kildyashev
Special Thanks
Alexandr Onishenko - Galerie Jakubská
Sergej Kozlov
AQUA DREAM - centrum vodni zábavy Sídliště Barrandov, K Barrandovu 8, Praha 5 - Hlubočepy
Blah Blah Bar - Špičkový bar v Praze Žitná 41, 110 00 Praha 1
Fitness club Řepy - http://www.fitnessrepy.cz
BIOFILMS RENTAL - nejdostupnější rental pro filmaře - http://www.biofilms.cz
Special Thanks for Extra Ideas
Jan Havlovic
Roman Michalčík
Jakub Pavlovsky
Prague, Czech Republic
Hayotfilms production 2015
Лайкни жизнь! Мир с или без соцсетей (#LikeLife)
Lajkni život! Svět s nebo bez sociálních sítí (#LikeLife)
#LIKELIFE! World with vs World without Social Media
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 646
ESSENA O'NEILL Quitting Social Media Is A HOAX
Essena O'Neill has been in the news recently because of her claims about social media. Turns out that most of what she's saying isn't true. Hear from the socia...
Essena O'Neill has been in the news recently because of her claims about social media. Turns out that most of what she's saying isn't true. Hear from the social media influencers Essena stayed with in Los Angeles who Essena claims are "fake," "miserable" and "fooling you." What really happened to change Essena's mind about social media? It has to do with Nina and Randa's friend, a famous TV star, who they introduced Essena to. Watch video for the real story.
Our brother's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-4K95cGe8I
Follow us:
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/NinaAndRanda
personals: http://instagram.com/randanelson
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NinaAndRanda
SNAPCHAT: NinaAndRanda
WEBSITE: http://www.ninaandranda.com/
Business inquires: contact@ninaandranda.com
wn.com/Essena O'Neill Quitting Social Media Is A Hoax
Essena O'Neill has been in the news recently because of her claims about social media. Turns out that most of what she's saying isn't true. Hear from the social media influencers Essena stayed with in Los Angeles who Essena claims are "fake," "miserable" and "fooling you." What really happened to change Essena's mind about social media? It has to do with Nina and Randa's friend, a famous TV star, who they introduced Essena to. Watch video for the real story.
Our brother's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-4K95cGe8I
Follow us:
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/NinaAndRanda
personals: http://instagram.com/randanelson
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NinaAndRanda
SNAPCHAT: NinaAndRanda
WEBSITE: http://www.ninaandranda.com/
Business inquires: contact@ninaandranda.com
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 56774
Is social media bad?
http://www.youtube.com/doddleoddle for "main" channel
Essena's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyI2Sugw6Yc
I just watched ...
http://www.youtube.com/doddleoddle for "main" channel
Essena's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyI2Sugw6Yc
I just watched her video again, and it's so clear that this has just been building up and building up. She has probably wanted to be this genuine for a long time! And she's right about companies exploiting people on social media. But that's why I made that video about branding - I will not lie to my audience!
she is absolutely completely right about a LOT of things; there are many many youtubers who are incredibly "fake" and spend hours posing for a photo trying to look perfect and never showing anything else. That is dangerous! She's right! And I don't enjoy the lies. But I think if you find the balance you can do it right. And that's what we need to push and discuss. Not that it's all social media's fault!
I pretty much agree with everything my friend sammy said in this wonderful tweet he posted https://twitter.com/ICOEPR/status/661539687757148162
wn.com/Is Social Media Bad
http://www.youtube.com/doddleoddle for "main" channel
Essena's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyI2Sugw6Yc
I just watched her video again, and it's so clear that this has just been building up and building up. She has probably wanted to be this genuine for a long time! And she's right about companies exploiting people on social media. But that's why I made that video about branding - I will not lie to my audience!
she is absolutely completely right about a LOT of things; there are many many youtubers who are incredibly "fake" and spend hours posing for a photo trying to look perfect and never showing anything else. That is dangerous! She's right! And I don't enjoy the lies. But I think if you find the balance you can do it right. And that's what we need to push and discuss. Not that it's all social media's fault!
I pretty much agree with everything my friend sammy said in this wonderful tweet he posted https://twitter.com/ICOEPR/status/661539687757148162
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 38804
I'm not attacking this girl, just defending myself and my friends. From what I've seen and heard from people who knew her, her intentions may not be as genuine ...
I'm not attacking this girl, just defending myself and my friends. From what I've seen and heard from people who knew her, her intentions may not be as genuine as she makes it out to be. You decide!
Thanks for watching and please make sure to subscribe to my channel... I post new videos every week! If you like when I do this type of video, press "like" so I know!
▶FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @thegabbieshow
▶FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @thegabbieshow
▶FOLLOW ME ON VINE: The Gabbie Show
▶SNAP ME! I SNAP BACK: TheGabbieShow
▶YOUNOW: thegabbieshow
7119 W Sunset Blvd #234
Los Angeles, CA 90046
There are plenty of articles but this was the first one I saw: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/teen-instagram-star-essena-oneill-has-crisis-of-conscience-2015211
re-uploaded original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE5K7gx2VZw
wn.com/Social Media People Are Fake Response | The Gabbie Show
I'm not attacking this girl, just defending myself and my friends. From what I've seen and heard from people who knew her, her intentions may not be as genuine as she makes it out to be. You decide!
Thanks for watching and please make sure to subscribe to my channel... I post new videos every week! If you like when I do this type of video, press "like" so I know!
▶FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @thegabbieshow
▶FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @thegabbieshow
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▶SNAP ME! I SNAP BACK: TheGabbieShow
▶YOUNOW: thegabbieshow
7119 W Sunset Blvd #234
Los Angeles, CA 90046
There are plenty of articles but this was the first one I saw: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/teen-instagram-star-essena-oneill-has-crisis-of-conscience-2015211
re-uploaded original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE5K7gx2VZw
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 51409
Week 1 Social Media Marketing
This video is about Week 1 Social Media Marketing
social media final video v1
1st Key to Successful Social Media Marketing
Today we reveal the first of the 10 most important elements of successful social media marketing - Listening! Watch as we discuss who you should be listening to, and how this will help your success.http://www.agapimarketing.com Agapi Marketing specializes in marketing strategies for small to mid sized businesses. We believe in helping businesses grow and become more focused, and design our mark
My Favorite Social Media Tools and Why
What social media tools are in your tool box. Find out which ones Kim Garst uses on a daily basis to manage her online biz!
This video was originally filmed using Periscope. If you would like to get started on using this top-rated live streaming app, you can download my FREE jumpstart guide at www.kimgarst.com/periscope101.
If you would like to see more Periscope videos including tips, best prac
Building Authority for Brands in Regulated Industries Using Social Media
Fearing compliance and privacy violations, brands in regulated industries have been reluctant to leverage social media in their marketing efforts. They need to get there sooner or later, and the ones who learn first will benefit.
Musical.ly and Social Media
Thanks for watching like 2 months but I hope you guys had a great new year because I have already wished you a merry Christmas so I will see you guys in my next video xx
Created using VideoFX Live: http://VideoFXLive.com/FREE
Social media day 1
Amy Schumer’s Boyfriend Keeps Posting Romantic Social Media Pictures
Amy Schumer’s boyfriend Ben Hanisch keeps posting romantic pictures on his social media site of his new cherished girlfriend.
Week #1 for Social Media Branding for Professor Weber
Brief description of Digg, Tumblr, Pinterest and Reddit
// Wbij na fejsa : https://www.facebook.com/mateuszowyy
// Subskrybuj : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB70yEgCrU5-DszWpWz_QUQ?sub_confirmation=1
Jeśli film Ci się podobał zostaw łapkę w górę lub komentarz ;)
- Fragmenty utworów należą do ich prawnych właścicieli i zostały wykorzystane wg prawa cytatu (art.29 ust.1 ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych)
Rob Kardashian Returns to Social Media After Diabetes Scare with Post
Rob Kardashian Returns to Social Media After Diabetes Scare with Post About Powerball
Mixed Social Media Reaction to State of the Union
Kevin Hart Talks Nike Deal, Social Media Thots, Drug Addiction, New Animated Film & More
Remember to rate, comment & share! Click the link to subscribe:
Kevin Hart chats with the Breakfast Club about Ride Along 2, his engagement, the mistakes he's made, his deal with Nike, family, fashion flubs, hanging with Fabolous, his various business ventures plus much more including his advice to Meek Mill in his war of words with Drake.
Check out our full video catalog h
How Does Social Media Influence Naming Your Startup?
Q: In the age of social media with Twitter/Vine/Instagram length limited, how does/ should this affect a startup in choosing a name?
Watch the full #AskGaryVee Show Episode 30 here:
Want your question answered on Entrepreneurship Answered?
Click to submit your question -- https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%40Garyvee%20%23askgaryvee&source;=clickto
Should You Take a Social Media Marketing Course?
Q: I'm a self taught social media marketer, is it worth doing a course on it when I'm applying for jobs?
Watch the full #AskGaryVee Show Episode 31 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOFCYyvaotA
Want your question answered on Entrepreneurship Answered?
Click to submit your question -- https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%40Garyvee%20%23askgaryvee&source;=clicktotweet&related;=clicktotweet
Street play on Social Media Impact on Youth
Street Play uploaded by Mahesh Naik
Entrevista a Amel Fernández sobre Métricas Social Media y Social Ads vía Wanatop
Entrevista de Wanatop realizada a Amel Fernández, especialista en estrategia rentables en redes sociales. Puedes ver el post completo aquí : http://wanatop.com/como-influye-social-media-negocio-online-entrevista-amel-fernandez/
Pixel Power and Channel 4 win TVBAward for Social Media Integration
Pixel Power and Channel 4 win at the TVBAwards for their Twitter-determined social media campaign
Customer Service Expert Discusses Social Media Response Times
Eptica Study - visit http://www.eptica.com/sh_retail_2015
For the Eptica infographic visit -http://www.eptica.com/retail_infographic_2015
Go to http://www.Hyken.com to learn more about Shep Hyken, customer service speaker and expert.
Professional keynote and customer service speaker and New York Times bestselling author, Shep Hyken discusses social media response times.
I knew it was bad, but
Team Call 01/13/16 - Rapid Fire Top Social Media Tips
Team FIT Possible call sharing my TOP TIPS for growing your business on social media! This was absolutely one of my favorite calls to host due to LOVING all things social media and always wanting to learn new ways to do things. (This video was recorded 01/13/16 and all social media practices change often so some things might change in the future)
Not a Coach on our team yet? Apply here:
Using Social Media Effectively For Your Business
During the webinar we will be covering the following subjects :
Which platform is right for you.
The 4 things you should be doing every day.
The under used features that will get you more leads and save you time.
Social Media Tip: 3 Real-time Trends to Watch in 2016
Get a handle on the real-time trends happening in social media marketing this year.
How To Increase Your Visibility Using Social Media #BizRocks #BizFix
How To Increase Your Visibility Using Social Media #BizRocks #BizFix with @EmmaLBurford & @LeonaAMartin watch the replay
Week 1 Social Media Marketing
This video is about Week 1 Social Media Marketing...
This video is about Week 1 Social Media Marketing
wn.com/Week 1 Social Media Marketing
This video is about Week 1 Social Media Marketing
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 1
1st Key to Successful Social Media Marketing
Today we reveal the first of the 10 most important elements of successful social media marketing - Listening! Watch as we discuss who you should be listening t...
Today we reveal the first of the 10 most important elements of successful social media marketing - Listening! Watch as we discuss who you should be listening to, and how this will help your success.http://www.agapimarketing.com Agapi Marketing specializes in marketing strategies for small to mid sized businesses. We believe in helping businesses grow and become more focused, and design our marketing solutions around that goal. Join us as we present lots of marketing tips, brand marketing, and marketing ideas.
wn.com/1St Key To Successful Social Media Marketing
Today we reveal the first of the 10 most important elements of successful social media marketing - Listening! Watch as we discuss who you should be listening to, and how this will help your success.http://www.agapimarketing.com Agapi Marketing specializes in marketing strategies for small to mid sized businesses. We believe in helping businesses grow and become more focused, and design our marketing solutions around that goal. Join us as we present lots of marketing tips, brand marketing, and marketing ideas.
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 0
My Favorite Social Media Tools and Why
What social media tools are in your tool box. Find out which ones Kim Garst uses on a daily basis to manage her online biz!
This video was originally filmed us...
What social media tools are in your tool box. Find out which ones Kim Garst uses on a daily basis to manage her online biz!
This video was originally filmed using Periscope. If you would like to get started on using this top-rated live streaming app, you can download my FREE jumpstart guide at www.kimgarst.com/periscope101.
If you would like to see more Periscope videos including tips, best practices and tricks, you can visit www.scopingforbiz.com and purchase my Periscope Profit Machine course!
wn.com/My Favorite Social Media Tools And Why
What social media tools are in your tool box. Find out which ones Kim Garst uses on a daily basis to manage her online biz!
This video was originally filmed using Periscope. If you would like to get started on using this top-rated live streaming app, you can download my FREE jumpstart guide at www.kimgarst.com/periscope101.
If you would like to see more Periscope videos including tips, best practices and tricks, you can visit www.scopingforbiz.com and purchase my Periscope Profit Machine course!
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 7
Building Authority for Brands in Regulated Industries Using Social Media
Fearing compliance and privacy violations, brands in regulated industries have been reluctant to leverage social media in their marketing efforts. They need to ...
Fearing compliance and privacy violations, brands in regulated industries have been reluctant to leverage social media in their marketing efforts. They need to get there sooner or later, and the ones who learn first will benefit.
wn.com/Building Authority For Brands In Regulated Industries Using Social Media
Fearing compliance and privacy violations, brands in regulated industries have been reluctant to leverage social media in their marketing efforts. They need to get there sooner or later, and the ones who learn first will benefit.
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 4
Musical.ly and Social Media
Thanks for watching like 2 months but I hope you guys had a great new year because I have already wished you a merry Christmas so I will see you guys in my next...
Thanks for watching like 2 months but I hope you guys had a great new year because I have already wished you a merry Christmas so I will see you guys in my next video xx
Created using VideoFX Live: http://VideoFXLive.com/FREE
wn.com/Musical.Ly And Social Media
Thanks for watching like 2 months but I hope you guys had a great new year because I have already wished you a merry Christmas so I will see you guys in my next video xx
Created using VideoFX Live: http://VideoFXLive.com/FREE
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Amy Schumer’s Boyfriend Keeps Posting Romantic Social Media Pictures
Amy Schumer’s boyfriend Ben Hanisch keeps posting romantic pictures on his social media site of his new cherished girlfriend....
Amy Schumer’s boyfriend Ben Hanisch keeps posting romantic pictures on his social media site of his new cherished girlfriend.
wn.com/Amy Schumer’S Boyfriend Keeps Posting Romantic Social Media Pictures
Amy Schumer’s boyfriend Ben Hanisch keeps posting romantic pictures on his social media site of his new cherished girlfriend.
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 2
Week #1 for Social Media Branding for Professor Weber
Brief description of Digg, Tumblr, Pinterest and Reddit...
Brief description of Digg, Tumblr, Pinterest and Reddit
wn.com/Week 1 For Social Media Branding For Professor Weber
Brief description of Digg, Tumblr, Pinterest and Reddit
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 4
// Wbij na fejsa : https://www.facebook.com/mateuszowyy
// Subskrybuj : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB70yEgCrU5-DszWpWz_QUQ?sub_confirmation=1
Jeśli film...
// Wbij na fejsa : https://www.facebook.com/mateuszowyy
// Subskrybuj : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB70yEgCrU5-DszWpWz_QUQ?sub_confirmation=1
Jeśli film Ci się podobał zostaw łapkę w górę lub komentarz ;)
- Fragmenty utworów należą do ich prawnych właścicieli i zostały wykorzystane wg prawa cytatu (art.29 ust.1 ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych)
wn.com/Social Media Ponad Wszystko | Mateuszowy Vlog 12
// Wbij na fejsa : https://www.facebook.com/mateuszowyy
// Subskrybuj : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB70yEgCrU5-DszWpWz_QUQ?sub_confirmation=1
Jeśli film Ci się podobał zostaw łapkę w górę lub komentarz ;)
- Fragmenty utworów należą do ich prawnych właścicieli i zostały wykorzystane wg prawa cytatu (art.29 ust.1 ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych)
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 7
Rob Kardashian Returns to Social Media After Diabetes Scare with Post
Rob Kardashian Returns to Social Media After Diabetes Scare with Post About Powerball...
Rob Kardashian Returns to Social Media After Diabetes Scare with Post About Powerball
wn.com/Rob Kardashian Returns To Social Media After Diabetes Scare With Post
Rob Kardashian Returns to Social Media After Diabetes Scare with Post About Powerball
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Kevin Hart Talks Nike Deal, Social Media Thots, Drug Addiction, New Animated Film & More
Remember to rate, comment & share! Click the link to subscribe:
Kevin Hart chats with the Breakfast Club about Ride Along 2, his engagemen...
Remember to rate, comment & share! Click the link to subscribe:
Kevin Hart chats with the Breakfast Club about Ride Along 2, his engagement, the mistakes he's made, his deal with Nike, family, fashion flubs, hanging with Fabolous, his various business ventures plus much more including his advice to Meek Mill in his war of words with Drake.
Check out our full video catalog here: http://goo.gl/RB9vvQ
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/IGotTheHotShit
GOOGLE+: https://goo.gl/Bnc1r7
wn.com/Kevin Hart Talks Nike Deal, Social Media Thots, Drug Addiction, New Animated Film More
Remember to rate, comment & share! Click the link to subscribe:
Kevin Hart chats with the Breakfast Club about Ride Along 2, his engagement, the mistakes he's made, his deal with Nike, family, fashion flubs, hanging with Fabolous, his various business ventures plus much more including his advice to Meek Mill in his war of words with Drake.
Check out our full video catalog here: http://goo.gl/RB9vvQ
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/IGotTheHotShit
GOOGLE+: https://goo.gl/Bnc1r7
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 16
How Does Social Media Influence Naming Your Startup?
Q: In the age of social media with Twitter/Vine/Instagram length limited, how does/ should this affect a startup in choosing a name?
Watch the full #AskGaryVee...
Q: In the age of social media with Twitter/Vine/Instagram length limited, how does/ should this affect a startup in choosing a name?
Watch the full #AskGaryVee Show Episode 30 here:
Want your question answered on Entrepreneurship Answered?
Click to submit your question -- https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%40Garyvee%20%23askgaryvee&source;=clicktotweet&related;=clicktotweet
Entrepreneurship Answered is a collection of answers from the #AskGaryVee Show which is one entrepreneur's take on leadership, social media, self-awareness, winning, marketing, venture capital, arbitrage, digital media, influencers, company culture, start-ups, attention, content, management, empathy, legacy, parenting, family business, crushing, storytelling, thanking, jabbing, right hooking, hustling, and the New York Jets.
Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business Wine Library and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world's hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding his own VC.
Find Gary here:
Youtube: http://youtube.com/garyvaynerchuk
Website: http://garyvaynerchuk.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/gary
Snapchat: garyvee
Instagram: http://instagram.com/garyvee
Twitter: http://twitter.com/garyvee
Medium: http://medium.com/@garyvee
wn.com/How Does Social Media Influence Naming Your Startup
Q: In the age of social media with Twitter/Vine/Instagram length limited, how does/ should this affect a startup in choosing a name?
Watch the full #AskGaryVee Show Episode 30 here:
Want your question answered on Entrepreneurship Answered?
Click to submit your question -- https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%40Garyvee%20%23askgaryvee&source;=clicktotweet&related;=clicktotweet
Entrepreneurship Answered is a collection of answers from the #AskGaryVee Show which is one entrepreneur's take on leadership, social media, self-awareness, winning, marketing, venture capital, arbitrage, digital media, influencers, company culture, start-ups, attention, content, management, empathy, legacy, parenting, family business, crushing, storytelling, thanking, jabbing, right hooking, hustling, and the New York Jets.
Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business Wine Library and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world's hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding his own VC.
Find Gary here:
Youtube: http://youtube.com/garyvaynerchuk
Website: http://garyvaynerchuk.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/gary
Snapchat: garyvee
Instagram: http://instagram.com/garyvee
Twitter: http://twitter.com/garyvee
Medium: http://medium.com/@garyvee
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 45
Should You Take a Social Media Marketing Course?
Q: I'm a self taught social media marketer, is it worth doing a course on it when I'm applying for jobs?
Watch the full #AskGaryVee Show Episode 31 here: https...
Q: I'm a self taught social media marketer, is it worth doing a course on it when I'm applying for jobs?
Watch the full #AskGaryVee Show Episode 31 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOFCYyvaotA
Want your question answered on Entrepreneurship Answered?
Click to submit your question -- https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%40Garyvee%20%23askgaryvee&source;=clicktotweet&related;=clicktotweet
Entrepreneurship Answered is a collection of answers from the #AskGaryVee Show which is one entrepreneur's take on leadership, social media, self-awareness, winning, marketing, venture capital, arbitrage, digital media, influencers, company culture, start-ups, attention, content, management, empathy, legacy, parenting, family business, crushing, storytelling, thanking, jabbing, right hooking, hustling, and the New York Jets.
Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business Wine Library and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world's hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding his own VC.
Find Gary here:
Youtube: http://youtube.com/garyvaynerchuk
Website: http://garyvaynerchuk.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/gary
Snapchat: garyvee
Instagram: http://instagram.com/garyvee
Twitter: http://twitter.com/garyvee
Medium: http://medium.com/@garyvee
wn.com/Should You Take A Social Media Marketing Course
Q: I'm a self taught social media marketer, is it worth doing a course on it when I'm applying for jobs?
Watch the full #AskGaryVee Show Episode 31 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOFCYyvaotA
Want your question answered on Entrepreneurship Answered?
Click to submit your question -- https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%40Garyvee%20%23askgaryvee&source;=clicktotweet&related;=clicktotweet
Entrepreneurship Answered is a collection of answers from the #AskGaryVee Show which is one entrepreneur's take on leadership, social media, self-awareness, winning, marketing, venture capital, arbitrage, digital media, influencers, company culture, start-ups, attention, content, management, empathy, legacy, parenting, family business, crushing, storytelling, thanking, jabbing, right hooking, hustling, and the New York Jets.
Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business Wine Library and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world's hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding his own VC.
Find Gary here:
Youtube: http://youtube.com/garyvaynerchuk
Website: http://garyvaynerchuk.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/gary
Snapchat: garyvee
Instagram: http://instagram.com/garyvee
Twitter: http://twitter.com/garyvee
Medium: http://medium.com/@garyvee
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 40
Entrevista a Amel Fernández sobre Métricas Social Media y Social Ads vía Wanatop
Entrevista de Wanatop realizada a Amel Fernández, especialista en estrategia rentables en redes sociales. Puedes ver el post completo aquí : http://wanatop.com/...
Entrevista de Wanatop realizada a Amel Fernández, especialista en estrategia rentables en redes sociales. Puedes ver el post completo aquí : http://wanatop.com/como-influye-social-media-negocio-online-entrevista-amel-fernandez/
wn.com/Entrevista A Amel FernáNdez Sobre Métricas Social Media Y Social Ads Vía Wanatop
Entrevista de Wanatop realizada a Amel Fernández, especialista en estrategia rentables en redes sociales. Puedes ver el post completo aquí : http://wanatop.com/como-influye-social-media-negocio-online-entrevista-amel-fernandez/
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Pixel Power and Channel 4 win TVBAward for Social Media Integration
Pixel Power and Channel 4 win at the TVBAwards for their Twitter-determined social media campaign...
Pixel Power and Channel 4 win at the TVBAwards for their Twitter-determined social media campaign
wn.com/Pixel Power And Channel 4 Win Tvbaward For Social Media Integration
Pixel Power and Channel 4 win at the TVBAwards for their Twitter-determined social media campaign
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Customer Service Expert Discusses Social Media Response Times
Eptica Study - visit http://www.eptica.com/sh_retail_2015
For the Eptica infographic visit -http://www.eptica.com/retail_infographic_2015
Go to http://www.Hyk...
Eptica Study - visit http://www.eptica.com/sh_retail_2015
For the Eptica infographic visit -http://www.eptica.com/retail_infographic_2015
Go to http://www.Hyken.com to learn more about Shep Hyken, customer service speaker and expert.
Professional keynote and customer service speaker and New York Times bestselling author, Shep Hyken discusses social media response times.
I knew it was bad, but just didn’t know how bad. I’m talking about the average time it takes for a company to respond, via different social media channels. A recent study put out by Eptica evaluated 500 US retailers’ ability to respond, by asking ten routine questions. The average amount of time it takes for many of these companies to reply is staggeringly disappointing.
Quick response matters! Look at this report and determine which industry you’re in. And, if you feel that B2B doesn’t apply, you’re wrong. Regardless of the industry and the numbers, the concept of quick response is universal. When your customer has a question, they want an answer. When your customer has a problem, they want it resolved. And most don’t want to wait a day or two for you to get back to them.
My suggestion is to take some action. First, download the report, it’s free. Then, take a look at your response times. And consider this, while the response times focus on outside customers, how long do you take to respond to the people you work with, also known as your internal customers? Those are very important customers as well!
(For the “Cliff Notes” version of the study, Eptica has created an infographic of the result. (See above for link.)
Shep Hyken, professional keynote and customer service speaker, customer service trainer, and New York Times best-selling author, shares his customer service tips. These tips are your how to guide to customer complaints, delivering amazing customer service, customer loyalty, customer service training, customer trust, company culture, customer experiences, sales tactics, and employee retention.
To hear more customer service tips, listen to interviews, read his blog and learn about The Amazement Revolution go to http://www.hyken.com. Shep is a customer service expert and the Chief Amazement Officer (CAO) of Shepard Presentations. As a professional speaker and author, Shep helps companies build loyal relationships with their customers and employees.
For information about customer service training go to http://www.TheCustomerFocus.com.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ShepHykenSpeaker
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ShepHyken
Google+: http://www.gplus.to/ShepHyken
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Hyken
wn.com/Customer Service Expert Discusses Social Media Response Times
Eptica Study - visit http://www.eptica.com/sh_retail_2015
For the Eptica infographic visit -http://www.eptica.com/retail_infographic_2015
Go to http://www.Hyken.com to learn more about Shep Hyken, customer service speaker and expert.
Professional keynote and customer service speaker and New York Times bestselling author, Shep Hyken discusses social media response times.
I knew it was bad, but just didn’t know how bad. I’m talking about the average time it takes for a company to respond, via different social media channels. A recent study put out by Eptica evaluated 500 US retailers’ ability to respond, by asking ten routine questions. The average amount of time it takes for many of these companies to reply is staggeringly disappointing.
Quick response matters! Look at this report and determine which industry you’re in. And, if you feel that B2B doesn’t apply, you’re wrong. Regardless of the industry and the numbers, the concept of quick response is universal. When your customer has a question, they want an answer. When your customer has a problem, they want it resolved. And most don’t want to wait a day or two for you to get back to them.
My suggestion is to take some action. First, download the report, it’s free. Then, take a look at your response times. And consider this, while the response times focus on outside customers, how long do you take to respond to the people you work with, also known as your internal customers? Those are very important customers as well!
(For the “Cliff Notes” version of the study, Eptica has created an infographic of the result. (See above for link.)
Shep Hyken, professional keynote and customer service speaker, customer service trainer, and New York Times best-selling author, shares his customer service tips. These tips are your how to guide to customer complaints, delivering amazing customer service, customer loyalty, customer service training, customer trust, company culture, customer experiences, sales tactics, and employee retention.
To hear more customer service tips, listen to interviews, read his blog and learn about The Amazement Revolution go to http://www.hyken.com. Shep is a customer service expert and the Chief Amazement Officer (CAO) of Shepard Presentations. As a professional speaker and author, Shep helps companies build loyal relationships with their customers and employees.
For information about customer service training go to http://www.TheCustomerFocus.com.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ShepHykenSpeaker
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ShepHyken
Google+: http://www.gplus.to/ShepHyken
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Hyken
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 7
Team Call 01/13/16 - Rapid Fire Top Social Media Tips
Team FIT Possible call sharing my TOP TIPS for growing your business on social media! This was absolutely one of my favorite calls to host due to LOVING all thi...
Team FIT Possible call sharing my TOP TIPS for growing your business on social media! This was absolutely one of my favorite calls to host due to LOVING all things social media and always wanting to learn new ways to do things. (This video was recorded 01/13/16 and all social media practices change often so some things might change in the future)
Not a Coach on our team yet? Apply here:
Visit my Website: http://fitpossiblecoach.com
Email me: fitpossiblecoach@gmail.com
Follow me on Facebook:// http://facebook.com/coachtheshore
wn.com/Team Call 01 13 16 Rapid Fire Top Social Media Tips
Team FIT Possible call sharing my TOP TIPS for growing your business on social media! This was absolutely one of my favorite calls to host due to LOVING all things social media and always wanting to learn new ways to do things. (This video was recorded 01/13/16 and all social media practices change often so some things might change in the future)
Not a Coach on our team yet? Apply here:
Visit my Website: http://fitpossiblecoach.com
Email me: fitpossiblecoach@gmail.com
Follow me on Facebook:// http://facebook.com/coachtheshore
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Using Social Media Effectively For Your Business
During the webinar we will be covering the following subjects :
Which platform is right for you.
The 4 things you should be doing every day.
The under used f...
During the webinar we will be covering the following subjects :
Which platform is right for you.
The 4 things you should be doing every day.
The under used features that will get you more leads and save you time.
wn.com/Using Social Media Effectively For Your Business
During the webinar we will be covering the following subjects :
Which platform is right for you.
The 4 things you should be doing every day.
The under used features that will get you more leads and save you time.
- published: 07 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Social Media Tip: 3 Real-time Trends to Watch in 2016
Get a handle on the real-time trends happening in social media marketing this year.
Get a handle on the real-time trends happening in social media marketing this year.
wn.com/Social Media Tip 3 Real Time Trends To Watch In 2016
Get a handle on the real-time trends happening in social media marketing this year.
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 3
How To Increase Your Visibility Using Social Media #BizRocks #BizFix
How To Increase Your Visibility Using Social Media #BizRocks #BizFix with @EmmaLBurford & @LeonaAMartin watch the replay...
How To Increase Your Visibility Using Social Media #BizRocks #BizFix with @EmmaLBurford & @LeonaAMartin watch the replay
wn.com/How To Increase Your Visibility Using Social Media Bizrocks Bizfix
How To Increase Your Visibility Using Social Media #BizRocks #BizFix with @EmmaLBurford & @LeonaAMartin watch the replay
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 4
Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Hot 97 Radio Interview + Social Media Videos & Photos
Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Hot 97 Radio Interview + Social Media Videos & Photos
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! YOU ARE WONDERFUL! Also, please give my gaming channel some love! http://www.youtube.com/tarababcockgames
Support the creation of my content on Patreon and receive rewards! http://www.patreon.com/tarababcock
Want a custom I HEART TARA BABCOCK controller!? Of course you do! Check out my controllers at Controller Chaos! http://www.controllerchaos.com/custom-tara-babcock-con
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content." Furthermo
Guy Kawasaki: How to Use Social Media as an Evangelist for Your Business and Here's How I Did It!
MIT Enterprise Forum San Diego presents... Guy Kawasaki: How to Use Social Media as an Evangelist for Your Business and Here's How I Did It!
EBE12. Cómo hacer un Plan Social Media. Manuela Battaglini (@manuelabat)
La necesidad de las empresas de tomar las redes sociales como sus mayores aliadas hace que sea imprescindible una estrategia, un plan ante una crisis de repu...
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1nhrJK5
Graser: http://www.youtube.com/graser
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/stacysays
VLOGGING: http://www.youtube.com/stacyvlogs
MERCH: http://shop.maker.tv/collections/stacyplays
INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/stacygrams
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/stacyhinojosa
Page and Molly Love You... Go Rescue a Dog!
My Competition Bikini, Birth Control, and How To Grow On Social Media | Q&A;
➢ For 10% off GymShark clothing: http://bit.ly/nikkiblackketter and use NIKKI10 as your discount code
➢ apparel and coaching info: http://www.nikkiblackketter.com
➢ Cellucor.com code "BLONDEVSWORLD" for 25% off your entire order and to directly support me!
➢ Umoro Shakers - www.umoro.com
I hate social media...| Faobeauty
Hope you enjoyed this rant and i hope things will change soon...please share.
follow @mypaleskingblog
watch this video about no makeup and makeup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWTRwj9t-vU
Instagram - http://instagram.com/faobeauty#
Twitter - https://twitter.com/faobeauty
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/FaoBeauty
Business - fyonaoneill18@hotmail.co.uk
Disconnect from Predictive Programming & Reconnect to Nature(Tv, Movies, social media,phones)Rant~
Disconnect to be able to reconnect.....Will be shooting the video on Shilajit very soon. I shot this video a few weeks ago, but never uploaded it, as my computer got hacked, and have had a few issues as a result....All is fine, no worries regarding this~ and will be making many more videos very soon. Thank you for your love and support.
Have a wonderful day~
How Presidential Hopefuls are Using Social Media
Mindy Finn, Digital Strategist and Founder of Empowered Women and Joe Rospars, Founder and CEO of Blue State Digital brief the press on "Making Noise or Speaking Volumes: How Presidential Hopefuls are Using Social Media" at the Washington Foreign Press Center on January 13, 2016. A transcript is available at http://fpc.state.gov/251254.htm.
"Gut drauf trotz Social Media – Die Kunst des Trollens" Zündfunk Netzkongress Linus Neumann
Vortrag am 10.10.2015 im Münchner Volkstheater
How to Build Your Social Media Following - Cardone Zone
Here are seven things we did that helped us build a presence and a following on the social media platforms: 1. Start. The most important thing to do is to start, and start fast. You don't...
SOCIAL MEDIA SENSATION adalah ajang musik bagi para kalian YouTubers yang berbakat yang ditayangkan hanya di TRANS TV.
Untuk menjadi pemenang, bagi kalian yang suka mengCover lagu dan merasa memiliki suara yang bagus, bisa langsung mention ke akun twitter kami di @SOCMED_TTV atau Tag kami di Instagram: @SOCIALMEDIASENSATIONTRANSTV
Siapa tahu kalian adalah The Next Kontestan yang beruntung bisa
Social Media - Fluch oder Segen? | motzgurke.tv | SWR Kindernetz
Ob nun Chatten, Liken oder Posten - Social Media macht Spaß! Doch können die sozialen Netzwerke auch gefährlich sein und vor allem, worauf sollte man achten?
Offizielle Homepage:
Kindernetz-Fan werden bei Facebook:
Folge uns bei Twitter
Social Media Marketing for picking up clients online (FULL STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL)
Social Media Marketing for picking up clients online (FULL STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL) | Facebook Reddit YouTube
In this video, you will learn about the advanced social media marketing strategies that you can use to generate qualified, motivated leads with social media websites. To clarify, these strategies are NOT the typical strategies you find on blogs, forums or other YouTube videos. These strateg
Cómo armar un Plan de Acción en Social Media - Pablo Di Meglio
Los pasos y piezas para armar un Plan de Acción exitoso en las redes sociales.
The Art of Social Media Keynote Speech
Closing keynote presentation at Alt Summer 2015 conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It's based on this book:
Learn more about the fantastic ALT Summit here: http://altitudesummit.com/about/
Ala Ryan eps Social Media (featuring Farhan & Sogi)
Ala Ryan menghadirkan Farhan, presenter kondang dan Sogi di panggung Stand Up Comedy ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Kompas TV Offi...
The Future of Social Media Marketing w/ Gary Vaynerchuk
C'mon over to http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/11/social-media-marketing/ where the main discussion happens after the episode!
Social media marketing is fast evolving and many people just aren't using it correctly. In this video, you'll learn some of the biggest mistakes you're making in social media marketing and how to fix them in my interview with author Gary Vaynerchuk.
Gary's new book, Jab J
http://www.SarahRobbins.Com for more FREE training. Social Media Training For Network Marketing Professionals, by Sarah Robbins- network marketing speaker, l...
Social Media - Pytania i odpowiedzi
"Social media - pytania i odpowiedzi", czyli pierwszy odcinek programu, w którym będziemy odpowiadać na Wasze pytania (zadawaliście je tu: http://bit.ly/PytaniaDoProgramu).
Jak podoba Wam się taka formuła? Program tworzymy wspólnie, więc napiszcie: co możemy zmodyfikować, żeby oglądało się jeszcze lepiej?
W tym odcinku Piotr odpowiadał na pytania administratorów stron:
* Zafutrowani: https://ww
¿Cómo armar una propuesta de Social Media o Marketing Digital?
En el mundo de las agencias, consultores y freelancers, uno de los procesos más importantes es el de la venta. Bien sea para asegurar una cuenta o desarrolla...
Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Hot 97 Radio Interview + Social Media Videos & Photos
Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Hot 97 Radio Interview + Social Media Videos & Photos...
Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Hot 97 Radio Interview + Social Media Videos & Photos
wn.com/Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Hot 97 Radio Interview Social Media Videos Photos
Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Hot 97 Radio Interview + Social Media Videos & Photos
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 6931
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! YOU ARE WONDERFUL! Also, please give my gaming channel some love! http://www.youtube.com/tarababcockgames
Support the creation of my co...
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! YOU ARE WONDERFUL! Also, please give my gaming channel some love! http://www.youtube.com/tarababcockgames
Support the creation of my content on Patreon and receive rewards! http://www.patreon.com/tarababcock
Want a custom I HEART TARA BABCOCK controller!? Of course you do! Check out my controllers at Controller Chaos! http://www.controllerchaos.com/custom-tara-babcock-controllers.html
Check out my gaming livestream at:
Support my Sex Ed series and treat yourself to 50% (almost) any one item at http://www.adamandeve.com with code "TARA"! Also, free shipping in the US!
Want me to try a game for the Losing My Virginity series?
Send it to me on Steam or choose from my wishlist! http://steamcommunity.com/id/tarababcock
*Send games to support@tarababcock.com, my friend's list is full.
DO YOU VAPE? "TARA" for 10% off of any starter kit or subscription box at http://www.zamplebox.com and stop smoking today!
Wanna send me something for my Friday Night Mail series?
Amazon Wish List: http://amzn.com/w/2O9K1IS4R4IEP
Tara Babcock
PO Box 3246
Renton, WA 98056
Check out my sponsor, Kinguin and get 3% off any game! Use code "TARA"! http://www.kinguin.net/7en/tara
Get $3 off EPIC MONTHLY LOOT at Loot Crate! Coupon code "TARABABCOCK"! Go here: http://www.lootcrate.com/tarababcock
Gaming Channel: http://www.youtube.com/tarababcockgames
Livestream: http://www.tarababcock.tv
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tarababcock
Steam Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tarababcock
Amazon Wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/2O9K1IS4R4IEP
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tarababcock
Facebook Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/officialtarababcockfans (must be logged in to FB.)
wn.com/Your Questions, My Answers Social Media Q A 1
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! YOU ARE WONDERFUL! Also, please give my gaming channel some love! http://www.youtube.com/tarababcockgames
Support the creation of my content on Patreon and receive rewards! http://www.patreon.com/tarababcock
Want a custom I HEART TARA BABCOCK controller!? Of course you do! Check out my controllers at Controller Chaos! http://www.controllerchaos.com/custom-tara-babcock-controllers.html
Check out my gaming livestream at:
Support my Sex Ed series and treat yourself to 50% (almost) any one item at http://www.adamandeve.com with code "TARA"! Also, free shipping in the US!
Want me to try a game for the Losing My Virginity series?
Send it to me on Steam or choose from my wishlist! http://steamcommunity.com/id/tarababcock
*Send games to support@tarababcock.com, my friend's list is full.
DO YOU VAPE? "TARA" for 10% off of any starter kit or subscription box at http://www.zamplebox.com and stop smoking today!
Wanna send me something for my Friday Night Mail series?
Amazon Wish List: http://amzn.com/w/2O9K1IS4R4IEP
Tara Babcock
PO Box 3246
Renton, WA 98056
Check out my sponsor, Kinguin and get 3% off any game! Use code "TARA"! http://www.kinguin.net/7en/tara
Get $3 off EPIC MONTHLY LOOT at Loot Crate! Coupon code "TARABABCOCK"! Go here: http://www.lootcrate.com/tarababcock
Gaming Channel: http://www.youtube.com/tarababcockgames
Livestream: http://www.tarababcock.tv
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tarababcock
Steam Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tarababcock
Amazon Wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/2O9K1IS4R4IEP
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tarababcock
Facebook Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/officialtarababcockfans (must be logged in to FB.)
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 5834
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual com...
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content." Furthermore, social media depends on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to communication between businesses, organizations, communities, and individuals. These changes are the focus of the emerging field of technoself studies. Social media differ from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy and permanence. Social media operates in a dialogic transmission system, (many sources to many receivers). This is in contrast to traditional media that operates under a monologic transmission model (one source to many receivers).
"Social media has been broadly defined to refer to 'the many relatively inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools that enable anyone to publish and access information, collaborate on a common effort, or build relationships'".
There are many effects that stem from internet usage. According to Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012 compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011. For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income, as discussed in Tang, Gu, and Whinston (2012).
Everybody loves to listen to a good scary story safe in the knowledge that they are just "stories". But what about the scary stories that are true?
This list is compiled of stories and horrifying true experiences that happened to real people like you and I.
If you would like to hear more true scary stories then please show your support by liking and subscribing.
~ Be.
EDEN'S CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmXH8QeHZg9Co4dg2e2-sRA
Become a Patron today and support me to make more content for all of you: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2349848&ty;=h
MY GAMING CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV71XfKTAMd4MPTcgAmDiDQ
LINK TO MAKE DONATIONS TO WHITE RIBBON: https://celebratewrevents.everydayhero.com/au/brendan
Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/be.busta/
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BishBusta
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Be_Busta
MERCH LINK: https://shop.spreadshirt.com.au/BeBusta
Credit for stories:
wn.com/3 True Shocking And Disturbing Social Media Stories
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content." Furthermore, social media depends on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to communication between businesses, organizations, communities, and individuals. These changes are the focus of the emerging field of technoself studies. Social media differ from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy and permanence. Social media operates in a dialogic transmission system, (many sources to many receivers). This is in contrast to traditional media that operates under a monologic transmission model (one source to many receivers).
"Social media has been broadly defined to refer to 'the many relatively inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools that enable anyone to publish and access information, collaborate on a common effort, or build relationships'".
There are many effects that stem from internet usage. According to Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012 compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011. For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income, as discussed in Tang, Gu, and Whinston (2012).
Everybody loves to listen to a good scary story safe in the knowledge that they are just "stories". But what about the scary stories that are true?
This list is compiled of stories and horrifying true experiences that happened to real people like you and I.
If you would like to hear more true scary stories then please show your support by liking and subscribing.
~ Be.
EDEN'S CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmXH8QeHZg9Co4dg2e2-sRA
Become a Patron today and support me to make more content for all of you: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2349848&ty;=h
MY GAMING CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV71XfKTAMd4MPTcgAmDiDQ
LINK TO MAKE DONATIONS TO WHITE RIBBON: https://celebratewrevents.everydayhero.com/au/brendan
Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/be.busta/
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BishBusta
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Be_Busta
MERCH LINK: https://shop.spreadshirt.com.au/BeBusta
Credit for stories:
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 8036
Guy Kawasaki: How to Use Social Media as an Evangelist for Your Business and Here's How I Did It!
MIT Enterprise Forum San Diego presents... Guy Kawasaki: How to Use Social Media as an Evangelist for Your Business and Here's How I Did It!...
MIT Enterprise Forum San Diego presents... Guy Kawasaki: How to Use Social Media as an Evangelist for Your Business and Here's How I Did It!
wn.com/Guy Kawasaki How To Use Social Media As An Evangelist For Your Business And Here's How I Did It
MIT Enterprise Forum San Diego presents... Guy Kawasaki: How to Use Social Media as an Evangelist for Your Business and Here's How I Did It!
EBE12. Cómo hacer un Plan Social Media. Manuela Battaglini (@manuelabat)
La necesidad de las empresas de tomar las redes sociales como sus mayores aliadas hace que sea imprescindible una estrategia, un plan ante una crisis de repu......
La necesidad de las empresas de tomar las redes sociales como sus mayores aliadas hace que sea imprescindible una estrategia, un plan ante una crisis de repu...
wn.com/Ebe12. Cómo Hacer Un Plan Social Media. Manuela Battaglini ( Manuelabat)
La necesidad de las empresas de tomar las redes sociales como sus mayores aliadas hace que sea imprescindible una estrategia, un plan ante una crisis de repu...
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 10840
author: TresPixels
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1nhrJK5
Graser: http://www.youtube.com/graser
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/stacysays
VLOGGING: http://www.youtube.com/stacyvlogs
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1nhrJK5
Graser: http://www.youtube.com/graser
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/stacysays
VLOGGING: http://www.youtube.com/stacyvlogs
MERCH: http://shop.maker.tv/collections/stacyplays
INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/stacygrams
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/stacyhinojosa
Page and Molly Love You... Go Rescue a Dog!
wn.com/Social Media Challenge Mineclash (Ep.26)
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1nhrJK5
Graser: http://www.youtube.com/graser
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/stacysays
VLOGGING: http://www.youtube.com/stacyvlogs
MERCH: http://shop.maker.tv/collections/stacyplays
INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/stacygrams
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/stacyhinojosa
Page and Molly Love You... Go Rescue a Dog!
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 43473
My Competition Bikini, Birth Control, and How To Grow On Social Media | Q&A;
➢ For 10% off GymShark clothing: http://bit.ly/nikkiblackketter and use NIKKI10 as your discount code
➢ apparel and coaching info: http://www.nikkiblackketter.c...
➢ For 10% off GymShark clothing: http://bit.ly/nikkiblackketter and use NIKKI10 as your discount code
➢ apparel and coaching info: http://www.nikkiblackketter.com
➢ Cellucor.com code "BLONDEVSWORLD" for 25% off your entire order and to directly support me!
➢ Umoro Shakers - www.umoro.com
Will not be responding to inquiries from my main email---it is now for current clients only!!
Christian and I's Vlogging Channel: http://www.youtube.com/cgandnikkibtv
Follow me on
Tumblr(blog): blondevsworld.tumblr.com
Instagram @nikkiblackketter
Facebook: facebook.com/nikki.blackketter
Twitter @blondevsworld
Nikki Blackketter
P.O. Box 18979
Sugar Land, TX 77496
wn.com/My Competition Bikini, Birth Control, And How To Grow On Social Media | Q A
➢ For 10% off GymShark clothing: http://bit.ly/nikkiblackketter and use NIKKI10 as your discount code
➢ apparel and coaching info: http://www.nikkiblackketter.com
➢ Cellucor.com code "BLONDEVSWORLD" for 25% off your entire order and to directly support me!
➢ Umoro Shakers - www.umoro.com
Will not be responding to inquiries from my main email---it is now for current clients only!!
Christian and I's Vlogging Channel: http://www.youtube.com/cgandnikkibtv
Follow me on
Tumblr(blog): blondevsworld.tumblr.com
Instagram @nikkiblackketter
Facebook: facebook.com/nikki.blackketter
Twitter @blondevsworld
Nikki Blackketter
P.O. Box 18979
Sugar Land, TX 77496
- published: 05 Jul 2015
- views: 6593
I hate social media...| Faobeauty
Hope you enjoyed this rant and i hope things will change soon...please share.
follow @mypaleskingblog
watch this video about no makeup and makeup https://www.y...
Hope you enjoyed this rant and i hope things will change soon...please share.
follow @mypaleskingblog
watch this video about no makeup and makeup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWTRwj9t-vU
Instagram - http://instagram.com/faobeauty#
Twitter - https://twitter.com/faobeauty
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/FaoBeauty
Business - fyonaoneill18@hotmail.co.uk
wn.com/I Hate Social Media...| Faobeauty
Hope you enjoyed this rant and i hope things will change soon...please share.
follow @mypaleskingblog
watch this video about no makeup and makeup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWTRwj9t-vU
Instagram - http://instagram.com/faobeauty#
Twitter - https://twitter.com/faobeauty
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/FaoBeauty
Business - fyonaoneill18@hotmail.co.uk
- published: 05 Aug 2015
- views: 1054
wn.com/Curitiba Social Media 2015 Ao Vivo
- published: 23 Aug 2015
- views: 10479
Disconnect from Predictive Programming & Reconnect to Nature(Tv, Movies, social media,phones)Rant~
Disconnect to be able to reconnect.....Will be shooting the video on Shilajit very soon. I shot this video a few weeks ago, but never uploaded it, as my compute...
Disconnect to be able to reconnect.....Will be shooting the video on Shilajit very soon. I shot this video a few weeks ago, but never uploaded it, as my computer got hacked, and have had a few issues as a result....All is fine, no worries regarding this~ and will be making many more videos very soon. Thank you for your love and support.
Have a wonderful day~
wn.com/Disconnect From Predictive Programming Reconnect To Nature(Tv, Movies, Social Media,Phones)Rant~
Disconnect to be able to reconnect.....Will be shooting the video on Shilajit very soon. I shot this video a few weeks ago, but never uploaded it, as my computer got hacked, and have had a few issues as a result....All is fine, no worries regarding this~ and will be making many more videos very soon. Thank you for your love and support.
Have a wonderful day~
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 167
How Presidential Hopefuls are Using Social Media
Mindy Finn, Digital Strategist and Founder of Empowered Women and Joe Rospars, Founder and CEO of Blue State Digital brief the press on "Making Noise or Speakin...
Mindy Finn, Digital Strategist and Founder of Empowered Women and Joe Rospars, Founder and CEO of Blue State Digital brief the press on "Making Noise or Speaking Volumes: How Presidential Hopefuls are Using Social Media" at the Washington Foreign Press Center on January 13, 2016. A transcript is available at http://fpc.state.gov/251254.htm.
wn.com/How Presidential Hopefuls Are Using Social Media
Mindy Finn, Digital Strategist and Founder of Empowered Women and Joe Rospars, Founder and CEO of Blue State Digital brief the press on "Making Noise or Speaking Volumes: How Presidential Hopefuls are Using Social Media" at the Washington Foreign Press Center on January 13, 2016. A transcript is available at http://fpc.state.gov/251254.htm.
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 97
How to Build Your Social Media Following - Cardone Zone
Here are seven things we did that helped us build a presence and a following on the social media platforms: 1. Start. The most important thing to do is to start...
Here are seven things we did that helped us build a presence and a following on the social media platforms: 1. Start. The most important thing to do is to start, and start fast. You don't...
wn.com/How To Build Your Social Media Following Cardone Zone
Here are seven things we did that helped us build a presence and a following on the social media platforms: 1. Start. The most important thing to do is to start, and start fast. You don't...
SOCIAL MEDIA SENSATION adalah ajang musik bagi para kalian YouTubers yang berbakat yang ditayangkan hanya di TRANS TV.
Untuk menjadi pemenang, bagi kalian yan...
SOCIAL MEDIA SENSATION adalah ajang musik bagi para kalian YouTubers yang berbakat yang ditayangkan hanya di TRANS TV.
Untuk menjadi pemenang, bagi kalian yang suka mengCover lagu dan merasa memiliki suara yang bagus, bisa langsung mention ke akun twitter kami di @SOCMED_TTV atau Tag kami di Instagram: @SOCIALMEDIASENSATIONTRANSTV
Siapa tahu kalian adalah The Next Kontestan yang beruntung bisa berada di Stage "SOCIAL MEDIA SENSATION" TRANS TV
Saksikan Acara Ini Pada Hari Rabu Pukul 18.00 WIB Live Di TRANSTV
Part 1 : https://youtu.be/69Mq6tsJY38
Part 2 : https://youtu.be/09X8JHV3BgY
Part 3 : https://youtu.be/7AHjRCHL2cs
Part 4 : https://youtu.be/pcSvCmH0UF4
wn.com/Social Media Sensation 6 Januari 2016 Beilys, Willy, Thisya Part 1 4
SOCIAL MEDIA SENSATION adalah ajang musik bagi para kalian YouTubers yang berbakat yang ditayangkan hanya di TRANS TV.
Untuk menjadi pemenang, bagi kalian yang suka mengCover lagu dan merasa memiliki suara yang bagus, bisa langsung mention ke akun twitter kami di @SOCMED_TTV atau Tag kami di Instagram: @SOCIALMEDIASENSATIONTRANSTV
Siapa tahu kalian adalah The Next Kontestan yang beruntung bisa berada di Stage "SOCIAL MEDIA SENSATION" TRANS TV
Saksikan Acara Ini Pada Hari Rabu Pukul 18.00 WIB Live Di TRANSTV
Part 1 : https://youtu.be/69Mq6tsJY38
Part 2 : https://youtu.be/09X8JHV3BgY
Part 3 : https://youtu.be/7AHjRCHL2cs
Part 4 : https://youtu.be/pcSvCmH0UF4
- published: 07 Jan 2016
- views: 87
Social Media - Fluch oder Segen? | motzgurke.tv | SWR Kindernetz
Ob nun Chatten, Liken oder Posten - Social Media macht Spaß! Doch können die sozialen Netzwerke auch gefährlich sein und vor allem, worauf sollte man achten?
Ob nun Chatten, Liken oder Posten - Social Media macht Spaß! Doch können die sozialen Netzwerke auch gefährlich sein und vor allem, worauf sollte man achten?
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wn.com/Social Media Fluch Oder Segen | Motzgurke.Tv | Swr Kindernetz
Ob nun Chatten, Liken oder Posten - Social Media macht Spaß! Doch können die sozialen Netzwerke auch gefährlich sein und vor allem, worauf sollte man achten?
Offizielle Homepage:
Kindernetz-Fan werden bei Facebook:
Folge uns bei Twitter
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 926
Social Media Marketing for picking up clients online (FULL STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL)
Social Media Marketing for picking up clients online (FULL STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL) | Facebook Reddit YouTube
In this video, you will learn about the advanced so...
Social Media Marketing for picking up clients online (FULL STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL) | Facebook Reddit YouTube
In this video, you will learn about the advanced social media marketing strategies that you can use to generate qualified, motivated leads with social media websites. To clarify, these strategies are NOT the typical strategies you find on blogs, forums or other YouTube videos. These strategies can work quickly but they are challenging to implement. In other words, you can take these strategies, implement them and start getting customers inquiries hitting your inbox in as little as 48 hours. The platforms that I will be talking about in this video are the Reddit platform, Facebook Groups platform and also the YouTube platform.
This tutorial will NOT cover strategies like Facebook Ads, Getting likes, Social tools or other fly-by, ineffective tactics.
Who this is for:
-- Coaches or consultants that are looking to pick up clients
-- Freelancers that are using social strategies to win more projects
-- Startups that are looking to pick up new customers
wn.com/Social Media Marketing For Picking Up Clients Online (Full Step By Step Tutorial)
Social Media Marketing for picking up clients online (FULL STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL) | Facebook Reddit YouTube
In this video, you will learn about the advanced social media marketing strategies that you can use to generate qualified, motivated leads with social media websites. To clarify, these strategies are NOT the typical strategies you find on blogs, forums or other YouTube videos. These strategies can work quickly but they are challenging to implement. In other words, you can take these strategies, implement them and start getting customers inquiries hitting your inbox in as little as 48 hours. The platforms that I will be talking about in this video are the Reddit platform, Facebook Groups platform and also the YouTube platform.
This tutorial will NOT cover strategies like Facebook Ads, Getting likes, Social tools or other fly-by, ineffective tactics.
Who this is for:
-- Coaches or consultants that are looking to pick up clients
-- Freelancers that are using social strategies to win more projects
-- Startups that are looking to pick up new customers
- published: 20 Jul 2015
- views: 10
Cómo armar un Plan de Acción en Social Media - Pablo Di Meglio
Los pasos y piezas para armar un Plan de Acción exitoso en las redes sociales....
Los pasos y piezas para armar un Plan de Acción exitoso en las redes sociales.
wn.com/Cómo Armar Un Plan De Acción En Social Media Pablo Di Meglio
Los pasos y piezas para armar un Plan de Acción exitoso en las redes sociales.
- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 853
The Art of Social Media Keynote Speech
Closing keynote presentation at Alt Summer 2015 conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It's based on this book:
Learn more about the ...
Closing keynote presentation at Alt Summer 2015 conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It's based on this book:
Learn more about the fantastic ALT Summit here: http://altitudesummit.com/about/
wn.com/The Art Of Social Media Keynote Speech
Closing keynote presentation at Alt Summer 2015 conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It's based on this book:
Learn more about the fantastic ALT Summit here: http://altitudesummit.com/about/
- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 627
Ala Ryan eps Social Media (featuring Farhan & Sogi)
Ala Ryan menghadirkan Farhan, presenter kondang dan Sogi di panggung Stand Up Comedy ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Kompas TV Offi......
Ala Ryan menghadirkan Farhan, presenter kondang dan Sogi di panggung Stand Up Comedy ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Kompas TV Offi...
wn.com/Ala Ryan Eps Social Media (Featuring Farhan Sogi)
Ala Ryan menghadirkan Farhan, presenter kondang dan Sogi di panggung Stand Up Comedy ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Kompas TV Offi...
- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 11244
author: Kompas TV
The Future of Social Media Marketing w/ Gary Vaynerchuk
C'mon over to http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/11/social-media-marketing/ where the main discussion happens after the episode!
Social media marketing is fast ev...
C'mon over to http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/11/social-media-marketing/ where the main discussion happens after the episode!
Social media marketing is fast evolving and many people just aren't using it correctly. In this video, you'll learn some of the biggest mistakes you're making in social media marketing and how to fix them in my interview with author Gary Vaynerchuk.
Gary's new book, Jab Jab Jab Right Hook, is a blueprint for excelling at your social media marketing. He suggest "jabbing" your customers constantly. In other words, give them value all the time. The right hook is when you ask people to buy from you -- but you should be jabbing more often than asking.
Gary explains how most people don't put enough effort into their jabs. Many people strategize their right hooks (or what they ask of their customers), but not many people think enough about the jabs. To excel at social media marketing, you have to put much of your effort into the jabs. Think about how you can provide incredible value and deliver it before ever asking for anything.
Most people also ignore the context of each social media platform. Content may be king, but context is even more important. Gary recommends learning exactly what type of content is "native" to each site. He explains that beautiful images and infographics do well on Pinterest, quote cards do well on Facebook, animated GIFS do well on Tumblr, and humor does well on Twitter.
To elevate your social media marketing, think about how your content will perform on each platform you'll put it on, and make sure you're always sharing valuable, native content.
Great social media marketing also involves listening to your audience -- even the haters. People just want to be heard. They also want to see that there's some effort being invested towards them from your end. Care about your people with your social media marketing and they'll care about you.
If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for your free weekly business and life advice at http://www.marieforleo.com.
And if you're interested in more videos on how to be a marketing ninja like this one, check out our YouTube playlist on that exact topic here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6A5AD2710DA874A6.
Thanks for watching!
My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/marieforleo
Social Media Marketing on my website: http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/11/social-media-marketing/
Social Media Marketing on YouTube: http://youtu.be/0Qy9aLqhxcc
wn.com/The Future Of Social Media Marketing W Gary Vaynerchuk
C'mon over to http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/11/social-media-marketing/ where the main discussion happens after the episode!
Social media marketing is fast evolving and many people just aren't using it correctly. In this video, you'll learn some of the biggest mistakes you're making in social media marketing and how to fix them in my interview with author Gary Vaynerchuk.
Gary's new book, Jab Jab Jab Right Hook, is a blueprint for excelling at your social media marketing. He suggest "jabbing" your customers constantly. In other words, give them value all the time. The right hook is when you ask people to buy from you -- but you should be jabbing more often than asking.
Gary explains how most people don't put enough effort into their jabs. Many people strategize their right hooks (or what they ask of their customers), but not many people think enough about the jabs. To excel at social media marketing, you have to put much of your effort into the jabs. Think about how you can provide incredible value and deliver it before ever asking for anything.
Most people also ignore the context of each social media platform. Content may be king, but context is even more important. Gary recommends learning exactly what type of content is "native" to each site. He explains that beautiful images and infographics do well on Pinterest, quote cards do well on Facebook, animated GIFS do well on Tumblr, and humor does well on Twitter.
To elevate your social media marketing, think about how your content will perform on each platform you'll put it on, and make sure you're always sharing valuable, native content.
Great social media marketing also involves listening to your audience -- even the haters. People just want to be heard. They also want to see that there's some effort being invested towards them from your end. Care about your people with your social media marketing and they'll care about you.
If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for your free weekly business and life advice at http://www.marieforleo.com.
And if you're interested in more videos on how to be a marketing ninja like this one, check out our YouTube playlist on that exact topic here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6A5AD2710DA874A6.
Thanks for watching!
My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/marieforleo
Social Media Marketing on my website: http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/11/social-media-marketing/
Social Media Marketing on YouTube: http://youtu.be/0Qy9aLqhxcc
- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 90706
http://www.SarahRobbins.Com for more FREE training. Social Media Training For Network Marketing Professionals, by Sarah Robbins- network marketing speaker, l......
http://www.SarahRobbins.Com for more FREE training. Social Media Training For Network Marketing Professionals, by Sarah Robbins- network marketing speaker, l...
wn.com/Social Media Summit Part 1
http://www.SarahRobbins.Com for more FREE training. Social Media Training For Network Marketing Professionals, by Sarah Robbins- network marketing speaker, l...
Social Media - Pytania i odpowiedzi
"Social media - pytania i odpowiedzi", czyli pierwszy odcinek programu, w którym będziemy odpowiadać na Wasze pytania (zadawaliście je tu: http://bit.ly/Pytania...
"Social media - pytania i odpowiedzi", czyli pierwszy odcinek programu, w którym będziemy odpowiadać na Wasze pytania (zadawaliście je tu: http://bit.ly/PytaniaDoProgramu).
Jak podoba Wam się taka formuła? Program tworzymy wspólnie, więc napiszcie: co możemy zmodyfikować, żeby oglądało się jeszcze lepiej?
W tym odcinku Piotr odpowiadał na pytania administratorów stron:
* Zafutrowani: https://www.facebook.com/zafutrowani
* Love by Santi: https://www.facebook.com/lovebySanti
* Poznaj i Obniż Swój Wiek Biologiczny: https://www.facebook.com/pomiarwiekubiologicznego
* Turnieje Piłki Nożnej: https://www.facebook.com/turnieje.pro/
* MAUER: https://www.facebook.com/MAUERBRICK
* Emka fotografuje - Just in Time: https://www.facebook.com/emkafotografuje
* Projekt35: https://www.facebook.com/pro35jekt/
* My Detox Tea: https://www.facebook.com/mydetoxtea
Wspomniał też o:
* Nielegalny konkurs: https://www.facebook.com/nielegalnykonkurs
* Landingi: http://landingi.pl
* FreshMail: http://freshmail.pl
* FastTony.es: https://fasttony.es
* Sociomatik: http://sociomatik.com
* Woobox: http://woobox.com
* Canva: https://www.canva.com
wn.com/Social Media Pytania I Odpowiedzi
"Social media - pytania i odpowiedzi", czyli pierwszy odcinek programu, w którym będziemy odpowiadać na Wasze pytania (zadawaliście je tu: http://bit.ly/PytaniaDoProgramu).
Jak podoba Wam się taka formuła? Program tworzymy wspólnie, więc napiszcie: co możemy zmodyfikować, żeby oglądało się jeszcze lepiej?
W tym odcinku Piotr odpowiadał na pytania administratorów stron:
* Zafutrowani: https://www.facebook.com/zafutrowani
* Love by Santi: https://www.facebook.com/lovebySanti
* Poznaj i Obniż Swój Wiek Biologiczny: https://www.facebook.com/pomiarwiekubiologicznego
* Turnieje Piłki Nożnej: https://www.facebook.com/turnieje.pro/
* MAUER: https://www.facebook.com/MAUERBRICK
* Emka fotografuje - Just in Time: https://www.facebook.com/emkafotografuje
* Projekt35: https://www.facebook.com/pro35jekt/
* My Detox Tea: https://www.facebook.com/mydetoxtea
Wspomniał też o:
* Nielegalny konkurs: https://www.facebook.com/nielegalnykonkurs
* Landingi: http://landingi.pl
* FreshMail: http://freshmail.pl
* FastTony.es: https://fasttony.es
* Sociomatik: http://sociomatik.com
* Woobox: http://woobox.com
* Canva: https://www.canva.com
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 2536
¿Cómo armar una propuesta de Social Media o Marketing Digital?
En el mundo de las agencias, consultores y freelancers, uno de los procesos más importantes es el de la venta. Bien sea para asegurar una cuenta o desarrolla......
En el mundo de las agencias, consultores y freelancers, uno de los procesos más importantes es el de la venta. Bien sea para asegurar una cuenta o desarrolla...
wn.com/¿CóMo Armar Una Propuesta De Social Media O Marketing Digital
En el mundo de las agencias, consultores y freelancers, uno de los procesos más importantes es el de la venta. Bien sea para asegurar una cuenta o desarrolla...