AC/DC and Axl Rose are bringing their heavy metal mash-up to the US for more tour dates

Edit Digital Spy 02 Jun 2016
AC/DC and their new frontman Axl Rose were such a hit in Europe that they're now coming to the US as well ... AC/DC's 'Rock or Bust World Tour' shows are the band's first without Brian Johnson since 1980, when he replaced the group's original frontman Bon Scott....

Former Maharashtra wrestling champion to make a debut on big screen in lead role

Edit Indian Express 02 Jun 2016
Vishnu Joshilkar. When 60-year-old Vishnu Joshilkar was approached by a filmmaker, the first thing he told him was, “I’m a wrestler and not an actor; I can’t act.” The filmmaker responded, “You don’t have to act, just be what you are – a wrestler,” and Joshilkar agreed ... Directed by Nitin Rokade, Taleem is set in the period 1960-1980, which was the golden era of Indian style wrestling played on mud. Share This Article ... 3 }); }); ... ....

Column: Pros fighting in Rio a lousy idea on many levels

Edit The Miami Herald 02 Jun 2016
Manny Pacquiao won't be there, passing up a chance to win the first Olympic gold medal for the Philippines. You won't see Gennady Golovkin and Canelo Alvarez fighting three-rounders in Rio, either ... It's a lousy idea on a number of levels, though that should come as no surprise ... It's potentially dangerous, especially when boxers will not be wearing protective headgear for the first time since the Moscow games in 1980 ... ....

One glass of milk a day for Asia

Edit The Jakarta Post 02 Jun 2016
Asia has witnessed remarkable growth in its production and consumption of milk and dairy products in recent years and this trend is almost certain to continue ... The wide range of vitamins and amino acids in milk are important building blocks for cells, bones, and muscles ... Between 1980 and 2013, milk production in the Asia-Pacific grew at almost 4.5 percent per annum against the global average of 1.5 percent ...   ... --------------- ... ....

‘Main chali main chali’and other train songs in Hindi cinema

Edit DNA India 02 Jun 2016
-->. Although the train featured in the 1970s and 1980s in songs, its significance had changed in these decades. Through the 1950s and 1960s, there were a number of Hindi film songs that featured the train ... The movement of the train brought in an element of mobility and dynamism in such song sequences ... The Burning Train (1980) captured this changed representation of the train and spun an entire film out of it ... Akshay Manwani. ....

Does right to buy extension add up?

Edit BBC News 02 Jun 2016
The government announced last year that the "right to buy" would be extended to housing association tenants. But as the first housing association properties are about to be sold, questions are still being raised over how the policy will be funded ... But the decline started well before that. In 1980, the biggest physical privatisation in British history began - the sale of council houses ... House price calculator ... 'Impossible' ... ....


Edit Sierra Express Media 02 Jun 2016
One of the few kids who break that cycle was Thomas Kahota Kargbo commonly known as ‘Thonklo Hola’ ... T. K Kargbo became interested in not only providing low cost medical services for his people but was in sympathy with them and wanted to represent them in the House of Parliament in the 1980’s after the demise of the Second Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone the Hon ... Dr T K Kargbo and the Clintons. His people Dr ... “T .K. K ... Dr ... ....

Speed-dating your own literary creation: Hazel Edwards meets her famous cake-eating hippopotamus

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 02 Jun 2016
 .  . Theatre. Hazel Edwards. There's a Hippopotamus On Our Roof Eating Cake! Adapted from the book by Hazel Edwards. Canberra Theatre Centre and Garry Ginivan Attractions. Canberra Theatre, Saturday, June 11, at 10am. Advertisement ... It's not easy being a hippo – even one who lives on the roof of most kids born after 1980, eats cake and gets to do anything it wants all day long ... Q ... ....

Secretary-General Urges Concrete Action to Advance Decolonization Agenda as Pacific Regional Seminar Convenes (UN - United Nations)

Edit Public Technologies 02 Jun 2016
RAMÍREZ (Venezuela), Special Committee Chair, said in response that the Seminar would comply with General Assembly resolutions 34/37 of 21 November 1979 and 35/19 of 11 November 1980, which stated that the people of Western Sahara were represented by Frente Polisario ... Beginning in 1980, some Member States had sought to dilute that message, which had ......

Quattro Files Annual Financial Statements

Edit Stockhouse 02 Jun 2016
CALGARY, Alberta, June 01, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quattro Exploration and Production Ltd ... &nbsp... Quattro’s interest in SRD has been as a passive supporter for the past 5 years.  Their skills as innovators are boundless, ranging from the foundations of cellular wireless standards, and Wi-Fi in the 1980’s to development of the stable power systems required for what is now commonly known as the MIR.” ... Van Betuw ... Business ... ....


Edit Public Technologies 02 Jun 2016
(Source. Dainippon Screen Mfg Co Ltd) NOTICE OF THE 75th ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS. This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail ... Securities Code 7735. June 6, 2016 To Those Shareholders with Voting Rights ... Date and Time ... 1 ... April 1980 Joined the Company....

Residential segregation in Houston less among whites and Hispanics (Rice University)

Edit Public Technologies 01 Jun 2016
Finally, she compared the 2010 racial-ethnic composition with the composition that existed in 1980, 1990 and 2000 ... Thirty percent of majority white tracts in 1980 are now majority Hispanic and 29 percent have no majority today. From 1980 to 2010, majority white areas rarely changed to majority black ... Many boundaries delineating majority black areas in 1980 remained largely intact in 2010....

The director of ‘Halloween’ and ‘The Fog’ once wrote a script for John Wayne

Edit The Examiner 01 Jun 2016
Even if the eloquent and humble Carpenter always argues that Hitchcock did it with Psycho (1960), it is undeniable that his body of work, which includes such hits as Halloween (1978), The Fog (1980) and Christine (1983), and such cult classics as The Thing (1982), has inspired a string of popular 80's horror movies. Friday The 13th (1980), He Knows ......