WeightLoss Solution – 3 Secret Tips to Keeping Slim Forever

After hearing all the weight loss horror stories it’s enough to discourage you from even trying to lose the pounds,and will also make you think that losing pounds and keeping it off is next to impossible. But it all depends on the diet plan that you use. Most diets work only for the short term. The question is how do you keep it off for the long term ? Any effective diet program should be treated as a long term venture in order to be successful. In this article we will list 3 secret weapons that will allow you to keep your body slim forever.Secret Tip #1 (Drink More Water)  Drinking enough water is one of the most important things that you can do to lose weight and to keep it off permanently. Often times our thirst signals are mistaken for hunger signals, causing us to eat more when our body is actually asking for water. Our body needs plenty of water to; maintain its daily functions properly, flush out harmful toxins, regulate our temperature, lubricate our joints, transport nutrients.digest foods, and remove waste materials.Secret Tip #2 (Cleaning The Colon)   Having a thorough cleansing of your colon is beneficial in more ways than one. A clean colon is good for the overall performance of your entire body. For example a clean colon will give you better digestion, decreases your chances of diseases, will improve your regularity, and help with weight loss.Secret Tip #3  Using  Triple Fat BurnersWhen using fat burners like Green Tea Extract, Hoodia Gordonii, and Chitosan you will attack the problem area’s were fat is normally stored (the belly, the hips, and the thighs ) And not only do they attack the fat, it will permanently keep the weight off.

Vegan Weightloss – Lose Weight In Only One Step

When I first contemplated this weight loss method I was asked by a few of my friends – “What exactly is vegan weightloss? Is it just an extreme vegetarian plan?” Well, if you are a practising vegan, you’ll reel at this blatant ignorance but for the rest of us a vegan is defined as follows – “Veganism – The practice of eating neither meat nor other animal products, such as fish, milk and milk products, eggs, and honey; A way of life which strictly avoids use of any kind of animal products and services that are based on exploitation of animals.”This means that as a vegan, you would not eat any animal or anything that is produced from its body. Now, although the fundamentals of veganism are built on rejecting animal cruelty and the exploitation of their resources, the indirect benefits of this type of diet are huge if practised correctly. In fact, recent and ongoing studies have proven that if you just became a vegan and did nothing else, you would lose weight. It’s really that simple. In fact, if you just became a normal vegetarian you would shed pounds – however, the vegan approach achieves faster and longer lasting results which is probably fair because it is definitely a stricter eating regime. However, I do happen to have some vegan friends and when probed their advice is this –
There is some seriously delicious vegan recipes out there (I have tried them as a meat eater and I was very surprised at how many new flavours I experienced.)
Eating a vegan diet DEFINITELY helps to keep you thin or at least to lose extra weight that you have.
You will notice your energy rise and your skin will become clearer and more youthful.
If you know of a vegan or vegetarian that looks like he/she could use a good steak, then it’s NOT being practised correctly and in the right amounts. A healthy vegan knows what foods to eat and feels incredible on a daily basis.
Vegan weightloss is more achievable and more permanent than most if not all diet plans out there.Now, let’s just say that a life without animals products may not be easy, especially if, like me, most of your habitual eating habits are based on meat and milk products from early childhood. If it was that easy, our animals would be free to live in the way they were designed and we’d all be skinny marathon runners. For this reason my blog title – “Lose Weight In Only One Step” is slightly misleading since although it IS in fact just one decision and one step, it takes commitment and lifestyle changes that are only for the determined. However, I may be able to motivate you if you are willing to give it a try.

WeightLoss – OMG – I’ve Hit A Plateau!

So your into the second or third month into your program and you’ve been following the plan rigidly, ok, so you may have skipped a few meals or over indulged a couple of takeaway days, but on the whole your exercising routine has been stable. So why are you not losing the weight? A couple of answers here for you: a) your body has gotten used to the level of calories and exercise and energy levels needed on a day to day basis.b) your not drinking enough water – water is really important for weight loss, it helps to break down fat, and also to get rid of toxins in the body from exercise and from pollution.c) your not eating the right amount of calories – as you lose weight, you need to adjust the number of calories you need.So how do you get over this plataeu?Well every third to fourth week you should be changing your diet program or exercise program either eat less and do more exercise, or do more exercise and eat at different times, different levels of calories. This will confuse the body, and will release more energy (fat) as it needs it, then the weight will start to come off. Consult with your nutritionist or GP for further advise on this.Drink lots and lots of water where possible, as this helps on a number of different levels. The body is made up of 90% water, and therefore it is an essential ingredient for us. Not only does it help with cleansing the digestive system and the blood, it improves circulation of the blood, increases our oxygen intake and breaksdown fat in the body and flushes it out…A fateful error of most dieters is to remain on the same level of calories all the way throughout their diet plan.What you have to remember is when you begin to lose weight, you have to adjust the number of calories you ingest. I would say on a monthly basis, this needs to happen. Refer to your nutritionist for further advise on how far to adjust your calorie intake.Also important is to put more exercise into your routine whenever you hit a plateau, this will kick start the old fat reserves and produce more energy which will not only take off the inches and pounds but give you more vigour and energy also.To your weightloss success…Colette Morris SAC Dipl. (Diet &Nutrition)

A Milky Weightloss

Got milk? New research suggests you should if you want to lose weight. The study shows that calcium, three or four daily servings of low-fat dairy products can help adjust your body’s fat-burning machinery.The key is low-fat dairy sources, says lead author Hang Shi, a postdoctoral student in the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. “High-fat dietary calcium can establish obesity, but it’s surprising that low-fat calcium may help reduce body fat,Currently, the weight-loss effect of calcium has been receiving a great deal of attention. More exciting is that reliable scientific research has been catching up with the observationResearch Shows…A 2003 study showed subjects who consumed three servings of Yoplait Light yogurt daily as part of a reduced-calorie diet lost about 20 percent more weight than those who cut calories alone.The yogurt-eaters consumed around 1,100 mg of calcium daily. The non-yogurt eaters consumed about 500 mg of calcium a day (the average amount in the typical American’s diet).Calcium helps reduce body fat :* Calcium increases the amount of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) stimulation. Your SNS is part of your “fight or flight” response which usually speeds things up. Calcium intake can lead to an increase in metabolism.* High calcium levels create a binding to fat resulting in a lower fat absorption. When less fat is absorbed more is excreted.How much calcium is enough?* Studies show that optimal weight loss occurs in individuals who consume around 1200 mg per day along with a low fat diet.* You should attempt to get the minimum recommended 1000 mg per day from low or non fat dairy foods.More Calcium Helps Burn Body FatEdward Melanson, PhD, and James Hill, PhD, examined diet data from 35 healthy, non-obese adults during a 24-hour period and measured their daily energy expenditures. They found that those individuals who consumed more calcium used more fat as fuel compared to those with lower calcium intakes.The idea that calcium intake may be related to body weight has been supported by several studies in the past decade. Studies in rats and mice suggest that higher calcium intake alters the metabolism of fat cells, causing less fat to be stored and more fat to be released. Whether this also occurs in humans was not known.Milk and HealthMilk became a headline topper in June when a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health revealed that a diet rich in milk doesn’t actually increase the risk of heart disease and stroke – and may even help to prevent them! In the study, men who drank the most milk every day (more than a pint) were found to have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke than those who drank the least (less than half a pint).

Get With the Program – Choosing the Right Plan For Weightloss

Trying to lose weight and keeping it off can be very difficult. So many people try – and fail. Many people can succeed with a calorie-restricted home weight-loss plan. But many do not. That’s when they turn to an organized, professional weight-loss program for help. If you find yourself in a position where you just can’t get the weight off or you are able to lose a few pounds, but it keeps coming back and then some, you should think about a commercial weight-loss program. There are many to choose from, so when you make this life-changing decision, you need to choose which program is right for you.Almost any professional program will work – but only if they can help motivate you and keep you focused so you sufficiently and properly lessen the amount of calories you consume – and burn – through their exercise and diet plan designed for you. But it can’t just be designed for you – it has to be designed “around” you. That means your program must also fit into your lifestyle and be practical for your surroundings.An at-home program that you create for yourself can also work – as long as you have the willpower to stick with it. One of the many advantages of a commercial program is that you have a major support system to help you lose weight. If you have the same type of support at home, you have a better chance of losing the weight and keeping it off.Either a do-it-yourself program or one of the professional programs must have one thing in common. It must be safe. You need to make sure that your diet allows you to get the recommended daily allowances of minerals, proteins and vitamins. The diet itself should be low in calories and include an exercise routine – and supplements if you desire. Your program should encourage slow and steady weight loss. This will make sure you don’t jeopardize your health along the way. Unless your doctor feels that a more rapid weight loss program is needed, take it slow and steady.When you approach a professional weight-loss center, make sure you ask the right questions and get the right answers. The questions you should ask include:- What is the average weight-loss success with the program?- Is the staff qualified – certified or experienced counselors and health care and dietary professionals?- What side effects, if any, do people experience?- Will your food selection be flexible and right for you?- Who sets your weight loss goals?Some of the most popular weight-loss programs – as you’ve probably seen advertised on television – are reputable and work. These include:- Atkins Diet- Jenny Craig- Nutrisystem- Weight Loss Seems Simple- Weight Watchers- The South Beach Diet- The Zone Diet- The Pritikin Principle- Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet- Overeaters AnonymousWhichever program you choose – or if you decide to do it alone – make sure that you take steps to ensure you get the vital nutrition in combination with regular exercise to lose the weight, maintain your goal weight and keep the weight from coming back.Always talk to your doctor or other medical professional before starting any new diet program.

102 – Get Educated Not Medicated – The Key To An Achievable And Sustainable Healthy Life!

I am a qualified health and fitness professional in Australia and have been training and educating my clients how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, many of us think we are healthy and well by our lifestyles. Yet of the many hundreds of clients I have seen in my profession, only a few “tell me their daily nutrition” and appear to be on track, however even fewer of these are telling me 100% of the daily nutrition and wonder weeks later why their health has decreased.Have you ever wondered why you seem to be unhealthy even though you think your eating the best food, or doing the hardest workouts in the gym. Many of us have been misinformed or are simply uneducated toward holistic nutrition.I received an article from a health professional who will remain nameless.The article began addressing the benefits of gastric balloning/ banding and liposuction. It sincerely vexes me that health professionals around the world are promoting artificial, short term, bandaid solution, so called remedies to thousands of people struggling with their weight. Why do we think that we can fix our health in such a short term. There are serious elements missing in the use of such methods and I am here to educate you further as to why you should address the root cause! Some doctors will make thousands of dollars commission by simply introducing the specific weightloss surgery model to clients.However I believe the article to be misinformation. I am sorry if it comes across offensive. I am passionate about root cause health! I have been educating and training many of clients some being seriously overweight people and I will insist on real nutritional education over drugs and weightloss surgery.You need to address what you eat, when you eat, how much you eat and most importantly where it comes from. Much of the food supplied to the western world is artificially produced. The soils are so nutritionally depleted. The growth method now includes toxic chemicals that are used to feed the soil, so the plants can absorb the nutrients needed to grow, so that our livestock can eat food to get fat!We want fat livestock and not fat humans…Yet we feed ourselves the meat and vegetables that grow on soils that have been made to artificially grow through toxic chemical. Compounds that have been created in labs!Let me ask you: do you know what these numbers mean?202, 211, 270, 330,160a, 415, 476, 509, 412, 401, 402these could be random numbers… Or they could be the additives and preservatives that are in your daily nutrition: like margarine! And believe me.. They go into the thousands. You will find numbers up in the 1400s.So do you know what your eating. Next time you go shopping look at the ingredients of what you buy on a daily basis and then research what you are eating. Its complex and sophisticated…And it’s not good for us. These chemicals have been put in the foods to preserve the look, texture, taste.Unless you buy everything from an organically certifiable market place from toothpaste and shampoo to chicken and vegetables… You will be absorbing many of these numbers.I don’t agree with any benefits gastric ballooning/ banding or suction has for the body. People will refuse to address the root cause of this worldwide obesity epidemic and so use expensive and artificial methods which are not long term solutions and can cause serious health issues later in life. I cannot and will not support any use of weightloss surgery and implore you to rethink your strategy. I believe many of us are living a bandaid solutions profession and i am appauled that such methods have become the norm.Why do health practitioners insist on delivering a second rate answer for first rate health…Human health…Not animals, however unknowledgeable humans may be, human life has never been so compromised and neglected as we progress scientifically. Man man drugs, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy. I’m not just talking about weightloss. I’m talking about overall health and wellness. I truly believe that to study as a nutritionist, dietitian or a nutritional psychologist in with possible other options like biochestry to become the new doctor. The new gp to go to when needing advice. When it comes to real, long term overall health and learning about our bodies internal function from a cellular level. We are made up of billions of cells, why don’t we address our cellular health. They are after all the life source that has created us as humans.Some of our daily decisions are creating adverse effects on our health. A simple example below: a smoker who eats junk food and has a highly stressful job-if your a smoker, the chances of multiple health deficiencies and not even that distant in the future are increased far greater. Eg heart disease,
-if you don’t eat healthy organic nutrition, the chance of multiple health deficiencies will be greatly increased. E.G increased fat (visceral) on the organs, high blood pressure
-if you have high blood pressure and don’t address the root cause, the chances of multiple health deficiences are far greater.E.G heart attack, stroke…We are living in a quick fix society and are unwilling to address the reasons/root cause for our inaccuracies of health!Take note…And take caresincerely,

Achieved Your Target Weightloss With Medifast? Is That It?

The Medifast Program has let you reach your target weight and you are wondering what needs to be done to keep the weight off? Firstly, enjoy the moment; shout yourself to the movies or take a trip somewhere as a reward; then read this article for some handy tips and frequently asked questions.The first question that gets asked is if a dieter should stop buying the shakes and substitutes they are on now now and make a clean break from the Medifast program? I simply tell them that whatever they do, do not suddenly stop taking the shakes and supplements. You need to slowly transition your body from this diet to normal healthy eating.Next they ask if I could explain what the transition phase is and what it means to successful weight loss? The transition phase is the process of slowly working your body off the shakes and supplements and getting used to eating regular food.A very common question I get asked and one that effects many people is what do you look for when you are buying food now? Well, you don’t want to start eating rubbish. Avoid food that is high in fat, sugar, and energy. Use your bad experience as a positive and avoid all the nasties that you used to crave. If you replace your Medifast shakes and supplements with real substitutes you will be well on track. Fruit and veggies is a good place to start.Many people want to know if I have other tips they can do to make the whole process a lot less painful? The best advice I can give is that you should look at doing some exercise. Exercise is the best way to remain fit and healthy and to make sure you don’t put the excess weight back on.The best place to start is closer and easier than what you might think. Walking is a great low impact exercise that perfectly suits people coming off an extreme diet. You will find it is very enjoyable if you go walking with a friend or your dog each day or night at regular times.When you mention exercise many as about whether a weights routine is good for weight loss? Not everyone knows but muscle is a great fat burner with the way it boosts metabolism and a weights routine is the best way to increase your muscle mass. There is a huge range of exercises to choose from if you don’t have the equipment too. Just have a search for dynamic tension.Hopefully these have answered some of your questions regarding what to do after you have succeeded with the Medifast program. If you still have questions then contact your local Medifast specialist or have a talk to your GP. They will have a lot of information to share regarding diets.

Buy Resveratrol Pills – What Makes It A Weightloss Optimizer?

You’ve done the gym thing. You’ve tried brisk walking to school or office everyday. You’ve cut down on soft drinks and fries. You may even have tried some diet pills. Done this and that boy- losing weight is really difficult! You need to boost your metabolic rate – you need to buy resveratrol pills and optimize its weight loss benefit!The antioxidant in resveratrol pills triggers receptors in the upper intestine that signal the brain you are already “full” and therefore satiate you before you even actually bring more food into your plate.Caloric restriction has been known as a dietary regimen that minimize dietary energy intake. The antioxidant in resveratrol pills activates Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) and PGC-1α and improve functioning of the mitochondria which stores cells energy. Fewer calorie intake trigger sirtuins, a kind of protein regulating metabolism. Working as an appetite suppressant, the high content of antioxidant in it speeds up metabolism, breaks down stored fats in our tissues, thereby causing more calories to be burned. Your body then is able to use your stored energy to get you through the day’s activity.As energy intake is reduced, adequate amount of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients must be taken. Reservation pills may be added in the diet to optimize weight loss. The benefits of Resveratrol pills go beyond mere weight loss as it also enhances longevity, anti-ageing and reversal of cardiac and cancerous diseases. You’ll find more about it when you buy resveratrol pills as part of your daily health regimen!

Natural Weight Loss Methods Versus Unnatural Weight Loss Methods

When is it the time to stop using natural weight loss methods and start using unnatural ones? This is a question primarily asked by people suffering from obesity, and one that requires a great deal of thought prior.Obesity in adults is something that can do damage to more than just your self-esteem. As a result of being considerably overweight, much more strain is placed on your joints, particularly at the knee.Generally, your breathing becomes shallower, having to work harder to draw in the large amounts of oxygen required for simple tasks such as walking across the road or climbing a flight of stairs.In addition, being obese puts you at an increased risk of diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, to name a few. If you are female, the risk increases yet again with infertility, breast cancer, and endometrium cancer being just a few of the diseases that you might suffer from as a result of being overweight.Obese people tend to have great difficulty sticking to natural weight loss methods as, for the first few weeks ‘ or even months ‘ any weight lost tends not to make a visible difference to their appearance.Concerning appearance, which is the least important health-wise but the most important to the ego, most overweight people have great difficulty locating clothes that fit well, without having to go to a tailor. It becomes tiresome to constantly try clothes on that do not fit well or are tight, and soul-destroying.Some of the different types of diets that over weight people have been recommended ‘ which are those aimed specifically at losing weight very quickly ‘ include ones used on obese patients awaiting surgery.Such diets consist of mostly of water and vegetables, so reduce the calorie intake significantly without risking dehydration. Other natural weightloss methods include concentrated green tea drops, food combining, and the blood group diet, all of which rely on speeding up your metabolism.Ultimately, in order to encourage natural weight loss, you need a faster metabolism. To do this, you need to eat little and often, lots of fruit and vegetables, and drink plenty of water.Should you no longer believe that natural weight loss methods are worthwhile, then the alternative, of unnatural weightloss methods, can be considered. Some of these include diet pills to suppress hunger, the insertion of a gastric balloon, having your stomach stapled, and liposuction, amongst others.Whilst these may seem like a way to solve the problem of obesity, they do not guarantee you will enjoy a consistent weight loss, unless your eating habits change permanently.Unfortunately, most people suffering from obesity do not follow natural weightloss methods because they find them too difficult. It is far easier to try to ignore the problem, or eat something sweet or high in fat, and far more expensive to switch entirely to the healthy option of regular fresh fruit and salad daily.If you feel your weight is becoming a problem and you no longer have control over how much or what you eat, then it is advisable to see a nutritionist or a doctor. Sometimes, excessive eating can be due to an underlying problem and other times, it can simply be from habit.Invariably, it is important to ascertain the reason behind the obesity before you embark upon any natural weight – loss programs.

The Miracle Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss

My first thought when I saw that heading was, you joking? The mind plays wicked tricks on our imagination. So I guess I had pictures in my head of drinking a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar to loose weight. Well this is not the case. Its not that Apple Vinegar is mainly for dieting or weight loss, it is actually so, so, so much more. There for the Miracle of Apple Cider Vinegar.I Bought the book about Apple Cider Vinegar, I was glued to my chair reading it. Every now and then you come across a book that is Logical. It just makes sense that this is the way to go. Its Natural and old school and all believable. It shook me to a degree that I immediately went out and bought myself Apple cider vinegar, I Found something that says its 100% natural, but it still doesn’t look like the Organic Apple Cider Vinegar one that is been spoken about in the book.So what Impressed me so much, the whole book is full of remedies, I’ll address a few with explanations.WEIGHTLOSS now understand that ACV (Apple cider vinegar) will not reduce your weight if you don’t reduce your intake of food. But combine the two and you will see results leaving you healthier and more energetic than before.PURIFY YOUR CELLS certain toxic wastes that are harmful to the whole body are rendered harmless by a miraculous substance in Organic, Raw ACV with the powerful mother. Scientists call this protective action acetolysis .FOR BODY PURIFICATION its time to flush out the problem causing toxic wasted that are clogging your machinery and organs of elimination! Waste products broken down by this ACV process are flushed out.RELIEVES HEADACHES people blame their headaches on many different organs of the body. Most headaches are blamed on the eyes, the nerves, the liver, the sinuses, the stomach, the bowl, kidneys or allergies. HEADACHES can be put into two different classifications: ….( too good, go read the book)SORE THROAT AND LARYNGITIS gargle with ACV (Apple cider vinegar) mixture it works miracles. Then spit it out, don’t swallow the gargled mixture, because ACV acts like a sponge, drawing out throat and mouth germs and toxins.THE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FACIAL… The skin consists of small flat scales that constantly flake off, thereby revealing the new skin beneath the outer, older layer of scales. the old , tired, dead, dry skin does not peel off promptly, slowing new growth and leaving their skin dry , shallow, dull and lifeless. This is known as ” the old-age look” . Wash face with warm water no soap. Next apply a hot water soaked cloth (ring water out) on the face for 3 minutes, remove and make a mixture of 2 Table spoons of ACV to 1 cup of warm water, soak a thin cloth in the mixture and lie down for 10 minutes, relax, lie down with your feet up, this brings more blood to the face. Remove the cloth and rub the skin upwards with a coarse towel or a small loofah face pad. This rub removes the hundreds of old, dry skin scales that have been loosened by the ACV facial. Repeat weekly and your skin will look more youthful and will shine like a polished apple with joyous new life. you will be truly amazed and proud of yourself with the results from these age-reversing, simple health treatments! Along with the other remedies.Personally I have been using the body purifying method and the facial for 1 week now, I drink the ACV drink 3 times daily and love the taste. I combined it more with correct eating of 70% vegetables and fruit in my diet, I eat all I want and do not feel hungry. The ACV mixture is also to clean and eliminate waste. I started feeling very heavy headed on the 2nd day, a little less energy than usual, but I know that the body was working hard to eliminate waste. Today is the 7th day and I am noticing more energy, loss of 2 kilos and a beautiful glow on my skin. The book is full of so many different remedies. Next time I’ll talk to you about The Wonders of Fasting.