How To Get Even With Your Car Insurance Company In 10 Easy Steps – Part 2

In Part 1, we detailed the first five strategies on how to cut your car insurance costs. In Part 2, we show you the second five.STEP 6 – Review, Change or Cancel No Fault & PIP (Personal Injury Protection)No-Fault Coverage, and it’s Twin – PIP – started out as great idea’s. Your premiums were actually going to be lowered. Then, your State Politicians got involved (at the urging of Insurance Lobbyists, of course) and mucked it up.You see, no-fault insurance coverage was originally intended to have each individual’s losses, covered by their own car insurance company – no matter who was at fault.Today, in many States, car insurance companies are making a ton of money on no-fault because the insurance companies convinced State law-makers to make “modifications.”Today, because of the these changes, car insurance companies have actually used the no-fault laws to reduce payments on a claim made by a customer, instead of reducing car insurance premiums as it was supposed to do.So, premiums keep going up-and-up and insurance companies end up paying less for claims – Someone’s getting rich on that deal….and it’s not you.And to make matters worse, some States (with really, really talented Insurance Lobbyist’s) also require an additional premium be paid on top of the no-fault premium. This beauty is called Personal Injury Protection (PIP).PIP is a “wide-blanket” of coverage and can provide Collision Coverage, Hospitalization, Social Security Disability, Workers Comp, Personal Disability Insurance & Life Insurance.The problem with PIP and what it covers is….You already gave most, if not all, of these coverage’s anyway, don’t you? So, you’re paying twice!So, you need to do a couple of things:Google “minimum levels of required auto insurance” to see if No-Fault Insurance and/or PIP Is required in your State;Then, check your policy. If it’s not required by your State to have No-Fault/PIP Coverage and it’s on your policy – cancel it. If No-Fault/PIP is required by your State….take the absolute minimum. Here’s how.If you must have No-Fault/PIP, ask for and get a deductible from your car insurance company.STEP 7 – Cancel Medical Coverage.Medical Coverage, on most car insurance policies, is a promise to pay “reasonable” medical expenses for anyone who is riding in your car should you have an accident…as well as anyone in your car should it get hit by someone else.Cancel it. You don’t need it.Why is that you say? Well, medical coverage as part of your car insurance policy is a duplicate of your own:- Medical Plan; – Any Life Insurance Coverage you might have, as well as; – The Liability Sections of almost every car insurance policy written in the U.S.Think of it this way….Do you have a Health/Medical/Hospitalization Plan through work or an Association you belong to?Then why are you paying premiums for Medical/Hospitalization Coverage on your Car Insurance Policy?Here’s what’s going to happen when you tell the car insurance company or Agent that you “Don’t want the Hospitalization/Medical Coverage.” You’re going to hear very slick “scare tactics” to help change your mind.The insurance company employee will say “Well, if you’re in an accident, and it’s your fault, who’s going to cover the medical bills for any injured passengers in your car?”Here’s your answer. Your family is already covered by your Health/Hospitalization Plan. If anybody else is in the car and they’re injured – they’re covered by your Bodily Injury Liability coverage that you’re already paying for….and their own Health/Hospitalization Plan.So go ahead – save some more money and get rid of this coverage.STEP 8 – Cancel Death, Dismemberment & Loss of Sight.Do you have any of these coverage’s on your existing car insurance policy? If so – cancel them.And if you’re a first time car insurance buyer or, just looking at getting several car insurance quotes, don’t let anyone talk you into them!Why?Because, these coverage’s are an absolute waste of money. Most of these optional coverage’s are simply “glorified” life insurance policies with ridiculous provisions and horribly overpriced premiums. If you need life insurance, make it a separate Insurance Policy.STEP 9 – Cancel The ExtrasDo you have “Roadside Assistance” or “Rental Car Reimbursement” on your policy? If so, cancel them.And again, if you’re a first time insurance buyer or getting a few car insurance quotes, don’t bother with these coverage’s.Why? Because they’re severely overpriced, are rarely ever used, and limit what you can and cannot do.For instance, some rental car reimbursement” coverage is almost $100 a year for each vehicle on your policy. So if you have two cars, you’ll spend almost $2,000 on rental car coverage in the next 10 years – and likely never even use it.And roadside assistance? The piece-of-mind it offers gets trampled by the premiums the car insurance companies want for this coverage. Roadside assistance is a good idea. But use AAA for a cheaper solution.STEP 10 – Terminate Comprehensive & Collision Coverage On Older Cars.If you have an older car – by that I mean one that’s worth less than $2,000 wholesale (the amount a car dealer would give you if you were trading it in) cancel any Comprehensive and Collision Coverage you have or decline that option when getting a car insurance quote.Here’s why. If an 8 year-old car and a brand new car have identical damage, the cost to repair both will be identical as well, even though the 8 year-old car is worth next-to-nothing.You see the cost of a bumper and fender are the same – whether it’s for a brand new car, or one that is 8 years-old. That’s why your premiums don’t go down as the value of the car goes down. Your payments remain almost the same, year-after-year-after-year.But, the bottom drops-out of what you’ll be able to collect on that older car. For instance, if your car is “totaled”, your insurance company will only pay you the wholesale value of your car.So, let’s say your car is worth $1,000, but the total damage is more than $4,000, the insurance company is only going to give you a check for $1,000….minus your deductible, of course.So you might end up getting $500 back. Sounds like a lousy deal….but that’s how it works.So, the rule-of-thumb is this – cancel your comp & collision coverage when your vehicles value is less than $2,000….or you’ll be throwing your money away.Okay – you’ve jotted down some notes and are ready to make some changes to your car insurance policy. So pick up the phone and start slashing your premiums!

The Evolution of Audio Video Conferencing

Audio video conferencing is a shorthand way of describing a virtual conference where no one has to leave her office to meet up with the rest of the group. A virtual conference may use telephones, televisions, computers, conferencing software, collaborative software, file sharing, headsets, the Internet, or any combination of these equipments and tools. Slide presentation, streaming audio, and document sharing are some of the extras you can incorporate into this conferencing method. The ultimate goal is to make the meeting as realistic as possible, where everyone can see each other, hear each other, view and modify projects, and so on – all at a cost that eventually pays for itself in travel savings.The audio video industry has yet to work out all of the kinks. As you can imagine, there can sometimes be technical difficulties in which lines can get torn down in a storm, computers and other equipment can malfunction, and so on. Furthermore, audio video conferencing doesn’t work very well for complicated communication techniques, such as those used in closing a sales deal. Audio video conferencing lends a rather impersonal air to meetings, and socializing and bonding don’t take place as they would in the real world.You can set up for audio video conferencing in a number of different ways. The older method, still great for a wide variety of teleconferencing purposes, is to have one group in one room, another group in another room (perhaps in another city or country), and have them talk to each other. Each of the two groups utilizes a television, a video camera mounted on the television, a speakerphone, and perhaps some file sharing software for collaboration on computer projects. The newer style is online audio video conferencing, wherein each participant has her very own station in her very own office. This utilizes a computer, the Internet, a web cam, a headset, and file sharing software. This new method allows for even greater ease of planning and attendance, applicability to collaboration, and mobility. You could attend a web conference on the beach while the other attendees are on a train, at home, in a restaurant, or anywhere else.

Classic Cars – Elegant, Stylish, And Oh So Sweeeet

Classic cars are one of the most collected and coveted items in the market today. And they should be: vintage automobiles are not only great pieces of art; they could also be fully functional. Road-driven classic vehicles may even be more scene-stealing than brand-spanking-new sports cars. If you have already seen a fully restored and shiny Shelby GT-350H or a 60’s Thunderbird on the road, you probably know what I’m talking about.What is a Classic, Anyway?The definition of what is a classic car is often contested. The Classic Car Club of America indicates that the last year for the ‘authentic’ classics is 1948. Still, other experts maintain that the term classic is applicable to all cars that are 12-years old or older.Some would even create a classification. A popular one is as follows: ‘antique’ for automobiles manufactured from the very beginning of car production up to 1916; ‘vintage’ for vehicles manufactured from 1916 to 1924; and ‘classic’ for those made in 1924 up to the not-so-far past.I would not take a stand as to what the proper definition of a classic car is. Let’s leave that to car philosophers and historians (or for a more proper term, car geeks). There are many more exciting aspects about collecting classic cars that you should know.Classic Cars Define Generations and Genres
If you are a fan of James Bond films, you might have been awed by the luxurious and sexy cars that Mr. Double-Oh-Seven has driven. From sleek Alfa Romeos to classy Aston Martins, the spy we all loved wouldn’t be what he was without these cars.And if you have eagerly followed Mr. Bond’s pursuits, you can see that the cars he used are those that defined a certain era. You can see him use big cars with round edges during the 60’s, long, pointed-edged cars during the 70’s, and of course, macho black sports cars during our present day.What made those cars cool wasn’t because they are simply made ‘cool.’ It is because they carry with them great stories and pieces of history. That is also the reason why it is thrilling and fulfilling to own a classic car. And the feeling of fulfillment multiplies tenfold if you collect these cars. Wouldn’t it be sweet to ride in wheels that a popular spy once drove?Owning a Classic is No Picnic
But before you head off and click your fingers away to the first site that offers classic cars for sale, be sure to know that with a great car comes great responsibility. Almost all of these classic cars are already used (and sometimes abused). It would be almost impossible to find one in a perfectly mint condition. What you will probably see are second-hand (and possibly even third- or fourth-hand) vehicles that may need a lot of work.Keep in mind that owning or collecting classic cars does not stop at buying them. It is a must to invest some time and money in restoring a car back to its vintage beauty. Otherwise, it will just be another piece of junk lying in your garage.Thus, you need to be prepared to submit that vehicle to a paint job, a car parts installation (seats, carpets, steering wheel, suspension…), and if you want to drive around, a good engine. And it won’t stop there: classic cars need a lot of loving and care. You need to maintain its elegance by cleaning, waxing, and polishing it regularly.It might be a little bit troublesome, but the rewards are great. Aside from having one great scene-stealer, a well-maintained classic car increases its value as time goes by. So once you are tired of riding that vintage Benz, you can sell it and gain profit. You won’t have a hard time looking for buyers too, since there are tons of car collectors looking for a great deal.There’s a Classic Car Lover in All of Us
If you are a car lover, a sentimental generation and genre fan, or simply one who would like a cool ride, buying classic cars is your best choice. Not only do you get a moving, breathing, and funky piece of art, you also get a really valuable property. Buying, restoring, and maintaining a vintage car may be a daunting task, but it sure is worth it.

Recovering From a Truck Accident

There are approximately 251 million registered vehicles in the United States alone and in 2004 there were 198.8 million registered drivers with an estimated 6.6 million driver’s licenses likely to be issued in 2007-2008, according to information obtained from programs under the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).In 2005, there were nearly 6.4 million auto accidents resulting in approximately 40,000 fatalities, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In 2007, the USDOT reported that:* There were 236,468 non-fatal large truck accidents.
* 54,961 injury-related large truck accidents.
* 80,752 injuries due to large truck accidents.Large truck accidents account for a significant portion of vehicle accidents every year and also account for a portion of crash-related injuries and fatalities among drivers, passengers and pedestrians.According to research conducted by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI), fatalities caused by truck accidents are rising and have steadily risen 5.8 percent over a the previous ten-year period. Causes of Truck Accidents There are a plethora of reasons that an individual can become involved in a truck accident, but there are a list of common, reoccurring truck accident scenarios that have been identified by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which conducts research on highway collisions involving an array of motor vehicles.The following are some of the primary causes for a fatality or injury because of a truck crash:* Trucks hitting pedestrians.
* The force of the collision between a large truck and a smaller passenger vehicle/vehicles.
* Trucks hitting fixed objects.
* Loss of control (tire blow out, vehicle failure, weather conditions, etc.).
* Animal in roadway.
* Physical driver factor, including falling asleep, heart attack, etc.Another study conducted by the FMCSA also found that truck accidents will vary based on roadway type, weight of vehicle and cargo body type. The study found that of the three main categories of roadway types (rural, urban and unknown), urban roadways (interstate, freeways, expressways, etc.) accounted for 63 percent of all large truck accidents. Additionally, weight factored into the equation of truck accidents and truck fatalities/injuries.The study measured truck weight by single unit trucks (two axles, threes axles, etc.) and combination trucks (tractor trucks, truck pulling trailers, etc.). Of these, 62 percent of accidents were made up by combination trucks, specifically the tractor truck pulling a trailer.Additionally, the study reported an array of truck varieties that had been in an accident:* Van trucks, including closed van, refrigerated van and open top van.
* Dump trucks (rear dump trucks and bottom dump/hopper bottom).
* Tankers (tank-liquid, tank-dry bulk and tank-compressed gas).
* Garbage refuse trucks.
* Cement mixers.
* Pole/logging trucks.
* Auto carriers.
* Livestock carriers.
* Bobtail units (with no cargo body).
* Other category, which includes tow trucks, etc.
* Unknown category (meaning un-inspected vehicles).Of these trucks, the van trucks accounted for 46 percent of large truck crashes with dump trucks accounting for 16 percent of accidents and flatbed trucks accounting for 15 percent.Truck Accident Costs While the percentage of truck accidents varies each year, the UMTRI has noted that there is a steady increase of truck accident fatalities and injuries among passengers.Accompanying this increase is the rising costs per crash. Research determining the average price for medium as well as heavy truck accidents was conducted by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, which was paid for by USDOT.The study found that: An average truck accident cost $91,112 in 2005.* Crashes involving truck-tractors with two or three trailers accounted for the most costly crashes averaging $289,549 per crash.
* Truck crashes involving trucks with no trailers and straight trucks cost an average of $56,296 per crash.
* Reports have suggested that it will cost more than $3.6 million per crash for truck accidents involving a fatality.
* Whereas, truck crashes involving injury-only crashes averaged at $195,258 per crash.While the costs of fatal and non-fatal accidents have been considered shockingly high by some, the study noted that these cost estimates excluded additional factors such as:* mental health costs.
* roadside furniture repair costs.
* cargo delays.
* it is estimated that even those who are involved in or caring for a victim that was in a truck accident will have lost earnings.
* the value of schoolwork lost was also not factored.Because of these exclusions, the estimated truck accident costs may even be considerable higher than estimated by the USDOT.Seeking Assistance after a Truck AccidentIt is often difficult for an individual to gauge the devastation that has just occurred after a truck collision. It is important that an individual who has suffered from a truck accident seeks medical attention immediately.While an individual may feel no pain after an accident, their injuries may be internal and an examination by a medical professional immediately following an accident can ensure that the appropriate safety precautions are taken.Additionally, it may be necessary for a truck accident victim to consult an experienced truck accident attorney for legal purposes, which may include a legal consultation for a potential truck accident lawsuit.Developing a truck accident lawsuit may seem to be a drastic measure by some, but when considering the costs associated with a truck accident, whether fatal or non-fatal, it can be deemed a necessary step, one that may provide monetary compensation in return for damages following a truck collision.

Hybrid Car Rental – A Good Idea For Business And For Customers

There are many good reasons why hybrid car rental have become more popular. In these days when fuel is very costly and in short supply, the car renting sector can be of help.It is a win-win situation to use hybrid cars for rent. On the side of the owner, it is easier for them to have hybrid cars for rent than the traditional internal combustion engine cars that run solely on gasoline or diesel. On the side of the costumers, they will spend much less on fuel cost if they can rent hybrid cars. Below are some of the many good reasons why the use of hybrid car rentals is a good idea.Why Use Hybrid CarsCar users choose hybrid cars over the traditional cars. Many surveys have been conducted among who rent cars for travel to their favorite vacation spots. A good seventy-two percent have been noted to choose hybrid cars over the traditional ones. Who can blame them when it is more economical and easier to drive a hybrid car?Low Fuel CostMost travelers are even willing to pay a little higher if only to drive a hybrid car. It is still cheaper in the long run since they will cut down on fuel cost. Even if the rent is a little higher, it will be compensated by the lower fuel cost. If you were in the car rental business, why would you offer the opposite of what the market wants? Your business will slow down if you do so. Business will look up when we know what the costumer wants and we are able to provide them.Government Incentives For HybridsThe government has been very supportive of the hybrid car market. This is the reason why they offer incentives to the purchasers of hybrid cars. You just have to check in your area about what incentives your government offers. They differ depending on the state but they will always be more favorable than when you are buying traditional cars.Easier to Maintain
Hybrid cars are easier to maintain. Car rental companies pay a lot in car maintenance. This is especially true when you have a fleet of the traditional internal combustion engine cars that run on gasoline alone. They require a lot of maintenance work to keep them in good condition. This is not the same case with hybrid cars. Summing it up, you will find that you have more savings because maintenance work is less and parts to be purchased are minimized.Hybrid cars have long depreciation periods. Their parts have long warranty periods and they require lesser maintenance. This is also the reason that makes them a really good investment. Hybrid cars are rapidly becoming the trend in the transport world; they will not depreciate easily because they will continue to be in demand in the future. When it is time to sell cars, you will be able to do it with good financial returns.Protecting the EnvironmentIt is our duty to protect the environment. We can help do this by using a hybrid car. This is because hybrid cars have up to 90 percent lower pollution rate compared to non-hybrid cars. By utilizing the formerly unused energy in the purely internal combustion engine cars and by using less gasoline and diesel, pollution is reduced greatly. This is a big help in cleaning up the environment because vehicle usage is one big source of pollution.So patronizing the new green car technology is a good idea all around, for families who purchase their own cars as well as for people who opt to go for a hybrid car rental when they need to travel long distances in faraway places.

The Many Forms of Automotive Training

With the ever-increasing complexity of vehicles today, there are a variety of kinds of automotive training offered in order to repair cars, trucks, and motorcycles.High SchoolsSome high schools offer a robust variety of courses that encompass a range of knowledge relating to auto repair. For example, a high school might offer classes in brakes, electrical electronic systems, engine performance, and suspension and steering. A high school can receive program certification from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) or the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). This indicates that the curriculum meets the national standards set forth by these nonprofit organizations.Career, Technical, and Vocational CentersMany career, technical, and vocational centers are secondary schools offering automotive training programs that are certified by ASE or NATEF. They may include brakes, electrical electronic systems, engine performance, engine repair, heating and air conditioning, and suspension and steering.Community CollegesCommunity colleges offer a broader range of certified programs, and often partner with vehicle manufacturers and local dealerships to include both classroom and on-the-job training. Their areas of certification may include those offered at secondary schools, plus such areas as automatic transmission and transaxle, manual drive trains and axles. Some post-secondary schools also offer certified courses in alternative fuels, such as CNG conversation and installation, CNG diagnosis and repair, CNG maintenance, LPG conversion and installation, LPG diagnosis and repair, and LPG maintenance, suspension and steering.Specialty SchoolsThere are a number of specialty post-secondary schools around the country that provide intensive automotive training and that produce graduates who are fully educated and ready to enter the world of auto repair.On the Job TrainingAlthough auto repair today requires a tremendous amount of specialized knowledge, there are still scattered opportunities to receive on the job training. This is particularly true for those who decide to specialize and who do not need comprehensive automotive training. For example, someone who specializes in brake repair does not need to know how to rebuild an engine.Continuing EducationJust as in many fields, the range of knowledge required to keep pace with the changes in automotive technology means that it’s important for automotive service technicians to continue their education over time. There are a few ways to keep up with automotive training, some formal and others informal.Among the formal continuing education choices is the Continuing Automotive Service Education, or CASE, which is sponsored by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, or ASE. Many technical schools and other training facilities offer a CASE program, which is auto training specifically designed for those who work in the field.But keeping abreast of the developments in auto repair doesn’t always mean going to class. There are a number of online communities made up of service technicians and those in automotive management jobs. These communities can provide everything from articles and downloads from professionals working in the automotive repair industry, to forums for assistance from other technicians, to classified ads for used engines and used automotive equipment, to job listings and the ability to post resumes.

Take a Ride to the Future In A Hybrid Car

Utilizing the latest in advanced technology, hybrid cars might just provide a glimpse into the future of automobiles. Hybrid cars sport sleek and futuristic looks, but these cars aren’t just for show. These scientific marvels make use of both electric and gas power to make for a cleaner, more cost efficient, and environmentally friendlier car.As the world’s supply of oil inevitably runs out and the prices of gasoline continue to skyrocket to staggering new heights, more and more people have begun to look for an alternative way to power their cars, as well as to save some money. Thankfully, the rise of hybrid cars are providing a much needed solution to these problems and more. The popularity of hybrid cars continue to grow as more people begin to realize the many advantages that hybrid cars hold over conventional ones.So, what is a hybrid car and how does it work?As the name suggests, hybrid cars utilizes a combination of different technologies. Hybrid cars use an electric propulsion system together with of a gas propulsion system to great effect.Hybrids cars consist mostly of the same basic parts as normal gas cars. They contain a gasoline engine, a fuel tank, batteries, and a transmission. The difference is that hybrid cars also contain an electric motor and in some cases a generator, that work in conjunction with the gasoline engine to run the transmission.A hybrid car can work in different ways.In a parallel hybrid system, both the gasoline engine and the electric motor are connected to the transmission. The car alternates between the two and sometime uses them together. It typically works by using the electric motor to power the car at lower speeds and once the car reaches a certain speed, the car will automatically switch to the gasoline engine to give it extra power.Other cars use what is called a series hybrid system. In this method, the gasoline engine is used to power a generator. The generator is responsible for charging the batteries that power the electric motor, which in turn, turns the transmission causing the car to move. The gasoline engine in a series hybrid never actually runs the car directly.Some of the later hybrid models have a feature that stores up the kinetic energy that is built up when braking and uses it to further charge the car’s batteries.The biggest advantage of a hybrid is that it uses a lot less fuel than normal cars. Hybrid owners will be very happy with the mileage that these cars are capable of.It also helps that hybrid cars tend to be built with lighter materials like aluminum and plastic. The engine is also typically smaller and specially designed to consume less fuel.Environmentalist will also be very pleased with hybrids seeing as how they emit far less air pollution. Using a hybrid car helps makes our world a cleaner and more beautiful place to live in.The government is also very fond of hybrid cars. So much so that they’re offering buyers tax incentives and other benefits. In some states, hybrid car owners can drive their hybrids in the high occupancy lane, even if they’re all alone in their cars.The earlier hybrid car models tended to have unique and special designs, but as more and more manufacturers are catching on to the hybrid craze, they have begun to create hybrid versions of their normal cars. The Honda Civic Hybrid for example, looks more or less exactly like a regular Civic.Buying a hybrid car will inevitably cost more than a regular one. However, the money that is saved from the lower fuel consumption, along with the tax deductions will eventually make up for the extra cost of a hybrid. Those who drive frequently will be the ones that benefit most from this.With all the of the benefits that hybrid cars give, it’s no wonder that they’re so quickly gaining in popularity. Hybrid owners figure that it’s an excellent way to save money on gas and it gives them a good feeling, knowing that they’re making a difference in the environment.So those who are in interested should go seriously consider owning one and join the ever growing number of people who are stepping into the future with hybrid cars.

Car Repairs Are Often Covered Under Car Warranty

Having to pay for car repair work can become quite expensive. The good news is that often you can have your car repair work costs covered under your car warranty. This is especially true for new cars but you can also have it for used cars as well.The cost of repair for the engine, engine block, transmission, clutch, axles and such can become extremely costly. If your car has a drive train or power train warranty on it, these car repair costs can be significantly reduced or completely paid for by the warranty. This will save you money in the long run.Many auto warranty companies offer a wear and tear car warranty for new cars and some limited amount of coverage for used cars. With the wear and tear car warranty, you can have items that are not covered on the drive train, power train or standard warranty repaired. For example, if you have electric windows for your car. The regular warranties will not cover the car repair costs to have the worn out motor replaced. However, if you have the wear and tear car warranty, you can get the motor for the electric window repaired for less because you only have to cover the deductible.It is very frustrating to have a flat tire anywhere, let alone on a busy road. If you have roadside assistance then the repair cost for fixing the flat tire or even replacing the tire completely will be significantly lower than without any type of roadside warranty coverage.A bumper-to-bumper car warranty can also save you expense on car repair requirements. While many people think that bumper-to-bumper means the entire car is covered this is a misconception. The majority of the car repairs problems will be covered but problems that resulted from wear and tear are not typically covered. The drive train or power train warranty only covers a small percentage of the car parts. Adding a bumper-to-bumper car warranty will help to reduce car repair costs for other sections of the auto. Find out more about saving money on car repairs and warranties at http://www.carwarrantypolicies.comMaintaining your car by the car warranty requirements is the best way to prevent high car repair bills. If an auto is properly maintained, there is less over-all wear and tear on the car which then results in fewer car repair problems. It is important to remember to check the transmission fluid, oil filter, oil levels and air pressure in the tires. Also, you will need to have the oil changed on a regular basis. This will make your car not only run more smoothly but will cut down on the over all car repair costs for the auto whether it is used or new.Some people argue that the cost of maintaining a car is expensive. After all you have to change the oil, change the oil filter and things like that. However, running the car without the maintenance can end up ruining things such as the engine, the transmission and even the clutch. These are extremely expensive repairs that most warranties of any kind will not cover the car repair costs because the basic maintenance was not carried through.

Important to Know About SUV Summer Tires

According to some people, the car is reflecting your personality. Therefore, people, who have SUVs, love all kind of sports and adventure. However, to get the best from your SUV, you should learn more about the different types of SUV tires.Although, this can hardly be considered a truth, the different people, want different things from their vehicle. If you want to have more space and carry a lot more stuff, the SUV is your perfect choice. Furthermore, with that vehicle you will have a lot more comfortable ride and you will find that it is really easy for handling. To get the best from your SUV during the summer, you should find the right tires that meet your driving habits.The summer tires for SUVs come in a couple of different designs, so that you can choose that one that fits your vehicle most. Whatever design you choose, you will improve the performance of your SUV when driving on the hot summer roads. However, some of these designs can help maximize traction and improve your SUV’s braking performance. SUV summer tires that have rib-type tread designs are perfect for highway and street use. If you are taking your car for a long drive, summer SUV tires with that designed are perfect for that occasion. The SUV summer tires that have rib-like design will not only improve the performance of your vehicle during the summer, but also will reduce the noise that it produces.The SUV summer tires come in different sizes, so you should find what the right one for your SUV is. This information is usually available in the SUV owner’s manual, so spend some time and find this information. If for some reason you do not have an owner’s manual, you can take your SUV to an expert and also you can take a look under the driver’s door, because in most of the cases there is a sticker containing this information. In addition to that, take note of the letters P or LT. P stands for passenger vehicle while LT stands for light truck or SUV. If you are getting a summer tire, choose the one that has the letters LT on the tire size format.SUV summer tires are the perfect tires to use when going on a long summer drive using your SUV. For more options of SUV summer tires check out your Michelin tire dealer.

Car Repair Insurance Cost – Facts and Myths Unrevealed

Whenever you pay for a new car, either brand new or later model, you do not need extra policy such as car repair insurance packages since it’s typical to have manufacturer’s warranty. That warranty mostly lasts for about 3 to 5 years. But how do you think that you will be affected if you are driving older car? Or perhaps a car with no remaining warranty in it? What do you plan to do about it? A lot of car owners do not realize the importance of this extra insurance package and auto repair insurance cost becomes secondary when you talk about the benefits it provides. From the moment that your car warranty expires, auto insurance should protect you from expensive car repair costs.Auto Breakdown Insurance Cost – How to determine?Most car owners do not like the idea of extra auto breakdown Insurance Cost when buying a car. But you have to know that the standard policy on auto insurance you use in legally acquiring a vehicle to drive does not cover repairs. There are times that comprehensive coverage and collision is included in the policy, but still it does not cover needed repairs on worn or failing parts. Although repairs are covered by a warranty, the problem will begin when it expires. This is when auto repair insurance becomes advantageous to car owners: what is not in general covered by your standard car insurance policy will be covered by auto repair insurance.But wait. What is really the cost of auto repair insurance? If you would like to get a clear answer, read the succeeding paragraphs.Getting a Car Repair Insurance QuoteBear in mind that cost varies from one insurer to another. This is the reason why it is very important for you to get a car insurance quote. By doing this, you will be able to know how much car insurers charge their car repair insurance. Another importance of getting a car insurance repair quote is that you will be able to compare the insurance costs of different companies, so you can save a high amount of money.However, requesting for an insurance quote would not just be as easy as 123 because car repair insurance companies rely on some information that would serve as the basis in order for you to be provided with the right insurance quote designed for you. That basically includes:- The model and make of your vehicle.- Your driving history and age.Among all these pieces of information, the number one factor that greatly influences the auto breakdown insurance cost is your age. The younger you are, the more expensive your payment for the insurance would be. Your driving record will also affect the amount you have to pay for the auto breakdown insurance because the more accidents you got involved with, the higher the amount you have to pay. Of course, if you are a good driver, you will be able to get more rewards and you just have to pay a minimal amount for the policy.Most of the time, you will see that the offered rates change dramatically from one insurer to another, and you might wonder why. Well, this is because of the fact that every car repair insurance provider has their own qualifications and requirements. So, as long as you obtain a quote for car repair insurance, you will not be exposed to the risk of making the wrong decision in availing the insurance service of the wrong insurer.Now that you already know how to get a quote, you should discover the truth about car repair insurance estimates.The Truth About Auto Breakdown Insurance EstimatesAuto breakdown insurance estimates need to be obtained if you have been involved in an accident because you can use it to get your insurance money. However, in order to make this possible, you have to follow what is indicated in the car insurance policy.If the vehicular accident wasn’t your fault, you can submit car breakdown insurance estimates for damages to the company that handles your insurance or to the company that handles the insurance of the other party at fault. Now, if you choose the first option, you will be able to incur a deductible.