The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Rape Culture’ Feminists Won’t Mention

Posted on | January 29, 2016 | 5 Comments


Darian Lee Winfield was arrested Jan. 8 as a suspect in “a series of sexual assaults and home invasions” in Detroit:

Darian Winfield, 19, was charged with first-degree home invasion, assault with intent to murder and assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct, according to a news release from the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office. He was arraigned in 34th District Court and bond was set at $1-million cash, according to Maria Miller, spokeswoman for Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.
Winfield is charged with breaking into a house in the 5800 block of Radnor on Dec. 30 and stabbing a 39-year-old Detroit woman with a knife in the chest with the intent of sexually assaulting her, according to the Prosecutor’s Office.

The suspect’s family denies his guilt:

Darian Lee Winfield’s relatives vehemently deny the accusations, saying the teen was apprehended while en route to a police precinct to clear his name after media reports that police were looking for him.
“He’s a model student, he works, he goes to school,” his mother, Anita Pace, told The Detroit News on Friday night. “It’s not him. They have the wrong person.” . . .
Winfield, considered armed and dangerous, was growing increasingly violent, Police Chief James Craig said at a news conference Friday. . . .
The teen, who turns 19 this month, attends East English Village Preparatory Academy and works as a packer in Macomb County, Pace said. He also volunteers at a soup kitchen, goes to church and has a girlfriend, leaving little time for much else, she said. “He was doing what he needed to do for himself. He’s not a bad guy at all.”
Police said Winfield has a history of violence. He was given probation for a previous conviction of assault with intent to do great bodily harm in an incident last year involving a 17-year-old girl, Craig said.

So, is Winfield an angel — a “model student” who “volunteers at a soup kitchen” — or a serial predator? We don’t know, but he is presumed innocent unless he is convicted in a court of law. However, we know that someone is terrorizing women in Detroit. Someone stabbed that woman in the chest, and there are other victims in Detroit:

GeNaye Washington was asleep when a man climbed through her bedroom window, beat her and sexually assaulted her while her mother and siblings were just a few steps away in the home.
Washington, 17, died of her injuries [Jan. 12], according to her family, who identified her Wednesday to the Free Press as one of four victims who were raped in a string of sexual assaults and home invasions on Detroit’s east side that began last December.
“We hope that justice is served, but it still won’t bring her back,” said Shaquetta Washington, GeNaye’s older sister. . . .
According to Washington’s family, she was struck in the head multiple times and raped. A Detroit man, Darian Winfield, has been named a person of interest in the homicide, according to Detroit Police. Winfield was charged Sunday in another sexual assault and home invasion case and more charges could be forthcoming in a separate December Grosse Pointe Park attack.
Shaquetta Washington said she doesn’t know Winfield, but said her brother played basketball with him during the summer at a nearby basketball court.
Washington was attacked about 7:30 a.m. Jan. 7 near the 5500 block of Radnor. Her home was broken into and the assailant used some kind of blunt weapon, police said.

What I want to know is, where are the feminists? For the past couple of years, feminists have been claiming that American colleges and universities are in the grip of a “rape epidemic.” More than 100 lawsuits have been filed by male students who say they were falsely accused and denied due process in the campus kangaroo courts imposed in response to this hysterical fear-mongering. Yet the feminists who whipped up this irrational frenzy — Jaclyn Friedman, Jessica Valenti, Jill Filipovic, Alexandra Brodsky, et al. — can never be bothered to pay any attention to victims like GeNaye Washington or suspects like Darian Winfield in places like Detroit. There is a certain narrative — rich college girls on elite campuses allegedly being raped by “privileged” male students — which serves the political agenda of feminists, and they ignore any crime that doesn’t fit the narrative. If GeNaye Washington had been a student at Oberlin College or if Darian Winfield were a fraternity member at the University of Virginia, maybe Amanda Marcotte would care.

But ordinary women raped and murdered by an ordinary criminal? The story of those crimes doesn’t advance the feminist narrative, and so feminists never notice the victims of these crimes.

What do I hate most about feminism? The self-serving dishonesty of professional activists who expect us to take them seriously.



Posted on | January 29, 2016 | 1 Comment

An emergency bleg at A Conservative Lesbian:

Right now I am sitting next to the bed of my 99-year-old dad, Hubert P. Yockey, and for the next few hours or days, he is still one of the last living nuclear physicists of the Manhattan Project. He shortened the war with Japan by improving the design of the Calutron, the machine used at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to separate uranium for the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. After over 20 happy years caring for my late life partner, who died of complications of multiple sclerosis in 2004, I came back home in October 2006 to live with my dad and provide his care. But I need help from my friends to do my last service for him. I need to ask for donations to cover the cost of a budget cremation for him. My goal is $2,050. . . .

Please go read the whole thing and hit Cynthia’s tip jar. I did.


The Colonel Walter E. Kurtz Memorial Book Post

Posted on | January 29, 2016 | 1 Comment

— by Wombat-socho

It is impossible to describe what is necessary, to those who do not know what horror means. You must make a friend of horror.

Short book post this week since I didn’t actually get to do much reading; for some weird reason, two of the three books I read this week had significant horror elements in them. The first of these is Delta Green: Tales from Failed Anatomies, the latest short fiction anthology dealing with the once (and possibly future) renegades of Delta Green, an organization tasked with making sure the horrific future does not become our present. Most of the stories are set in the period when Delta Green was still an official part of the government, but are no less strange for all that; Dennis Detwiller has become a master of spinning a tale where all seems normal, until the strangeness erupts into the narrative like an exploding bomb. If you’re of the opinion that Charles Stross’ Laundry novels are entirely too sunny and optimistic, or that The X-Files wasn’t nearly horrific and violent enough, then the Delta Green fiction anthologies are for you.

Then we have Spacelore, the second collection of J.B. Zimmerman’s stories and the first of his science fiction. Unlike Detwiller’s collection, these are not all tales of horror from beyond space and time; many of them, in fact, would not have been out of place in the pages of Analog back when John W. Campbell Jr. and Ben Bova were at the helm. A couple of the stories, though, are stark reminders that in addition to hope and freedom, there is also horror in space. Spacelore is an unusual anthology in that the quality is very consistent. There isn’t a clunker in the lot, though obviously you’re going to like some of the stories more than others. Free on Kindle Unlimited and Amazon Prime, but $3.49 is a very reasonable price.

George MacDonald Fraser is of course best known for his Flashman novels, about a public-school cad and bully who keeps falling into one manure pile after another on the frontiers of Empire and emerging covered with roses and honours, but he also penned a brief memoir of his time with the Border Regiment in the Burma campaign during WWII, Quartered Safe Out Here. It is less comedic than the British history parody 1066 and All That, but as Fraser himself admits, he is recounting what he can remember with a little help from the official history. It is by turns serious and amusing, with occasional reflections on the state of England as it’s changed since 1945, and well worth reading.

Because Boys and Girls Are Different

Posted on | January 28, 2016 | 21 Comments

Just a quick rant here, to fill the void while I’m working on something else: Why do feminists, on the one hand, claim that there are no natural differences between male and female and yet, on the other hand, constantly criticize men for typical masculine behavior? The answer seems obvious to me, after months of reading radical feminist gender theory — and scrolling through the endless madness of Feminist Tumblr — and what bothers me is that the fundamental problem is seldom stated directly, either by feminists or their critics.

Begin with the status quo, the existing social order. Whether the year is 1966 or 1986 or 2016, society at any given time has certain standards, customs, expectations and incentives that influence how men and women behave. The vast majority of people accept the status quo as the way things are, and do their best to fit into the existing social system, to succeed and be happy in life. This requires a process of maturation on the part of young people who, in order to become responsible and productive adults, must find their place within the existing system and psychologically adjust to their adult roles. The unrealistic dreams of childhood must be set aside, and the unruly passions of adolescence must be reined in, in order to attain responsible adulthood.

Thirty years ago, there was a lot of talk among psychologists about the problem of Peter Pan Syndrome, describing the attitudes and behaviors of young men who were unwilling to commit to (or emotionally unable to sustain) romantic relationships because commitment logically led to marriage and fatherhood. Being a husband and father required becoming a grown-up, and Peter Pan didn’t want to be a grown-up.

Yet this problem of perpetual adolescence (which Diana West analyzed as a cultural phenomenon in her 2007 book The Death of the Grown-Up) was not limited to childish males. Contemporary feminism is, to a great extent, an elaborate rationalization of female emotional immaturity. There is a symbiotic relationship between the irresponsible behavior of young men and the limitless rage of young women in response.

Let us ask: Is the social status quo, in terms of male-female relations, better or worse in 2016 than it was in 1966?

Your answer to that question will vary, according to what you expect adult life to be. If a girl was a high-school senior in 1966 and her ambition was to become a corporate executive, a politician, or a college professor, the status quo was decidedly disadvantageous to her. However, in terms of her romantic life, the average girl in 1966 had better opportunities than the girl in 2016. Fifty years ago, the median age at first marriage for American women was about 21, so that the high-school senior who graduated in 1966 could expect to be taken seriously — as a prospective wife in the near future — by any young fellow who showed a romantic interest in her. Insofar as marriage and motherhood are among a young woman’s ambitions, the teenage girl in 2016 has very dismal prospects in comparison to her grandmother who came of age in the 1960s.

Is it not obvious that five decades of feminism, in attempting to solve the problems of career-minded young women of the 1960s, has in many ways created a new problem for the romantic-minded young woman of the 21st century? The force of law, in terms of legislation and policy forbidding workplace discrimination against women, now guarantees that the teenage girl in 2016 has far greater opportunities to pursue professional employment than did her grandmother. However, legislation and policy can do nothing to improve her romantic life. There is no law that can force her boyfriend to take her seriously, to treat her the way a man treats the woman he hopes to marry.

Furthermore, feminism has encouraged divorce and unwed motherhood, and thus to a great extent destroyed marriage and family life in America. The young man in 2016 is far more likely to have grown up in an environment where his parents were divorced (or never married) and thus has little direct knowledge of what a stable, happy marriage looks like. He may have been shuttled back and forth between his parents’ separate homes — here for a while with his mother and her boyfriend, then there for a while with his father and stepmother, and perhaps for a while staying with one of his grandmothers — and what sort of attitudes is he likely to have developed as a result?

Of course, the destruction of traditional family life has also had an adverse impact on the childhood homes in which young women are raised, and yet no feminist will ever admit this. Feminism celebrates as “progress” anything — divorce, unwed motherhood, abortion, homosexuality — that is destructive to the family and hostile to traditional morality. Because of this, the unhappy young woman can never expect feminists to offer her an honest explanation for the causes of her unhappiness. When she is confronted by the rude and selfish behavior of teenage boys, no feminist will encourage her to ask what sort of home environment the young man was raised in. Were his parents married? Was he dumped off in a daycare center as an infant? Why didn’t his parents teach him courtesy and kindness?

Even worse, however, feminism teaches young women never to critically examine their own behavior and attitudes, nor to consider whether they are responsible for their own problems. Everything that is wrong with her life, according to feminism, is to be blamed on her oppression by the patriarchy. Because this explanation is feminism’s only answer to every question, the young feminist is constantly on the lookout for bad behavior by men, and is obliged never to say a word in praise of any man’s good deeds. The feminist’s pervasively negative portrayal of male behavior prevents her from ever having to admit that (a) there are good men in the world, but (b) none of these good men desire her romantic companionship, and (c) feminism can’t solve this problem.

We return, then, to the problem of the status quo and the standards, customs, expectations and incentives that influence how men and women behave. All feminists agree that the status quo in 1966 was entirely wrong. Yet at no point since 1966 has the feminist movement found the status quo acceptable, because if feminists ever were to announce that their movement had succeeded — our society had reached “equality,” however that might be defined — then there would be no more need for their perpetual agitation. Therefore, to justify their ongoing grievance-mongering, either “equality” must be constantly redefined, so that the ideal status quo can never be achieved, or else feminists must admit “equality” was never really what their movement was about.

Feminism is simply a political rationalization of the complaints of unhappy women. If all their demands were granted today, feminists would return tomorrow with a new list of demands.

Pointing out the obvious contradictions of feminism’s ideology and rhetoric — their claim that men and women are exactly alike, except that all men are oppressors — does nothing to persuade the feminist to re-examine the premises of her argument. Feminism is a cult, organized around the grievances of unhappy women, and once she has fully internalized the movement’s worldview, the feminist can never explain any problem except in terms of the evils of male supremacy. The failure of the movement to actually improve women’s lives guarantees its continued “success,” because the more women are unhappy, the more support for the feminist movement will increase.

Feminism is to women’s happiness what the Democrat Party is to responsible government. We look at municipal disasters like Detroit or Baltimore — Democrat-controlled fiefdoms — and see nothing but corruption, poverty and crime, yet the people who live there keep electing Democrats by landslide majorities and blaming all their problems on scapegoats. The campaign rhetoric of the Democrat Party is usually just the elaborate demonization of scapegoats like white racism or “corporate greed,” and guess what? It works.

The three keys to Democrat Party electoral success are:

1. Ignorance;
2. Hate;
3. Fear.

With a few minor adjustments, feminism succeeds by the same formula. And after beginning this as a “quick rant,” I’ve written 1,400 words, concluding where I began: Boys and girls are different.

All grown-ups know this. Feminists are women who refuse to grow up.


When Marxists Aren’t Enough: Are We Really Considering A Used Car Salesman?

Posted on | January 28, 2016 | 14 Comments

by Smitty

In The Mailbox, 01.28.16

Posted on | January 28, 2016 | No Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Why Does Donald Trump Hate Megyn Kelly?
Proof Positive: Bookends
Da Tech Guy: Trump v. Cruz 2 Not Ali v. Frazier 2 But Duran #nomas
Louder With Crowder: Trying To Buy “Automatic Weapons” Through The “Gun Show Loophole”
Political Hat: Why Social Justice Warriors Deserve Their Derision
Michelle Malkin: Disney, H-1B’s “Dig Your Own Grave”, And The GOP Debates
Twitchy: “Applying For Veep?” Huckabee Will Attend Trump’s “Special Event” Tonight

American Power: Trump Attacked For Supporting Amnesty In New Ad From Romney-Backed PAC
American Thinker: The Real Ted Cruz
BLACKFIVE: Range 15 Red Band Trailer
Conservatives4Palin: Sarah Palin – Welcome Aboard The #TrumpTrain, Jerry Falwell Jr.!
Don Surber: Will Media Who Cheered Obama’s War On Fox Now Support Trump’s?
Jammie Wearing Fools: Flashback – Trump Tells Megyn Kelly Romney Lacked Courage When He Skipped Debate
Joe For America: Planned Parenthood Gets Off, Filmmakers Get Indicted
JustOneMinute: Just Don’t Say “Boots On The Ground”
Pamela Geller: FBI Thwarts Mass Shooting By Devout Muslim At Milwaukee Masonic Temple
Protein Wisdom: SCIENCE! “Personality Is A Capitalist Construct”
Shot In The Dark: The Last Million Men
STUMP: Easy Lifting – Pulling The Pensions Of Criminal Officials In New York
The Gateway Pundit: Hillary Floats Obama As Supreme Court Justice
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Generation Snowflake Upset By Thing That Made Them Sad
The Lonely Conservative: Sure, Trump Will Make Deals With Democrats
This Ain’t Hell: Anthony Bauswell And His Disqualifying Tattoo
Weasel Zippers: Tim Allen Compares The Clintons To Herpes
Megan McArdle: Health Care’s Continental Divide
Mark Steyn: Smite The Land

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Democrats, Feminists and Other Liars

Posted on | January 27, 2016 | 48 Comments


Let’s begin with something that should be obvious, but which has seldom been stated explicitly: There is no objective reason for the recent upsurge of radical feminism in the United States. However bad sexism is today, it is not worse than it was five years ago or 10 years ago. In fact, there is abundant evidence that women in American today face much less discrimination than at any previous point in our history.

The only reason we have so many young American women identifying themselves as feminists in 2016 is because of partisan politics.

Four years ago, Democrats exploited an entirely fictional “Republican War on Women” narrative that enabled President Obama to win re-election with the largest “gender gap” ever recorded by Gallup. And with Hillary Clinton expected to be the Democrat nominee in 2016, the liberal propaganda machinery has been promoting the feminist brand in every way possible. Far beyond the narrow limits of what we usually think of as “politics,” and extending to the entertainment industry, university classrooms, the public school system and every other means of communicating ideas, feminist messages are being promoted by liberals with a frenzied energy that we can expect will crescendo to a shrieking climactic paroxysm of rage between now and November.

And this is all just partisan politics. There is no “rape epidemic” on our nation’s college campuses, nor has there been any increase in “harassment” or “objectification” of women to explain the incessant chatter about these subjects emanating from so many clamorous feminist voices. This is not a conspiracy, but rather a liberal consensus.

Democrats have decided that a revival of radical feminism is necessary to elect Hillary Clinton, and so we cannot escape it.

Evidence of what this is really about is not difficult to find. Consider the case of Emma Sulkowicz, the “Mattress Girl” whose false rape accusation led to Paul Nungesser’s lawsuit against Columbia University. Once the facts of the case were described in the Nungesser v. Columbia complaint, everybody with two eyes and a brain realized Sulkowicz is just crazy, vindictive and dishonest. The only difference between Sulkowicz’s case and the University of Virginia rape hoax is that Nungesser is a real human being, whereas “Haven Monahan” can’t file a lawsuit because he is a fictional character created by the deranged liar Jackie Coakley. However, because the “campus rape epidemic” theme is such a major part of the Democrat Party’s 2016 campaign agenda, partisan propagandist Julie Zeilinger returns to Sulkowicz’s discredited fable:

Beyond “Mattress Girl”: The Case for a More
Complex Campus Sexual Assault Media Narrative

It’s not often that an undergraduate thesis lands a student on the cover of New York magazine. But that’s what happened to Emma Sulkowicz, whom most people equate with the media-created shorthand “mattress girl,” in 2014.
In “Carry That Weight,” her performance art thesis at Columbia University, Sulkowicz examined her own experience with sexual assault. The piece, and the media storm that followed, quickly positioned her as a public figure and face of the broader campus sexual assault movement.

(Note the admission that this is an organized political “movement.”)

The media coverage, however, “didn’t make it clear that I was a human too, and not just a hero that could change the world,” Sulkowicz told Mic. “There was the expectation that I would give a speech at every rally, [that] I would perform for everyone and say stuff. But that’s a big expectation to have for just one person.”
The extensive media coverage of sexual assault has been both advantageous and detrimental for the campus sexual assault movement. Most coverage of rape and sexual assault hasn’t fully reflected the nuances of survivors’ and activists’ lived experiences, which studies confirm are still widespread. One 2015 Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll that found 25% of college-aged women report having experienced “unwanted sexual incidents” at school, and a new 2016 study revealed a similar finding.

(These tendentious surveys have been debunked, but never mind . . .)

Advocates have long understood the importance of media coverage and its unparalleled ability to amplify their messages, provide education and connection for survivors, hold authorities accountable and, ideally, prevent sexual assault.
But media narratives about survivors have often perpetuated and reflected how the broader culture sees and understands survivors: a single story and a perfect victim. More often than not, high-profile survivors and activists are presented as a neatly packaged, but ultimately incomplete, narrative. . . .

You can read the whole thing. The bottom line is that, after it became apparent that Sulkowicz was lying, and after the UVA rape hoax was exposed, it became more difficult for professional liars like Julie Zeilinger to get the kind of media coverage that previously helped promote the phony “campus rape epidemic” narrative.

To anyone with a modicum of common sense — a category that excludes feminists — there was never any credibility to the claim that female students were routinely subjected to sexual violence by the kind of brainiac nerds with high SAT scores and perfect GPAs who attend elite universities like Columbia (annual tuition $51,008).

This was the telltale clue about the whole “rape  culture” narrative, really. Whereas common sense suggests that sexual violence would be more common at low-ranking state universities or community colleges, the loudest complaints about an alleged “epidemic” of sexual assault were instead made by women attending schools like Yale, Brown, Oberlin and Occidental. That is to say, this narrative originated with highly privileged young women on elite campuses where “social justice” activism is a way of life. While it is usually impossible to know the truth of any particular case — typically these are “he-said/she-said” incidents, involving alcohol and with no corroborating evidence — the overall picture is clear enough. On no campus do the actual reports of sexual assault come anywhere near the “1-in-5” statistic widely publicized by feminists. Even stipulating the feminist claim that 88 percent of campus assaults are never reported, extrapolations based on actual reports would only reach about 1-in-40, as a worst-case-scenario estimate.

Every rape is a tragedy, of course, but there is no “epidemic” on America’s university campuses and the current feminist obsession with “rape culture” is simply a matter of political opportunism.

The hypocritical dishonesty of feminists becomes further apparent in their habitual silence about the subjugation of woman and endemic sexual violence in the Muslim world:

Persecution watchdog groups are raising awareness for a Christian Pakistani girl who was killed earlier this month after she and her friends rejected the sexual advances of drunken Muslim men . . .
The British Pakistani Christian Association reported last week that the incident occurred on Jan. 13, when three young Christian girls, Kiran (17 years), Shamroza (18 years) and Sumble (20 years), were approached on the streets at night by four allegedly drunk Muslim men in a car. The girls rejected the lewd advances of the men, which caused them to turn violent.
“How dare you run away from us, Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the pleasure of Muslim men,” one of the men reportedly said.
The men then crashed their car right into the girls, causing Shamroza to break several ribs and Sumble to break her hip. Kiran, however, was lifted up from the ground on the hood of the car, and driven until the car suddenly stopped, throwing her rapidly to the ground, where she cracked open her head and suffered internal bleeding, leading to her death.

Meanwhile, in Germany:

A German university city with a Green party migrant-supporting administration has banned refugees from several nightclubs following complaints from females of sexual harassment and theft.
Women have allegedly complained to managers of clubs in Freiburg, southwest Germany, about being fed date-rape drugs and being accosted in toilets.
Another woman claimed she had been raped while a bouncer was allegedly stabbed by a migrant. . . .
According to local media reports, the problem extends to six discos in the town.
‘No more entry for asylum seekers,’ was the headline in the weekend edition of the newspaper Badische Zeitung. . . .
One woman, aged 46, told the Badische Zeitung she had been in the White Rabbit in December when a large group of African men had come and ‘bothered’ guests.
‘I was surrounded and marginalised while dancing,’ she said. ‘The situation was full of male violence. I felt threatened.’
On that night two bouncers eject five men from the premises for harassing another woman who complained she had to run a ‘gauntlet’ of men on the club stairs.
Dietmar Ganzmann, operator of the El.Pi student disco, said he had decided only to allow a certain number of refugees entrance on any given night, and no more. . . .
Peter Bitsch, operator of the discotheque Kagan, confirmed that many women no longer feel safe in the clubs when there are large numbers of migrants in them.

Meanwhile, in Sweden:

Police were at a refugee camp trying to find a 10-year-old boy who had been raped ‘multiple times’, when a swarm of Muslim refugees attacked, causing the police to flee.
The Daily Mail reports that the camp was located in Västerås. Staff in the centre tried to remove the boy but were stopped by the mob of asylum seekers. . . .
The incident took place last Wednesday and is just now getting media attention. It’s hard to keep track with all the rapes in the world’s rape capital.
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said on Monday that more police are needed in order to deal with the influx of asylum seekers.

So while liars like Julie Zeilinger solicit media assistance in an attempt to resuscitate the mythical “campus rape epidemic,” they continue ignoring a real plague of sexual violence committed by Muslims, and the American feminist movement is dedicated to electing Hillary Clinton, who by abandoning Americans at Benghazi demonstrated that it is her policy to surrender to the encroaching menace of Islamic violence.


#OccupyResoluteDesk, #OccupySCOTUS?

Posted on | January 27, 2016 | 63 Comments

by Smitty

Shall not eight years of the personal pronoun pumping pipsqueak have been enough? The price of Her Majesty’s election, despite being the least suitable person since Barack Obama, may become apparent:

While at a rally in Decorah, Iowa, on Tuesday, a reporter asked Clinton what she thought about nominating President Obama to the highest court.
“Wow, what a great idea, nobody has ever suggested that to me,” Clinton said.

Ho Lee Focaccia with turkey, avocado and mayonnaise, Batman. If the thought of listening to that anti-Constitutional jackwagon on the SCOTUS bench, getting paid to lift his leg against all we hold dear until he decides he’s bored and retires, isn’t enough to galvanize conservatives into action (and I mean more than mere blog posts) then I daresay we deserve the abuse.
It’s clear that our country is mismanaged by a homo bureaucratus infestation, where the motto is “fail upward”, but enough is enough.

via Instapundit

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