Turnbull finds 'deep love' in homeless technology

Tony Wright 6:47 PM   It's not every day a political leader publicly uses the word love, and it's even rarer that love and technology are joined in the same sentence.

Latest political news

Andrews angers party whip

Kevin Andrews will attend a prayer breakfast, but will also address a right-wing think-tank while away from Parliament.

David Wroe 8:57 PM   Kevin Andrews infuriates his party's chief whip by requesting absence from Parliament to attend a Washington "prayer breakfast" only then to use the time to deliver a speech to a conservative think-tank.

Prison population up 20 per cent in 10 years

Australia's prison population had grown steadily over the last 20 years.

Jane Lee 6:43 PM   Australia's prison population has grown about 20 per cent over the past decade, a report says.

PM says triple-A rating is not at risk

Treasury secretary John Fraser says Australia cannot be complacent about its fiscal position.

Gareth Hutchens 6:20 PM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison have rejected claims that Australia's triple-A credit rating is at risk, following comments from Treasury Secretary John Fraser.

Majority of MPs would back marriage equality

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will come under renewed pressure to cancel the plebiscite.

Mark Kenny 3:59 PM   Parliamentary support for same-sex marriage reform appears to have reached the critical majority required in both houses for the first time, placing renewed pressure on Malcolm Turnbull to grant the vote.

Hockey meets Obama in Oval Office

Ambassador Joe Hockey presents his credentials to President Barack Obama.

Fergus Hunter 5:47 PM   Former treasurer Joe Hockey has been formally sworn in as Australia's Ambassador to the United States, presenting his credentials to President Barack Obama overnight.

What's on Tony Abbott's agenda?

Tony Abbott has had plenty to say since promising 'no sniping' when he lost the prime ministership.

James Massola 2:55 PM    The differing views in the party indicate there is tempered support for Tony Abbott's continuing role.

Gay marriage 'erodes' family values: Abbott

Tony Abbott.

Matthew Knott 3:03 PM   Former prime minister Tony Abbott has told a conservative Christian group in the United States that allowing same-sex couples to wed will contribute to "the erosion of family".

Cigars, wine and pigs among gifts to MPs

Joe Hockey enjoys a cigar with Mathias Cormann before the 2014 budget was announced.

Heath Aston 8:55 PM   They're the product that launched a thousand cartoons of Joe Hockey before his career as treasurer went up in smoke and came to symbolise how out of touch the Abbott government was with mainstream Australia.

Turnbull slams 'shocking' Palmer management

Malcolm Turnbull was highly critical of his parliamentary colleague.

Matthew Knott 8:54 PM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has blasted Clive Palmer's "shocking" management of Queensland Nickel, predicting the embattled MP's time as owner of the refinery is coming to an end.

We do have a revenue problem: Treasury

Treasury head John Fraser says income per capita is falling but in Canberra everyone is comfortable.

Gareth Hutchens 4:17 PM   Treasury Secretary John Fraser says it is getting harder to forecast budget deficits and surpluses, and things like GDP growth, as the global economy becomes more integrated.

Comment & Analysis

Virtual money leads us down the road to ruin

Illustration: John Spooner

Mark Triffitt   The world is waking up to the reality that in 2016 it is shackled to an increasingly incoherent and stagnating economic system.

Comments 19

US at sea but Australia can show the way

An ideal situation would be for a bi-partisan Australian initiative to be accepted in Washington, and even more hopefully in Beijing, while Obama is still in the White House.

Bruce Grant   We can move beyond the role of "loyal ally" to the US and be a diplomatic leader in our region.

Comments 4

Why the push for a republic is doomed to fail

Paul Sheehan.

Paul Sheehan   What passes for a new debate about a republic is a shallow fraud built on zero substance.

Is our identity a matter for pride or shame?

Elizabeth Farrelly

Elizabeth Farrelly   Why would like-mindedness be necessary or even desirable in that catch-all we call a nation?

Apple: When $US18b isn't enough


John McDuling   Apple has another problem on its hands, and it's got nothing to do with tax.

Comments 7

Holocaust remembrance: lessons for humanity


Ruth Barson   If Australia is serious about protecting human rights, it should codify and enforce them.

Comments 39

Australian economy isn't in bad shape

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Gloomy news from abroad is making people worried about the economy here, but the pessimism is unfounded. Here's why.

Comments 53

Republic success needs community dedication

Illustration: Robin Cowcher

Greg Barns   The Australian people, not politicians, should decide how we become a republic, and what it looks like, if the 1999 failure is not to be repeated.

Comments 30

We need a new Australia Day for all of us

Australia Day is a good day for immigrants, the descendants of immigrants and Indigenous Australians alike to declare that this is not just a white country: this is our country too. This should feel like home for all of us.

Shireen Morris   Australia Day: celebrate our Indigenous heritage, our British inheritance and our multicultural achievement.

Australian republic is too important to wait

Peter FitzSimons.

Peter FitzSimons   In my address to the National Press Club last year I stated that, "Never before have the stars of the Southern Cross been so aligned as now, pointing to the dawn of the Australian republic."

Turnbull's act impresses at home and abroad

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   In the republic debate, Australia is not truly debating its independence from Britain. It's not an argument we're having over the influence of the once-mighty master.

Comments 46

Don't underestimate disabled students


Chris Varney   As school goes back for the year, the Senate report into the systemic failings of the education system for students with disability is very timely.

Abbott's decision a potential nightmare

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull could face trouble from Tony Abbott.

James Massola   A return to the frontbench for Tony Abbott may salve the wound.

Concierge faction is choking the Liberal Party

Paul Sheehan.

Paul Sheehan   You would think Malcolm Turnbull's insurmountable lead over Bill Shorten would strengthen his influence over his home state division. But the NSW Liberal Party is in the grip of the "concierge faction": the lobbyists, the facilitators, the door-openers.

The great superannuation swindle

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Josh Bornstein   So you think super is good for workers? Well, it’s certainly great for the financial services industry.

Comments 46

'UnAustralian': lazy insult that should be retired

Tim Dick

Tim Dick   The list of things that have been called unAustralian is so long that the phrase is now devoid of any meaning.

The hazards on Turnbull's high road

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Michael Gordon    The PM is inclined to resist the temptation to dash to the polls. It's a risky strategy.

Comments 56

The problem with Australia Day

Noel Pearson has long argued that major change can only be brought about in this country by conservative leaders and conservative governments.

Martin Flanagan   National days should unite. Ours divides. January 26 is precisely the wrong date.

Opportunity for reflection and pride

Tim Soutphommasane dinkus

Tim Soutphommasane   Ben Roberts-Smith knows a thing or two about patriotism. Australia's most decorated soldier, Roberts-Smith is also chair of the National Australia Day Council.

The least exciting public holiday

Judith Ireland dinkus

Judith Ireland   Australia Day is our annual festival of cliches and lamb chops. It's also the least exciting public holiday of the year.

When Islamic State is the lesser of two evils

Waleed Aly dinkus. Dinkus

Waleed Aly   Islamic State is being damaged by the US-led bombing campaign but civilians under the regime are finding it less fearsome than the alternatives.

Special features

Turnbull finds 'deep love' in homeless technology

Tony Wright It's not every day a political leader publicly uses the word love, and it's even rarer that love and technology are joined in the same sentence.

Who would lead Labor against rampant PM?

Mark Kenny Contenders for Bill Shorten's job as Opposition Leader may be dissuaded by the air of looming defeat.

Turnbull's tax plan back from the past

I have obtained exclusive Treasury modelling of Malcolm Turnbull's tax plan. OK, to be clear, I obtained it a decade ago. It turned up again this summer during a frenzied spring clean of my paperwork.

Turnbull's moderate vision begins to fray

Malcolm Turnbull's implicit promise to the Australian people, used to justify his raid on Tony Abbott's power, was to lead a modern government, less narrow, less defensive, and truly representative.

Australia: less corrupt than most but slipping

Our traditions and ethical culture hold us in good stead but we can't afford to become complacent.

Aiding and Abetzing the flat-Earthers

 Senator Eric Abetz awoke from his fitful summer slumber. He'd been dreaming about Donald Trump. And Sarah Palin. And vice-versa.

Virtual money leads us down the road to ruin

The world is waking up to the reality that in 2016 it is shackled to an increasingly incoherent and stagnating economic system.

US at sea but Australia can show the way

We can move beyond the role of "loyal ally" to the US and be a diplomatic leader in our region.

Is our identity a matter for pride or shame?

Why would like-mindedness be necessary or even desirable in that catch-all we call a nation?

Why the push for a republic is doomed

What passes for a new debate about a republic is a shallow fraud built on zero substance.

Inside the Alliance Defending Freedom 

Critics condemn religious group as reactionary lobby group funded by the super-rich.

What the? Australia's latest diversity advocate is a straight, white, male

You could be forgiven for waking up this morning and thinking perhaps it is not Australia Day, but April Fools instead.

Holocaust:  lessons for humanity

If Australia is serious about protecting human rights, it should codify and enforce them.

Republic success needs community dedication

Greg Barns The Australian people, not politicians, should decide how we become a republic.

Australian economy isn't in bad shape

Gloomy news from abroad is making people worried about the economy here, but the pessimism is unfounded. Here's why.

We need a new Australia Day for all of us 

Shireen Morris Celebrate our Indigenous heritage, our British inheritance and our multicultural achievement.

An Australian republic is too important to wait

In my address to the National Press Club last year I stated that, "Never before have the stars of the Southern Cross been so aligned as now, pointing to the dawn of the Australian republic."

Tony Abbott's decision is a potential nightmare

James Massola A return to the frontbench for Tony Abbott may salve the wound.

Turnbull's act impresses at home and abroad

In the republic debate, Australia is not truly debating its independence from Britain. It's not an argument we're having over the influence of the once-mighty master; it's a struggle over our own identity.

The hard fight ahead for Mosul

Australian and New Zealand military trainers are trying to improve Iraqi troops' chances of success when they attempt to take back their city from Islamic State.

PM Turnbull shows breathtaking hypocrisy

PM urges US to ratify treaty that Australia won't fully comply with so it can keep Timor Sea oil billions.