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Updated January 29, 2016 - 4:16 PM EST
Obama Orders Advisers to Counter ISIS in Libya
  UN's Push for Libya Unity Govt Faces Roadblocks
Pentagon Seeks More US Troops in Iraq and Syria
  Syrian Rebels Refuse to Attend Geneva Talks
  Syrian Kurds Plan Offensive Against ISIS Towns on Turkey Border
  Suspected Russian Airstrikes Kill 54 Civilians in ISIS-Held Syria
  US General Predicts 'Disaster' Over Aging Mosul Dam
Congress Hearings on Surveillance to Kick Off – in Secret
  Canada Cuts Off Some Intel Sharing With US Over Privacy Fears
Dutch ISIS Bomber Kills 11 in Yemen's Aden
Afghan War Commander Nominee: Situation Deteriorating
White House: Claims of Putin's Corruption Are Official View
US Ambassador Tells the Truth About al-Qaeda's Syrian Allies  by Daniel McAdams
US Hawks Ignore Top Israeli Official on Iran  by Ali Gharib
Nazi Roots of Ukraine's Conflict  by Jonathan Marshall
Anti-anti-Trump, Anti-anti-Sanders  by Justin Raimondo
Hillary's West African Footprint  by Adam Hosey
The War on ISIS Expands to Libya  by Daniel Larison

More Viewpoints

FBI's Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Not Letting Up
Blair Refuses to Answer Questions Over IRA, Gadhafi
German Parliament Approves More Soldiers for Mali, Iraq
Fighting Alongside Kurds May Get Canadians Charged Under Anti-Terror Laws
Pitfalls of Germany's 'Preventive Detention'
GOP Hawks Take Second Look at Ted Cruz
Army Advances in Sajariya as 186 Are Killed in Iraq
At Least 40 ISIS Victims Found in Ramadi Mass Grave
US Asks NATO for Surveillance Planes in Fight Against ISIS
Criminal Motives Likely in Americans' Kidnapping in Iraq: US Officials
Debt-Ridden Iraq Mulls Sale of Saddam's Properties
Iraq's 1,000km Trench 'To Repel Suicide Bombers'
Coalition Service Member Dies in Non-Combat Incident in Iraq: US Military
US, Russian Defense Officials Discuss Air Safety Over Syria: Pentagon
Turkish Soldiers on Border Shot at From ISIS Territory in Syria
Aid for Syria Crisis 'Critically Underfunded', Charity Says Before Donors Meet
Mideast Refugee Crisis
Mass Expulsions Ahead for Europe as Migrant Crisis Grows
A Refugee Will Be a Torch Bearer in 2016, Olympic Committee Says
Sweden Likely to Deport Up to Half of Last Year's Asylum Seekers
Finland Expects to Expel 20,000 of Last Year's Asylum Seekers
Dutch Suggest EU Send Migrants Straight Back to Turkey as More Arrive Without Case for Asylum
Berlin to List Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia as 'Safe Countries' to Stem Migrant Flow
Canada's Refugee Resettlement Plan Gets High Marks From Ex-UN Refugee Agency Head
German Government Agrees Tighter Asylum Rules
Libya Lawmaker Kidnapped, UN Urges Release
The School on the Front Line in Libya
Somali Peace Rally at Site of Lido Beach Attack

UN Praises 'Inclusive' Somali Election Plan

Fighting in Egypt's Restive North Sinai Kills 4 Children
Suicide Bombers Kill Four in North Cameroon School
Four Soldiers Killed in Attack, Explosion in Northern Mali: Military Sources
Peacekeepers, Congo Army to Resume Joint Fight Against Rwandan Rebels: UN
Satellite Images Show Five Possible Burundi Mass Graves: Amnesty
Official: 7 Dead in Shootings in Southern Mexican City
Venezuela Opposition Leader in Fresh Call to Oust Maduro
Colombia's Santos Wants Rebels Off Terror List
Pro-Government Marchers in Haiti Capital Call for Elections
Canada's Answer to J Street Aims to Fight Anti-Zionism From Within the Left
Al Jazeera Crew in Yemen Released by Kidnappers
Yemeni-American Tells How the US Separated Him From His Wife and Three Children
Iran's Supreme Leader Personally Set Conditions for Nuclear Deal: Negotiator
Ashton Carter 'Very, Very Angry' About Treatment of 10 US Sailors in Iran
Iran Minister Urges Wary French Banks to Return to Tehran
Iran's Rouhani Says Up to US to Improve Relations With Tehran
Israeli Drone Feeds Hacked by British and American Intelligence
Hacked Images From Israel's Drone Fleet
US Customs Issues 'Reminder,' Says West Bank Products Cannot Be Marked as 'Made in Israel'
Rightwing Israeli Group Accused of McCarthyism Over Anti-Artist Campaign
Settlers Tell Netanyahu: Block Palestinian Media Broadcasts
Israeli Gets 4.5 Years for Selling Equipment Allegedly Used for Rockets and Tunnels to Hamas
Poll: Lapid Gaining Support, Netanyahu Losing Power
UN's Ban Rejects Netanyahu's Criticism: Count on Me to Speak Up
Middle East
Making Case for Stronger Presidency, Turkey's Erdogan Denies Personal Agenda
US Blacklists Two Hezbollah 'Money Launderers'
Alleged Suicide Bomber Blows Himself Up in Jhelum
Pakistan School Closings Stir Confusion, and Fears of More Attacks
Pakistani Cleric Says Willing to Review Blasphemy Law
North Korea
US Officials: North Korea May Have Tested Components of Hydrogen Bomb
North Korea Activity Points to Possible Space Launch: US Officials
Senate Panel Approves Measure to Broaden North Korea Sanctions
China Charges Canadian With Spying, Stealing State Secrets
McCain Says US Troops Should Permanently Deploy to Afghanistan, Much Like in South Korea
Man With 2 Guns, Koran Arrested Near Disneyland Paris
Canada Signals It Will Reengage With Russia Despite Ukraine
The Most Absurd ISIS-Inspired Plot Yet? Packing a Kangaroo With Explosives.
The War at Home
Sanders on Washington Post: Those 'Geniuses' Backed Iraq War
US Senate Probe Faults Govt for Migrant Child Abuse
Pentagon Chief Announces Measures to Improve Quality of Life for US Military
Nearly 300,000 Recreational Drone Owners in US Database
Read more

Justin Raimondo
Anti-anti-Trump, Anti-anti-Sanders

Ivan Eland
US Foreign Policy Needs To Regain Some Old-Fashioned Subtlety

Dan Sanchez
Uncle Sam’s Suicide Squads

Lucy Steigerwald
What Kind of Diplomacy Do Hawks Want?

Sheldon Richman
Why Won't Iran Act Like Our Enemy?

Nebojsa Malic
From Sarajevo to Madaya: Starvation as Propaganda

Ran HaCohen
What Israel Is Up To in Jerusalem

David R. Henderson
Questioning the Powerful

Additional Contributors
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