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The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link Living And Let Living Sun Jan 17, 2016 13:53 | mod editor
This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post ?Saker Podcast # 11 (ideas from a distant past)? and a small snippet from ?A small reminder and clarification: I

offsite link Heavy Metal Q&A; ? replies by Kakaouskia Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:22 | The Saker
by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. It is with pleasure that I am doing this Q&A with you. Many interesting questions have been raised by the community

offsite link Week Fifteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: when no news is good news Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:16 | The Saker
This column was written for the Unz Review: We could say that the Russian intervention in Syria has settled into somewhat of a routine: the Russians are bombing, a

offsite link Rules for Tourists, Sevastopol, Summer 2016 Sun Jan 17, 2016 00:04 | The Saker
by Auslander Tourist season seems to start earlier every year. This year most hotels and hostels are already booked through the end of May, many visitors are coming down for

offsite link Russia Defense Report ? Jan.16, 2016: Ratnik System Sat Jan 16, 2016 20:08 | The Saker
If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at

The Saker >>

Human Rights in Ireland

offsite link The Espaces Generation Climat and the domestication of public engagement Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:43 | Ntina Tzouvala

offsite link Reflections on climate action in the aftermath of Paris Tue Jan 12, 2016 13:17 | Ntina Tzouvala

offsite link Deportation, ISIS and the Irish Courts Mon Jan 04, 2016 08:43 | Liam Thornton

offsite link Penetrating States of Denial: Accounting for Conflict Related Violence in Northern Ireland Wed Dec 16, 2015 14:15 | GuestPost

offsite link Call for Contributions: Paris Climate Agreement Tue Dec 15, 2015 07:27 | admin

Human Rights in Ireland >>

Cedar Lounge
For lefties too stubborn to quit

offsite link Left Archive: Fightback: the Marxist Voice of Labour and Youth ? Conference Special 2011 (Internatio... 02:42 Mon Jan 18, 2016 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Exhibition at FF Ard Fheis 20:33 Sun Jan 17, 2016 | irishelectionliterature

offsite link Conflict resolution? 15:14 Sun Jan 17, 2016 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Sunday Independent Stupid Statement of the Week 13:04 Sun Jan 17, 2016 | Garibaldy

offsite link Projections on foot of the latest polls 10:13 Sun Jan 17, 2016 | WorldbyStorm

Cedar Lounge >>

Dublin Opinion
Life should be full of strangeness, like a rich painting

offsite link The Financial Crisis:What Have We Learnt? 19:58 Sat Aug 29, 2015

offsite link Money in 35,000 Words or Less 21:34 Sat Aug 22, 2015


offsite link ALWAYS THE ARTISTS: WEEK THREE OF THE BANK INQUIRY 23:11 Thu Jan 22, 2015


Dublin Opinion >>

international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday December 13, 2015 23:43 by T
featured image
The three routes used by ISIS to transport stolen oil to Turkey

For the past year, there have been numerous reports that ISIS have been transporting the oil they have stolen from Iraq and Syria, to Turkey and this has been greatly facilitated by the Turkish state at the highest levels. It is widely known the oil was being sold and exported by BMZ Ltd owned by Bilal Erdogan, President Erodgan's son. It is extremely unlikely that they are doing this for nothing and tens of millions have probably been siphoned off by the Erdogan family and other key officials and the Turkish economy has no doubt benefitted from an injection of cheap stolen oil sold below world market rates. The Russian Defense Ministry on Dec 2nd revealed the vast scale of the oil smuggling operation which somehow was missed by the NATO/US in the past 2 years.

international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday November 01, 2015 01:27 by T
featured image

In the last two months, the dramatic and sad photographs of 3 year old Aylan Kurdi, and his brother lying dead on the shores on a beach in Turkey have finally opened the curtain very slightly on the horrors and terror of war in Syria. It is hard to conceive the trauma of this family first seeing one of their other brothers beheaded by ISIS jihadists, then to flee and then for this man's wife and two remaining young children to drown in the sea whilst attempting to escape. If you were to listen to politicans from the UK all the way up to the present prime minister, you would think they were doing this so they could scab off the social welfare but as anyone knows, this was the act of a family desperate to flee the terror in their home country and get to safety at all costs. However Aylan Kurdi and his brother and mother aren't the only ones to drown or being killed in war, there are tens of thousands dead.

dublin / housing Monday March 23, 2015 22:56 by Grangegorman squat
featured image
Baliffs, hired thugs and Garda try
to force their way in. Later they turn violent.

A massive eviction is underway in Dublin. It is at the complex of occupied houses and former factory spaces in Grangegorman. Reports indicate that at 7am in the morning a very large number of private security angle grinder their way through one of the metal gates, invaded the area en massed and are erecting barriers (pictured) inside and trying to evict the occupants.

national / bin tax / household tax / water tax Friday February 20, 2015 16:34 by anti-austerity alliance
featured image
When government propaganda fails,
political policing kicks in...

The Anti-Austerity Alliance has today condemned the jailing of anti-water meter protestors at the behest of Denis O’Brien’s company GMC Sierra.

Anti-Austerity Alliance TD Paul Murphy said “The jailing of these protestors and the arrests in Tallaght is an attack on the right of communities to protest against the imposition of austerity measures, in this case the water charge and meters, which are being imposed by the government despite the massive opposition to them.

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textBrazil: Censorship on internet 22:55 Tue 12 Jan by Emilio José Lemos de Lima 0 comments

Brazilian blogger accuses senator of commanding the invasion of his computing systems and of harassment.
Brazil: Censorship on the Internet

0lumadschoolcppnpakarapatan_.jpg imageMindanao, Philippines: Stop ‘Lumad’ killings, harassment - UN 06:26 Sun 10 Jan by Nancy Carvajal 0 comments

Killings and harassment of the Lumad, or the indigenous people (IP), should stop and those accountable should be brought to justice, according to Ola Almgren, the UN country representative and humanitarian coordinator.

videoLISTEN Irish school girl stuns music world with brilliant charity song Freedom Day 18:32 Tue 05 Jan by Redshoedancer 0 comments

A 16-year-old girl has stunned the music industry in Ireland with a brilliant song called Freedom Day, which highlights the suffering of thousands of children facing poverty and oppression across the world.

Róisin Seoighe won a contest organised by the charity PREDA with a song called Freedom Day. Irish singer Damien Dempsey admitted to being overcome with emotion “because this young song writer truly connected with the plight of the children”.

textPortrait of an Irish Republican 00:51 Sun 20 Dec by Michael Steinberg 0 comments

The author's account of his visit to the North of Ireland in 1985, on the occasion of its 3oth anniversary;

2015climatejusticephilippines.jpg imagePhilippines: Climate Focus - Time to act is now on energy transformation 04:59 Thu 10 Dec by Gerry Arances (PMCJ) 0 comments

What could possibly be so urgent and life-threatening to drive leaders of people from a small and barely reachable island off the coast of Mindoro to leave their homes and travel 285 kilometers by land and sea over the period of five days just to reach Metro Manila? On November 27, a day before the biggest climate justice march in the country, they have reach the Presidential Palace.

textThe Empire scores two victories in South America - Venezuela and Argentina 01:00 Wed 09 Dec by 1 of Indymedia 1 comments

In the recent elections in Venezuela the right wing opposition long backed by Washington has secured a majority by winning 107 out of 167 seats. This is the first time since the early days of deceased former president Chavez rose to power that the right has had control of the parliament.

This allows them to to remove ministers from the presidential cabinet. Had they won 111 seats, they would have been enough power in the legislative body to dismiss Supreme Court Judges, reform the Constitution and convoke a recall referendum of the national executive without having collected the minimum quota of signatures required by the Bolivarian Constitution. It is likely they will try this anyhow.

In the second victory for the empire, the neo-liberal right wing got back into power in Argentina just two weeks ago in late November with the election of right-wing candidate Mauricio Macri from one of the country's richest families

textIndymedia UK Servers Down 16:29 Sun 06 Dec by Indymedia Uk User 0 comments

ADMINS: - Indymedia UK has been offline since yesterday.

Please let them know, so they can get it fixed.

videoIrish government wastes over 1 million euro on pointless and biased study of fracking 07:37 Thu 03 Dec by Frackture 0 comments

Irish government wastes over 1 million euro on biased fracking study
in spite of world oil prices rendering fracking itself as nothing
but a major loss making and pointless exercise.

Independent Irish TD’s Mick Wallace & Clare Daly with Maura Harrington imageCommemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Extra Judicial Death of Ken Saro-Wiwa & all the Ogoni 9 00:13 Fri 13 Nov by DD 0 comments

Shell to Sea Activists and AFRI commemorated the 20th Anniversary of the deaths of Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni Nine outside “Corrib House:” Shell’s Irish Headquarters in Dublin. The activists carried crosses bearing the names of each of the men executed by the corrupt Nigerian Government on 10 November 1995. Many sources believe that these executions were done at the behest of Shell. Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni people, had been actively leading successful civil society actions and demonstrations thwarting Shell’s development of oil on the land of these indigenous farmers and fishermen. Even though it hasn’t been explicitly proven that Shell ordered the killing… they did benefit from the outcome and later paid reparations to the families. (In 2009 Shell settled out of court to the tune of 15.5 million dollars to the families of the victims to avoid going to court in the USA.)

2015apecphilippinesworkersprotest.jpg imagePhilippines: Unions decry deceptive, vague ‘labor agenda’ of APEC 02:25 Sun 08 Nov by Sentro 0 comments

ORGANIZED workers sneered at the so-called labor agenda in the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Manila next month by describing it as deceptive and vague, which merely reaffirms APEC’s ideology based on the primacy of corporate power and profits over labor and trade union rights.

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imageElectoral Contempt Jan 13 by S.C. Carroll 2 comments

Fine Gael canvas through the letterbox for an election they have not even announced.

textMarx And Morality Jan 11 by Paddy Hackett 2 comments

Society determines the character of culture.

textMarx and Morality Jan 10 by Paddy Hackett 1 comments

Marx's morality is not materialist

text1916 Rising Jan 05 by John Throne 0 comments

The weak Irish capitalist class were missing in action in the 1916 rising - The repercussions.

textThe Danish Girl Jan 05 by Sean Crudden 0 comments

There is no doubt that the images in the film The Danish Girl are lovely and a joy to watch as are the leading actors Eddie Redmayne as Einar Wegener and Alicia Vikander as Gerda Gottlieb. Screenplay is by Lucinda Coxon an excellent minimalist job as regards dialogue but eloquent as regards narrative. The director is Tom Hooper. This is a classy really well shot and well worked out film. I am not going into the plot. The best way to get that is to attend the film. One thing that struck me apart from the drama is that the film presents a marvellous portrait of what marriage should really mean. But despite the beauty of the images this is an unsettling film. Please excuse me if I share below some of the thoughts the film provoked for me.

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textFlood Insurance for Commercial Fish Farms but not Peoples' Homes? Jan 12 0 comments


Friends of the Irish Environment have had no response to their letter to Minister Simon Coveney questioning his decision to ‘supplement and complement commercial insurance arrangements’ for salmon farms against ‘natural disasters’ and ‘adverse climatic events’ when the State will not do so for people.

textIPRT welcomes commencement of fines legislation Jan 11 Irish Penal Reform Trust 0 comments

IPRT welcomes commencement of legislation to address “damaging and wasteful” practice of imprisonment for fines default

The Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) strongly welcomes the commencement today (Monday 11 January 2016) by Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD of the Fines (Payment and Recovery) Act 2014, including the introduction of the facility to pay court-ordered fines by instalment, more than 5 years after it was first included in the Fines Act 2010.

IPRT particularly welcomes that imprisonment will be a sanction of “last resort” for fines default, used only when other sanctions have failed.

imageRoad carnage and arts activism Dec 30 Anois Art 0 comments

An open art project that welcomes participation from anyone affected by a fatality (or injury) on Irish roads. No art skills are required.

text‘Smear Campaign’ - IFA Wrong In Fact And Wrong In Law Dec 24 Friends of the Irish Environment 0 comments

The Boycott Farmed Salmon campaign has issued a reply to an IFA statement on Friday alleging the campaign was engaging in a ‘smear campaign’. It has published two more pre-slaughter tests confirming the presence of antibiotic, anti-parasitic and anaesthetic chemicals. [1]

In a statement the campaign said it stood entirely behind the publication and accuracy of the pre-slaughter test results for farmed salmon they published on line last week showing the presence of 10 chemicals. The Information Commissioner reversed the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Foods 2012 decision not to release these reports in July of this year. [2]

imageInterface 7/2 now online Dec 15 MA in Community Education, Equality and Social Activism 0 comments

Volume seven, issue two of Interface, an open-access online journal produced and refereed by social movement practitioners and engaged movement researchers, is now out on the theme of “movements in post/socialisms”.

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